blob: 4dab3ae22df3e1ef9b95cb7643917c47d8156688 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkPDFFont_DEFINED
#define SkPDFFont_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/core/SkScalar.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "src/base/SkUTF.h"
#include "src/core/SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics.h"
#include "src/core/SkStrikeSpec.h"
#include "src/core/SkTHash.h"
#include "src/pdf/SkPDFGlyphUse.h"
#include "src/pdf/SkPDFTypes.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
class SkDescriptor;
class SkFont;
class SkGlyph;
class SkPaint;
class SkPDFDocument;
class SkPDFFont;
class SkString;
class SkTypeface;
class SkPDFStrikeSpec {
SkPDFStrikeSpec(SkStrikeSpec, SkScalar em);
const SkStrikeSpec fStrikeSpec;
const SkScalar fUnitsPerEM;
class SkPDFStrike : public SkRefCnt {
/** Make or return an existing SkPDFStrike, canonicalizing for resource de-duplication.
* The SkPDFStrike is owned by the SkPDFDocument.
static sk_sp<SkPDFStrike> Make(SkPDFDocument* doc, const SkFont&, const SkPaint&);
const SkPDFStrikeSpec fPath;
const SkPDFStrikeSpec fImage;
const bool fHasMaskFilter;
SkPDFDocument* fDoc;
skia_private::THashMap<SkGlyphID, SkPDFFont> fFontMap;
/** Get the font resource for the glyph.
* The returned SkPDFFont is owned by the SkPDFStrike.
* @param glyph The glyph of interest
SkPDFFont* getFontResource(const SkGlyph* glyph);
struct Traits {
static const SkDescriptor& GetKey(const sk_sp<SkPDFStrike>& strike);
static uint32_t Hash(const SkDescriptor& descriptor);
SkPDFStrike(SkPDFStrikeSpec path, SkPDFStrikeSpec image, bool hasMaskFilter, SkPDFDocument*);
/** \class SkPDFFont
A PDF Object class representing a PDF Font. SkPDFFont are owned by an SkPDFStrike.
class SkPDFFont {
SkPDFFont& operator=(SkPDFFont&&) = delete;
/** Returns the font type represented in this font. For Type0 fonts,
* returns the type of the descendant font.
SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::FontType getType() const { return fFontType; }
static SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::FontType FontType(const SkPDFStrike&,
const SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics&);
static void GetType1GlyphNames(const SkTypeface&, SkString*);
static bool IsMultiByte(SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::FontType type) {
return type == SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kType1CID_Font ||
type == SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kTrueType_Font ||
type == SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kCFF_Font;
/** Returns true if this font encoding supports glyph IDs above 255.
bool multiByteGlyphs() const { return SkPDFFont::IsMultiByte(this->getType()); }
/** Return true if this font has an encoding for the passed glyph id.
bool hasGlyph(SkGlyphID gid) {
return (gid >= this->firstGlyphID() && gid <= this->lastGlyphID()) || gid == 0;
/** Convert the input glyph ID into the font encoding. */
SkGlyphID glyphToPDFFontEncoding(SkGlyphID gid) const {
if (this->multiByteGlyphs() || gid == 0) {
return gid;
SkASSERT(gid >= this->firstGlyphID() && gid <= this->lastGlyphID());
SkASSERT(this->firstGlyphID() > 0);
return gid - this->firstGlyphID() + 1;
void noteGlyphUsage(SkGlyphID glyph) {
SkPDFIndirectReference indirectReference() const { return fIndirectReference; }
/** Gets SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics, and caches the result.
* @param typeface can not be nullptr.
* @return nullptr only when typeface is bad.
static const SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics* GetMetrics(const SkTypeface& typeface,
SkPDFDocument* canon);
static const std::vector<SkUnichar>& GetUnicodeMap(const SkTypeface& typeface,
SkPDFDocument* canon);
static void PopulateCommonFontDescriptor(SkPDFDict* descriptor,
const SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics&,
uint16_t emSize,
int16_t defaultWidth);
void emitSubset(SkPDFDocument*) const;
/** Return false iff the typeface has its NotEmbeddable flag set. */
static bool CanEmbedTypeface(const SkTypeface&, SkPDFDocument*);
SkGlyphID firstGlyphID() const { return fGlyphUsage.firstNonZero(); }
SkGlyphID lastGlyphID() const { return fGlyphUsage.lastGlyph(); }
const SkPDFGlyphUse& glyphUsage() const { return fGlyphUsage; }
const SkPDFStrike& strike() const { return *fStrike; }
const SkPDFStrike* fStrike;
SkPDFGlyphUse fGlyphUsage;
SkPDFIndirectReference fIndirectReference;
SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::FontType fFontType;
SkPDFFont(const SkPDFStrike*,
SkGlyphID firstGlyphID,
SkGlyphID lastGlyphID,
SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::FontType fontType,
SkPDFIndirectReference indirectReference);
// The glyph IDs accessible with this font. For Type1 (non CID) fonts,
// this will be a subset if the font has more than 255 glyphs.
SkPDFFont() = delete;
SkPDFFont(const SkPDFFont&) = delete;
SkPDFFont& operator=(const SkPDFFont&) = delete;
friend class SkPDFStrike;