blob: 13510bb067da4b0ca841e26d29729b92aa1d8758 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkVM_DEFINED
#define SkVM_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkBlendMode.h"
#include "include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "include/private/SkMacros.h"
#include "include/private/SkTArray.h"
#include "include/private/SkTHash.h"
#include "src/core/SkSpan.h"
#include "src/core/SkVM_fwd.h"
#include <vector> // std::vector
class SkWStream;
#if defined(SKVM_JIT_WHEN_POSSIBLE) && !defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS)
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64)
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__linux) || defined(__APPLE__)
#define SKVM_JIT
#if defined(__aarch64__)
#if defined(__ANDROID__) || defined(__APPLE__)
#define SKVM_JIT
#if 0
#define SKVM_LLVM
#if 0
#undef SKVM_JIT
namespace skvm {
class Assembler {
explicit Assembler(void* buf);
size_t size() const;
// Order matters... GP64, Xmm, Ymm values match 4-bit register encoding for each.
enum GP64 {
rax, rcx, rdx, rbx, rsp, rbp, rsi, rdi,
r8 , r9 , r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15,
enum Xmm {
xmm0, xmm1, xmm2 , xmm3 , xmm4 , xmm5 , xmm6 , xmm7 ,
xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15,
enum Ymm {
ymm0, ymm1, ymm2 , ymm3 , ymm4 , ymm5 , ymm6 , ymm7 ,
ymm8, ymm9, ymm10, ymm11, ymm12, ymm13, ymm14, ymm15,
// X and V values match 5-bit encoding for each (nothing tricky).
enum X {
x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 , x6 , x7 ,
x8 , x9 , x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15,
x16, x17, x18, x19, x20, x21, x22, x23,
x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x30, xzr, sp=xzr,
enum V {
v0 , v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 , v5 , v6 , v7 ,
v8 , v9 , v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15,
v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23,
v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31,
void bytes(const void*, int);
void byte(uint8_t);
void word(uint32_t);
struct Label {
int offset = 0;
enum { NotYetSet, ARMDisp19, X86Disp32 } kind = NotYetSet;
SkSTArray<2, int> references;
// x86-64
void align(int mod);
void int3();
void vzeroupper();
void ret();
// Mem represents a value at base + disp + scale*index,
// or simply at base + disp if index=rsp.
enum Scale { ONE, TWO, FOUR, EIGHT };
struct Mem {
GP64 base;
int disp = 0;
GP64 index = rsp;
Scale scale = ONE;
struct Operand {
union {
int reg;
Mem mem;
Label* label;
enum { REG, MEM, LABEL } kind;
Operand(GP64 r) : reg (r), kind(REG ) {}
Operand(Xmm r) : reg (r), kind(REG ) {}
Operand(Ymm r) : reg (r), kind(REG ) {}
Operand(Mem m) : mem (m), kind(MEM ) {}
Operand(Label* l) : label(l), kind(LABEL) {}
void vpand (Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vpandn(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vpor (Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vpxor (Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vpaddd (Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vpsubd (Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vpmulld(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vpaddw (Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vpsubw (Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vpmullw (Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vpabsw (Ymm dst, Operand x);
void vpavgw (Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y); // dst = (x+y+1)>>1, unsigned.
void vpmulhrsw(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y); // dst = (x*y + (1<<14)) >> 15, signed.
void vpminsw (Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vpminuw (Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vpmaxsw (Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vpmaxuw (Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vaddps(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vsubps(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vmulps(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vdivps(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vminps(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vmaxps(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vsqrtps(Ymm dst, Operand x);
void vfmadd132ps(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vfmadd213ps(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vfmadd231ps(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vfmsub132ps(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vfmsub213ps(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vfmsub231ps(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vfnmadd132ps(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vfnmadd213ps(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vfnmadd231ps(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vpackusdw(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vpackuswb(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vpunpckldq(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vpunpckhdq(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vpcmpeqd(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vpcmpgtd(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vpcmpeqw(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vpcmpgtw(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vcmpps (Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y, int imm);
void vcmpeqps (Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y) { this->vcmpps(dst,x,y,0); }
void vcmpltps (Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y) { this->vcmpps(dst,x,y,1); }
void vcmpleps (Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y) { this->vcmpps(dst,x,y,2); }
void vcmpneqps(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y) { this->vcmpps(dst,x,y,4); }
// Sadly, the x parameter cannot be a general Operand for these shifts.
void vpslld(Ymm dst, Ymm x, int imm);
void vpsrld(Ymm dst, Ymm x, int imm);
void vpsrad(Ymm dst, Ymm x, int imm);
void vpsllw(Ymm dst, Ymm x, int imm);
void vpsrlw(Ymm dst, Ymm x, int imm);
void vpsraw(Ymm dst, Ymm x, int imm);
void vpermq (Ymm dst, Operand x, int imm);
void vperm2f128(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y, int imm);
void vpermps (Ymm dst, Ymm ix, Operand src); // dst[i] = src[ix[i]]
void vroundps(Ymm dst, Operand x, Rounding);
void vmovdqa(Ymm dst, Operand x);
void vmovups(Ymm dst, Operand x);
void vmovups(Xmm dst, Operand x);
void vmovups(Operand dst, Ymm x);
void vmovups(Operand dst, Xmm x);
void vcvtdq2ps (Ymm dst, Operand x);
void vcvttps2dq(Ymm dst, Operand x);
void vcvtps2dq (Ymm dst, Operand x);
void vcvtps2ph(Operand dst, Ymm x, Rounding);
void vcvtph2ps(Ymm dst, Operand x);
void vpblendvb(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y, Ymm z);
void vpshufb(Ymm dst, Ymm x, Operand y);
void vptest(Ymm x, Operand y);
void vbroadcastss(Ymm dst, Operand y);
void vpmovzxwd(Ymm dst, Operand src); // dst = src, 128-bit, uint16_t -> int
void vpmovzxbd(Ymm dst, Operand src); // dst = src, 64-bit, uint8_t -> int
void vmovq(Operand dst, Xmm src); // dst = src, 64-bit
void vmovd(Operand dst, Xmm src); // dst = src, 32-bit
void vmovd(Xmm dst, Operand src); // dst = src, 32-bit
void vpinsrd(Xmm dst, Xmm src, Operand y, int imm); // dst = src; dst[imm] = y, 32-bit
void vpinsrw(Xmm dst, Xmm src, Operand y, int imm); // dst = src; dst[imm] = y, 16-bit
void vpinsrb(Xmm dst, Xmm src, Operand y, int imm); // dst = src; dst[imm] = y, 8-bit
void vextracti128(Operand dst, Ymm src, int imm); // dst = src[imm], 128-bit
void vpextrd (Operand dst, Xmm src, int imm); // dst = src[imm], 32-bit
void vpextrw (Operand dst, Xmm src, int imm); // dst = src[imm], 16-bit
void vpextrb (Operand dst, Xmm src, int imm); // dst = src[imm], 8-bit
// if (mask & 0x8000'0000) {
// dst = base[scale*ix];
// }
// mask = 0;
void vgatherdps(Ymm dst, Scale scale, Ymm ix, GP64 base, Ymm mask);
void label(Label*);
void jmp(Label*);
void je (Label*);
void jne(Label*);
void jl (Label*);
void jc (Label*);
void add (Operand dst, int imm);
void sub (Operand dst, int imm);
void cmp (Operand dst, int imm);
void mov (Operand dst, int imm);
void movb(Operand dst, int imm);
void add (Operand dst, GP64 x);
void sub (Operand dst, GP64 x);
void cmp (Operand dst, GP64 x);
void mov (Operand dst, GP64 x);
void movb(Operand dst, GP64 x);
void add (GP64 dst, Operand x);
void sub (GP64 dst, Operand x);
void cmp (GP64 dst, Operand x);
void mov (GP64 dst, Operand x);
void movb(GP64 dst, Operand x);
// Disambiguators... choice is arbitrary (but generates different code!).
