blob: f9bf45ad05ae5a2a0cfa0777ad19bb38c0afa9ce [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ContextUtils.h"
#include <string>
#include "src/core/SkBlenderBase.h"
#include "src/gpu/BlendFormula.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/Caps.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/GraphicsPipelineDesc.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/KeyContext.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/PaintParams.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/PipelineData.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/RecorderPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/Renderer.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ResourceProvider.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ShaderCodeDictionary.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/UniformManager.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/UniquePaintParamsID.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLString.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLUtil.h"
namespace skgpu::graphite {
std::tuple<UniquePaintParamsID, const UniformDataBlock*, const TextureDataBlock*>
ExtractPaintData(Recorder* recorder,
PipelineDataGatherer* gatherer,
PaintParamsKeyBuilder* builder,
const Layout layout,
const SkM44& local2Dev,
const PaintParams& p,
sk_sp<TextureProxy> dstTexture,
const SkColorInfo& targetColorInfo) {
KeyContext keyContext(recorder, local2Dev, targetColorInfo, p.color(), std::move(dstTexture));
p.toKey(keyContext, builder, gatherer);
UniquePaintParamsID paintID = recorder->priv().shaderCodeDictionary()->findOrCreate(builder);
const UniformDataBlock* uniforms = nullptr;
const TextureDataBlock* textures = nullptr;
if (paintID.isValid()) {
if (gatherer->hasUniforms()) {
UniformDataCache* uniformDataCache = recorder->priv().uniformDataCache();
uniforms = uniformDataCache->insert(gatherer->finishUniformDataBlock());
if (gatherer->hasTextures()) {
TextureDataCache* textureDataCache = recorder->priv().textureDataCache();
textures = textureDataCache->insert(gatherer->textureDataBlock());
return { paintID, uniforms, textures };
std::tuple<const UniformDataBlock*, const TextureDataBlock*> ExtractRenderStepData(
UniformDataCache* uniformDataCache,
TextureDataCache* textureDataCache,
PipelineDataGatherer* gatherer,
const Layout layout,
const RenderStep* step,
const DrawParams& params) {
step->writeUniformsAndTextures(params, gatherer);
const UniformDataBlock* uniforms =
gatherer->hasUniforms() ? uniformDataCache->insert(gatherer->finishUniformDataBlock())
: nullptr;
const TextureDataBlock* textures =
gatherer->hasTextures() ? textureDataCache->insert(gatherer->textureDataBlock())
: nullptr;
return { uniforms, textures };
DstReadRequirement GetDstReadRequirement(const Caps* caps,
std::optional<SkBlendMode> blendMode,
bool hasCoverage) {
// If the blend mode is absent, this is assumed to be for a runtime blender, for which we always
// do a dst read.
if (!blendMode || *blendMode > SkBlendMode::kLastCoeffMode) {
return caps->getDstReadRequirement();
BlendFormula blendFormula = skgpu::GetBlendFormula(false, hasCoverage, *blendMode);
if (blendFormula.hasSecondaryOutput() && !caps->shaderCaps()->fDualSourceBlendingSupport) {
return caps->getDstReadRequirement();
return DstReadRequirement::kNone;
namespace {
std::string get_uniform_header(int bufferID, const char* name) {
std::string result;
SkSL::String::appendf(&result, "layout (binding=%d) uniform %sUniforms {\n", bufferID, name);
return result;
std::string get_uniforms(Layout layout,
SkSpan<const Uniform> uniforms,
int* offset,
int manglingSuffix) {
std::string result;
UniformOffsetCalculator offsetter(layout, *offset);
