blob: 38a4174aba61fa646e53ca5c34ca494d1f09b99b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/GrStrokeTessellateShader.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLGeometryProcessor.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLVarying.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLVertexGeoBuilder.h"
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/GrWangsFormula.h"
constexpr static float kLinearizationIntolerance =
class GrStrokeTessellateShader::Impl : public GrGLSLGeometryProcessor {
const char* getTessControlArgsUniformName(const GrGLSLUniformHandler& uniformHandler) const {
return uniformHandler.getUniformCStr(fTessControlArgsUniform);
const char* getTranslateUniformName(const GrGLSLUniformHandler& uniformHandler) const {
return uniformHandler.getUniformCStr(fTranslateUniform);
const char* getAffineMatrixUniformName(const GrGLSLUniformHandler& uniformHandler) const {
return uniformHandler.getUniformCStr(fAffineMatrixUniform);
void onEmitCode(EmitArgs& args, GrGPArgs* gpArgs) override {
const auto& shader = args.fGP.cast<GrStrokeTessellateShader>();
auto* uniHandler = args.fUniformHandler;
fTessControlArgsUniform = uniHandler->addUniform(nullptr, kTessControl_GrShaderFlag,
kFloat2_GrSLType, "tessControlArgs",
if (!shader.viewMatrix().isIdentity()) {
fTranslateUniform = uniHandler->addUniform(nullptr, kTessEvaluation_GrShaderFlag,
kFloat2_GrSLType, "translate", nullptr);
fAffineMatrixUniform = uniHandler->addUniform(nullptr, kTessEvaluation_GrShaderFlag,
kFloat2x2_GrSLType, "affineMatrix",
const char* colorUniformName;
fColorUniform = uniHandler->addUniform(nullptr, kFragment_GrShaderFlag, kHalf4_GrSLType,
"color", &colorUniformName);
// The vertex shader chops the curve into 3 sections in order to meet our tessellation
// requirements. The stroke tessellator does not allow curve sections to inflect or to
// rotate more than 180 degrees.
// We start by chopping at inflections (if the curve has any), or else at midtangent. If we
// still don't have 3 sections after that then we just subdivide uniformly in parametric
// space.
using TypeModifier = GrShaderVar::TypeModifier;
auto* v = args.fVertBuilder;
v->defineConstantf("float", "kParametricEpsilon", "1.0 / (%i * 128)",
args.fShaderCaps->maxTessellationSegments()); // 1/128 of a segment.
v->defineConstantf("float", "kStandardCubicType", "%.0f", Patch::kStandardCubicType);
// Declare outputs to the tessellation control shader.
v->declareGlobal(GrShaderVar("vsPts01", kFloat4_GrSLType, TypeModifier::Out));
v->declareGlobal(GrShaderVar("vsPts23", kFloat4_GrSLType, TypeModifier::Out));
v->declareGlobal(GrShaderVar("vsPts45", kFloat4_GrSLType, TypeModifier::Out));
v->declareGlobal(GrShaderVar("vsPts67", kFloat4_GrSLType, TypeModifier::Out));
v->declareGlobal(GrShaderVar("vsPts89", kFloat4_GrSLType, TypeModifier::Out));
v->declareGlobal(GrShaderVar("vsTans01", kFloat4_GrSLType, TypeModifier::Out));
v->declareGlobal(GrShaderVar("vsTans23", kFloat4_GrSLType, TypeModifier::Out));
v->declareGlobal(GrShaderVar("vsTurnDirsAndPatchType", kHalf4_GrSLType, TypeModifier::Out));
v->declareGlobal(GrShaderVar("vsStrokeRadius", kFloat_GrSLType, TypeModifier::Out));
// Unpack the control points.
float4x2 P = float4x2(inputPts01, inputPts23);
half patchType = half(inputArgs.x);
// Find the beginning and ending tangents. It's imperative that we compute these tangents
// form the original input points or else the seams might crack.
