blob: 118b0b0a02e2c88d9f00be47bb42c098ea97b89a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/core/SkColorFilter.h"
#include "include/gpu/GrContext.h"
#include "src/core/SkMaskFilterBase.h"
#include "src/core/SkPaintPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrBlurUtils.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrClip.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrStyle.h"
#include "src/gpu/geometry/GrShape.h"
#include "src/gpu/ops/GrAtlasTextOp.h"
#include "src/gpu/text/GrTextBlob.h"
#include "src/gpu/text/GrTextTarget.h"
#include <new>
template <size_t N> static size_t sk_align(size_t s) {
return ((s + (N-1)) / N) * N;
sk_sp<GrTextBlob> GrTextBlob::Make(int glyphCount,
bool forceWForDistanceFields,
GrColor color,
GrStrikeCache* strikeCache) {
// We allocate size for the GrTextBlob itself, plus size for the vertices array,
// and size for the glyphIds array.
size_t verticesCount = glyphCount * kVerticesPerGlyph * kMaxVASize;
size_t blobStart = 0;
size_t vertex = sk_align<alignof(char)> (blobStart + sizeof(GrTextBlob) * 1);
size_t glyphs = sk_align<alignof(GrGlyph*)> (vertex + sizeof(char) * verticesCount);
size_t size = (glyphs + sizeof(GrGlyph*) * glyphCount);
void* allocation = ::operator new (size);
sk_bzero(allocation, size);
sk_sp<GrTextBlob> blob{new (allocation) GrTextBlob{strikeCache, color, forceWForDistanceFields}};
blob->fSize = size;
// setup offsets for vertices / glyphs
blob->fVertices = SkTAddOffset<char>(blob.get(), vertex);
blob->fGlyphs = SkTAddOffset<GrGlyph*>(blob.get(), glyphs);
return blob;
bool GrTextBlob::mustRegenerate(const SkPaint& paint, bool anyRunHasSubpixelPosition,
const SkMaskFilterBase::BlurRec& blurRec,
const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, SkScalar x, SkScalar y) {
// If we have LCD text then our canonical color will be set to transparent, in this case we have
// to regenerate the blob on any color change
// We use the grPaint to get any color filter effects
if (fKey.fCanonicalColor == SK_ColorTRANSPARENT &&
fLuminanceColor != SkPaintPriv::ComputeLuminanceColor(paint)) {
return true;
if (fInitialViewMatrix.hasPerspective() != viewMatrix.hasPerspective()) {
return true;
/** This could be relaxed for blobs with only distance field glyphs. */
if (fInitialViewMatrix.hasPerspective() && !fInitialViewMatrix.cheapEqualTo(viewMatrix)) {
return true;
// We only cache one masked version
if (fKey.fHasBlur &&
(fBlurRec.fSigma != blurRec.fSigma || fBlurRec.fStyle != blurRec.fStyle)) {
return true;
// Similarly, we only cache one version for each style
if (fKey.fStyle != SkPaint::kFill_Style &&
(fStrokeInfo.fFrameWidth != paint.getStrokeWidth() ||
fStrokeInfo.fMiterLimit != paint.getStrokeMiter() ||
fStrokeInfo.fJoin != paint.getStrokeJoin())) {
return true;
// Mixed blobs must be regenerated. We could probably figure out a way to do integer scrolls
// for mixed blobs if this becomes an issue.
if (this->hasBitmap() && this->hasDistanceField()) {
// Identical viewmatrices and we can reuse in all cases
if (fInitialViewMatrix.cheapEqualTo(viewMatrix) && x == fInitialX && y == fInitialY) {
return false;
return true;
if (this->hasBitmap()) {
if (fInitialViewMatrix.getScaleX() != viewMatrix.getScaleX() ||
fInitialViewMatrix.getScaleY() != viewMatrix.getScaleY() ||
fInitialViewMatrix.getSkewX() != viewMatrix.getSkewX() ||
fInitialViewMatrix.getSkewY() != viewMatrix.getSkewY()) {
return true;
// TODO(herb): this is not needed for full pixel glyph choice, but is needed to adjust
// the quads properly. Devise a system that regenerates the quads from original data
// using the transform to allow this to be used in general.
// We can update the positions in the text blob without regenerating the whole
// blob, but only for integer translations.
// This cool bit of math will determine the necessary translation to apply to the
// already generated vertex coordinates to move them to the correct position.
// Figure out the translation in view space given a translation in source space.
