blob: 47c303d64e62858ec62b90016e9c41cc29ee3144 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/mtl/GrMtlCommandBuffer.h"
#include "src/core/SkTraceEvent.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/mtl/GrMtlGpu.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/mtl/GrMtlOpsRenderPass.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/mtl/GrMtlPipelineState.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/mtl/GrMtlRenderCommandEncoder.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/mtl/GrMtlSemaphore.h"
#if !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error This file must be compiled with Arc. Use -fobjc-arc flag
sk_sp<GrMtlCommandBuffer> GrMtlCommandBuffer::Make(id<MTLCommandQueue> queue) {
if (GrMtlIsAppInBackground()) {
NSLog(@"GrMtlCommandBuffer: WARNING: Creating MTLCommandBuffer while in background.");
id<MTLCommandBuffer> mtlCommandBuffer = [queue commandBuffer];
if (nil == mtlCommandBuffer) {
return nullptr;
mtlCommandBuffer.label = @"GrMtlCommandBuffer::Make";
return sk_sp<GrMtlCommandBuffer>(new GrMtlCommandBuffer(mtlCommandBuffer));
GrMtlCommandBuffer::~GrMtlCommandBuffer() {
fCmdBuffer = nil;
void GrMtlCommandBuffer::releaseResources() {
id<MTLBlitCommandEncoder> GrMtlCommandBuffer::getBlitCommandEncoder() {
if (fActiveBlitCommandEncoder) {
return fActiveBlitCommandEncoder;
if (fCmdBuffer.status != MTLCommandBufferStatusNotEnqueued) {
NSLog(@"GrMtlCommandBuffer: tried to create MTLBlitCommandEncoder while in invalid state.");
return nullptr;
if (GrMtlIsAppInBackground()) {
fActiveBlitCommandEncoder = nil;
NSLog(@"GrMtlCommandBuffer: tried to create MTLBlitCommandEncoder while in background.");
return nil;
fActiveBlitCommandEncoder = [fCmdBuffer blitCommandEncoder];
fHasWork = true;
return fActiveBlitCommandEncoder;
static bool compatible(const MTLRenderPassAttachmentDescriptor* first,
const MTLRenderPassAttachmentDescriptor* second,
const GrMtlPipelineState* pipelineState) {
// From the Metal Best Practices Guide:
// Check to see if the previous descriptor is compatible with the new one.
// They are compatible if:
// * they share the same rendertargets
// * the first's store actions are either Store or DontCare
// * the second's load actions are either Load or DontCare
// * the second doesn't sample from any rendertargets in the first
bool renderTargetsMatch = (first.texture == second.texture);
bool storeActionsValid = first.storeAction == MTLStoreActionStore ||
first.storeAction == MTLStoreActionDontCare;
bool loadActionsValid = second.loadAction == MTLLoadActionLoad ||
second.loadAction == MTLLoadActionDontCare;
bool secondDoesntSampleFirst = (!pipelineState ||
// Since we are trying to use the same encoder rather than merging two,
// we have to check to see if both store actions are mutually compatible.
bool secondStoreValid = true;
if (second.storeAction == MTLStoreActionDontCare) {
secondStoreValid = (first.storeAction == MTLStoreActionDontCare);
// TODO: if first.storeAction is Store and second.loadAction is Load,
// we could reset the active RenderCommandEncoder's store action to DontCare
} else if (second.storeAction == MTLStoreActionStore) {
if (@available(macOS 10.12, iOS 10.0, tvOS 10.0, *)) {
secondStoreValid = (first.storeAction == MTLStoreActionStore ||
first.storeAction == MTLStoreActionStoreAndMultisampleResolve);
} else {
secondStoreValid = (first.storeAction == MTLStoreActionStore);
// TODO: if the first store action is DontCare we could reset the active
// RenderCommandEncoder's store action to Store, but it's not clear if it's worth it.