// (This works for now because P0=P1=P2 and/or P1=P2=P3 are both illegal.)
float2 tan0 = (P[1] == P[0]) ? P[2] - P[0] : P[1] - P[0];
float2 tan1 = (P[3] == P[2]) ? P[3] - P[1] : P[3] - P[2];
// Find the cubic's power basis coefficient matrix "C":
// |Cx Cy|
// Cubic(T) = x,y = |T^3 T^2 T 1| * |. . |
// |. . |
// |. . |
float2x4 C = float4x4(-1, 3, -3, 1,
3, -6, 3, 0,
-3, 3, 0, 0,
1, 0, 0, 0) * transpose(P);
// Find the curve's inflection function. There are inflections at I==0.
// See:
// Inflections are found where: dot(|T^2 T 1|, I) == 0
float3 I = float3(-3*determinant(float2x2(C)),
-3*determinant(float2x2(C[0].xz, C[1].xz)),
-determinant(float2x2(C[0].yz, C[1].yz)));
// Formulate a quadratic that finds the infection points.
float a=I.x, b=I.y, c=I.z;
float discr = b*b - 4*a*c;
float2 midtangent = float2(0);
if (discr <= 0) {
// The curve does not inflect. Still chop, but at midtangent instead. This guarantees
// the curve does not rotate more that 180 degrees.
// Start by finding u=tan0, v=-tan1. The midtangent is orthogonal to their bisector.
float2 u=normalize(tan0), v=-normalize(tan1);
if (dot(u,v) < 0) {
// u,v are >90 degrees apart. Find the bisector of their normals instead. (After 90
// degrees, the normals start cancelling each other out.)
u = float2(-u.y, +u.x);
v = float2(+v.y, -v.x);
float2 bisector = u + v;
// The midtangent is orthogonal to the bisector. Its T value can be found as:
// dot(midtangent, bisector) == 0: |3*T^2 2*T 1| * float2x3(C) * bisector == 0
// |3 |
// The quadratic formula coefficients are therefore: | 2 | * float2x3(C) * bisector.
// | 1|
float3 coeffs = float2x3(C) * bisector;
if (coeffs == float3(0)) {
// The control points are exactly collinear and rotate either 0 or 360 degrees:
// tangent is perpendicular to the bisector at every parametric point for which a
// tangent is defined. Search instead for any locations where the flat curve does a
// 180 degree turn.
coeffs = float2x3(C) * tan0;
a=3*coeffs.x, b=2*coeffs.y, c=coeffs.z;
// Every curve has a midtangent. If discr is less than zero it's due to FP error. Don't
// let it fall below zero.
discr = max(b*b - 4*a*c, 0);
midtangent = float2(-bisector.y, bisector.x);
// We now have a quadratic formulated to chop the curve at the T values that meet our
// tessellation requirements: no inflections, no rotations >180 degrees. Solve for T.
float x = sqrt(discr);
if (b < 0) {
x = -x;
float q = -.5 * (b + x);
float2 roots = float2((a != 0) ? q/a : 0,
(q != 0) ? c/q : 0);
roots = (roots[0] <= roots[1]) ? roots : roots.ts; // Sort.
// Decide on two chop points for the curve that are inside 0..1. Start with the roots we
// just found, then subdivide uniformly in parametric space if needed.
float2 chopT = roots;
if (chopT[0] <= kParametricEpsilon) {
if (chopT[1] <= kParametricEpsilon) {
chopT[1] = 2/3.0;
chopT[0] = chopT[1];
if (chopT[1] >= 1 - kParametricEpsilon) {
if (chopT[0] >= 1 - kParametricEpsilon) {
chopT[0] = 1/3.0;
chopT[1] = chopT[0];
if (chopT[0] == chopT[1]) {
// The chop points are colocated. Split the larger section in half.
if (chopT[0] > .5) {
chopT[0] *= .5;
} else {
chopT[1] = fma(chopT[1], .5, .5);
if (patchType != kStandardCubicType) {
// The patch is actually a flat line or join. Don't chop it into sections after all.