void add (GP64 dst, GP64 x) { this->add (Operand(dst), x); }
void sub (GP64 dst, GP64 x) { this->sub (Operand(dst), x); }
void cmp (GP64 dst, GP64 x) { this->cmp (Operand(dst), x); }
void mov (GP64 dst, GP64 x) { this->mov (Operand(dst), x); }
void movb(GP64 dst, GP64 x) { this->movb(Operand(dst), x); }
void movzbq(GP64 dst, Operand x); // dst = x, uint8_t -> int
void movzwq(GP64 dst, Operand x); // dst = x, uint16_t -> int
// aarch64
// d = op(n,m)
using DOpNM = void(V d, V n, V m);
DOpNM and16b, orr16b, eor16b, bic16b, bsl16b,
add4s, sub4s, mul4s,
cmeq4s, cmgt4s,
sub8h, mul8h,
fadd4s, fsub4s, fmul4s, fdiv4s, fmin4s, fmax4s,
fcmeq4s, fcmgt4s, fcmge4s,
uzp14s, uzp24s,
zip14s, zip24s;
// TODO: there are also float ==,<,<=,>,>= instructions with an immediate 0.0f,
// and the register comparison > and >= can also compare absolute values. Interesting.
// d += n*m
void fmla4s(V d, V n, V m);
// d -= n*m
void fmls4s(V d, V n, V m);
// d = op(n,imm)
using DOpNImm = void(V d, V n, int imm);
DOpNImm sli4s,
shl4s, sshr4s, ushr4s,
// d = op(n)
using DOpN = void(V d, V n);
DOpN not16b, // d = ~n
fneg4s, // d = -n
fsqrt4s, // d = sqrtf(n)
scvtf4s, // int -> float
fcvtzs4s, // truncate float -> int
fcvtns4s, // round float -> int (nearest even)
frintp4s, // round float -> int as float, toward plus infinity (ceil)
frintm4s, // round float -> int as float, toward minus infinity (floor)
fcvtn, // f32 -> f16 in low half
fcvtl, // f16 in low half -> f32
xtns2h, // u32 -> u16
xtnh2b, // u16 -> u8
uxtlb2h, // u8 -> u16 (TODO: this is a special case of ushll.8h)
uxtlh2s, // u16 -> u32 (TODO: this is a special case of ushll.4s)
uminv4s; // dst[0] = min(n[0],n[1],n[2],n[3]), n as unsigned
void brk (int imm16);
void ret (X);
void add (X d, X n, int imm12);
void sub (X d, X n, int imm12);
void subs(X d, X n, int imm12); // subtract setting condition flags
enum Shift { LSL,LSR,ASR,ROR };
void add (X d, X n, X m, Shift=LSL, int imm6=0); // d=n+Shift(m,imm6), for Shift != ROR.
// There's another encoding for unconditional branches that can jump further,
// but this one encoded as is simple to implement and should be fine.
void b (Label* l) { this->b(Condition::al, l); }
void bne(Label* l) { this->b(Condition::ne, l); }
void blt(Label* l) { this->b(Condition::lt, l); }
// "cmp ..." is just an assembler mnemonic for "subs xzr, ..."!
void cmp(X n, int imm12) { this->subs(xzr, n, imm12); }
// Compare and branch if zero/non-zero, as if
// cmp(t,0)
// beq/bne(l)
// but without setting condition flags.
void cbz (X t, Label* l);
void cbnz(X t, Label* l);
// TODO: there are ldur variants with unscaled imm, useful?
void ldrd(X dst, X src, int imm12=0); // 64-bit dst = *(src+imm12*8)
void ldrs(X dst, X src, int imm12=0); // 32-bit dst = *(src+imm12*4)
void ldrh(X dst, X src, int imm12=0); // 16-bit dst = *(src+imm12*2)
void ldrb(X dst, X src, int imm12=0); // 8-bit dst = *(src+imm12)
void ldrq(V dst, Label*); // 128-bit PC-relative load
void ldrq(V dst, X src, int imm12=0); // 128-bit dst = *(src+imm12*16)
void ldrd(V dst, X src, int imm12=0); // 64-bit dst = *(src+imm12*8)
void ldrs(V dst, X src, int imm12=0); // 32-bit dst = *(src+imm12*4)
void ldrh(V dst, X src, int imm12=0); // 16-bit dst = *(src+imm12*2)
void ldrb(V dst, X src, int imm12=0); // 8-bit dst = *(src+imm12)
void strs(X src, X dst, int imm12=0); // 32-bit *(dst+imm12*4) = src
void strq(V src, X dst, int imm12=0); // 128-bit *(dst+imm12*16) = src
void strd(V src, X dst, int imm12=0); // 64-bit *(dst+imm12*8) = src
void strs(V src, X dst, int imm12=0); // 32-bit *(dst+imm12*4) = src
void strh(V src, X dst, int imm12=0); // 16-bit *(dst+imm12*2) = src
void strb(V src, X dst, int imm12=0); // 8-bit *(dst+imm12) = src
void movs(X dst, V src, int lane); // dst = 32-bit src[lane]
void inss(V dst, X src, int lane); // dst[lane] = 32-bit src
void dup4s (V dst, X src); // Each 32-bit lane = src
void ld1r4s (V dst, X src); // Each 32-bit lane = *src
void ld1r8h (V dst, X src); // Each 16-bit lane = *src
void ld1r16b(V dst, X src); // Each 8-bit lane = *src
void ld24s(V dst, X src); // deinterleave(dst,dst+1) = 256-bit *src
void ld44s(V dst, X src); // deinterleave(dst,dst+1,dst+2,dst+3) = 512-bit *src
void st24s(V src, X dst); // 256-bit *dst = interleave_32bit_lanes(src,src+1)
void st44s(V src, X dst); // 512-bit *dst = interleave_32bit_lanes(src,src+1,src+2,src+3)
uint8_t* fCode;
size_t fSize;
// x86-64
enum W { W0, W1 }; // Are the lanes 64-bit (W1) or default (W0)? Intel Vol 2A
enum L { L128, L256 }; // Is this a 128- or 256-bit operation? Intel Vol 2A
// Helpers for vector instructions.
