blob: c1384fe8ea42c5621ca1f9d0a84cdf8a8db2147e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "GrCCDrawPathsOp.h"
#include "GrContext.h"
#include "GrContextPriv.h"
#include "GrMemoryPool.h"
#include "GrOpFlushState.h"
#include "ccpr/GrCCPathCache.h"
#include "ccpr/GrCCPerFlushResources.h"
#include "ccpr/GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer.h"
static bool has_coord_transforms(const GrPaint& paint) {
GrFragmentProcessor::Iter iter(paint);
while (const GrFragmentProcessor* fp = {
if (!fp->coordTransforms().empty()) {
return true;
return false;
static int64_t area(const SkIRect& r) {
return sk_64_mul(r.height(), r.width());
std::unique_ptr<GrCCDrawPathsOp> GrCCDrawPathsOp::Make(
GrContext* context, const SkIRect& clipIBounds, const SkMatrix& m, const GrShape& shape,
GrPaint&& paint) {
SkRect conservativeDevBounds;
m.mapRect(&conservativeDevBounds, shape.bounds());
const SkStrokeRec& stroke =;
float strokeDevWidth = 0;
float conservativeInflationRadius = 0;
if (!stroke.isFillStyle()) {
strokeDevWidth = GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::GetStrokeDevWidth(
m, stroke, &conservativeInflationRadius);
conservativeDevBounds.outset(conservativeInflationRadius, conservativeInflationRadius);
std::unique_ptr<GrCCDrawPathsOp> op;
float conservativeSize = SkTMax(conservativeDevBounds.height(), conservativeDevBounds.width());
if (conservativeSize > GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::kPathCropThreshold) {
// The path is too large. Crop it or analytic AA can run out of fp32 precision.
SkPath croppedDevPath;
croppedDevPath.transform(m, &croppedDevPath);
SkIRect cropBox = clipIBounds;
GrShape croppedDevShape;
if (stroke.isFillStyle()) {
GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::CropPath(croppedDevPath, cropBox, &croppedDevPath);
croppedDevShape = GrShape(croppedDevPath);
conservativeDevBounds = croppedDevShape.bounds();
} else {
int r = SkScalarCeilToInt(conservativeInflationRadius);
cropBox.outset(r, r);
GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::CropPath(croppedDevPath, cropBox, &croppedDevPath);
SkStrokeRec devStroke = stroke;
croppedDevShape = GrShape(croppedDevPath, GrStyle(devStroke, nullptr));
conservativeDevBounds = croppedDevPath.getBounds();
conservativeDevBounds.outset(conservativeInflationRadius, conservativeInflationRadius);
// FIXME: This breaks local coords:
return InternalMake(context, clipIBounds, SkMatrix::I(), croppedDevShape, strokeDevWidth,
conservativeDevBounds, std::move(paint));
return InternalMake(context, clipIBounds, m, shape, strokeDevWidth, conservativeDevBounds,
std::unique_ptr<GrCCDrawPathsOp> GrCCDrawPathsOp::InternalMake(
GrContext* context, const SkIRect& clipIBounds, const SkMatrix& m, const GrShape& shape,
float strokeDevWidth, const SkRect& conservativeDevBounds, GrPaint&& paint) {
// The path itself should have been cropped if larger than kPathCropThreshold. If it had a
// stroke, that would have further inflated its draw bounds.
SkASSERT(SkTMax(conservativeDevBounds.height(), conservativeDevBounds.width()) <
GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::kPathCropThreshold +
GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::kMaxBoundsInflationFromStroke*2 + 1);
SkIRect shapeConservativeIBounds;
SkIRect maskDevIBounds;
Visibility maskVisibility;
if (clipIBounds.contains(shapeConservativeIBounds)) {
maskDevIBounds = shapeConservativeIBounds;
maskVisibility = Visibility::kComplete;
} else {
if (!maskDevIBounds.intersect(clipIBounds, shapeConservativeIBounds)) {
return nullptr;
int64_t unclippedArea = area(shapeConservativeIBounds);
int64_t clippedArea = area(maskDevIBounds);
maskVisibility = (clippedArea >= unclippedArea/2 || unclippedArea < 100*100)
? Visibility::kMostlyComplete // i.e., visible enough to justify rendering the
// whole thing if we think we can cache it.