chopT = float2(0);
// Chop the curve at T0.
float2 ab = mix(P[0], P[1], chopT[0]);
float2 bc = mix(P[1], P[2], chopT[0]);
float2 cd = mix(P[2], P[3], chopT[0]);
float2 abc = mix(ab, bc, chopT[0]);
float2 bcd = mix(bc, cd, chopT[0]);
float2 abcd = mix(abc, bcd, chopT[0]);
// Chop the curve in reverse at T1.
float2 wz = mix(P[2], P[3], chopT[1]);
float2 zy = mix(P[1], P[2], chopT[1]);
float2 yx = mix(P[0], P[1], chopT[1]);
float2 wzy = mix(zy, wz, chopT[1]);
float2 zyx = mix(yx, zy, chopT[1]);
float2 wzyx = mix(zyx, wzy, chopT[1]);
// Find tangents at the chop points.
float2 innerTan0 = (chopT[0] != 0) ? bcd - abc : tan0;
float2 innerTan1 = (chopT[1] != 0) ? wzy - zyx : tan0;
// Figure out which direction the curve turns as T approaches infinity.
float inflectValAtInf = (I[0] != 0) ? I[0] : (I[1] != 0) ? I[1] : I[2];
half turnDirAtInf = (inflectValAtInf >= 0) ? +1 : -1;
half3 turnDirs; // Will hold the turn directions for each section we just chopped.
if (patchType != kStandardCubicType) {
// The patch is a flat line or join. We didn't actually subdivide it.
innerTan0 = innerTan1 = tan0;
// The input points for joins aren't actually a cubic, but the math still works out that
// we can use the inflection function to decide which direction the join turns.
turnDirs = half3(-turnDirAtInf);
} else if (midtangent != float2(0)) {
// The curve did not inflect so we chopped at midtangent. The parametric definition of
// tangent can be undefined at points that divide rotation in half, so use midtangent
// instead at these locations.
if (chopT[0] == roots[0] || chopT[0] == roots[1]) {
float2 secondDerivate = float2(3*chopT[0], 1) * float2x2(C);
float midtangentTurn = determinant(float2x2(midtangent, secondDerivate));
innerTan0 = (midtangentTurn * turnDirAtInf >= 0) ? +midtangent : -midtangent;
if (chopT[1] == roots[0] || chopT[1] == roots[1]) {
float2 secondDerivate = float2(3*chopT[1], 1) * float2x2(C);
float midtangentTurn = determinant(float2x2(midtangent, secondDerivate));
innerTan1 = (midtangentTurn * turnDirAtInf >= 0) ? +midtangent : -midtangent;
// Non-inflecting curves always turn in the same direction.
turnDirs = half3(turnDirAtInf);
} else {
// We just chopped at inflection points so it is most stable to actually evaluate the
// inflection function at the center of each section.
float3 turnT = mix(float3(0, chopT), float3(chopT, 1), .5);
turnDirs = half3(sign(float3x3(turnT*turnT, turnT, 1,1,1) * I));
// Package arguments for the tessellation control stage.
vsPts01 = float4(P[0], ab);
vsPts23 = float4(abc, abcd);
vsPts45 = float4(mix(abcd, bcd, (chopT[1] - chopT[0]) / (1 - chopT[0])),
mix(zyx, wzyx, chopT[0] / chopT[1]));
vsPts67 = float4(wzyx, wzy);
vsPts89 = float4(wz, P[3]);
vsTans01 = float4(tan0, innerTan0);
vsTans23 = float4(innerTan1, tan1);
vsTurnDirsAndPatchType = half4(turnDirs, patchType);
vsStrokeRadius = inputArgs.y;
// The fragment shader just outputs a uniform color.