void op(int prefix, int map, int opcode, int dst, int x, Operand y, W,L);
void op(int p, int m, int o, Ymm d, Ymm x, Operand y, W w=W0) { op(p,m,o, d,x,y,w,L256); }
void op(int p, int m, int o, Ymm d, Operand y, W w=W0) { op(p,m,o, d,0,y,w,L256); }
void op(int p, int m, int o, Xmm d, Xmm x, Operand y, W w=W0) { op(p,m,o, d,x,y,w,L128); }
void op(int p, int m, int o, Xmm d, Operand y, W w=W0) { op(p,m,o, d,0,y,w,L128); }
// Helpers for GP64 instructions.
void op(int opcode, Operand dst, GP64 x);
void op(int opcode, int opcode_ext, Operand dst, int imm);
void jump(uint8_t condition, Label*);
int disp32(Label*);
void imm_byte_after_operand(const Operand&, int byte);
// aarch64
// Opcode for 3-arguments ops is split between hi and lo:
// [11 bits hi] [5 bits m] [6 bits lo] [5 bits n] [5 bits d]
void op(uint32_t hi, V m, uint32_t lo, V n, V d);
// 0,1,2-argument ops, with or without an immediate:
// [ 22 bits op ] [5 bits n] [5 bits d]
// Any immediate falls in the middle somewhere overlapping with either op, n, or both.
void op(uint32_t op22, V n, V d, int imm=0);
void op(uint32_t op22, X n, V d, int imm=0) { this->op(op22,(V)n, d,imm); }
void op(uint32_t op22, V n, X d, int imm=0) { this->op(op22, n,(V)d,imm); }
void op(uint32_t op22, X n, X d, int imm=0) { this->op(op22,(V)n,(V)d,imm); }
void op(uint32_t op22, int imm=0) { this->op(op22,(V)0,(V)0,imm); }
// (1-argument ops don't seem to have a consistent convention of passing as n or d.)
// Order matters... value is 4-bit encoding for condition code.
enum class Condition { eq,ne,cs,cc,mi,pl,vs,vc,hi,ls,ge,lt,gt,le,al };
void b(Condition, Label*);
int disp19(Label*);
// Order matters a little: Ops <=store128 are treated as having side effects.
#define SKVM_OPS(M) \
M(assert_true) \
M(store8) M(store16) M(store32) M(store64) M(store128) \
M(load8) M(load16) M(load32) M(load64) M(load128) \
M(index) \
M(gather8) M(gather16) M(gather32) \
M(uniform32) \
M(splat) \
M(add_f32) M(add_i32) \
M(sub_f32) M(sub_i32) \
M(mul_f32) M(mul_i32) \
M(div_f32) \
M(min_f32) M(max_f32) \
M(fma_f32) M(fms_f32) M(fnma_f32) \
M(sqrt_f32) \
M(shl_i32) M(shr_i32) M(sra_i32) \
M(ceil) M(floor) M(trunc) M(round) M(to_fp16) M(from_fp16) \
M(to_f32) \
M(neq_f32) M(eq_f32) M(eq_i32) \
M(gte_f32) M(gt_f32) M(gt_i32) \
M(bit_and) M(bit_or) M(bit_xor) M(bit_clear) \
// End of SKVM_OPS
enum class Op : int {
#define M(op) op,
#undef M
static inline bool has_side_effect(Op op) {
return op <= Op::store128;
static inline bool touches_varying_memory(Op op) {
return Op::store8 <= op && op <= Op::load128;
static inline bool is_always_varying(Op op) {
return Op::store8 <= op && op <= Op::index;
using Val = int;
// We reserve an impossibe Val ID as a sentinel
// NA meaning none, n/a, null, nil, etc.
static const Val NA = -1;
struct Ptr { int ix; };
struct I32 {
Builder* builder = nullptr;
Val id = NA;
explicit operator bool() const { return id != NA; }
Builder* operator->() const { return builder; }
struct F32 {
Builder* builder = nullptr;
Val id = NA;
explicit operator bool() const { return id != NA; }
Builder* operator->() const { return builder; }
struct Color {
F32 r,g,b,a;
explicit operator bool() const { return r && g && b && a; }
Builder* operator->() const { return a.operator->(); }
struct HSLA {
F32 h,s,l,a;
explicit operator bool() const { return h && s && l && a; }
Builder* operator->() const { return a.operator->(); }
struct Coord {
F32 x,y;
explicit operator bool() const { return x && y; }
Builder* operator->() const { return x.operator->(); }
struct Uniform {
Ptr ptr;
int offset;
struct Uniforms {
Ptr base;
std::vector<int> buf;
Uniforms(Ptr ptr, int init) : base(ptr), buf(init) {}
Uniform push(int val) {
return {base, (int)( sizeof(int)*(buf.size() - 1) )};
Uniform pushF(float val) {
int bits;
memcpy(&bits, &val, sizeof(int));
return this->push(bits);
Uniform pushPtr(const void* ptr) {
// Jam the pointer into 1 or 2 ints.
int ints[sizeof(ptr) / sizeof(int)];
memcpy(ints, &ptr, sizeof(ptr));
for (int bits : ints) {
return {base, (int)( sizeof(int)*(buf.size() - SK_ARRAY_COUNT(ints)) )};
struct PixelFormat {
enum { UNORM, FLOAT} encoding;
int r_bits, g_bits, b_bits, a_bits,
r_shift, g_shift, b_shift, a_shift;
bool SkColorType_to_PixelFormat(SkColorType, PixelFormat*);
struct Instruction {
Op op; // v* = op(x,y,z,w,immA,immB), where * == index of this Instruction.
Val x,y,z,w; // Enough arguments for Op::store128.
int immA,immB; // Immediate bit pattern, shift count, pointer index, byte offset, etc.
bool operator==(const Instruction&, const Instruction&);
struct InstructionHash {
uint32_t operator()(const Instruction&, uint32_t seed=0) const;
struct OptimizedInstruction {
Op op;
Val x,y,z,w;
int immA,immB;
Val death;
bool can_hoist;
struct Features {
bool fma = false;
bool fp16 = false;
class Builder {
explicit Builder(Features);
Program done(const char* debug_name = nullptr) const;
// Mostly for debugging, tests, etc.
std::vector<Instruction> program() const { return fProgram; }
std::vector<OptimizedInstruction> optimize() const;
// Declare an argument with given stride (use stride=0 for uniforms).
// TODO: different types for varying and uniforms?
