blob: c7ac4a949bcb8a5359bbabf9be560eb4231895f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Not exposed in shared module
$genIType mix($genIType x, $genIType y, $genBType a);
$genBType mix($genBType x, $genBType y, $genBType a);
$genType fma($genType a, $genType b, $genType c);
$genHType fma($genHType a, $genHType b, $genHType c);
sk_has_side_effects $genType frexp($genType x, out $genIType exp);
sk_has_side_effects $genHType frexp($genHType x, out $genIType exp);
$genType ldexp($genType x, in $genIType exp);
$genHType ldexp($genHType x, in $genIType exp);
uint packSnorm2x16(float2 v);
uint packUnorm4x8(float4 v);
uint packSnorm4x8(float4 v);
float2 unpackSnorm2x16(uint p);
float4 unpackUnorm4x8(uint p);
float4 unpackSnorm4x8(uint p);
uint packHalf2x16(float2 v);
float2 unpackHalf2x16(uint v);
$bvec lessThan($svec x, $svec y);
$bvec lessThan($usvec x, $usvec y);
$bvec lessThan($uvec x, $uvec y);
$bvec lessThanEqual($uvec x, $uvec y);
$bvec lessThanEqual($svec x, $svec y);
$bvec lessThanEqual($usvec x, $usvec y);
$bvec greaterThan($uvec x, $uvec y);
$bvec greaterThan($svec x, $svec y);
$bvec greaterThan($usvec x, $usvec y);
$bvec greaterThanEqual($uvec x, $uvec y);
$bvec greaterThanEqual($svec x, $svec y);
$bvec greaterThanEqual($usvec x, $usvec y);
$bvec equal($uvec x, $uvec y);
$bvec equal($svec x, $svec y);
$bvec equal($usvec x, $usvec y);
$bvec notEqual($uvec x, $uvec y);
$bvec notEqual($svec x, $svec y);
$bvec notEqual($usvec x, $usvec y);
$genIType bitCount($genIType value);
$genIType bitCount($genUType value);
$genIType findLSB($genIType value);
$genIType findLSB($genUType value);
$genIType findMSB($genIType value);
$genIType findMSB($genUType value);
sampler2D makeSampler2D(texture2D texture, sampler s);
half4 sample(sampler2D s, float2 P);
half4 sample(samplerExternalOES s, float2 P, float bias);
half4 sample(samplerExternalOES s, float2 P);
half4 sample(sampler2DRect s, float2 P);
half4 sample(sampler2DRect s, float3 P);
// Currently we do not support the generic types of loading subpassInput so we have some explicit
// versions that we currently use
half4 subpassLoad(subpassInput subpass);
half4 subpassLoad(subpassInputMS subpass, int sample);
half4 sample(sampler2D s, float3 P);
half4 sample(sampler2D s, float3 P, float bias);
// Definitions of functions implementing all of the SkBlendMode blends.
half4 blend_clear(half4 src, half4 dst) { return half4(0); }
half4 blend_src(half4 src, half4 dst) { return src; }
half4 blend_dst(half4 src, half4 dst) { return dst; }
half4 blend_src_over(half4 src, half4 dst) { return src + (1 - src.a)*dst; }
half4 blend_dst_over(half4 src, half4 dst) { return (1 - dst.a)*src + dst; }
half4 blend_src_in(half4 src, half4 dst) { return src*dst.a; }
half4 blend_dst_in(half4 src, half4 dst) { return dst*src.a; }
half4 blend_src_out(half4 src, half4 dst) { return (1 - dst.a)*src; }
half4 blend_dst_out(half4 src, half4 dst) { return (1 - src.a)*dst; }
half4 blend_src_atop(half4 src, half4 dst) { return dst.a*src + (1 - src.a)*dst; }
half4 blend_dst_atop(half4 src, half4 dst) { return (1 - dst.a) * src + src.a*dst; }
half4 blend_xor(half4 src, half4 dst) { return (1 - dst.a)*src + (1 - src.a)*dst; }