: Visibility::kPartial;
GrOpMemoryPool* pool = context->contextPriv().opMemoryPool();
return pool->allocate<GrCCDrawPathsOp>(m, shape, strokeDevWidth, shapeConservativeIBounds,
maskDevIBounds, maskVisibility, conservativeDevBounds,
GrCCDrawPathsOp::GrCCDrawPathsOp(const SkMatrix& m, const GrShape& shape, float strokeDevWidth,
const SkIRect& shapeConservativeIBounds,
const SkIRect& maskDevIBounds, Visibility maskVisibility,
const SkRect& conservativeDevBounds, GrPaint&& paint)
: GrDrawOp(ClassID())
, fViewMatrixIfUsingLocalCoords(has_coord_transforms(paint) ? m : SkMatrix::I())
, fDraws(m, shape, strokeDevWidth, shapeConservativeIBounds, maskDevIBounds, maskVisibility,
, fProcessors(std::move(paint)) { // Paint must be moved after fetching its color above.
SkDEBUGCODE(fBaseInstance = -1);
// FIXME: intersect with clip bounds to (hopefully) improve batching.
// (This is nontrivial due to assumptions in generating the octagon cover geometry.)
this->setBounds(conservativeDevBounds, GrOp::HasAABloat::kYes, GrOp::IsZeroArea::kNo);
GrCCDrawPathsOp::~GrCCDrawPathsOp() {
if (fOwningPerOpListPaths) {
// Remove the list's dangling pointer to this Op before deleting it.
GrCCDrawPathsOp::SingleDraw::SingleDraw(const SkMatrix& m, const GrShape& shape,
float strokeDevWidth,
const SkIRect& shapeConservativeIBounds,
const SkIRect& maskDevIBounds, Visibility maskVisibility,
const SkPMColor4f& color)
: fMatrix(m)
, fShape(shape)
, fStrokeDevWidth(strokeDevWidth)
, fShapeConservativeIBounds(shapeConservativeIBounds)
, fMaskDevIBounds(maskDevIBounds)
, fMaskVisibility(maskVisibility)
, fColor(color) {
if (fShape.hasUnstyledKey()) {
// On AOSP we round view matrix translates to integer values for cachable paths. We do this
// to match HWUI's cache hit ratio, which doesn't consider the matrix when caching paths.
GrCCDrawPathsOp::SingleDraw::~SingleDraw() {
if (fCacheEntry) {
// All currFlushAtlas references must be reset back to null before the flush is finished.
GrDrawOp::RequiresDstTexture GrCCDrawPathsOp::finalize(const GrCaps& caps,
const GrAppliedClip* clip) {
SkASSERT(1 == fNumDraws); // There should only be one single path draw in this Op right now.
SingleDraw* draw = &fDraws.head();
const GrProcessorSet::Analysis& analysis = fProcessors.finalize(
draw->fColor, GrProcessorAnalysisCoverage::kSingleChannel, clip, false, caps,
// Lines start looking jagged when they get thinner than 1px. For thin strokes it looks better
// if we can convert them to hairline (i.e., inflate the stroke width to 1px), and instead
// reduce the opacity to create the illusion of thin-ness. This strategy also helps reduce
// artifacts from coverage dilation when there are self intersections.
if (analysis.isCompatibleWithCoverageAsAlpha() &&
!draw-> && draw->fStrokeDevWidth < 1) {
// Modifying the shape affects its cache key. The draw can't have a cache entry yet or else
// our next step would invalidate it.
SkASSERT(SkStrokeRec::kStroke_Style == draw->;
SkPath path;
// Create a hairline version of our stroke.
SkStrokeRec hairlineStroke = draw->;
// How transparent does a 1px stroke have to be in order to appear as thin as the real one?
float coverage = draw->fStrokeDevWidth;
draw->fShape = GrShape(path, GrStyle(hairlineStroke, nullptr));
draw->fStrokeDevWidth = 1;
// TODO4F: Preserve float colors
// fShapeConservativeIBounds already accounted for this possibility of inflating the stroke.
