blob: 9dbbadb714b4b11fe8543cdf55f5309dd1ea8582 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/GrProgramDesc.h"
#include "include/private/SkChecksum.h"
#include "include/private/SkTo.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrPipeline.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrPrimitiveProcessor.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrProcessor.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrProgramInfo.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrRenderTarget.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrShaderCaps.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrTexture.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLFragmentProcessor.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder.h"
enum {
kSamplerOrImageTypeKeyBits = 4
static inline uint16_t texture_type_key(GrTextureType type) {
int value = UINT16_MAX;
switch (type) {
case GrTextureType::k2D:
value = 0;
case GrTextureType::kExternal:
value = 1;
case GrTextureType::kRectangle:
value = 2;
SK_ABORT("Unexpected texture type");
value = 3;
SkASSERT((value & ((1 << kSamplerOrImageTypeKeyBits) - 1)) == value);
return SkToU16(value);
static uint32_t sampler_key(GrTextureType textureType, const GrSwizzle& swizzle,
const GrCaps& caps) {
int samplerTypeKey = texture_type_key(textureType);
static_assert(2 == sizeof(swizzle.asKey()));
uint16_t swizzleKey = swizzle.asKey();
return SkToU32(samplerTypeKey | swizzleKey << kSamplerOrImageTypeKeyBits);
static void add_pp_sampler_keys(GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b, const GrPrimitiveProcessor& pp,
const GrCaps& caps) {
int numTextureSamplers = pp.numTextureSamplers();
if (!numTextureSamplers) {
for (int i = 0; i < numTextureSamplers; ++i) {
const GrPrimitiveProcessor::TextureSampler& sampler = pp.textureSampler(i);
const GrBackendFormat& backendFormat = sampler.backendFormat();
uint32_t samplerKey = sampler_key(backendFormat.textureType(), sampler.swizzle(), caps);
caps.addExtraSamplerKey(b, sampler.samplerState(), backendFormat);
// Currently we allow 8 bits for the class id and 24 bits for the overall processor key size
// (as measured in bits, so the byte count of the processor key must be < 2^21).
static constexpr uint32_t kClassIDBits = 8;
static constexpr uint32_t kKeySizeBits = 24;
static bool processor_meta_data_fits(uint32_t classID, size_t keySize) {
return (classID < (1u << kClassIDBits)) && (keySize < (1u << kKeySizeBits));
* A function which emits a meta key into the key builder. This is required because shader code may
* be dependent on properties of the effect that the effect itself doesn't use
* in its key (e.g. the pixel format of textures used). So we create a meta-key for
* every effect using this function. It is also responsible for inserting the effect's class ID
* which must be different for every GrProcessor subclass. It can fail if an effect uses too many
* transforms, etc, for the space allotted in the meta-key. NOTE, both FPs and GPs share this
* function because it is hairy, though FPs do not have attribs, and GPs do not have transforms
static bool gen_fp_meta_key(const GrFragmentProcessor& fp,
const GrCaps& caps,
uint32_t transformKey,
GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b) {
size_t processorKeySize = b->sizeInBits();
uint32_t classID = fp.classID();
if (!processor_meta_data_fits(classID, processorKeySize)) {
return false;
fp.visitTextureEffects([&](const GrTextureEffect& te) {
const GrBackendFormat& backendFormat = te.view().proxy()->backendFormat();
uint32_t samplerKey = sampler_key(backendFormat.textureType(), te.view().swizzle(), caps);
caps.addExtraSamplerKey(b, te.samplerState(), backendFormat);
b->addBits(kClassIDBits, classID, "fpClassID");
b->addBits(kKeySizeBits, processorKeySize, "fpKeySize");
b->add32(transformKey, "fpTransforms");
return true;
static bool gen_pp_meta_key(const GrPrimitiveProcessor& pp,
const GrCaps& caps,
GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b) {
size_t processorKeySize = b->sizeInBits();
uint32_t classID = pp.classID();
if (!processor_meta_data_fits(classID, processorKeySize)) {
