blob: 3b3ec23f8f8d67210633421705daa638680694e2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrCCPerFlushResources_DEFINED
#define GrCCPerFlushResources_DEFINED
#include "src/gpu/GrNonAtomicRef.h"
#include "src/gpu/ccpr/GrCCAtlas.h"
class GrOnFlushResourceProvider;
* This class wraps all the GPU resources that CCPR builds at flush time. It is allocated in CCPR's
* preFlush() method, and referenced by all the GrCCPerOpsTaskPaths objects that are being flushed.
* It is deleted in postFlush() once all the flushing GrCCPerOpsTaskPaths objects are deleted.
class GrCCPerFlushResources : public GrNonAtomicRef<GrCCPerFlushResources> {
GrCCPerFlushResources(GrOnFlushResourceProvider*, const GrCCAtlas::Specs&);
// Renders a path into an atlas.
// If the return value is non-null, it means the given path did not fit in the then-current
// atlas, so it was retired and a new one was added to the stack. The return value is the
// newly-retired atlas. (*NOT* the atlas the path was just drawn into.) The caller must call
// assignAtlasTexture on all GrCCClipPaths that will use the retired atlas.
std::unique_ptr<GrCCAtlas> renderDeviceSpacePathInAtlas(
GrOnFlushResourceProvider*, const SkIRect& clipIBounds, const SkPath& devPath,
const SkIRect& devPathIBounds, GrFillRule fillRule, SkIVector* devToAtlasOffset);
// Finishes off the GPU buffers and renders the atlas(es).
std::unique_ptr<GrCCAtlas> finalize(GrOnFlushResourceProvider*);
// If the return value is non-null, it means the given path did not fit in the then-current
// atlas, so it was retired and a new one was added to the stack. The return value is the
// newly-retired atlas. (*NOT* the atlas the path was just drawn into.) The caller must call
// assignAtlasTexture on all GrCCClipPaths that will use the retired atlas.
std::unique_ptr<GrCCAtlas> placeRenderedPathInAtlas(
GrOnFlushResourceProvider*, const SkIRect& clippedPathIBounds, GrScissorTest,
SkIVector* devToAtlasOffset);
// Enqueues the given path to be rendered during the next call to flushRenderedPaths().
void enqueueRenderedPath(const SkPath&, GrFillRule, const SkIRect& clippedDevIBounds,
const SkMatrix& pathToAtlasMatrix, GrScissorTest enableScissorInAtlas,
SkIVector devToAtlasOffset);
// Renders all enqueued paths into the given atlas and clears our path queue.
void flushRenderedPaths(GrOnFlushResourceProvider*);
const GrCCAtlas::Specs fAtlasSpecs;
// Paths to be rendered in the atlas we are currently building.
struct AtlasPaths {
SkPath fUberPath; // Contains all contours from all non-scissored paths.
SkSTArray<32, std::tuple<SkPath, SkIRect>> fScissoredPaths;
static_assert((int)GrFillRule::kNonzero == 0);
static_assert((int)GrFillRule::kEvenOdd == 1);
AtlasPaths fAtlasPaths[2]; // One for "nonzero" fill rule and one for "even-odd".
std::unique_ptr<GrCCAtlas> fAtlas;