draw->fColor = draw->fColor * coverage;
return RequiresDstTexture(analysis.requiresDstTexture());
GrOp::CombineResult GrCCDrawPathsOp::onCombineIfPossible(GrOp* op, const GrCaps&) {
GrCCDrawPathsOp* that = op->cast<GrCCDrawPathsOp>();
SkASSERT(!that->fOwningPerOpListPaths || that->fOwningPerOpListPaths == fOwningPerOpListPaths);
if (fProcessors != that->fProcessors ||
fViewMatrixIfUsingLocalCoords != that->fViewMatrixIfUsingLocalCoords) {
return CombineResult::kCannotCombine;
fDraws.append(std::move(that->fDraws), &fOwningPerOpListPaths->fAllocator);
SkDEBUGCODE(fNumDraws += that->fNumDraws);
SkDEBUGCODE(that->fNumDraws = 0);
return CombineResult::kMerged;
void GrCCDrawPathsOp::addToOwningPerOpListPaths(sk_sp<GrCCPerOpListPaths> owningPerOpListPaths) {
SkASSERT(1 == fNumDraws);
fOwningPerOpListPaths = std::move(owningPerOpListPaths);
void GrCCDrawPathsOp::accountForOwnPaths(GrCCPathCache* pathCache,
GrOnFlushResourceProvider* onFlushRP,
const GrUniqueKey& stashedAtlasKey,
GrCCPerFlushResourceSpecs* specs) {
using CreateIfAbsent = GrCCPathCache::CreateIfAbsent;
using MaskTransform = GrCCPathCache::MaskTransform;
for (SingleDraw& draw : fDraws) {
SkPath path;
if (pathCache) {
MaskTransform m(draw.fMatrix, &draw.fCachedMaskShift);
bool canStashPathMask = draw.fMaskVisibility >= Visibility::kMostlyComplete;
draw.fCacheEntry = pathCache->find(draw.fShape, m, CreateIfAbsent(canStashPathMask));
if (auto cacheEntry = draw.fCacheEntry.get()) {
SkASSERT(!cacheEntry->currFlushAtlas()); // Shouldn't be set until setupResources().
if (cacheEntry->atlasKey().isValid()) {
// Does the path already exist in a cached atlas?
if (cacheEntry->hasCachedAtlas() &&
(draw.fCachedAtlasProxy = onFlushRP->findOrCreateProxyByUniqueKey(
GrCCAtlas::kTextureOrigin))) {
// Does the path exist in the atlas that we stashed away from last flush? If so we
// can copy it into a new 8-bit atlas and keep it in the resource cache.
if (stashedAtlasKey.isValid() && stashedAtlasKey == cacheEntry->atlasKey()) {
int idx = (
? GrCCPerFlushResourceSpecs::kFillIdx
: GrCCPerFlushResourceSpecs::kStrokeIdx;
// Whatever atlas the path used to reside in, it no longer exists.
if (Visibility::kMostlyComplete == draw.fMaskVisibility && cacheEntry->hitCount() > 1) {
int shapeSize = SkTMax(draw.fShapeConservativeIBounds.height(),
if (shapeSize <= onFlushRP->caps()->maxRenderTargetSize()) {
// We've seen this path before with a compatible matrix, and it's mostly
// visible. Just render the whole mask so we can try to cache it.
draw.fMaskDevIBounds = draw.fShapeConservativeIBounds;
draw.fMaskVisibility = Visibility::kComplete;
int idx = (
? GrCCPerFlushResourceSpecs::kFillIdx
: GrCCPerFlushResourceSpecs::kStrokeIdx;
void GrCCDrawPathsOp::setupResources(GrOnFlushResourceProvider* onFlushRP,
GrCCPerFlushResources* resources, DoCopiesToCache doCopies) {
using DoEvenOddFill = GrCCPathProcessor::DoEvenOddFill;
SkASSERT(fNumDraws > 0);
SkASSERT(-1 == fBaseInstance);
fBaseInstance = resources->nextPathInstanceIdx();
for (SingleDraw& draw : fDraws) {
SkPath path;
auto doEvenOddFill = DoEvenOddFill( &&
SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType == path.getFillType());
SkASSERT(SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType == path.getFillType() ||
SkPath::kWinding_FillType == path.getFillType());
if (auto cacheEntry = draw.fCacheEntry.get()) {
// Does the path already exist in a cached atlas texture?
if (auto proxy = draw.fCachedAtlasProxy.get()) {
this->recordInstance(proxy, resources->nextPathInstanceIdx());
// TODO4F: Preserve float colors
resources->appendDrawPathInstance().set(*cacheEntry, draw.fCachedMaskShift,
// Have we already encountered this path during the flush? (i.e. was the same SkPath
// drawn more than once during the same flush, with a compatible matrix?)
if (auto atlas = cacheEntry->currFlushAtlas()) {
this->recordInstance(atlas->textureProxy(), resources->nextPathInstanceIdx());
// TODO4F: Preserve float colors
*cacheEntry, draw.fCachedMaskShift, draw.fColor.toBytes_RGBA(),
cacheEntry->hasCachedAtlas() ? DoEvenOddFill::kNo : doEvenOddFill);
// If the cache entry still has a valid atlas key at this point, it means the path
// exists in the atlas that we stashed away from last flush. Copy it into a permanent
// 8-bit atlas in the resource cache.
if (DoCopiesToCache::kYes == doCopies && cacheEntry->atlasKey().isValid()) {
SkIVector newOffset;
GrCCAtlas* atlas =
resources->copyPathToCachedAtlas(*cacheEntry, doEvenOddFill, &newOffset);
atlas->getOrAssignUniqueKey(onFlushRP), newOffset,
this->recordInstance(atlas->textureProxy(), resources->nextPathInstanceIdx());
// TODO4F: Preserve float colors
resources->appendDrawPathInstance().set(*cacheEntry, draw.fCachedMaskShift,
// Remember this atlas in case we encounter the path again during the same flush.