SkScalar transX = viewMatrix.getTranslateX() +
viewMatrix.getScaleX() * (x - fInitialX) +
viewMatrix.getSkewX() * (y - fInitialY) -
SkScalar transY = viewMatrix.getTranslateY() +
viewMatrix.getSkewY() * (x - fInitialX) +
viewMatrix.getScaleY() * (y - fInitialY) -
if (!SkScalarIsInt(transX) || !SkScalarIsInt(transY)) {
return true;
} else if (this->hasDistanceField()) {
// A scale outside of [blob.fMaxMinScale, blob.fMinMaxScale] would result in a different
// distance field being generated, so we have to regenerate in those cases
SkScalar newMaxScale = viewMatrix.getMaxScale();
SkScalar oldMaxScale = fInitialViewMatrix.getMaxScale();
SkScalar scaleAdjust = newMaxScale / oldMaxScale;
if (scaleAdjust < fMaxMinScale || scaleAdjust > fMinMaxScale) {
return true;
// It is possible that a blob has neither distanceField nor bitmaptext. This is in the case
// when all of the runs inside the blob are drawn as paths. In this case, we always regenerate
// the blob anyways at flush time, so no need to regenerate explicitly
return false;
inline std::unique_ptr<GrAtlasTextOp> GrTextBlob::makeOp(
SubRun& info, int glyphCount,
const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkIRect& clipRect,
const SkPaint& paint, const SkPMColor4f& filteredColor, const SkSurfaceProps& props,
const GrDistanceFieldAdjustTable* distanceAdjustTable, GrTextTarget* target) {
GrMaskFormat format = info.maskFormat();
GrPaint grPaint;
target->makeGrPaint(info.maskFormat(), paint, viewMatrix, &grPaint);
std::unique_ptr<GrAtlasTextOp> op;
if (info.drawAsDistanceFields()) {
// TODO: Can we be even smarter based on the dest transfer function?
op = GrAtlasTextOp::MakeDistanceField(
target->getContext(), std::move(grPaint), glyphCount, distanceAdjustTable,
target->colorInfo().isLinearlyBlended(), SkPaintPriv::ComputeLuminanceColor(paint),
props, info.isAntiAliased(), info.hasUseLCDText());
} else {
op = GrAtlasTextOp::MakeBitmap(target->getContext(), std::move(grPaint), format, glyphCount,
GrAtlasTextOp::Geometry& geometry = op->geometry();
geometry.fViewMatrix = viewMatrix;
geometry.fClipRect = clipRect;
geometry.fBlob = SkRef(this);
geometry.fSubRunPtr = &info;
geometry.fColor = info.maskFormat() == kARGB_GrMaskFormat ? SK_PMColor4fWHITE : filteredColor;
geometry.fX = x;
geometry.fY = y;
return op;
static void calculate_translation(bool applyVM,
const SkMatrix& newViewMatrix, SkScalar newX, SkScalar newY,
const SkMatrix& currentViewMatrix, SkScalar currentX,
SkScalar currentY, SkScalar* transX, SkScalar* transY) {
if (applyVM) {
*transX = newViewMatrix.getTranslateX() +
newViewMatrix.getScaleX() * (newX - currentX) +
newViewMatrix.getSkewX() * (newY - currentY) -
*transY = newViewMatrix.getTranslateY() +
newViewMatrix.getSkewY() * (newX - currentX) +
newViewMatrix.getScaleY() * (newY - currentY) -
} else {
*transX = newX - currentX;
*transY = newY - currentY;
void GrTextBlob::flush(GrTextTarget* target, const SkSurfaceProps& props,
const GrDistanceFieldAdjustTable* distanceAdjustTable,
const SkPaint& paint, const SkPMColor4f& filteredColor, const GrClip& clip,
const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, SkScalar x, SkScalar y) {
for (auto& subRun : fSubRuns) {
if (subRun.drawAsPaths()) {
SkPaint runPaint{paint};
// If there are shaders, blurs or styles, the path must be scaled into source
// space independently of the CTM. This allows the CTM to be correct for the
// different effects.
GrStyle style(runPaint);
bool scalePath = runPaint.getShader()
|| style.applies()
|| runPaint.getMaskFilter();
// The origin for the blob may have changed, so figure out the delta.
SkVector originShift = SkPoint{x, y} - SkPoint{fInitialX, fInitialY};
for (const auto& pathGlyph : subRun.fPaths) {
SkMatrix ctm{viewMatrix};
SkMatrix pathMatrix = SkMatrix::MakeScale(subRun.fStrikeSpec.strikeToSourceRatio());
// Shift the original glyph location in source space to the position of the new
// blob.
pathMatrix.postTranslate(originShift.x() + pathGlyph.fOrigin.x(),
originShift.y() + pathGlyph.fOrigin.y());
// TmpPath must be in the same scope as GrShape shape below.
SkTLazy<SkPath> tmpPath;
const SkPath* path = &pathGlyph.fPath;
if (!scalePath) {
// Scale can be applied to CTM -- no effects.
} else {
// Scale the outline into source space.
// Transform the path form the normalized outline to source space. This
// way the CTM will remain the same so it can be used by the effects.