Ptr arg(int stride);
// Convenience arg() wrappers for most common strides, sizeof(T) and 0.
template <typename T>
Ptr varying() { return this->arg(sizeof(T)); }
Ptr uniform() { return this->arg(0); }
// TODO: allow uniform (i.e. Ptr) offsets to store* and load*?
// TODO: sign extension (signed types) for <32-bit loads?
// TODO: unsigned integer operations where relevant (just comparisons?)?
// Assert cond is true, printing debug when not.
void assert_true(I32 cond, I32 debug);
void assert_true(I32 cond, F32 debug) { assert_true(cond, pun_to_I32(debug)); }
void assert_true(I32 cond) { assert_true(cond, cond); }
// Store {8,16,32,64,128}-bit varying.
void store8 (Ptr ptr, I32 val);
void store16 (Ptr ptr, I32 val);
void store32 (Ptr ptr, I32 val);
void storeF (Ptr ptr, F32 val) { store32(ptr, pun_to_I32(val)); }
void store64 (Ptr ptr, I32 lo, I32 hi); // *ptr = lo|(hi<<32)
void store128(Ptr ptr, I32 x, I32 y, I32 z, I32 w); // *ptr = x|(y<<32)|(z<<64)|(w<<96)
// Returns varying {n, n-1, n-2, ..., 1}, where n is the argument to Program::eval().
I32 index();
// Load {8,16,32,64,128}-bit varying.
I32 load8 (Ptr ptr);
I32 load16 (Ptr ptr);
I32 load32 (Ptr ptr);
F32 loadF (Ptr ptr) { return pun_to_F32(load32(ptr)); }
I32 load64 (Ptr ptr, int lane); // Load 32-bit lane 0-1 of 64-bit value.
I32 load128(Ptr ptr, int lane); // Load 32-bit lane 0-3 of 128-bit value.
// Load i32/f32 uniform with byte-count offset.
I32 uniform32(Ptr ptr, int offset);
F32 uniformF (Ptr ptr, int offset) { return pun_to_F32(uniform32(ptr,offset)); }
// Push and load this color as a uniform.
Color uniformColor(SkColor4f, Uniforms*);
// Gather u8,u16,i32 with varying element-count index from *(ptr + byte-count offset).
I32 gather8 (Ptr ptr, int offset, I32 index);
I32 gather16(Ptr ptr, int offset, I32 index);
I32 gather32(Ptr ptr, int offset, I32 index);
F32 gatherF (Ptr ptr, int offset, I32 index) {
return pun_to_F32(gather32(ptr, offset, index));
// Convenience methods for working with skvm::Uniform(s).
I32 uniform32(Uniform u) { return this->uniform32(u.ptr, u.offset); }
F32 uniformF (Uniform u) { return this->uniformF (u.ptr, u.offset); }
I32 gather8 (Uniform u, I32 index) { return this->gather8 (u.ptr, u.offset, index); }
I32 gather16 (Uniform u, I32 index) { return this->gather16 (u.ptr, u.offset, index); }
I32 gather32 (Uniform u, I32 index) { return this->gather32 (u.ptr, u.offset, index); }
F32 gatherF (Uniform u, I32 index) { return this->gatherF (u.ptr, u.offset, index); }
// Load an immediate constant.
I32 splat(int n);
I32 splat(unsigned u) { return splat((int)u); }
F32 splat(float f) {
int bits;
memcpy(&bits, &f, 4);
return pun_to_F32(splat(bits));
// Some operations make sense with immediate arguments,
// so we provide overloads inline to make that seamless.
// We omit overloads that may indicate a bug or performance issue.
// In general it does not make sense to pass immediates to unary operations,
// and even sometimes not for binary operations, e.g.
// div(x, y) -- normal every day divide
// div(3.0f, y) -- yep, makes sense
// div(x, 3.0f) -- omitted as a reminder you probably want mul(x, 1/3.0f).
// You can of course always splat() to override these opinions.
// float math, comparisons, etc.
F32 add(F32, F32);
F32 add(F32 x, float y) { return add(x, splat(y)); }
F32 add(float x, F32 y) { return add(splat(x), y); }
F32 sub(F32, F32);
F32 sub(F32 x, float y) { return sub(x, splat(y)); }
F32 sub(float x, F32 y) { return sub(splat(x), y); }
F32 mul(F32, F32);
F32 mul(F32 x, float y) { return mul(x, splat(y)); }
F32 mul(float x, F32 y) { return mul(splat(x), y); }
F32 div(F32, F32);
F32 div(float x, F32 y) { return div(splat(x), y); }
F32 min(F32, F32);
F32 min(F32 x, float y) { return min(x, splat(y)); }
F32 min(float x, F32 y) { return min(splat(x), y); }
F32 max(F32, F32);
F32 max(F32 x, float y) { return max(x, splat(y)); }
F32 max(float x, F32 y) { return max(splat(x), y); }
// TODO: remove mad()? It's just sugar.
F32 mad(F32 x, F32 y, F32 z) { return add(mul(x,y), z); }
F32 mad(F32 x, F32 y, float z) { return mad( x , y , splat(z)); }
F32 mad(F32 x, float y, F32 z) { return mad( x , splat(y), z ); }
F32 mad(F32 x, float y, float z) { return mad( x , splat(y), splat(z)); }
F32 mad(float x, F32 y, F32 z) { return mad(splat(x), y , z ); }
F32 mad(float x, F32 y, float z) { return mad(splat(x), y , splat(z)); }
F32 mad(float x, float y, F32 z) { return mad(splat(x), splat(y), z ); }
F32 sqrt(F32);
F32 approx_log2(F32);
F32 approx_pow2(F32);
F32 approx_log (F32 x) { return mul(0.69314718f, approx_log2(x)); }
F32 approx_exp (F32 x) { return approx_pow2(mul(x, 1.4426950408889634074f)); }
F32 approx_powf(F32 base, F32 exp);
F32 approx_powf(F32 base, float exp) { return approx_powf(base, splat(exp)); }
F32 approx_powf(float base, F32 exp) { return approx_powf(splat(base), exp); }
F32 approx_sin(F32 radians);
F32 approx_cos(F32 radians) { return approx_sin(add(radians, SK_ScalarPI/2)); }
F32 approx_tan(F32 radians);
F32 approx_asin(F32 x);
F32 approx_acos(F32 x) { return sub(SK_ScalarPI/2, approx_asin(x)); }
F32 approx_atan(F32 x);
F32 approx_atan2(F32 y, F32 x);
F32 lerp(F32 lo, F32 hi, F32 t);
F32 lerp(F32 lo, F32 hi, float t) { return lerp( lo , hi , splat(t)); }
F32 lerp(F32 lo, float hi, float t) { return lerp( lo , splat(hi), splat(t)); }
F32 lerp(F32 lo, float hi, F32 t) { return lerp( lo , splat(hi), t ); }
F32 lerp(float lo, F32 hi, F32 t) { return lerp(splat(lo), hi , t ); }
F32 lerp(float lo, F32 hi, float t) { return lerp(splat(lo), hi , splat(t)); }
F32 lerp(float lo, float hi, F32 t) { return lerp(splat(lo), splat(hi), t ); }
F32 clamp(F32 x, F32 lo, F32 hi) { return max(lo, min(x, hi)); }
F32 clamp(F32 x, F32 lo, float hi) { return clamp( x , lo , splat(hi)); }
F32 clamp(F32 x, float lo, float hi) { return clamp( x , splat(lo), splat(hi)); }
F32 clamp(F32 x, float lo, F32 hi) { return clamp( x , splat(lo), hi ); }
F32 clamp(float x, F32 lo, F32 hi) { return clamp(splat(x), lo , hi ); }
F32 clamp(float x, F32 lo, float hi) { return clamp(splat(x), lo , splat(hi)); }
F32 clamp(float x, float lo, F32 hi) { return clamp(splat(x), splat(lo), hi ); }
F32 clamp01(F32 x) { return clamp(x, 0.0f, 1.0f); }
F32 abs(F32 x) { return pun_to_F32(bit_and(pun_to_I32(x), 0x7fff'ffff)); }
F32 fract(F32 x) { return sub(x, floor(x)); }
F32 ceil(F32);
F32 floor(F32);
I32 is_NaN (F32 x) { return neq(x,x); }
I32 is_finite(F32 x) { return lt(bit_and(pun_to_I32(x), 0x7f80'0000), 0x7f80'0000); }
I32 trunc(F32 x);
I32 round(F32 x); // Round to int using current rounding mode (as if lrintf()).
