blob: 156dee830f41b7729f342d3a94a8bcbfedc0e7ac [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/private/SkJpegGainmapEncoder.h"
#include "include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "include/core/SkPixmap.h"
#include "include/core/SkStream.h"
#include "include/encode/SkEncoder.h"
#include "include/encode/SkJpegEncoder.h"
#include "include/private/SkGainmapInfo.h"
#include "src/codec/SkCodecPriv.h"
#include "src/codec/SkJpegConstants.h"
#include "src/codec/SkJpegMultiPicture.h"
#include "src/codec/SkJpegPriv.h"
#include "src/codec/SkJpegSegmentScan.h"
#include <vector>
static bool is_single_channel(SkColor4f c) { return c.fR == c.fG && c.fG == c.fB; };
// HDRGM encoding
// Generate the XMP metadata for an HDRGM file.
sk_sp<SkData> get_hdrgm_xmp_data(const SkGainmapInfo& gainmapInfo) {
SkDynamicMemoryWStream s;
const float kLog2 = sk_float_log(2.f);
const SkColor4f gainMapMin = {sk_float_log(gainmapInfo.fGainmapRatioMin.fR) / kLog2,
sk_float_log(gainmapInfo.fGainmapRatioMin.fG) / kLog2,
sk_float_log(gainmapInfo.fGainmapRatioMin.fB) / kLog2,
const SkColor4f gainMapMax = {sk_float_log(gainmapInfo.fGainmapRatioMax.fR) / kLog2,
sk_float_log(gainmapInfo.fGainmapRatioMax.fG) / kLog2,
sk_float_log(gainmapInfo.fGainmapRatioMax.fB) / kLog2,
const SkColor4f gamma = {1.f / gainmapInfo.fGainmapGamma.fR,
1.f / gainmapInfo.fGainmapGamma.fG,
1.f / gainmapInfo.fGainmapGamma.fB,
// Write a scalar attribute.
auto write_scalar_attr = [&s](const char* attrib, SkScalar value) {
s.writeText(" ");
// Write a scalar attribute only if all channels of |value| are equal (otherwise, write
// nothing).
auto maybe_write_scalar_attr = [&write_scalar_attr](const char* attrib, SkColor4f value) {
if (!is_single_channel(value)) {
write_scalar_attr(attrib, value.fR);
// Write a float3 attribute as a list ony if not all channels of |value| are equal (otherwise,
// write nothing).
auto maybe_write_float3_attr = [&s](const char* attrib, SkColor4f value) {
if (is_single_channel(value)) {
s.writeText(" <");
s.writeText(" <rdf:Seq>\n");
s.writeText(" <rdf:li>");
s.writeText(" <rdf:li>");
s.writeText(" <rdf:li>");
s.writeText(" </rdf:Seq>\n");
s.writeText(" </");
"<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x=\"adobe:ns:meta/\" x:xmptk=\"XMP Core 5.5.0\">\n"
" <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=\"\">\n"
" <rdf:Description rdf:about=\"\"\n"
" xmlns:hdrgm=\"\"\n"
" hdrgm:Version=\"1.0\"\n");
maybe_write_scalar_attr("hdrgm:GainMapMin", gainMapMin);
maybe_write_scalar_attr("hdrgm:GainMapMax", gainMapMax);
maybe_write_scalar_attr("hdrgm:Gamma", gamma);
maybe_write_scalar_attr("hdrgm:OffsetSDR", gainmapInfo.fEpsilonSdr);
maybe_write_scalar_attr("hdrgm:OffsetHDR", gainmapInfo.fEpsilonHdr);
write_scalar_attr("hdrgm:HDRCapacityMin", sk_float_log(gainmapInfo.fDisplayRatioSdr) / kLog2);
write_scalar_attr("hdrgm:HDRCapacityMax", sk_float_log(gainmapInfo.fDisplayRatioHdr) / kLog2);
switch (gainmapInfo.fBaseImageType) {
case SkGainmapInfo::BaseImageType::kSDR:
s.writeText(" hdrgm:BaseRenditionIsHDR=\"False\">\n");
case SkGainmapInfo::BaseImageType::kHDR:
s.writeText(" hdrgm:BaseRenditionIsHDR=\"True\">\n");
// Write any of the vector parameters that cannot be represented as scalars (and thus cannot
// be written inline as above).
maybe_write_float3_attr("hdrgm:GainMapMin", gainMapMin);
maybe_write_float3_attr("hdrgm:GainMapMax", gainMapMax);
maybe_write_float3_attr("hdrgm:Gamma", gamma);
maybe_write_float3_attr("hdrgm:OffsetSDR", gainmapInfo.fEpsilonSdr);
maybe_write_float3_attr("hdrgm:OffsetHDR", gainmapInfo.fEpsilonHdr);
" </rdf:Description>\n"
" </rdf:RDF>\n"
return s.detachAsData();
// Generate the GContainer metadata for an image with a JPEG gainmap.
