blob: d339e7de076673714c01ee775ea0693f9cf1ccc2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_ClientMappedBufferManager_DEFINED
#define skgpu_ClientMappedBufferManager_DEFINED
#include "include/private/SkTArray.h"
#include "src/core/SkMessageBus.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <forward_list>
namespace skgpu {
* We sometimes hand clients objects that contain mapped buffers. The client may consume
* the mapped buffer on another thread. This object manages receiving messages that buffers are
* ready to be unmapped (on the owner's thread). It also handles cleaning up mapped
* buffers if the owner is destroyed before the client has finished with the buffer.
* Buffers are first registered using insert() before being passed the client. process() should be
* called periodically on the owner's thread to poll for messages and process them.
template <typename T, typename IDType>
class ClientMappedBufferManager {
* The message type that internal users of this should post to unmap the buffer.
* Set fInboxID to inboxID(). fBuffer must have been previously passed to insert().
struct BufferFinishedMessage {
BufferFinishedMessage(sk_sp<T> buffer,
IDType intendedRecipient)
: fBuffer(std::move(buffer)), fIntendedRecipient(intendedRecipient) {}
BufferFinishedMessage(BufferFinishedMessage&& other) {
fBuffer = std::move(other.fBuffer);
fIntendedRecipient = other.fIntendedRecipient;
sk_sp<T> fBuffer;
IDType fIntendedRecipient;
using BufferFinishedMessageBus = SkMessageBus<BufferFinishedMessage,
ClientMappedBufferManager(IDType ownerID)
: fFinishedBufferInbox(ownerID) {}
ClientMappedBufferManager(const ClientMappedBufferManager&) = delete;
ClientMappedBufferManager(ClientMappedBufferManager&&) = delete;
~ClientMappedBufferManager() {
if (!fAbandoned) {
// If we're going down before we got the messages we go ahead and unmap all the buffers.
// It's up to the client to ensure that they aren't being accessed on another thread
// while this is happening (or afterwards on any thread).
for (auto& b : fClientHeldBuffers) {
ClientMappedBufferManager& operator=(const ClientMappedBufferManager&) = delete;
ClientMappedBufferManager& operator=(ClientMappedBufferManager&&) = delete;
/** Initialize BufferFinishedMessage::fIntendedRecipient to this value. It is the
* unique ID of the object that owns this buffer manager.
IDType ownerID() const {
return fFinishedBufferInbox.uniqueID();
* Let the manager know to expect a message with buffer 'b'. It's illegal for a buffer to be
* inserted again before it is unmapped by process().
void insert(sk_sp<T> b) {
SkDEBUGCODE(auto end = fClientHeldBuffers.end());
SkASSERT(std::find(fClientHeldBuffers.begin(), end, b) == end);
/** Poll for messages and unmap any incoming buffers. */
void process() {
SkSTArray<4, BufferFinishedMessage> messages;
if (!fAbandoned) {
for (auto& m : messages) {
/** Notifies the manager that the context has been abandoned. No more unmaps() will occur.*/
void abandon() {
fAbandoned = true;
typename BufferFinishedMessageBus::Inbox fFinishedBufferInbox;
std::forward_list<sk_sp<T>> fClientHeldBuffers;
bool fAbandoned = false;
void remove(const sk_sp<T>& b) {
// There is no convenient remove only the first element that equals a value functionality in
// std::forward_list.
auto prev = fClientHeldBuffers.before_begin();
auto end = fClientHeldBuffers.end();
SkASSERT(std::find(fClientHeldBuffers.begin(), end, b) != end);
for (auto cur = fClientHeldBuffers.begin(); cur != end; prev = cur++) {
if (*cur == b) {
SkASSERT(std::find(fClientHeldBuffers.begin(), end, b) == end);
} // namespace skgpu
#endif // skgpu_ClientMappedBufferManager_DEFINED