args.fFragBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = %s;", args.fOutputColor, colorUniformName);
args.fFragBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = half4(1);", args.fOutputCoverage);
void setData(const GrGLSLProgramDataManager& pdman,
const GrPrimitiveProcessor& primProc) override {
const auto& shader = primProc.cast<GrStrokeTessellateShader>();
// tessControlArgs.x is the tolerance in pixels.
pdman.set2f(fTessControlArgsUniform, 1 / (kLinearizationIntolerance * shader.fMatrixScale),
const SkMatrix& m = shader.viewMatrix();
if (!m.isIdentity()) {
pdman.set2f(fTranslateUniform, m.getTranslateX(), m.getTranslateY());
float affineMatrix[4] = {m.getScaleX(), m.getSkewY(), m.getSkewX(), m.getScaleY()};
pdman.setMatrix2f(fAffineMatrixUniform, affineMatrix);
pdman.set4fv(fColorUniform, 1, shader.fColor.vec());
GrGLSLUniformHandler::UniformHandle fTessControlArgsUniform;
GrGLSLUniformHandler::UniformHandle fTranslateUniform;
GrGLSLUniformHandler::UniformHandle fAffineMatrixUniform;
GrGLSLUniformHandler::UniformHandle fColorUniform;
SkString GrStrokeTessellateShader::getTessControlShaderGLSL(
const GrGLSLPrimitiveProcessor* glslPrimProc, const char* versionAndExtensionDecls,
const GrGLSLUniformHandler& uniformHandler, const GrShaderCaps& shaderCaps) const {
auto impl = static_cast<const GrStrokeTessellateShader::Impl*>(glslPrimProc);
SkString code(versionAndExtensionDecls);
// Run 3 invocations: 1 for each section that the vertex shader chopped the curve into.
code.append("layout(vertices = 3) out;\n");
code.appendf("const float kPI = 3.141592653589793238;\n");
code.appendf("const float kMaxTessellationSegments = %i;\n",
code.appendf("const float kStandardCubicType = %f;\n", Patch::kStandardCubicType);
code.appendf("const float kMiterJoinType = %.0f;\n", Patch::kMiterJoinType);
code.appendf("const float kBevelJoinType = %.0f;\n", Patch::kBevelJoinType);
const char* tessControlArgsName = impl->getTessControlArgsUniformName(uniformHandler);
code.appendf("uniform vec2 %s;\n", tessControlArgsName);
code.appendf("#define uTolerance %s.x\n", tessControlArgsName);
code.appendf("#define uMiterLimit %s.y\n", tessControlArgsName);
in vec4 vsPts01[];
in vec4 vsPts23[];
in vec4 vsPts45[];
in vec4 vsPts67[];
in vec4 vsPts89[];
in vec4 vsTans01[];
in vec4 vsTans23[];
in mediump vec4 vsTurnDirsAndPatchType[];
in float vsStrokeRadius[];
out vec4 tcsPts01[];
out vec4 tcsPt2Tan0[];
out vec4 tcsTessArgs[];
patch out vec4 tcsEndPtEndTan;
patch out vec4 tcsStrokeArgs;
// The built-in atan() is undefined when x==0. This method relieves that restriction, but also
// can return values larger than 2*kPI. This shouldn't matter for our purposes.
float atan2(vec2 v) {
float bias = 0;
if (abs(v.y) > abs(v.x)) {
v = vec2(v.y, -v.x);
bias = kPI/2;
return atan(v.y, v.x) + bias;
void main() {
// Unpack the input arguments from the vertex shader.