static sk_sp<SkData> get_gcontainer_xmp_data(size_t gainmapItemLength) {
SkDynamicMemoryWStream s;
"<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x=\"adobe:ns:meta/\" x:xmptk=\"Adobe XMP Core 5.1.2\">\n"
" <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=\"\">\n"
" <rdf:Description\n"
" xmlns:Container=\"\"\n"
" xmlns:Item=\"\"\n"
" xmlns:hdrgm=\"\"\n"
" hdrgm:Version=\"1.0\">\n"
" <Container:Directory>\n"
" <rdf:Seq>\n"
" <rdf:li rdf:parseType=\"Resource\">\n"
" <Container:Item\n"
" Item:Semantic=\"Primary\"\n"
" Item:Mime=\"image/jpeg\"/>\n"
" </rdf:li>\n"
" <rdf:li rdf:parseType=\"Resource\">\n"
" <Container:Item\n"
" Item:Semantic=\"GainMap\"\n"
" Item:Mime=\"image/jpeg\"\n"
" Item:Length=\"");
" </rdf:li>\n"
" </rdf:Seq>\n"
" </Container:Directory>\n"
" </rdf:Description>\n"
" </rdf:RDF>\n"
return s.detachAsData();
// Split an SkData into segments.
std::vector<sk_sp<SkData>> get_hdrgm_image_segments(sk_sp<SkData> image,
size_t segmentMaxDataSize) {
// Compute the total size of the header to a gainmap image segment (not including the 2 bytes
// for the segment size, which the encoder is responsible for writing).
constexpr size_t kGainmapHeaderSize = sizeof(kGainmapSig) + 2 * kGainmapMarkerIndexSize;
// Compute the payload size for each segment.
const size_t kGainmapPayloadSize = segmentMaxDataSize - kGainmapHeaderSize;
// Compute the number of segments we'll need.
const size_t segmentCount = (image->size() + kGainmapPayloadSize - 1) / kGainmapPayloadSize;
std::vector<sk_sp<SkData>> result;
// Move |imageData| through |image| until it hits |imageDataEnd|.
const uint8_t* imageData = image->bytes();
const uint8_t* imageDataEnd = image->bytes() + image->size();
while (imageData < imageDataEnd) {
SkDynamicMemoryWStream segmentStream;
// Write the signature.
segmentStream.write(kGainmapSig, sizeof(kGainmapSig));
// Write the segment index as big-endian.
size_t segmentIndex = result.size() + 1;
uint8_t segmentIndexBytes[2] = {
static_cast<uint8_t>(segmentIndex / 256u),
static_cast<uint8_t>(segmentIndex % 256u),
segmentStream.write(segmentIndexBytes, sizeof(segmentIndexBytes));
// Write the segment count as big-endian.
uint8_t segmentCountBytes[2] = {
static_cast<uint8_t>(segmentCount / 256u),
static_cast<uint8_t>(segmentCount % 256u),
segmentStream.write(segmentCountBytes, sizeof(segmentCountBytes));
// Verify that our header size math is correct.
SkASSERT(segmentStream.bytesWritten() == kGainmapHeaderSize);
// Write the rest of the segment.
size_t bytesToWrite =
std::min(imageDataEnd - imageData, static_cast<intptr_t>(kGainmapPayloadSize));
segmentStream.write(imageData, bytesToWrite);
imageData += bytesToWrite;
// Verify that our data size math is correct.
if (segmentIndex == segmentCount) {
SkASSERT(segmentStream.bytesWritten() <= segmentMaxDataSize);
} else {
SkASSERT(segmentStream.bytesWritten() == segmentMaxDataSize);
// Verify that our segment count math was correct.