I32 pun_to_I32(F32 x) { return {x.builder,}; }
I32 to_fp16(F32 x);
F32 from_fp16(I32 x);
I32 eq(F32, F32);
I32 eq(F32 x, float y) { return eq(x, splat(y)); }
I32 eq(float x, F32 y) { return eq(splat(x), y); }
I32 neq(F32, F32);
I32 neq(F32 x, float y) { return neq(x, splat(y)); }
I32 neq(float x, F32 y) { return neq(splat(x), y); }
I32 lt(F32, F32);
I32 lt(F32 x, float y) { return lt(x, splat(y)); }
I32 lt(float x, F32 y) { return lt(splat(x), y); }
I32 lte(F32, F32);
I32 lte(F32 x, float y) { return lte(x, splat(y)); }
I32 lte(float x, F32 y) { return lte(splat(x), y); }
I32 gt(F32, F32);
I32 gt(F32 x, float y) { return gt(x, splat(y)); }
I32 gt(float x, F32 y) { return gt(splat(x), y); }
I32 gte(F32, F32);
I32 gte(F32 x, float y) { return gte(x, splat(y)); }
I32 gte(float x, F32 y) { return gte(splat(x), y); }
// int math, comparisons, etc.
I32 add(I32, I32);
I32 add(I32 x, int y) { return add(x, splat(y)); }
I32 add(int x, I32 y) { return add(splat(x), y); }
I32 sub(I32, I32);
I32 sub(I32 x, int y) { return sub(x, splat(y)); }
I32 sub(int x, I32 y) { return sub(splat(x), y); }
I32 mul(I32, I32);
I32 mul(I32 x, int y) { return mul(x, splat(y)); }
I32 mul(int x, I32 y) { return mul(splat(x), y); }
I32 shl(I32 x, int bits);
I32 shr(I32 x, int bits);
I32 sra(I32 x, int bits);
I32 eq(I32, I32);
I32 eq(I32 x, int y) { return eq(x, splat(y)); }
I32 eq(int x, I32 y) { return eq(splat(x), y); }
I32 neq(I32, I32);
I32 neq(I32 x, int y) { return neq(x, splat(y)); }
I32 neq(int x, I32 y) { return neq(splat(x), y); }
I32 lt(I32, I32);
I32 lt(I32 x, int y) { return lt(x, splat(y)); }
I32 lt(int x, I32 y) { return lt(splat(x), y); }
I32 lte(I32, I32);
I32 lte(I32 x, int y) { return lte(x, splat(y)); }
I32 lte(int x, I32 y) { return lte(splat(x), y); }
I32 gt(I32, I32);
I32 gt(I32 x, int y) { return gt(x, splat(y)); }
I32 gt(int x, I32 y) { return gt(splat(x), y); }
I32 gte(I32, I32);
I32 gte(I32 x, int y) { return gte(x, splat(y)); }
I32 gte(int x, I32 y) { return gte(splat(x), y); }
F32 to_F32(I32 x);
F32 pun_to_F32(I32 x) { return {x.builder,}; }
// Bitwise operations.
I32 bit_and(I32, I32);
I32 bit_and(I32 x, int y) { return bit_and(x, splat(y)); }
I32 bit_and(int x, I32 y) { return bit_and(splat(x), y); }
I32 bit_or(I32, I32);
I32 bit_or(I32 x, int y) { return bit_or(x, splat(y)); }
I32 bit_or(int x, I32 y) { return bit_or(splat(x), y); }
I32 bit_xor(I32, I32);
I32 bit_xor(I32 x, int y) { return bit_xor(x, splat(y)); }
I32 bit_xor(int x, I32 y) { return bit_xor(splat(x), y); }
I32 bit_clear(I32, I32);
I32 bit_clear(I32 x, int y) { return bit_clear(x, splat(y)); }
I32 bit_clear(int x, I32 y) { return bit_clear(splat(x), y); }
I32 min(I32 x, I32 y) { return select(lte(x,y), x, y); }
I32 min(I32 x, int y) { return min(x, splat(y)); }
I32 min(int x, I32 y) { return min(splat(x), y); }
I32 max(I32 x, I32 y) { return select(gte(x,y), x, y); }
I32 max(I32 x, int y) { return max(x, splat(y)); }
I32 max(int x, I32 y) { return max(splat(x), y); }
I32 select(I32 cond, I32 t, I32 f); // cond ? t : f
I32 select(I32 cond, int t, I32 f) { return select(cond, splat(t), f ); }
I32 select(I32 cond, I32 t, int f) { return select(cond, t , splat(f)); }
I32 select(I32 cond, int t, int f) { return select(cond, splat(t), splat(f)); }
F32 select(I32 cond, F32 t, F32 f) {
return pun_to_F32(select(cond, pun_to_I32(t)
, pun_to_I32(f)));
F32 select(I32 cond, float t, F32 f) { return select(cond, splat(t), f ); }
F32 select(I32 cond, F32 t, float f) { return select(cond, t , splat(f)); }
F32 select(I32 cond, float t, float f) { return select(cond, splat(t), splat(f)); }
I32 extract(I32 x, int bits, I32 z); // (x>>bits) & z
I32 extract(I32 x, int bits, int z) { return extract(x, bits, splat(z)); }
I32 extract(int x, int bits, I32 z) { return extract(splat(x), bits, z); }
I32 pack(I32 x, I32 y, int bits); // x | (y<<bits)
I32 pack(I32 x, int y, int bits) { return pack(x, splat(y), bits); }
I32 pack(int x, I32 y, int bits) { return pack(splat(x), y, bits); }
// Common idioms used in several places, worth centralizing for consistency.