half4 blend_plus(half4 src, half4 dst) { return min(src + dst, 1); }
// This multi-purpose Porter-Duff blend function can perform any of the thirteen blends above,
// when passed one of the following values for BlendOp:
// - SrcOver: half4(1, 0, 0, -1)
// - DstOver: half4(0, 1, -1, 0)
// - SrcIn: half4(0, 0, 1, 0)
// - DstIn: half4(0, 0, 0, 1)
// - SrcOut: half4(0, 0, -1, 0)
// - DstOut: half4(0, 0, 0, -1)
// - SrcATop: half4(0, 0, 1, -1)
// - DstATop: half4(0, 0, -1, 1)
// - Xor: half4(0, 0, -1, -1)
// - Plus: half4(1, 1, 0, 0)
half4 blend_porter_duff(half4 src, half4 dst, half4 blendOp) {
half2 coeff = blendOp.xy + ( * (half2(dst.a, src.a) + min(, 0)));
return min(half4(1), src * coeff.x + dst * coeff.y);
half4 blend_modulate(half4 src, half4 dst) { return src*dst; }
half4 blend_screen(half4 src, half4 dst) { return src + (1 - src)*dst; }
half $blend_overlay_component(half2 s, half2 d) {
return (2*d.x <= d.y) ? 2*s.x*d.x
: s.y*d.y - 2*(d.y - d.x)*(s.y - s.x);
half4 blend_overlay(half4 src, half4 dst) {
half4 result = half4($blend_overlay_component(src.ra, dst.ra),
src.a + (1 - src.a)*dst.a);
result.rgb += dst.rgb*(1 - src.a) + src.rgb*(1 - dst.a);
return result;
half4 blend_overlay(half4 a, half4 b, half flip) {
return blend_overlay(bool(flip) ? b : a, bool(flip) ? a : b);
half4 blend_lighten(half4 src, half4 dst) {
half4 result = blend_src_over(src, dst);
result.rgb = max(result.rgb, (1 - dst.a)*src.rgb + dst.rgb);
return result;
half4 blend_darken(half4 src, half4 dst, half mode /* darken: 1, lighten: -1 */) {
half4 a = blend_src_over(src, dst);
half3 b = (1 - dst.a) * src.rgb + dst.rgb; // DstOver.rgb
a.rgb = mode * min(a.rgb * mode, b.rgb * mode);
return a;
half4 blend_darken(half4 src, half4 dst) {
return blend_darken(src, dst, 1);
half $guarded_divide(half n, half d) {
return sk_Caps.mustGuardDivisionEvenAfterExplicitZeroCheck
? n/(d + 0.00000001)
: n/d;
half3 $guarded_divide(half3 n, half d) {
return sk_Caps.mustGuardDivisionEvenAfterExplicitZeroCheck
? n/(d + 0.00000001)
: n/d;
half $color_dodge_component(half2 s, half2 d) {
if (d.x == 0) {
return s.x*(1 - d.y);
} else {
half delta = s.y - s.x;
if (delta == 0) {
return s.y*d.y + s.x*(1 - d.y) + d.x*(1 - s.y);
} else {
delta = min(d.y, $guarded_divide(d.x*s.y, delta));
return delta*s.y + s.x*(1 - d.y) + d.x*(1 - s.y);
half4 blend_color_dodge(half4 src, half4 dst) {
return half4($color_dodge_component(src.ra, dst.ra),
src.a + (1 - src.a)*dst.a);
half $color_burn_component(half2 s, half2 d) {
if (d.y == d.x) {
return s.y*d.y + s.x*(1 - d.y) + d.x*(1 - s.y);
} else if (s.x == 0) {
return d.x*(1 - s.y);
} else {
half delta = max(0, d.y - $guarded_divide((d.y - d.x)*s.y, s.x));
return delta*s.y + s.x*(1 - d.y) + d.x*(1 - s.y);
half4 blend_color_burn(half4 src, half4 dst) {
return half4($color_burn_component(src.ra, dst.ra),
src.a + (1 - src.a)*dst.a);
half4 blend_hard_light(half4 src, half4 dst) {
return blend_overlay(dst, src);
half $soft_light_component(half2 s, half2 d) {
if (2*s.x <= s.y) {
return $guarded_divide(d.x*d.x*(s.y - 2*s.x), d.y) + (1 - d.y)*s.x + d.x*(-s.y + 2*s.x + 1);
} else if (4.0 * d.x <= d.y) {
half DSqd = d.x*d.x;
half DCub = DSqd*d.x;
