blob: e92dd319b40270bf6879a80b589cb48de6daf0b3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_graphite_RecorderPriv_DEFINED
#define skgpu_graphite_RecorderPriv_DEFINED
#include <functional>
#include "include/gpu/graphite/Recorder.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/SharedContext.h"
namespace skgpu::graphite {
class ShaderCodeDictionary;
class TextureProxy;
class RecorderPriv {
void add(sk_sp<Task>);
void flushTrackedDevices();
const Caps* caps() const { return fRecorder->fSharedContext->caps(); }
ResourceProvider* resourceProvider() { return fRecorder->fResourceProvider.get(); }
const SkRuntimeEffectDictionary* runtimeEffectDictionary() const {
return fRecorder->fRuntimeEffectDict.get();
SkRuntimeEffectDictionary* runtimeEffectDictionary() {
return fRecorder->fRuntimeEffectDict.get();
const ShaderCodeDictionary* shaderCodeDictionary() const {
return fRecorder->fSharedContext->shaderCodeDictionary();
ShaderCodeDictionary* shaderCodeDictionary() {
return fRecorder->fSharedContext->shaderCodeDictionary();
const RendererProvider* rendererProvider() const {
return fRecorder->fSharedContext->rendererProvider();
UniformDataCache* uniformDataCache() { return fRecorder->fUniformDataCache.get(); }
TextureDataCache* textureDataCache() { return fRecorder->fTextureDataCache.get(); }
DrawBufferManager* drawBufferManager() { return fRecorder->fDrawBufferManager.get(); }
UploadBufferManager* uploadBufferManager() { return fRecorder->fUploadBufferManager.get(); }
AtlasManager* atlasManager() { return fRecorder->fAtlasManager.get(); }
TokenTracker* tokenTracker() { return fRecorder->fTokenTracker.get(); }
sktext::gpu::StrikeCache* strikeCache() { return fRecorder->fStrikeCache.get(); }
sktext::gpu::TextBlobRedrawCoordinator* textBlobCache() {
return fRecorder->fTextBlobCache.get();
// Inserts a texture to buffer transfer task, used by asyncReadPixels methods in Context
struct PixelTransferResult {
using ConversionFn = void(void* dst, const void* mappedBuffer);
// If null then the transfer could not be performed. Otherwise this buffer will contain
// the pixel data when the transfer is complete.
sk_sp<Buffer> fTransferBuffer;
// If this is null then the transfer buffer will contain the data in the requested
// color type. Otherwise, when the transfer is done this must be called to convert
// from the transfer buffer's color type to the requested color type.
std::function<ConversionFn> fPixelConverter;
PixelTransferResult transferPixels(const TextureProxy*,
const SkImageInfo& srcImageInfo,
const SkColorInfo& dstColorInfo,
const SkIRect& srcRect);
// used by the Context that created this Recorder to set a back pointer
void setContext(Context*);
Context* context() { return fRecorder->fContext; }
explicit RecorderPriv(Recorder* recorder) : fRecorder(recorder) {}
RecorderPriv& operator=(const RecorderPriv&) = delete;
// No taking addresses of this type.
const RecorderPriv* operator&() const = delete;
RecorderPriv* operator&() = delete;
Recorder* fRecorder;
friend class Recorder; // to construct/copy this type.
inline RecorderPriv Recorder::priv() {
return RecorderPriv(this);
inline const RecorderPriv Recorder::priv() const { // NOLINT(readability-const-return-type)
return RecorderPriv(const_cast<Recorder*>(this));
} // namespace skgpu::graphite
#endif // skgpu_graphite_RecorderPriv_DEFINED