F32 from_unorm(int bits, I32); // E.g. from_unorm(8, x) -> x * (1/255.0f)
I32 to_unorm(int bits, F32); // E.g. to_unorm(8, x) -> round(x * 255)
Color load(PixelFormat, Ptr ptr);
bool store(PixelFormat, Ptr ptr, Color);
Color gather(PixelFormat, Ptr ptr, int offset, I32 index);
Color gather(PixelFormat f, Uniform u, I32 index) {
return gather(f, u.ptr, u.offset, index);
void premul(F32* r, F32* g, F32* b, F32 a);
void unpremul(F32* r, F32* g, F32* b, F32 a);
Color premul(Color c) { this->premul(&c.r, &c.g, &c.b, c.a); return c; }
Color unpremul(Color c) { this->unpremul(&c.r, &c.g, &c.b, c.a); return c; }
Color lerp(Color lo, Color hi, F32 t);
Color blend(SkBlendMode, Color src, Color dst);
Color clamp01(Color c) {
return { clamp01(c.r), clamp01(c.g), clamp01(c.b), clamp01(c.a) };
HSLA to_hsla(Color);
Color to_rgba(HSLA);
void dump(SkWStream* = nullptr) const;
uint64_t hash() const;
Val push(Instruction);
bool allImm() const { return true; }
template <typename T, typename... Rest>
bool allImm(Val id, T* imm, Rest... rest) const {
if (fProgram[id].op == Op::splat) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) == 4);
memcpy(imm, &fProgram[id].immA, 4);
return this->allImm(rest...);
return false;
Val push(Op op, Val x=NA, Val y=NA, Val z=NA, Val w=NA, int immA=0, int immB=0) {
return this->push(Instruction{op, x,y,z,w, immA,immB});
template <typename T>
bool isImm(Val id, T want) const {
T imm = 0;
return this->allImm(id, &imm) && imm == want;
SkTHashMap<Instruction, Val, InstructionHash> fIndex;
std::vector<Instruction> fProgram;
std::vector<int> fStrides;
const Features fFeatures;
// Optimization passes and data structures normally used by Builder::optimize(),
// extracted here so they can be unit tested.
std::vector<Instruction> eliminate_dead_code(std::vector<Instruction>);
std::vector<OptimizedInstruction> finalize (std::vector<Instruction>);
using Reg = int;
// d = op(x,y,z,w, immA,immB)
struct InterpreterInstruction {
Op op;
Reg d,x,y,z,w;
int immA,immB;
class Program {
Program(const std::vector<OptimizedInstruction>& instructions,
const std::vector<int>& strides,
const char* debug_name);
Program& operator=(Program&&);
Program(const Program&) = delete;
Program& operator=(const Program&) = delete;
void eval(int n, void* args[]) const;
template <typename... T>
void eval(int n, T*... arg) const {
SkASSERT(sizeof...(arg) == this->nargs());
// This nullptr isn't important except that it makes args[] non-empty if you pass none.
void* args[] = { (void*)arg..., nullptr };
this->eval(n, args);
std::vector<InterpreterInstruction> instructions() const;
int nargs() const;
int nregs() const;
int loop () const;
bool empty() const;
bool hasJIT() const; // Has this Program been JITted?
void dropJIT(); // If hasJIT(), drop it, forcing interpreter fallback.
void dump(SkWStream* = nullptr) const;
void setupInterpreter(const std::vector<OptimizedInstruction>&);
void setupJIT (const std::vector<OptimizedInstruction>&, const char* debug_name);
void setupLLVM (const std::vector<OptimizedInstruction>&, const char* debug_name);
bool jit(const std::vector<OptimizedInstruction>&,
int* stack_hint, uint32_t* registers_used,
Assembler*) const;
void waitForLLVM() const;
struct Impl;
std::unique_ptr<Impl> fImpl;
// TODO: control flow
// TODO: 64-bit values?
#define SI static inline
SI I32 operator+(I32 x, I32 y) { return x->add(x,y); }
SI I32 operator+(I32 x, int y) { return x->add(x,y); }
SI I32 operator+(int x, I32 y) { return y->add(x,y); }
SI I32 operator-(I32 x, I32 y) { return x->sub(x,y); }
SI I32 operator-(I32 x, int y) { return x->sub(x,y); }
SI I32 operator-(int x, I32 y) { return y->sub(x,y); }
SI I32 operator*(I32 x, I32 y) { return x->mul(x,y); }
SI I32 operator*(I32 x, int y) { return x->mul(x,y); }
SI I32 operator*(int x, I32 y) { return y->mul(x,y); }
SI I32 min(I32 x, I32 y) { return x->min(x,y); }
SI I32 min(I32 x, int y) { return x->min(x,y); }
SI I32 min(int x, I32 y) { return y->min(x,y); }
SI I32 max(I32 x, I32 y) { return x->max(x,y); }
SI I32 max(I32 x, int y) { return x->max(x,y); }
SI I32 max(int x, I32 y) { return y->max(x,y); }
SI I32 operator==(I32 x, I32 y) { return x->eq(x,y); }
SI I32 operator==(I32 x, int y) { return x->eq(x,y); }
SI I32 operator==(int x, I32 y) { return y->eq(x,y); }
SI I32 operator!=(I32 x, I32 y) { return x->neq(x,y); }
SI I32 operator!=(I32 x, int y) { return x->neq(x,y); }
SI I32 operator!=(int x, I32 y) { return y->neq(x,y); }
SI I32 operator< (I32 x, I32 y) { return x->lt(x,y); }
SI I32 operator< (I32 x, int y) { return x->lt(x,y); }
SI I32 operator< (int x, I32 y) { return y->lt(x,y); }
SI I32 operator<=(I32 x, I32 y) { return x->lte(x,y); }
SI I32 operator<=(I32 x, int y) { return x->lte(x,y); }
SI I32 operator<=(int x, I32 y) { return y->lte(x,y); }
SI I32 operator> (I32 x, I32 y) { return x->gt(x,y); }
SI I32 operator> (I32 x, int y) { return x->gt(x,y); }
SI I32 operator> (int x, I32 y) { return y->gt(x,y); }
SI I32 operator>=(I32 x, I32 y) { return x->gte(x,y); }
SI I32 operator>=(I32 x, int y) { return x->gte(x,y); }
SI I32 operator>=(int x, I32 y) { return y->gte(x,y); }