mat4x2 P;
mat2 tangents;
mediump float turnDir;
if (gl_InvocationID == 0) {
P = mat4x2(vsPts01[0], vsPts23[0]);
tangents = mat2(vsTans01[0]);
turnDir = vsTurnDirsAndPatchType[0].x;
} else if (gl_InvocationID == 1) {
P = mat4x2(vsPts23[0].zw, vsPts45[0], vsPts67[0].xy);
tangents = mat2(vsTans01[0].zw, vsTans23[0].xy);
turnDir = vsTurnDirsAndPatchType[0].y;
} else {
P = mat4x2(vsPts67[0], vsPts89[0]);
tangents = mat2(vsTans23[0]);
turnDir = vsTurnDirsAndPatchType[0].z;
mediump float patchType = vsTurnDirsAndPatchType[0].w;
float strokeRadius = vsStrokeRadius[0];
// Calculate the number of evenly spaced (in the parametric sense) segments to chop this
// section of the curve into. (See GrWangsFormula::cubic() for more documentation on this
// formula.) The final tessellated strip will be a composition of these parametric segments
// as well as radial segments.
float numParametricSegments = sqrt(
.75/uTolerance * length(max(abs(P[2] - P[1]*2.0 + P[0]),
abs(P[3] - P[2]*2.0 + P[1]))));
numParametricSegments = max(ceil(numParametricSegments), 1);
if (patchType != kStandardCubicType) {
// Joins and flat lines don't need parametric segments.
numParametricSegments = 1;
// Determine the curve's start angle.
float angle0 = atan2(tangents[0]);
// Determine the curve's total rotation. The vertex shader ensures our curve does not rotate
// more than 180 degrees or inflect, so the inverse cosine has enough range.
vec2 tan0norm = normalize(tangents[0]);
vec2 tan1norm = normalize(tangents[1]);
float cosTheta = dot(tan1norm, tan0norm);
float rotation = acos(clamp(cosTheta, -1, +1));
// Adjust sign of rotation to match the direction the curve turns.
rotation *= turnDir;
// Calculate the number of evenly spaced radial segments to chop this section of the curve
// into. Radial segments divide the curve's rotation into even steps. The final tessellated
// strip will be a composition of both parametric and radial segments.
float numRadialSegments = abs(rotation) / (2 * acos(max(1 - uTolerance/strokeRadius, -1)));
numRadialSegments = max(ceil(numRadialSegments), 1);
// Set up joins.
float innerStrokeRadius = 0; // Used for miter joins.
vec2 strokeOutsetClamp = vec2(-1, 1);
float joinType = abs(patchType);
if (joinType >= kBevelJoinType) {
innerStrokeRadius = strokeRadius; // A non-zero innerStrokeRadius designates a join.
if (joinType == kMiterJoinType) {
// Miter join. Draw a fan with 2 segments and lengthen the interior radius
// so it reaches the miter point.
// (Or draw a 1-segment fan if we exceed the miter limit.)
float miterRatio = 1.0 / cos(.5 * rotation);
numRadialSegments = (miterRatio <= uMiterLimit) ? 2.0 : 1.0;
innerStrokeRadius = strokeRadius * miterRatio;
} else if (joinType == kBevelJoinType) {
// Bevel join. Make a fan with only one segment.
numRadialSegments = 1;
if (length(tan0norm - tan1norm) * strokeRadius < uTolerance) {
// The join angle is too tight to guarantee there won't be cracks on the interior
// side of the junction. In case our join was intended to go on the exterior side
// only, switch to a double sided bevel that ties all 4 incoming vertices together
// like a bowtie. The join angle is so tight that bevels, miters, and rounds will
// all look the same anyway.
numRadialSegments = 1;
} else if (patchType > 0) {
// This join is single-sided. Clamp it to the outer side of the junction.
strokeOutsetClamp = (rotation > 0) ? vec2(-1,0) : vec2(0,1);
// The first and last edges are shared by both the parametric and radial sets of edges, so
// the total number of edges is:
// numCombinedEdges = numParametricEdges + numRadialEdges - 2
// It's also important to differentiate between the number of edges and segments in a strip:
// numCombinedSegments = numCombinedEdges - 1
// So the total number of segments in the combined strip is:
// numCombinedSegments = numParametricEdges + numRadialEdges - 2 - 1
// = numParametricSegments + 1 + numRadialSegments + 1 - 2 - 1
// = numParametricSegments + numRadialSegments - 1
float numCombinedSegments = numParametricSegments + numRadialSegments - 1;
// Pack the arguments for the evaluation stage.
