remove SkPaint breakText, use SkFont instead (or don't call it)

Bug: skia:
Change-Id: I906b8ea70be1f70043b77ca32cc214d15c256967
Reviewed-by: Cary Clark <>
Commit-Queue: Mike Reed <>
diff --git a/docs/SkPaint_Reference.bmh b/docs/SkPaint_Reference.bmh
index a09d7c9..6e07a97 100644
--- a/docs/SkPaint_Reference.bmh
+++ b/docs/SkPaint_Reference.bmh
@@ -3280,36 +3280,6 @@
-#Method size_t breakText(const void* text, size_t length, SkScalar maxWidth,
-                      SkScalar* measuredWidth = nullptr) const
-#In Measure_Text
-#Line # returns text that fits in a width ##
-    #Description
-    Line under "Breakfast" shows desired width, shorter than available characters.
-    Line under "Bre" shows measured width after breaking text.
-    ##
-    #Height 128
-    #Width 280
-        void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
-            SkPaint paint;
-            paint.setAntiAlias(true);
-            paint.setTextSize(50);
-            const char str[] = "Breakfast";
-            const int count = sizeof(str) - 1;
-            canvas->drawText(str, count, 25, 50, paint);
-            SkScalar measuredWidth;
-            int partialBytes = paint.breakText(str, count, 100, &measuredWidth);
-            canvas->drawText(str, partialBytes, 25, 100, paint);
-            canvas->drawLine(25, 60, 25 + 100, 60, paint);
-            canvas->drawLine(25, 110, 25 + measuredWidth, 110, paint);
-        }
-    ##
 #Method int getTextWidths(const void* text, size_t byteLength, SkScalar widths[],
                       SkRect bounds[] = nullptr) const
 #In Measure_Text
diff --git a/include/core/SkPaint.h b/include/core/SkPaint.h
index 817f3f1..b9434f0 100644
--- a/include/core/SkPaint.h
+++ b/include/core/SkPaint.h
@@ -1027,23 +1027,6 @@
-    /** Returns the bytes of text that fit within maxWidth.
-        The text fragment fits if its advance width is less than or equal to maxWidth.
-        Measures only while the advance is less than or equal to maxWidth.
-        Returns the advance or the text fragment in measuredWidth if it not nullptr.
-        Uses SkTextEncoding to decode text, SkTypeface to get the font metrics,
-        and text size to scale the metrics.
-        Does not scale the advance or bounds by fake bold or SkPathEffect.
-        @param text           character codes or glyph indices to be measured
-        @param length         number of bytes of text to measure
-        @param maxWidth       advance limit; text is measured while advance is less than maxWidth
-        @param measuredWidth  returns the width of the text less than or equal to maxWidth
-        @return               bytes of text that fit, always less than or equal to length
-    */
-    size_t  breakText(const void* text, size_t length, SkScalar maxWidth,
-                      SkScalar* measuredWidth = nullptr) const;
     /** Retrieves the advance and bounds for each glyph in text, and returns
         the glyph count in text.
diff --git a/src/core/SkPaint_text.cpp b/src/core/SkPaint_text.cpp
index 47ac73f..3b3b796 100644
--- a/src/core/SkPaint_text.cpp
+++ b/src/core/SkPaint_text.cpp
@@ -344,12 +344,6 @@
     return width;
-size_t SkPaint::breakText(const void* textD, size_t length, SkScalar maxWidth,
-                          SkScalar* measuredWidth) const {
-    return SkFont::LEGACY_ExtractFromPaint(*this).breakText(textD, length,
-                                                this->getTextEncoding(), maxWidth, measuredWidth);
 SkScalar SkPaint::getFontMetrics(SkFontMetrics* metrics) const {
     return SkFont::LEGACY_ExtractFromPaint(*this).getMetrics(metrics);