for (const Uniform& u : uniforms) {
" layout(offset=%zu) %s %s",
offsetter.advanceOffset(u.type(), u.count()),
if (manglingSuffix >= 0) {
if (u.count()) {
*offset = offsetter.size();
return result;
std::string get_node_uniforms(Layout layout, const ShaderNode* node, int* offset) {
std::string result;
SkSpan<const Uniform> uniforms = node->entry()->fUniforms;
if (!uniforms.empty()) {
SkSL::String::appendf(&result, "// %d - %s uniforms\n",
node->keyIndex(), node->entry()->fName);
result += get_uniforms(layout, uniforms, offset, node->keyIndex());
for (const ShaderNode* child : node->children()) {
result += get_node_uniforms(layout, child, offset);
return result;
std::string get_node_ssbo_fields(const ShaderNode* node) {
std::string result;
SkSpan<const Uniform> uniforms = node->entry()->fUniforms;
if (!uniforms.empty()) {
SkSL::String::appendf(&result, "// %d - %s uniforms\n",
node->keyIndex(), node->entry()->fName);
for (const Uniform& u : uniforms) {
&result, " %s %s_%d", SkSLTypeString(u.type()),, node->keyIndex());
if (u.count()) {
SkSL::String::appendf(&result, "[%u]", u.count());
for (const ShaderNode* child : node->children()) {
result += get_node_ssbo_fields(child);
return result;
std::string get_node_texture_samplers(const ResourceBindingRequirements& bindingReqs,
const ShaderNode* node,
int* binding) {
std::string result;
SkSpan<const TextureAndSampler> samplers = node->entry()->fTexturesAndSamplers;
if (!samplers.empty()) {
SkSL::String::appendf(&result, "// %d - %s samplers\n",
node->keyIndex(), node->entry()->fName);
for (const TextureAndSampler& t : samplers) {
result += EmitSamplerLayout(bindingReqs, binding);
SkSL::String::appendf(&result, " uniform sampler2D %s_%d;\n",, node->keyIndex());
for (const ShaderNode* child : node->children()) {
result += get_node_texture_samplers(bindingReqs, child, binding);
return result;
} // anonymous namespace
std::string EmitPaintParamsUniforms(int bufferID,
const char* name,
const Layout layout,
SkSpan<const ShaderNode*> nodes) {
int offset = 0;
std::string result = get_uniform_header(bufferID, name);
for (const ShaderNode* n : nodes) {
result += get_node_uniforms(layout, n, &offset);
return result;
std::string EmitRenderStepUniforms(int bufferID,
const char* name,
const Layout layout,
SkSpan<const Uniform> uniforms) {
int offset = 0;
std::string result = get_uniform_header(bufferID, name);
result += get_uniforms(layout, uniforms, &offset, -1);
return result;
std::string EmitPaintParamsStorageBuffer(
int bufferID,
const char* bufferTypePrefix,
const char* bufferNamePrefix,
SkSpan<const ShaderNode*> nodes) {
std::string result;
SkSL::String::appendf(&result, "struct %sUniformData {\n", bufferTypePrefix);
for (const ShaderNode* n : nodes) {
result += get_node_ssbo_fields(n);
"layout (binding=%d) buffer %sUniforms {\n"
" %sUniformData %sUniformData[];\n"
return result;
std::string EmitStorageBufferAccess(const char* bufferNamePrefix,
const char* ssboIndex,
const char* uniformName) {
return SkSL::String::printf("%sUniformData[%s].%s", bufferNamePrefix, ssboIndex, uniformName);
std::string EmitTexturesAndSamplers(const ResourceBindingRequirements& bindingReqs,
SkSpan<const ShaderNode*> nodes,
int* binding) {
std::string result;
for (const ShaderNode* n : nodes) {
result += get_node_texture_samplers(bindingReqs, n, binding);
return result;
std::string EmitSamplerLayout(const ResourceBindingRequirements& bindingReqs, int* binding) {
std::string result;
// If fDistinctIndexRanges is false, then texture and sampler indices may clash with other
// resource indices. Graphite assumes that they will be placed in descriptor set (Vulkan) and
// bind group (Dawn) index 1.