SI F32 operator+(F32 x, F32 y) { return x->add(x,y); }
SI F32 operator+(F32 x, float y) { return x->add(x,y); }
SI F32 operator+(float x, F32 y) { return y->add(x,y); }
SI F32 operator-(F32 x, F32 y) { return x->sub(x,y); }
SI F32 operator-(F32 x, float y) { return x->sub(x,y); }
SI F32 operator-(float x, F32 y) { return y->sub(x,y); }
SI F32 operator*(F32 x, F32 y) { return x->mul(x,y); }
SI F32 operator*(F32 x, float y) { return x->mul(x,y); }
SI F32 operator*(float x, F32 y) { return y->mul(x,y); }
SI F32 operator/(F32 x, F32 y) { return x->div(x,y); }
SI F32 operator/(float x, F32 y) { return y->div(x,y); }
SI F32 min(F32 x, F32 y) { return x->min(x,y); }
SI F32 min(F32 x, float y) { return x->min(x,y); }
SI F32 min(float x, F32 y) { return y->min(x,y); }
SI F32 max(F32 x, F32 y) { return x->max(x,y); }
SI F32 max(F32 x, float y) { return x->max(x,y); }
SI F32 max(float x, F32 y) { return y->max(x,y); }
SI I32 operator==(F32 x, F32 y) { return x->eq(x,y); }
SI I32 operator==(F32 x, float y) { return x->eq(x,y); }
SI I32 operator==(float x, F32 y) { return y->eq(x,y); }
SI I32 operator!=(F32 x, F32 y) { return x->neq(x,y); }
SI I32 operator!=(F32 x, float y) { return x->neq(x,y); }
SI I32 operator!=(float x, F32 y) { return y->neq(x,y); }
SI I32 operator< (F32 x, F32 y) { return x->lt(x,y); }
SI I32 operator< (F32 x, float y) { return x->lt(x,y); }
SI I32 operator< (float x, F32 y) { return y->lt(x,y); }
SI I32 operator<=(F32 x, F32 y) { return x->lte(x,y); }
SI I32 operator<=(F32 x, float y) { return x->lte(x,y); }
SI I32 operator<=(float x, F32 y) { return y->lte(x,y); }
SI I32 operator> (F32 x, F32 y) { return x->gt(x,y); }
SI I32 operator> (F32 x, float y) { return x->gt(x,y); }
SI I32 operator> (float x, F32 y) { return y->gt(x,y); }
SI I32 operator>=(F32 x, F32 y) { return x->gte(x,y); }
SI I32 operator>=(F32 x, float y) { return x->gte(x,y); }
SI I32 operator>=(float x, F32 y) { return y->gte(x,y); }
SI I32& operator+=(I32& x, I32 y) { return (x = x + y); }
SI I32& operator+=(I32& x, int y) { return (x = x + y); }
SI I32& operator-=(I32& x, I32 y) { return (x = x - y); }
SI I32& operator-=(I32& x, int y) { return (x = x - y); }
SI I32& operator*=(I32& x, I32 y) { return (x = x * y); }
SI I32& operator*=(I32& x, int y) { return (x = x * y); }
SI F32& operator+=(F32& x, F32 y) { return (x = x + y); }
SI F32& operator+=(F32& x, float y) { return (x = x + y); }
SI F32& operator-=(F32& x, F32 y) { return (x = x - y); }
SI F32& operator-=(F32& x, float y) { return (x = x - y); }
SI F32& operator*=(F32& x, F32 y) { return (x = x * y); }
SI F32& operator*=(F32& x, float y) { return (x = x * y); }
SI F32& operator/=(F32& x, F32 y) { return (x = x / y); }
SI void assert_true(I32 cond, I32 debug) { cond->assert_true(cond,debug); }
SI void assert_true(I32 cond, F32 debug) { cond->assert_true(cond,debug); }
SI void assert_true(I32 cond) { cond->assert_true(cond); }
SI void store8 (Ptr ptr, I32 val) { val->store8 (ptr, val); }
SI void store16 (Ptr ptr, I32 val) { val->store16 (ptr, val); }
SI void store32 (Ptr ptr, I32 val) { val->store32 (ptr, val); }
SI void storeF (Ptr ptr, F32 val) { val->storeF (ptr, val); }
SI void store64 (Ptr ptr, I32 lo, I32 hi) { lo ->store64 (ptr, lo,hi); }
SI void store128(Ptr ptr, I32 x, I32 y, I32 z, I32 w) { x ->store128(ptr, x,y,z,w); }
SI I32 gather8 (Ptr ptr, int off, I32 ix) { return ix->gather8 (ptr, off, ix); }
SI I32 gather16(Ptr ptr, int off, I32 ix) { return ix->gather16(ptr, off, ix); }
SI I32 gather32(Ptr ptr, int off, I32 ix) { return ix->gather32(ptr, off, ix); }
SI F32 gatherF (Ptr ptr, int off, I32 ix) { return ix->gatherF (ptr, off, ix); }
SI I32 gather8 (Uniform u, I32 ix) { return ix->gather8 (u, ix); }
SI I32 gather16(Uniform u, I32 ix) { return ix->gather16(u, ix); }
SI I32 gather32(Uniform u, I32 ix) { return ix->gather32(u, ix); }
SI F32 gatherF (Uniform u, I32 ix) { return ix->gatherF (u, ix); }
SI F32 sqrt(F32 x) { return x-> sqrt(x); }
SI F32 approx_log2(F32 x) { return x->approx_log2(x); }
SI F32 approx_pow2(F32 x) { return x->approx_pow2(x); }
SI F32 approx_log (F32 x) { return x->approx_log (x); }
SI F32 approx_exp (F32 x) { return x->approx_exp (x); }
SI F32 approx_powf(F32 base, F32 exp) { return base->approx_powf(base, exp); }
SI F32 approx_powf(F32 base, float exp) { return base->approx_powf(base, exp); }
SI F32 approx_powf(float base, F32 exp) { return exp->approx_powf(base, exp); }
SI F32 approx_sin(F32 radians) { return radians->approx_sin(radians); }
SI F32 approx_cos(F32 radians) { return radians->approx_cos(radians); }
SI F32 approx_tan(F32 radians) { return radians->approx_tan(radians); }
SI F32 approx_asin(F32 x) { return x->approx_asin(x); }
SI F32 approx_acos(F32 x) { return x->approx_acos(x); }
SI F32 approx_atan(F32 x) { return x->approx_atan(x); }
SI F32 approx_atan2(F32 y, F32 x) { return x->approx_atan2(y, x); }
SI F32 clamp01(F32 x) { return x-> clamp01(x); }
SI F32 abs(F32 x) { return x-> abs(x); }
SI F32 ceil(F32 x) { return x-> ceil(x); }
SI F32 fract(F32 x) { return x-> fract(x); }
SI F32 floor(F32 x) { return x-> floor(x); }