tcsPts01[gl_InvocationID] = vec4(P[0], P[1]);
tcsPt2Tan0[gl_InvocationID] = vec4(P[2], tangents[0]);
tcsTessArgs[gl_InvocationID] = vec4(numCombinedSegments, numParametricSegments, angle0,
rotation / numRadialSegments);
if (gl_InvocationID == 2) {
tcsEndPtEndTan = vec4(P[3], tangents[1]);
tcsStrokeArgs = vec4(strokeRadius, innerStrokeRadius, strokeOutsetClamp);
} else if (patchType != kStandardCubicType) {
// We don't actually chop flat lines or joins. Disable their 0th & 1st curve sections by
// marking their number of segments as 0.
tcsTessArgs[gl_InvocationID].x = 0;
// Tessellate a quad strip with enough segments for all 3 curve sections combined.
float numTotalCombinedSegments = tcsTessArgs[0].x + tcsTessArgs[1].x + tcsTessArgs[2].x;
gl_TessLevelInner[0] = numTotalCombinedSegments;
gl_TessLevelInner[1] = 2.0;
gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = 2.0;
gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = numTotalCombinedSegments;
gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = 2.0;
gl_TessLevelOuter[3] = numTotalCombinedSegments;
return code;
SkString GrStrokeTessellateShader::getTessEvaluationShaderGLSL(
const GrGLSLPrimitiveProcessor* glslPrimProc, const char* versionAndExtensionDecls,
const GrGLSLUniformHandler& uniformHandler, const GrShaderCaps& shaderCaps) const {
auto impl = static_cast<const GrStrokeTessellateShader::Impl*>(glslPrimProc);
SkString code(versionAndExtensionDecls);
code.append("layout(quads, equal_spacing, ccw) in;\n");
// Use a #define to make extra sure we don't prevent the loop from unrolling.
code.appendf("#define MAX_TESSELLATION_SEGMENTS_LOG2 %i\n",
code.appendf("const float kPI = 3.141592653589793238;\n");
if (!this->viewMatrix().isIdentity()) {
const char* translateName = impl->getTranslateUniformName(uniformHandler);
code.appendf("uniform vec2 %s;\n", translateName);
code.appendf("#define uTranslate %s\n", translateName);
const char* affineMatrixName = impl->getAffineMatrixUniformName(uniformHandler);
code.appendf("uniform mat2x2 %s;\n", affineMatrixName);
code.appendf("#define uAffineMatrix %s\n", affineMatrixName);
in vec4 tcsPts01[];
in vec4 tcsPt2Tan0[];
in vec4 tcsTessArgs[];
patch in vec4 tcsEndPtEndTan;
patch in vec4 tcsStrokeArgs;
uniform vec4 sk_RTAdjust;
void main() {
// Our patch is composed of exactly "numTotalCombinedSegments + 1" stroke-width edges that
// run orthogonal to the curve and make a strip of "numTotalCombinedSegments" quads.
// Determine which discrete edge belongs to this invocation. An edge can either come from a
// parametric segment or a radial one.
float numTotalCombinedSegments = tcsTessArgs[0].x + tcsTessArgs[1].x + tcsTessArgs[2].x;
float totalEdgeID = round(gl_TessCoord.x * numTotalCombinedSegments);
// Furthermore, the vertex shader may have chopped the curve into 3 different sections.