// Render the raw path into a coverage count atlas. renderPathInAtlas() gives us two tight
// bounding boxes: One in device space, as well as a second one rotated an additional 45
// degrees. The path vertex shader uses these two bounding boxes to generate an octagon that
// circumscribes the path.
SkRect devBounds, devBounds45;
SkIRect devIBounds;
SkIVector devToAtlasOffset;
if (auto atlas = resources->renderShapeInAtlas(
draw.fMaskDevIBounds, draw.fMatrix, draw.fShape, draw.fStrokeDevWidth,
&devBounds, &devBounds45, &devIBounds, &devToAtlasOffset)) {
this->recordInstance(atlas->textureProxy(), resources->nextPathInstanceIdx());
// TODO4F: Preserve float colors
resources->appendDrawPathInstance().set(devBounds, devBounds45, devToAtlasOffset,
draw.fColor.toBytes_RGBA(), doEvenOddFill);
// If we have a spot in the path cache, try to make a note of where this mask is so we
// can reuse it in the future.
if (auto cacheEntry = draw.fCacheEntry.get()) {
if (Visibility::kComplete != draw.fMaskVisibility || cacheEntry->hitCount() <= 1) {
// Don't cache a path mask unless it's completely visible with a hit count > 1.
// NOTE: mostly-visible paths with a hit count > 1 should have been promoted to
// fully visible during accountForOwnPaths().
if (resources->nextAtlasToStash() != atlas) {
// This mask does not belong to the atlas that will be stashed for next flush.
const GrUniqueKey& atlasKey =
cacheEntry->initAsStashedAtlas(atlasKey, devToAtlasOffset, devBounds, devBounds45,
devIBounds, draw.fCachedMaskShift);
// Remember this atlas in case we encounter the path again during the same flush.
if (!fInstanceRanges.empty()) {
fInstanceRanges.back().fEndInstanceIdx = resources->nextPathInstanceIdx();
inline void GrCCDrawPathsOp::recordInstance(GrTextureProxy* atlasProxy, int instanceIdx) {
if (fInstanceRanges.empty()) {
fInstanceRanges.push_back({atlasProxy, instanceIdx});
if (fInstanceRanges.back().fAtlasProxy != atlasProxy) {
fInstanceRanges.back().fEndInstanceIdx = instanceIdx;
fInstanceRanges.push_back({atlasProxy, instanceIdx});
void GrCCDrawPathsOp::onExecute(GrOpFlushState* flushState, const SkRect& chainBounds) {
const GrCCPerFlushResources* resources = fOwningPerOpListPaths->fFlushResources.get();
if (!resources) {
return; // Setup failed.
GrPipeline::InitArgs initArgs;
initArgs.fProxy = flushState->drawOpArgs().fProxy;
initArgs.fCaps = &flushState->caps();
initArgs.fResourceProvider = flushState->resourceProvider();
initArgs.fDstProxy = flushState->drawOpArgs().fDstProxy;
auto clip = flushState->detachAppliedClip();
GrPipeline::FixedDynamicState fixedDynamicState(clip.scissorState().rect());
GrPipeline pipeline(initArgs, std::move(fProcessors), std::move(clip));
int baseInstance = fBaseInstance;
SkASSERT(baseInstance >= 0); // Make sure setupResources() has been called.
for (const InstanceRange& range : fInstanceRanges) {
SkASSERT(range.fEndInstanceIdx > baseInstance);
GrCCPathProcessor pathProc(range.fAtlasProxy, fViewMatrixIfUsingLocalCoords);
GrTextureProxy* atlasProxy = range.fAtlasProxy;
fixedDynamicState.fPrimitiveProcessorTextures = &atlasProxy;
pathProc.drawPaths(flushState, pipeline, &fixedDynamicState, *resources, baseInstance,
range.fEndInstanceIdx, this->bounds());
baseInstance = range.fEndInstanceIdx;