SkPath* sourceOutline = tmpPath.init();
path->transform(pathMatrix, sourceOutline);
path = sourceOutline;
// TODO: we are losing the mutability of the path here
GrShape shape(*path, paint);
target->drawShape(clip, runPaint, ctm, shape);
} else {
int glyphCount = subRun.glyphCount();
if (0 == glyphCount) {
bool skipClip = false;
bool submitOp = true;
SkIRect clipRect = SkIRect::MakeEmpty();
SkRect rtBounds = SkRect::MakeWH(target->width(), target->height());
SkRRect clipRRect;
GrAA aa;
// We can clip geometrically if we're not using SDFs or transformed glyphs,
// and we have an axis-aligned rectangular non-AA clip
if (!subRun.drawAsDistanceFields() && !subRun.needsTransform() &&
clip.isRRect(rtBounds, &clipRRect, &aa) &&
clipRRect.isRect() && GrAA::kNo == aa) {
skipClip = true;
// We only need to do clipping work if the subrun isn't contained by the clip
SkRect subRunBounds;
this->computeSubRunBounds(&subRunBounds, subRun, viewMatrix, x, y, false);
if (!clipRRect.getBounds().contains(subRunBounds)) {
// If the subrun is completely outside, don't add an op for it
if (!clipRRect.getBounds().intersects(subRunBounds)) {
submitOp = false;
else {
if (submitOp) {
auto op = this->makeOp(subRun, glyphCount, viewMatrix, x, y,
clipRect, paint, filteredColor, props, distanceAdjustTable,
if (op) {
if (skipClip) {
target->addDrawOp(GrNoClip(), std::move(op));
else {
target->addDrawOp(clip, std::move(op));
std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOp> GrTextBlob::test_makeOp(
int glyphCount, const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint& paint, const SkPMColor4f& filteredColor,
const SkSurfaceProps& props, const GrDistanceFieldAdjustTable* distanceAdjustTable,
GrTextTarget* target) {
GrTextBlob::SubRun& info = fSubRuns[0];
SkIRect emptyRect = SkIRect::MakeEmpty();
return this->makeOp(info, glyphCount, viewMatrix, x, y, emptyRect,
paint, filteredColor, props, distanceAdjustTable, target);
void GrTextBlob::AssertEqual(const GrTextBlob& l, const GrTextBlob& r) {
SkASSERT_RELEASE(l.fSize == r.fSize);
SkASSERT_RELEASE(l.fBlurRec.fSigma == r.fBlurRec.fSigma);
SkASSERT_RELEASE(l.fBlurRec.fStyle == r.fBlurRec.fStyle);
SkASSERT_RELEASE(l.fStrokeInfo.fFrameWidth == r.fStrokeInfo.fFrameWidth);
SkASSERT_RELEASE(l.fStrokeInfo.fMiterLimit == r.fStrokeInfo.fMiterLimit);
SkASSERT_RELEASE(l.fStrokeInfo.fJoin == r.fStrokeInfo.fJoin);
SkASSERT_RELEASE(l.fKey == r.fKey);
//SkASSERT_RELEASE(l.fPaintColor == r.fPaintColor); // Colors might not actually be identical
SkASSERT_RELEASE(l.fMaxMinScale == r.fMaxMinScale);
SkASSERT_RELEASE(l.fMinMaxScale == r.fMinMaxScale);
SkASSERT_RELEASE(l.fTextType == r.fTextType);
for(auto t : SkMakeZip(l.fSubRuns, r.fSubRuns)) {
const SubRun& lSubRun = std::get<0>(t);
const SubRun& rSubRun = std::get<1>(t);
SkASSERT(lSubRun.drawAsPaths() == rSubRun.drawAsPaths());
if (!lSubRun.drawAsPaths()) {
// TODO we can do this check, but we have to apply the VM to the old vertex bounds
//SkASSERT_RELEASE(lSubRun.vertexBounds() == rSubRun.vertexBounds());
if (lSubRun.strike()) {
SkASSERT_RELEASE(GrTextStrike::GetKey(*lSubRun.strike()) ==
} else {
SkASSERT_RELEASE(lSubRun.vertexStartIndex() == rSubRun.vertexStartIndex());
SkASSERT_RELEASE(lSubRun.glyphStartIndex() == rSubRun.glyphStartIndex());
SkASSERT_RELEASE(lSubRun.maskFormat() == rSubRun.maskFormat());
SkASSERT_RELEASE(lSubRun.drawAsDistanceFields() == rSubRun.drawAsDistanceFields());
SkASSERT_RELEASE(lSubRun.hasUseLCDText() == rSubRun.hasUseLCDText());
} else {
SkASSERT_RELEASE(lSubRun.fPaths.size() == rSubRun.fPaths.size());
for(auto p : SkMakeZip(lSubRun.fPaths, rSubRun.fPaths)) {
const PathGlyph& lPath = std::get<0>(p);
const PathGlyph& rPath = std::get<1>(p);
SkASSERT_RELEASE(lPath.fPath == rPath.fPath);
// We can't assert that these have the same translations
void GrTextBlob::SubRun::computeTranslation(const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
SkScalar x, SkScalar y, SkScalar* transX,
SkScalar* transY) {
// Don't use the matrix to translate on distance field for fallback subruns.
calculate_translation(!this->drawAsDistanceFields() && !this->needsTransform(), viewMatrix,
x, y, fCurrentViewMatrix, fX, fY, transX, transY);
fCurrentViewMatrix = viewMatrix;
fX = x;
fY = y;