if (bindingReqs.fSeparateTextureAndSamplerBinding) {
int samplerIndex = (*binding)++;
int textureIndex = (*binding)++;
"layout(wgsl, %ssampler=%d, texture=%d)",
bindingReqs.fDistinctIndexRanges ? "" : "set=1, ",
} else {
bindingReqs.fDistinctIndexRanges ? "" : "set=1, ",
return result;
namespace {
std::string emit_attributes(SkSpan<const Attribute> vertexAttrs,
SkSpan<const Attribute> instanceAttrs) {
std::string result;
int attr = 0;
auto add_attrs = [&](SkSpan<const Attribute> attrs) {
for (auto a : attrs) {
SkSL::String::appendf(&result, " layout(location=%d) in ", attr++);
SkSL::String::appendf(&result, " %s;\n",;
if (!vertexAttrs.empty()) {
result.append("// vertex attrs\n");
if (!instanceAttrs.empty()) {
result.append("// instance attrs\n");
return result;
} // anonymous namespace
std::string EmitVaryings(const RenderStep* step,
const char* direction,
bool emitShadingSsboIndexVarying,
bool emitLocalCoordsVarying) {
std::string result;
int location = 0;
if (emitShadingSsboIndexVarying) {
" layout(location=%d) %s int shadingSsboIndexVar;\n",
if (emitLocalCoordsVarying) {
SkSL::String::appendf(&result, " layout(location=%d) %s ", location++, direction);
SkSL::String::appendf(&result, " localCoordsVar;\n");
for (auto v : step->varyings()) {
SkSL::String::appendf(&result, " layout(location=%d) %s ", location++, direction);
SkSL::String::appendf(&result, " %s;\n", v.fName);
return result;
std::string GetSkSLVS(const ResourceBindingRequirements& bindingReqs,
const RenderStep* step,
bool defineShadingSsboIndexVarying,
bool defineLocalCoordsVarying) {
// TODO: To more completely support end-to-end rendering, this will need to be updated so that
// the RenderStep shader snippet can produce a device coord, a local coord, and depth.
// If the paint combination doesn't need the local coord it can be ignored, otherwise we need
// a varying for it. The fragment function's output will need to be updated to have a color and
// the depth, or when there's no combination, just the depth. Lastly, we also should add the
// static/intrinsic uniform binding point so that we can handle normalizing the device position
// produced by the RenderStep automatically.
// Fixed program header
std::string sksl =
"layout (binding=0) uniform intrinsicUniforms {\n"
" layout(offset=0) float4 rtAdjust;\n"
if (step->numVertexAttributes() > 0 || step->numInstanceAttributes() > 0) {
sksl += emit_attributes(step->vertexAttributes(), step->instanceAttributes());
// Uniforms needed by RenderStep
// The uniforms are mangled by having their index in 'fEntries' as a suffix (i.e., "_%d")
// TODO: replace hard-coded bufferID with the backend's renderstep uniform-buffer index.
if (step->numUniforms() > 0) {
sksl += EmitRenderStepUniforms(
1, "Step", bindingReqs.fUniformBufferLayout, step->uniforms());
// Varyings needed by RenderStep
sksl += EmitVaryings(step, "out", defineShadingSsboIndexVarying, defineLocalCoordsVarying);
// Vertex shader function declaration
sksl += "void main() {";
// Create stepLocalCoords which render steps can write to.
sksl += "float2 stepLocalCoords = float2(0);";
// Vertex shader body
sksl += step->vertexSkSL();
sksl += "sk_Position = float4(devPosition.xy * rtAdjust.xy + devPosition.ww *,"
if (defineShadingSsboIndexVarying) {
// Assign SSBO index value to the SSBO index varying
SkSL::String::appendf(&sksl, "shadingSsboIndexVar = %s;", step->ssboIndex());
if (defineLocalCoordsVarying) {
// Assign Render Step's stepLocalCoords to the localCoordsVar varying.
sksl += "localCoordsVar = stepLocalCoords;";
sksl += "}";
return sksl;
FragSkSLInfo GetSkSLFS(const Caps* caps,
const ShaderCodeDictionary* dict,
const RuntimeEffectDictionary* rteDict,
const RenderStep* step,
UniquePaintParamsID paintID,
bool useStorageBuffers,
skgpu::Swizzle writeSwizzle) {
if (!paintID.isValid()) {
// TODO: we should return the error shader code here
return {};
FragSkSLInfo result;
const char* shadingSsboIndexVar = useStorageBuffers ? "shadingSsboIndexVar" : nullptr;
ShaderInfo shaderInfo(paintID, dict, rteDict, shadingSsboIndexVar);
// Extra RenderStep uniforms are always backed by a UBO. Uniforms for the PaintParams are either
// UBO or SSBO backed based on `useStorageBuffers`.
result.fSkSL = shaderInfo.toSkSL(caps,
// Extract blend info after integrating the RenderStep into the final fragment shader in case
// that changes the HW blending choice to handle analytic coverage.
result.fBlendInfo = shaderInfo.blendInfo();
result.fRequiresLocalCoords = shaderInfo.needsLocalCoords();
return result;
} // namespace skgpu::graphite