// Determine which section we belong to, and where we fall relative to its first edge.
float localEdgeID = totalEdgeID;
mat4x2 P;
vec2 tan0;
vec3 tessellationArgs;
if (localEdgeID >= tcsTessArgs[0].x + tcsTessArgs[1].x) {
localEdgeID -= tcsTessArgs[0].x + tcsTessArgs[1].x;
P = mat4x2(tcsPts01[2], tcsPt2Tan0[2].xy, tcsEndPtEndTan.xy);
tan0 = tcsPt2Tan0[2].zw;
tessellationArgs = tcsTessArgs[2].yzw;
} else if (localEdgeID >= tcsTessArgs[0].x) {
localEdgeID -= tcsTessArgs[0].x;
P = mat4x2(tcsPts01[1], tcsPt2Tan0[1].xy, tcsPts01[2].xy);
tan0 = tcsPt2Tan0[1].zw;
tessellationArgs = tcsTessArgs[1].yzw;
} else {
P = mat4x2(tcsPts01[0], tcsPt2Tan0[0].xy, tcsPts01[1].xy);
tan0 = tcsPt2Tan0[0].zw;
tessellationArgs = tcsTessArgs[0].yzw;
float numParametricSegments = tessellationArgs.x;
float angle0 = tessellationArgs.y;
float radsPerSegment = tessellationArgs.z;
// Find a tangent matrix C' in power basis form. (This gives the derivative scaled by 1/3.)
// |T^2|
// dx,dy (divided by 3) = tangent = C_ * | T|
// | 1|
mat3x2 C_ = P * mat3x4(-1, 3, -3, 1,
2, -4, 2, 0,
-1, 1, 0, 0);
// Find the matrix C_s that produces an (arbitrarily scaled) tangent vector from a
// parametric edge ID:
// |parametricEdgeId^2|
// C_s * | parametricEdgeId| = tangent * s
// | 1|
mat3x2 C_s = mat3x2(C_[0], C_[1] * numParametricSegments,
C_[2] * numParametricSegments * numParametricSegments);
// Run an O(log N) search to determine the highest parametric edge that is located on or
// before the localEdgeID. A local edge ID is determined by the sum of complete parametric
// and radial segments behind it. i.e., find the highest parametric edge where:
// parametricEdgeID + floor(numRadialSegmentsAtParametricT) <= localEdgeID
float lastParametricEdgeID = 0;
float maxParametricEdgeID = min(numParametricSegments - 1, localEdgeID);
vec2 tan0norm = normalize(tan0);
float negAbsRadsPerSegment = -abs(radsPerSegment);
float maxRotation0 = (1 + localEdgeID) * abs(radsPerSegment);
for (int exp = MAX_TESSELLATION_SEGMENTS_LOG2 - 1; exp >= 0; --exp) {
// Test the parametric edge at lastParametricEdgeID + 2^exp.
float testParametricID = lastParametricEdgeID + (1 << exp);
if (testParametricID <= maxParametricEdgeID) {
vec2 testTan = fma(vec2(testParametricID), C_s[0], C_s[1]);
testTan = fma(vec2(testParametricID), testTan, C_s[2]);
float cosRotation = dot(normalize(testTan), tan0norm);
float maxRotation = fma(testParametricID, negAbsRadsPerSegment, maxRotation0);
maxRotation = min(maxRotation, kPI);
// Is rotation <= maxRotation? (i.e., is the number of complete radial segments
// behind testT, + testParametricID <= localEdgeID?)
// NOTE: We bias cos(maxRotation) downward for fp32 error. Otherwise a flat section
// following a 180 degree turn might not render properly.
if (cosRotation >= cos(maxRotation) - 1e-5) {
// testParametricID is on or before the localEdgeID. Keep it!
lastParametricEdgeID = testParametricID;
// Find the T value of the parametric edge at lastParametricEdgeID.
float parametricT = lastParametricEdgeID / numParametricSegments;
// Now that we've identified the highest parametric edge on or before the localEdgeID, the
// highest radial edge is easy:
float lastRadialEdgeID = localEdgeID - lastParametricEdgeID;
float radialAngle = fma(lastRadialEdgeID, radsPerSegment, angle0);
// Find the T value of the edge at lastRadialEdgeID. This is the point whose tangent angle
// is equal to radialAngle, or whose tangent vector is orthogonal to "norm".