} else if (second.storeAction == MTLStoreActionMultisampleResolve) {
if (@available(macOS 10.12, iOS 10.0, tvOS 10.0, *)) {
secondStoreValid = (first.resolveTexture == second.resolveTexture) &&
(first.storeAction == MTLStoreActionMultisampleResolve ||
first.storeAction == MTLStoreActionStoreAndMultisampleResolve);
} else {
secondStoreValid = (first.resolveTexture == second.resolveTexture) &&
(first.storeAction == MTLStoreActionMultisampleResolve);
// When we first check whether store actions are valid we don't consider resolves,
// so we need to reset that here.
storeActionsValid = secondStoreValid;
} else {
if (@available(macOS 10.12, iOS 10.0, tvOS 10.0, *)) {
if (second.storeAction == MTLStoreActionStoreAndMultisampleResolve) {
secondStoreValid = (first.resolveTexture == second.resolveTexture) &&
(first.storeAction == MTLStoreActionStoreAndMultisampleResolve);
// TODO: if the first store action is simply MultisampleResolve we could reset
// the active RenderCommandEncoder's store action to StoreAndMultisampleResolve,
// but it's not clear if it's worth it.
// When we first check whether store actions are valid we don't consider resolves,
// so we need to reset that here.
storeActionsValid = secondStoreValid;
return renderTargetsMatch &&
(nil == first.texture ||
(storeActionsValid && loadActionsValid && secondDoesntSampleFirst && secondStoreValid));
GrMtlRenderCommandEncoder* GrMtlCommandBuffer::getRenderCommandEncoder(
MTLRenderPassDescriptor* descriptor, const GrMtlPipelineState* pipelineState,
GrMtlOpsRenderPass* opsRenderPass) {
if (nil != fPreviousRenderPassDescriptor) {
if (compatible(fPreviousRenderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0],
descriptor.colorAttachments[0], pipelineState) &&
descriptor.stencilAttachment, pipelineState)) {
return fActiveRenderCommandEncoder.get();
return this->getRenderCommandEncoder(descriptor, opsRenderPass);
GrMtlRenderCommandEncoder* GrMtlCommandBuffer::getRenderCommandEncoder(
MTLRenderPassDescriptor* descriptor,
GrMtlOpsRenderPass* opsRenderPass) {
if (fCmdBuffer.status != MTLCommandBufferStatusNotEnqueued) {
NSLog(@"GrMtlCommandBuffer: tried to create MTLRenderCommandEncoder while in bad state.");
return nullptr;
if (GrMtlIsAppInBackground()) {
fActiveRenderCommandEncoder = nullptr;
NSLog(@"GrMtlCommandBuffer: tried to create MTLRenderCommandEncoder while in background.");
return nullptr;
fActiveRenderCommandEncoder = GrMtlRenderCommandEncoder::Make(
[fCmdBuffer renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor:descriptor]);
if (opsRenderPass) {
fPreviousRenderPassDescriptor = descriptor;
fHasWork = true;
return fActiveRenderCommandEncoder.get();
bool GrMtlCommandBuffer::commit(bool waitUntilCompleted) {
if (fCmdBuffer.status != MTLCommandBufferStatusNotEnqueued) {
NSLog(@"GrMtlCommandBuffer: Tried to commit command buffer while in invalid state.\n");
return false;
if (GrMtlIsAppInBackground()) {
NSLog(@"GrMtlCommandBuffer: Tried to commit command buffer while in background.\n");
return false;
[fCmdBuffer commit];
if (waitUntilCompleted) {
if (fCmdBuffer.status == MTLCommandBufferStatusError) {
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
NSString* description = [[fCmdBuffer error] localizedDescription];
const char* errorString = [description UTF8String];
SkDebugf("Error submitting command buffer: %s\n", errorString);
SkDebugf("Error submitting command buffer\n");
return (fCmdBuffer.status != MTLCommandBufferStatusError);
void GrMtlCommandBuffer::endAllEncoding() {
if (fActiveRenderCommandEncoder) {
fPreviousRenderPassDescriptor = nil;
if (fActiveBlitCommandEncoder) {
[fActiveBlitCommandEncoder endEncoding];
fActiveBlitCommandEncoder = nil;
void GrMtlCommandBuffer::encodeSignalEvent(sk_sp<GrMtlEvent> event, uint64_t eventValue) {
this->endAllEncoding(); // ensure we don't have any active command encoders
if (@available(macOS 10.14, iOS 12.0, *)) {
[fCmdBuffer encodeSignalEvent:event->mtlEvent() value:eventValue];
fHasWork = true;
void GrMtlCommandBuffer::encodeWaitForEvent(sk_sp<GrMtlEvent> event, uint64_t eventValue) {
this->endAllEncoding(); // ensure we don't have any active command encoders
// TODO: not sure if needed but probably
if (@available(macOS 10.14, iOS 12.0, *)) {
[fCmdBuffer encodeWaitForEvent:event->mtlEvent() value:eventValue];
fHasWork = true;