blob: e1a97b23425fb1d5038382706d3a5199f95ac108 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_graphite_GlobalCache_DEFINED
#define skgpu_graphite_GlobalCache_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTArray.h"
#include "src/base/SkSpinlock.h"
#include "src/core/SkLRUCache.h"
#include "src/gpu/ResourceKey.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/GraphicsPipeline.h"
#include <functional>
namespace skgpu::graphite {
class ComputePipeline;
class GraphicsPipeline;
class Resource;
class ShaderCodeDictionary;
* GlobalCache holds GPU resources that should be shared by every Recorder. The common requirement
* of these resources are they are static/read-only, have long lifetimes, and are likely to be used
* by multiple Recorders. The canonical example of this are pipelines.
* GlobalCache is thread safe, but intentionally splits queries and storing operations so that they
* are not atomic. The pattern is to query for a resource, which has a high likelihood of a cache
* hit. If it's not found, the Recorder creates the resource on its own, without locking the
* GlobalCache. After the resource is created, it is added to the GlobalCache, atomically returning
* the winning Resource in the event of a race between Recorders for the same UniqueKey.
class GlobalCache {
void deleteResources();
// Find a cached GraphicsPipeline that matches the associated key.
sk_sp<GraphicsPipeline> findGraphicsPipeline(
const UniqueKey&,
SkEnumBitMask<PipelineCreationFlags> = PipelineCreationFlags::kNone,
uint32_t* compilationID = nullptr) SK_EXCLUDES(fSpinLock);
// Associate the given pipeline with the key. If the key has already had a separate pipeline
// associated with the key, that pipeline is returned and the passed-in pipeline is discarded.
// Otherwise, the passed-in pipeline is held by the GlobalCache and also returned back.
sk_sp<GraphicsPipeline> addGraphicsPipeline(const UniqueKey&,
sk_sp<GraphicsPipeline>) SK_EXCLUDES(fSpinLock);
void purgePipelinesNotUsedSince(
StdSteadyClock::time_point purgeTime) SK_EXCLUDES(fSpinLock);
#if defined(GPU_TEST_UTILS)
int numGraphicsPipelines() const SK_EXCLUDES(fSpinLock);
void resetGraphicsPipelines() SK_EXCLUDES(fSpinLock);
void forEachGraphicsPipeline(
const std::function<void(const UniqueKey&, const GraphicsPipeline*)>& fn)
struct PipelineStats {
int fGraphicsCacheHits = 0;
int fGraphicsCacheMisses = 0;
int fGraphicsCacheAdditions = 0;
int fGraphicsRaces = 0;
int fGraphicsPurges = 0;
PipelineStats getStats() const SK_EXCLUDES(fSpinLock);
// Find and add operations for ComputePipelines, with the same pattern as GraphicsPipelines.
sk_sp<ComputePipeline> findComputePipeline(const UniqueKey&) SK_EXCLUDES(fSpinLock);
sk_sp<ComputePipeline> addComputePipeline(const UniqueKey&,
sk_sp<ComputePipeline>) SK_EXCLUDES(fSpinLock);
// The GlobalCache holds a ref on the given Resource until the cache is destroyed, keeping it
// alive for the lifetime of the SharedContext. This should be used only for Resources that are
// immutable after initialization so that anyone can use the resource without synchronization
// or reference tracking.
void addStaticResource(sk_sp<Resource>) SK_EXCLUDES(fSpinLock);
using PipelineCallbackContext = void*;
using PipelineCallback = void (*)(PipelineCallbackContext context, sk_sp<SkData> pipelineData);
void setPipelineCallback(PipelineCallback, PipelineCallbackContext) SK_EXCLUDES(fSpinLock);
void invokePipelineCallback(SharedContext*,
const GraphicsPipelineDesc&,
const RenderPassDesc&);
struct KeyHash {
uint32_t operator()(const UniqueKey& key) const { return key.hash(); }
static void LogPurge(const UniqueKey& key, sk_sp<GraphicsPipeline>* p);
struct PurgeCB {
void operator()(const UniqueKey& k, sk_sp<GraphicsPipeline>* p) const { LogPurge(k, p); }
using GraphicsPipelineCache = SkLRUCache<UniqueKey, sk_sp<GraphicsPipeline>, KeyHash, PurgeCB>;
using ComputePipelineCache = SkLRUCache<UniqueKey, sk_sp<ComputePipeline>, KeyHash>;
// TODO: can we do something better given this should have write-seldom/read-often behavior?
mutable SkSpinlock fSpinLock;
// GraphicsPipelines and ComputePipelines are expensive to create, likely to be used by multiple
// Recorders, and are ideally pre-compiled on process startup so thread write-contention is
// expected to be low. For these reasons we store pipelines globally instead of per-Recorder.
GraphicsPipelineCache fGraphicsPipelineCache SK_GUARDED_BY(fSpinLock);
ComputePipelineCache fComputePipelineCache SK_GUARDED_BY(fSpinLock);
skia_private::TArray<sk_sp<Resource>> fStaticResource SK_GUARDED_BY(fSpinLock);
PipelineCallback fPipelineCallback SK_GUARDED_BY(fSpinLock) = nullptr;
PipelineCallbackContext fPipelineCallbackContext SK_GUARDED_BY(fSpinLock) = nullptr;
#if defined(GPU_TEST_UTILS)
PipelineStats fStats SK_GUARDED_BY(fSpinLock);
} // namespace skgpu::graphite
#endif // skgpu_graphite_GlobalCache_DEFINED