half DaSqd = d.y*d.y;
half DaCub = DaSqd*d.y;
return $guarded_divide(DaSqd*(s.x - d.x*(3*s.y - 6*s.x - 1)) + 12*d.y*DSqd*(s.y - 2*s.x)
- 16*DCub * (s.y - 2*s.x) - DaCub*s.x, DaSqd);
} else {
return d.x*(s.y - 2*s.x + 1) + s.x - sqrt(d.y*d.x)*(s.y - 2*s.x) - d.y*s.x;
half4 blend_soft_light(half4 src, half4 dst) {
return (dst.a == 0) ? src : half4($soft_light_component(src.ra, dst.ra),
src.a + (1 - src.a)*dst.a);
half4 blend_difference(half4 src, half4 dst) {
return half4(src.rgb + dst.rgb - 2*min(src.rgb*dst.a, dst.rgb*src.a),
src.a + (1 - src.a)*dst.a);
half4 blend_exclusion(half4 src, half4 dst) {
return half4(dst.rgb + src.rgb - 2*dst.rgb*src.rgb, src.a + (1 - src.a)*dst.a);
half4 blend_multiply(half4 src, half4 dst) {
return half4((1 - src.a)*dst.rgb + (1 - dst.a)*src.rgb + src.rgb*dst.rgb,
src.a + (1 - src.a)*dst.a);
half $blend_color_luminance(half3 color) { return dot(half3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), color); }
half3 $blend_set_color_luminance(half3 hueSatColor, half alpha, half3 lumColor) {
half lum = $blend_color_luminance(lumColor);
half3 result = lum - $blend_color_luminance(hueSatColor) + hueSatColor;
half minComp = min(min(result.r, result.g), result.b);
half maxComp = max(max(result.r, result.g), result.b);
if (minComp < 0 && lum != minComp) {
result = lum + (result - lum) * $guarded_divide(lum, (lum - minComp));
if (maxComp > alpha && maxComp != lum) {
result = lum + $guarded_divide((result - lum) * (alpha - lum), (maxComp - lum));
return result;
half $blend_color_saturation(half3 color) {
return max(max(color.r, color.g), color.b) - min(min(color.r, color.g), color.b);
half3 $blend_set_color_saturation(half3 color, half3 satColor) {
half mn = min(min(color.r, color.g), color.b);
half mx = max(max(color.r, color.g), color.b);
return (mx > mn) ? ((color - mn) * $blend_color_saturation(satColor)) / (mx - mn)
: half3(0);
half4 blend_hslc(half4 src, half4 dst, half2 flipSat) {
half alpha = dst.a * src.a;
half3 sda = src.rgb * dst.a;
half3 dsa = dst.rgb * src.a;
half3 l = bool(flipSat.x) ? dsa : sda;
half3 r = bool(flipSat.x) ? sda : dsa;
if (bool(flipSat.y)) {
l = $blend_set_color_saturation(l, r);
r = dsa;
return half4($blend_set_color_luminance(l, alpha, r) + dst.rgb - dsa + src.rgb - sda,
src.a + dst.a - alpha);
half4 blend_hue(half4 src, half4 dst) {
return blend_hslc(src, dst, half2(0, 1));
half4 blend_saturation(half4 src, half4 dst) {
return blend_hslc(src, dst, half2(1));
half4 blend_color(half4 src, half4 dst) {
return blend_hslc(src, dst, half2(0));
half4 blend_luminosity(half4 src, half4 dst) {
return blend_hslc(src, dst, half2(1, 0));
float2 proj(float3 p) { return p.xy / p.z; }
// Implement cross() as a determinant to communicate our intent more clearly to the compiler.
// NOTE: Due to precision issues, it might be the case that cross(a, a) != 0.
float cross_length_2d(float2 a, float2 b) {
return sk_Caps.builtinDeterminantSupport ? determinant(float2x2(a, b))
: a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x;
half cross_length_2d(half2 a, half2 b) {
return sk_Caps.builtinDeterminantSupport ? determinant(half2x2(a, b))
: a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x;