SI I32 is_NaN(F32 x) { return x-> is_NaN(x); }
SI I32 is_finite(F32 x) { return x->is_finite(x); }
SI I32 trunc(F32 x) { return x-> trunc(x); }
SI I32 round(F32 x) { return x-> round(x); }
SI I32 pun_to_I32(F32 x) { return x-> pun_to_I32(x); }
SI F32 pun_to_F32(I32 x) { return x-> pun_to_F32(x); }
SI F32 to_F32(I32 x) { return x-> to_F32(x); }
SI I32 to_fp16(F32 x) { return x-> to_fp16(x); }
SI F32 from_fp16(I32 x) { return x-> from_fp16(x); }
SI F32 lerp(F32 lo, F32 hi, F32 t) { return lo->lerp(lo,hi,t); }
SI F32 lerp(F32 lo, F32 hi, float t) { return lo->lerp(lo,hi,t); }
SI F32 lerp(F32 lo, float hi, F32 t) { return lo->lerp(lo,hi,t); }
SI F32 lerp(F32 lo, float hi, float t) { return lo->lerp(lo,hi,t); }
SI F32 lerp(float lo, F32 hi, F32 t) { return hi->lerp(lo,hi,t); }
SI F32 lerp(float lo, F32 hi, float t) { return hi->lerp(lo,hi,t); }
SI F32 lerp(float lo, float hi, F32 t) { return t->lerp(lo,hi,t); }
SI F32 clamp(F32 x, F32 lo, F32 hi) { return x->clamp(x,lo,hi); }
SI F32 clamp(F32 x, F32 lo, float hi) { return x->clamp(x,lo,hi); }
SI F32 clamp(F32 x, float lo, F32 hi) { return x->clamp(x,lo,hi); }
SI F32 clamp(F32 x, float lo, float hi) { return x->clamp(x,lo,hi); }
SI F32 clamp(float x, F32 lo, F32 hi) { return lo->clamp(x,lo,hi); }
SI F32 clamp(float x, F32 lo, float hi) { return lo->clamp(x,lo,hi); }
SI F32 clamp(float x, float lo, F32 hi) { return hi->clamp(x,lo,hi); }
SI I32 operator<<(I32 x, int bits) { return x->shl(x, bits); }
SI I32 shl(I32 x, int bits) { return x->shl(x, bits); }
SI I32 shr(I32 x, int bits) { return x->shr(x, bits); }
SI I32 sra(I32 x, int bits) { return x->sra(x, bits); }
SI I32 operator&(I32 x, I32 y) { return x->bit_and(x,y); }
SI I32 operator&(I32 x, int y) { return x->bit_and(x,y); }
SI I32 operator&(int x, I32 y) { return y->bit_and(x,y); }
SI I32 operator|(I32 x, I32 y) { return x->bit_or (x,y); }
SI I32 operator|(I32 x, int y) { return x->bit_or (x,y); }
SI I32 operator|(int x, I32 y) { return y->bit_or (x,y); }
SI I32 operator^(I32 x, I32 y) { return x->bit_xor(x,y); }
SI I32 operator^(I32 x, int y) { return x->bit_xor(x,y); }
SI I32 operator^(int x, I32 y) { return y->bit_xor(x,y); }
SI I32& operator&=(I32& x, I32 y) { return (x = x & y); }
SI I32& operator&=(I32& x, int y) { return (x = x & y); }
SI I32& operator|=(I32& x, I32 y) { return (x = x | y); }
SI I32& operator|=(I32& x, int y) { return (x = x | y); }
SI I32& operator^=(I32& x, I32 y) { return (x = x ^ y); }
SI I32& operator^=(I32& x, int y) { return (x = x ^ y); }
SI I32 bit_clear(I32 x, I32 y) { return x->bit_clear(x,y); }
SI I32 bit_clear(I32 x, int y) { return x->bit_clear(x,y); }
SI I32 bit_clear(int x, I32 y) { return y->bit_clear(x,y); }
SI I32 select(I32 c, I32 t, I32 f) { return c->select(c, t , f ); }
SI I32 select(I32 c, I32 t, int f) { return c->select(c, t , c->splat(f)); }
SI I32 select(I32 c, int t, I32 f) { return c->select(c, c->splat(t), f ); }
SI I32 select(I32 c, int t, int f) { return c->select(c, c->splat(t), c->splat(f)); }
SI F32 select(I32 c, F32 t, F32 f) { return c->select(c, t , f ); }
SI F32 select(I32 c, F32 t, float f) { return c->select(c, t , c->splat(f)); }
SI F32 select(I32 c, float t, F32 f) { return c->select(c, c->splat(t), f ); }
SI F32 select(I32 c, float t, float f) { return c->select(c, c->splat(t), c->splat(f)); }
SI I32 extract(I32 x, int bits, I32 z) { return x->extract(x,bits,z); }
SI I32 extract(I32 x, int bits, int z) { return x->extract(x,bits,z); }
SI I32 extract(int x, int bits, I32 z) { return z->extract(x,bits,z); }
SI I32 pack(I32 x, I32 y, int bits) { return x->pack (x,y,bits); }
SI I32 pack(I32 x, int y, int bits) { return x->pack (x,y,bits); }
SI I32 pack(int x, I32 y, int bits) { return y->pack (x,y,bits); }
SI I32 operator~(I32 x) { return ~0 ^ x; }
SI I32 operator-(I32 x) { return 0 - x; }
SI F32 operator-(F32 x) { return 0.0f - x; }
SI F32 from_unorm(int bits, I32 x) { return x->from_unorm(bits,x); }
SI I32 to_unorm(int bits, F32 x) { return x-> to_unorm(bits,x); }
SI bool store(PixelFormat f, Ptr p, Color c) { return c->store(f,p,c); }
SI Color gather(PixelFormat f, Ptr p, int off, I32 ix) { return ix->gather(f,p,off,ix); }
SI Color gather(PixelFormat f, Uniform u , I32 ix) { return ix->gather(f,u,ix); }
SI void premul(F32* r, F32* g, F32* b, F32 a) { a-> premul(r,g,b,a); }
SI void unpremul(F32* r, F32* g, F32* b, F32 a) { a->unpremul(r,g,b,a); }
SI Color premul(Color c) { return c-> premul(c); }
SI Color unpremul(Color c) { return c->unpremul(c); }
SI Color lerp(Color lo, Color hi, F32 t) { return t->lerp(lo,hi,t); }
SI Color blend(SkBlendMode m, Color s, Color d) { return s->blend(m,s,d); }
SI Color clamp01(Color c) { return c->clamp01(c); }
SI HSLA to_hsla(Color c) { return c->to_hsla(c); }
SI Color to_rgba(HSLA c) { return c->to_rgba(c); }
// Evaluate polynomials: ax^n + bx^(n-1) + ... for n >= 1
template <typename F32_or_float, typename... Rest>
SI F32 poly(F32 x, F32_or_float a, float b, Rest... rest) {
if constexpr (sizeof...(rest) == 0) {
return x*a+b;
} else {
return poly(x, x*a+b, rest...);
#undef SI
} // namespace skvm