vec2 tangent = vec2(cos(radialAngle), sin(radialAngle));
vec2 norm = vec2(-tangent.y, tangent.x);
// Find the T value where the cubic's tangent is orthogonal to norm:
// |T^2|
// dot(tangent, norm) == 0: norm * C_ * | T| == 0
// | 1|
// The coeffs for the quadratic equation we need to solve are therefore: norm * C_.
vec3 coeffs = norm * C_;
float a=coeffs.x, b=coeffs.y, c=coeffs.z;
// Quadratic formula from Numerical Recipes in C.
float x = sqrt(max(b*b - 4*a*c, 0));
if (b < 0) {
x = -x;
float q = -.5 * (b + x);
// Roots are q/a and c/q. Since each curve section does not inflect or rotate more than 180
// degrees, there can only be one tangent orthogonal to "norm" inside 0..1. Pick the root
// nearest 0.5.
float _5qa = .5*q*a;
vec2 root = (abs(q*q - _5qa) < abs(a*c - _5qa)) ? vec2(q,a) : vec2(c,q);
float radialT = (root.t != 0) ? root.s / root.t : 0;
radialT = clamp(radialT, 0, 1);
if (lastRadialEdgeID == 0) {
// The root finder above can become unstable when lastRadialEdgeID == 0 (e.g., if there
// are roots at exatly 0 and 1 both). radialT should always == 0 in this case.
radialT = 0;
// Now that we've identified the T values of the last parametric and radial edges, our final
// T value for localEdgeID is whichever is larger.
float T = max(parametricT, radialT);
// Evaluate the cubic at T. Use De Casteljau's for its accuracy and stability.
vec2 ab = mix(P[0], P[1], T);
vec2 bc = mix(P[1], P[2], T);
vec2 cd = mix(P[2], P[3], T);
vec2 abc = mix(ab, bc, T);
vec2 bcd = mix(bc, cd, T);
vec2 position = mix(abc, bcd, T);
// If we went with T=parametricT, then update the tangent. Otherwise leave it at the radial
// tangent found previously. (In the event that parametricT == radialT, we keep the radial
// tangent.)
if (T != radialT) {
tangent = bcd - abc;
float strokeRadius = tcsStrokeArgs.x;
float innerStrokeRadius = tcsStrokeArgs.y;
vec2 strokeOutsetClamp =;
if (localEdgeID == 0) {
// The first local edge of each section uses the provided P[0] and tan0. This ensures
// continuous rotation across chops made by the vertex shader as well as crack-free
// seaming between patches.
position = P[0];
tangent = tan0;
} else if (gl_TessCoord.x == 1) {
// The final edge of the quad strip always uses the provided endPt and endTan. This
// ensures crack-free seaming between patches.
position = tcsEndPtEndTan.xy;
tangent =;
} else if (innerStrokeRadius != 0) {
// Miter joins use a larger radius for the internal vertex in order to reach the miter
// point.
strokeRadius = innerStrokeRadius;
// If innerStrokeRadius != 0 then this patch is a join.
if (innerStrokeRadius != 0) {
// ... Aaaand nevermind again if we are a join. Those all rotate around P[1].
position = P[1];
// Determine how far to outset our vertex orthogonally from the curve.
float outset = gl_TessCoord.y * 2 - 1;
outset = clamp(outset, strokeOutsetClamp.x, strokeOutsetClamp.y);
outset *= strokeRadius;
vec2 vertexPos = position + normalize(vec2(-tangent.y, tangent.x)) * outset;
// Transform after tessellation. Stroke widths and normals are defined in (pre-transform) local
// path space.
if (!this->viewMatrix().isIdentity()) {
code.append("vertexPos = uAffineMatrix * vertexPos + uTranslate;");
gl_Position = vec4(vertexPos * sk_RTAdjust.xz + sk_RTAdjust.yw, 0.0, 1.0);
return code;
GrGLSLPrimitiveProcessor* GrStrokeTessellateShader::createGLSLInstance(
const GrShaderCaps&) const {
return new Impl;