blob: b522c5dd62439d7821d16d49d71d70958167bd38 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_graphite_task_UploadTask_DEFINED
#define skgpu_graphite_task_UploadTask_DEFINED
#include "src/gpu/graphite/task/Task.h"
#include "include/core/SkImageInfo.h"
#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTArray.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/CommandTypes.h"
#include <memory>
namespace skgpu::graphite {
class Buffer;
class Recorder;
class TextureProxy;
struct MipLevel {
const void* fPixels = nullptr;
size_t fRowBytes = 0;
* The ConditionalUploadContext, if set, is used to determine whether an upload needs to occur
* on Recording playback. Clients will need to create their own subclasses to store the
* necessary data and override the needsUpload() method to do this check.
class ConditionalUploadContext {
virtual ~ConditionalUploadContext() {}
// Return true if the upload needs to occur; false if it should be skipped this time.
virtual bool needsUpload(Context*) = 0;
// Return true if the upload should be kept in the task (and possibly re-executed on replay
// depending on needsUpload()'s return value), or false if it should be discarded and never
// attempt to be uploaded on any replay.
virtual bool uploadSubmitted() { return true; }
* ImageUploadContext is an implementation of ConditionalUploadContext that returns true on
* the first call to needsUpload() and then returns false on subsequent calls. This is used to
* upload an image once and then avoid redundant uploads after that.
class ImageUploadContext : public ConditionalUploadContext {
~ImageUploadContext() override {}
// Always upload, since it will be discarded right afterwards
bool needsUpload(Context*) override { return true; }
// Always return false so the upload instance is discarded after the first execution
bool uploadSubmitted() override { return false; }
* An UploadInstance represents a single set of uploads from a buffer to texture that
* can be processed in a single command.
class UploadInstance {
static UploadInstance Make(Recorder*,
sk_sp<TextureProxy> targetProxy,
const SkColorInfo& srcColorInfo,
const SkColorInfo& dstColorInfo,
SkSpan<const MipLevel> levels,
const SkIRect& dstRect,
static UploadInstance MakeCompressed(Recorder*,
sk_sp<TextureProxy> targetProxy,
const void* data,
size_t dataSize);
static UploadInstance Invalid() { return {}; }
UploadInstance& operator=(UploadInstance&&);
bool isValid() const { return fBuffer != nullptr && fTextureProxy != nullptr; }
bool prepareResources(ResourceProvider*);
// Adds upload command to the given CommandBuffer, returns false if the instance should be
// discarded.
Task::Status addCommand(Context*, CommandBuffer*, Task::ReplayTargetData) const;
// Copy data is appended directly after the object is created
UploadInstance(const Buffer*,
size_t bytesPerPixel,
std::unique_ptr<ConditionalUploadContext> = nullptr);
const Buffer* fBuffer;
size_t fBytesPerPixel;
sk_sp<TextureProxy> fTextureProxy;
skia_private::STArray<1, BufferTextureCopyData> fCopyData;
std::unique_ptr<ConditionalUploadContext> fConditionalContext;
* An UploadList is a mutable collection of UploadCommands.
* Currently commands are accumulated in order and processed in the same order. Dependency
* management is expected to be handled by the TaskGraph.
* When an upload is appended to the list its data will be copied to a Buffer in
* preparation for a deferred upload.
class UploadList {
bool recordUpload(Recorder*,
sk_sp<TextureProxy> targetProxy,
const SkColorInfo& srcColorInfo,
const SkColorInfo& dstColorInfo,
SkSpan<const MipLevel> levels,
const SkIRect& dstRect,
int size() { return fInstances.size(); }
friend class UploadTask;
skia_private::STArray<1, UploadInstance> fInstances;
* An UploadTask is a immutable collection of UploadCommands.
* When adding commands to the commandBuffer the texture proxies in those
* commands will be instantiated and the copy command added.
class UploadTask final : public Task {
static sk_sp<UploadTask> Make(UploadList*);
static sk_sp<UploadTask> Make(UploadInstance);
~UploadTask() override;
Status prepareResources(ResourceProvider*,
const RuntimeEffectDictionary*) override;
Status addCommands(Context*, CommandBuffer*, ReplayTargetData) override;
skia_private::STArray<1, UploadInstance> fInstances;
} // namespace skgpu::graphite
#endif // skgpu_graphite_task_UploadTask_DEFINED