blob: 581c03277cafd11485554335235781090044f044 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkBezierCurves_DEFINED
#define SkBezierCurves_DEFINED
#include "include/private/base/SkSpan_impl.h"
#include <array>
struct SkPoint;
* Utilities for dealing with cubic Bézier curves. These have a start XY
* point, an end XY point, and two control XY points in between. They take
* a parameter t which is between 0 and 1 (inclusive) which is used to
* interpolate between the start and end points, via a route dictated by
* the control points, and return a new XY point.
* We store a Bézier curve as an array of 8 floats or doubles, where
* the even indices are the X coordinates, and the odd indices are the Y
* coordinates.
class SkBezierCubic {
* Evaluates the cubic Bézier curve for a given t. It returns an X and Y coordinate
* following the formula, which does the interpolation mentioned above.
* X(t) = X_0*(1-t)^3 + 3*X_1*t(1-t)^2 + 3*X_2*t^2(1-t) + X_3*t^3
* Y(t) = Y_0*(1-t)^3 + 3*Y_1*t(1-t)^2 + 3*Y_2*t^2(1-t) + Y_3*t^3
* t is typically in the range [0, 1], but this function will not assert that,
* as Bézier curves are well-defined for any real number input.
static std::array<double, 2> EvalAt(const double curve[8], double t);
* Splits the provided Bézier curve at the location t, resulting in two
* Bézier curves that share a point (the end point from curve 1
* and the start point from curve 2 are the same).
* t must be in the interval [0, 1].
* The provided twoCurves array will be filled such that indices
* 0-7 are the first curve (representing the interval [0, t]), and
* indices 6-13 are the second curve (representing [t, 1]).
static void Subdivide(const double curve[8], double t,
double twoCurves[14]);
* Converts the provided Bézier curve into the the equivalent cubic
* f(t) = A*t^3 + B*t^2 + C*t + D
* where f(t) will represent Y coordinates over time if yValues is
* true and the X coordinates if yValues is false.
* In effect, this turns the control points into an actual line, representing
* the x or y values.
static std::array<double, 4> ConvertToPolynomial(const double curve[8], bool yValues);
static SkSpan<const float> IntersectWithHorizontalLine(
SkSpan<const SkPoint> controlPoints, float yIntercept,
float intersectionStorage[3]);
static SkSpan<const float> Intersect(
double AX, double BX, double CX, double DX,
double AY, double BY, double CY, double DY,
float toIntersect, float intersectionsStorage[3]);
class SkBezierQuad {
static SkSpan<const float> IntersectWithHorizontalLine(
SkSpan<const SkPoint> controlPoints, float yIntercept,
float intersectionStorage[2]);
* Given
* AY*t^2 -2*BY*t + CY = 0 and AX*t^2 - 2*BX*t + CX = 0,
* Find the t where AY*t^2 - 2*BY*t + CY - y = 0, then return AX*t^2 + - 2*BX*t + CX
* where t is on [0, 1].
* - y - is the height of the line which intersects the quadratic.
* - intersectionStorage - is the array to hold the return data pointed to in the span.
* Returns a span with the intersections of yIntercept, and the quadratic formed by A, B,
* and C.
static SkSpan<const float> Intersect(
double AX, double BX, double CX,
double AY, double BY, double CY,
double yIntercept,
float intersectionStorage[2]);
#endif // SkBezierCurves_DEFINED