SkASSERT(imageData == imageDataEnd);
SkASSERT(result.size() == segmentCount);
return result;
static sk_sp<SkData> encode_to_data(const SkPixmap& pm,
const SkJpegEncoder::Options& options,
SkData* xmpMetadata) {
SkJpegEncoder::Options optionsWithXmp = options;
optionsWithXmp.xmpMetadata = xmpMetadata;
SkDynamicMemoryWStream encodeStream;
auto encoder = SkJpegEncoder::Make(&encodeStream, pm, optionsWithXmp);
if (!encoder || !encoder->encodeRows(pm.height())) {
return nullptr;
return encodeStream.detachAsData();
static sk_sp<SkData> get_mpf_segment(const SkJpegMultiPictureParameters& mpParams) {
SkDynamicMemoryWStream s;
auto segmentParameters = mpParams.serialize();
const size_t mpParameterLength = kJpegSegmentParameterLengthSize + segmentParameters->size();
s.write8(mpParameterLength / 256);
s.write8(mpParameterLength % 256);
s.write(segmentParameters->data(), segmentParameters->size());
return s.detachAsData();
bool SkJpegGainmapEncoder::EncodeHDRGM(SkWStream* dst,
const SkPixmap& base,
const SkJpegEncoder::Options& baseOptions,
const SkPixmap& gainmap,
const SkJpegEncoder::Options& gainmapOptions,
const SkGainmapInfo& gainmapInfo) {
// Encode the gainmap image with the HDRGM XMP metadata.
sk_sp<SkData> gainmapData;
// We will include the HDRGM XMP metadata in the gainmap image.
auto hdrgmXmp = get_hdrgm_xmp_data(gainmapInfo);
gainmapData = encode_to_data(gainmap, gainmapOptions, hdrgmXmp.get());
if (!gainmapData) {
SkCodecPrintf("Failed to encode gainmap image.\n");
return false;
// Encode the base image with the Container XMP metadata.
sk_sp<SkData> baseData;
auto containerXmp = get_gcontainer_xmp_data(static_cast<int32_t>(gainmapData->size()));
baseData = encode_to_data(base, baseOptions, containerXmp.get());
if (!baseData) {
SkCodecPrintf("Failed to encode base image.\n");
return false;
// Combine them into an MPF.
const SkData* images[] = {
return MakeMPF(dst, images, 2);
bool SkJpegGainmapEncoder::MakeMPF(SkWStream* dst, const SkData** images, size_t imageCount) {
if (imageCount < 1) {
return true;
// Create a scan of the primary image.
SkJpegSegmentScanner primaryScan;
primaryScan.onBytes(images[0]->data(), images[0]->size());
if (!primaryScan.isDone()) {
SkCodecPrintf("Failed to scan encoded primary image header.\n");
return false;
// Copy the primary image up to its StartOfScan, then insert the MPF segment, then copy the rest
// of the primary image, and all other images.
size_t bytesRead = 0;
size_t bytesWritten = 0;
for (const auto& segment : primaryScan.getSegments()) {
// Write all ECD before this segment.
size_t ecdBytesToWrite = segment.offset - bytesRead;
if (!dst->write(images[0]->bytes() + bytesRead, ecdBytesToWrite)) {
SkCodecPrintf("Failed to write entropy coded data.\n");
return false;
bytesWritten += ecdBytesToWrite;
bytesRead = segment.offset;
// If this isn't a StartOfScan, write just the segment.
if (segment.marker != kJpegMarkerStartOfScan) {
const size_t bytesToWrite = kJpegMarkerCodeSize + segment.parameterLength;
if (!dst->write(images[0]->bytes() + bytesRead, bytesToWrite)) {
SkCodecPrintf("Failed to copy segment.\n");
return false;
bytesWritten += bytesToWrite;
bytesRead += bytesToWrite;
// We're now at the StartOfScan.
const size_t bytesRemaining = images[0]->size() - bytesRead;
// Compute the MPF offsets for the images.
SkJpegMultiPictureParameters mpParams;
const size_t mpSegmentSize = kJpegMarkerCodeSize + kJpegSegmentParameterLengthSize +
mpParams.images[0].size =
static_cast<uint32_t>(bytesWritten + mpSegmentSize + bytesRemaining);
uint32_t offset =
static_cast<uint32_t>(bytesRemaining + mpSegmentSize - kJpegMarkerCodeSize -
kJpegSegmentParameterLengthSize - sizeof(kMpfSig));
for (size_t i = 1; i < imageCount; ++i) {
mpParams.images[i].dataOffset = offset;
mpParams.images[i].size = static_cast<uint32_t>(images[i]->size());
offset += mpParams.images[i].size;
// Write the MPF segment.
auto mpfSegment = get_mpf_segment(mpParams);
if (!dst->write(mpfSegment->data(), mpfSegment->size())) {
SkCodecPrintf("Failed to write MPF segment.\n");
return false;
// Write the rest of the primary file.
if (!dst->write(images[0]->bytes() + bytesRead, bytesRemaining)) {
SkCodecPrintf("Failed to write remainder of primary image.\n");
return false;
bytesRead += bytesRemaining;
SkASSERT(bytesRead == images[0]->size());
// Write the remaining files.
for (size_t i = 1; i < imageCount; ++i) {
if (!dst->write(images[i]->data(), images[i]->size())) {
SkCodecPrintf("Failed to write auxiliary image.\n");
return true;