return false;
add_pp_sampler_keys(b, pp, caps);
b->addBits(kClassIDBits, classID, "ppClassID");
b->addBits(kKeySizeBits, processorKeySize, "ppKeySize");
return true;
static bool gen_xp_meta_key(const GrXferProcessor& xp, GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b) {
size_t processorKeySize = b->sizeInBits();
uint32_t classID = xp.classID();
if (!processor_meta_data_fits(classID, processorKeySize)) {
return false;
b->addBits(kClassIDBits, classID, "xpClassID");
b->addBits(kKeySizeBits, processorKeySize, "xpKeySize");
return true;
static bool gen_frag_proc_and_meta_keys(const GrFragmentProcessor& fp,
const GrCaps& caps,
GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b) {
for (int i = 0; i < fp.numChildProcessors(); ++i) {
if (auto child = fp.childProcessor(i)) {
if (!gen_frag_proc_and_meta_keys(*child, caps, b)) {
return false;
} else {
// Fold in a sentinel value as the "class ID" for any null children
b->addString([&](){ return; });
fp.getGLSLProcessorKey(*caps.shaderCaps(), b);
return gen_fp_meta_key(fp, caps, GrPrimitiveProcessor::ComputeCoordTransformsKey(fp), b);
bool GrProgramDesc::Build(GrProgramDesc* desc,
GrRenderTarget* renderTarget,
const GrProgramInfo& programInfo,
const GrCaps& caps) {
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
if (renderTarget) {
SkASSERT(programInfo.backendFormat() == renderTarget->backendFormat());
// The descriptor is used as a cache key. Thus when a field of the
// descriptor will not affect program generation (because of the attribute
// bindings in use or other descriptor field settings) it should be set
// to a canonical value to avoid duplicate programs with different keys.
GrProcessorKeyBuilder b(&desc->key());
const GrPrimitiveProcessor& primitiveProcessor = programInfo.primProc();
b.addString([&](){ return; });
primitiveProcessor.getGLSLProcessorKey(*caps.shaderCaps(), &b);
if (!gen_pp_meta_key(primitiveProcessor, caps, &b)) {
return false;
const GrPipeline& pipeline = programInfo.pipeline();
int numColorFPs = 0, numCoverageFPs = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < pipeline.numFragmentProcessors(); ++i) {
const GrFragmentProcessor& fp = pipeline.getFragmentProcessor(i);
if (!gen_frag_proc_and_meta_keys(fp, caps, &b)) {
return false;
if (pipeline.isColorFragmentProcessor(i)) {
} else if (pipeline.isCoverageFragmentProcessor(i)) {
const GrXferProcessor& xp = pipeline.getXferProcessor();
const GrSurfaceOrigin* originIfDstTexture = nullptr;
GrSurfaceOrigin origin;
if (pipeline.dstProxyView().proxy()) {
origin = pipeline.dstProxyView().origin();
originIfDstTexture = &origin;
b.addString([&](){ return; });
xp.getGLSLProcessorKey(*caps.shaderCaps(), &b, originIfDstTexture, pipeline.dstSampleType());
if (!gen_xp_meta_key(xp, &b)) {
return false;
if (programInfo.requestedFeatures() & GrProcessor::CustomFeatures::kSampleLocations) {
// Add "header" metadata
b.addBits(16, pipeline.writeSwizzle().asKey(), "writeSwizzle");
b.addBits( 1, numColorFPs, "numColorFPs");
b.addBits( 2, numCoverageFPs, "numCoverageFPs");
// If we knew the shader won't depend on origin, we could skip this (and use the same program
// for both origins). Instrumenting all fragment processors would be difficult and error prone.
b.addBits( 2, GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder::KeyForSurfaceOrigin(programInfo.origin()), "origin");
b.addBits( 1, static_cast<uint32_t>(programInfo.requestedFeatures()), "requestedFeatures");
b.addBits( 1, pipeline.snapVerticesToPixelCenters(), "snapVertices");
// The base descriptor only stores whether or not the primitiveType is kPoints. Backend-
// specific versions (e.g., Vulkan) require more detail
b.addBits( 1, (programInfo.primitiveType() == GrPrimitiveType::kPoints), "isPoints");
// This keyLength includes any partial uint32_t that's been written (rounded up).
// The GrProcessorKeyBuilder destructor will call flush() when we exit this function, putting
// a clean break between the "common" data written by this function, and any backend-specific
// data appended later.
desc->fInitialKeyLength = desc->keyLength();
return true;