blob: 6428fd38d8358ffe306f7da91a26d0307e8418ec [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_graphite_DispatchGroup_DEFINED
#define skgpu_graphite_DispatchGroup_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTArray.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ComputePipelineDesc.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ComputeTypes.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ResourceTypes.h"
namespace skgpu::graphite {
class CommandBuffer;
class ComputePipeline;
class ComputeStep;
class Recorder;
class ResourceProvider;
* DispatchGroup groups a series of compute pipeline dispatches that need to execute sequentially
* (i.e. with a barrier). Dispatches are stored in the order that they will be encoded
* in the eventual command buffer.
* A DispatchGroup can be constructed from a series of ComputeSteps using a Builder. The Builder
* verifies that the data flow specification between successive ComputeSteps are compatible.
* The resources required by a ComputeStep (such as Buffers and TextureProxies) are created by
* the Builder as they get added.
* Once a DispatchGroup is finalized, it is immutable. It contains the complete ResourceBinding list
* for each dispatch. A list of finalized DispatchGroups can be submitted to the command buffer in a
* ComputeTask.
class DispatchGroup final {
class Builder;
struct Dispatch {
ComputePassDesc fParams;
SkTArray<ResourceBinding> fBindings;
int fPipelineIndex = 0;
const SkTArray<Dispatch>& dispatches() const { return fDispatchList; }
const ComputePipeline* getPipeline(size_t index) const { return fPipelines[index].get(); }
bool prepareResources(ResourceProvider*);
void addResourceRefs(CommandBuffer*) const;
friend class DispatchGroupBuilder;
DispatchGroup() = default;
// Disallow copy and move.
DispatchGroup(const DispatchGroup&) = delete;
DispatchGroup(DispatchGroup&&) = delete;
SkTArray<Dispatch> fDispatchList;
// Pipelines are referenced by index by each Dispatch in `fDispatchList`. They are stored as a
// pipeline description until instantiated in `prepareResources()`.
SkTArray<ComputePipelineDesc> fPipelineDescs;
// Resources instantiated by `prepareResources()`
SkTArray<sk_sp<ComputePipeline>> fPipelines;
class DispatchGroup::Builder final {
// Contains the resource handles assigned to the outputs of the most recently inserted
// ComputeStep.
// TODO(b/259564970): Support TextureProxy slot entries.
struct OutputTable {
// Draw buffers that can be forwarded to a DrawPass
BindBufferInfo fVertexBuffer;
BindBufferInfo fIndexBuffer;
BindBufferInfo fInstanceBuffer;
BindBufferInfo fIndirectDrawBuffer;
BindBufferInfo fSharedSlots[kMaxComputeDataFlowSlots];
OutputTable() = default;
bool hasDrawBuffers() const {
return fVertexBuffer || fIndexBuffer || fInstanceBuffer || fIndirectDrawBuffer;
void reset() { *this = {}; }
explicit Builder(Recorder*);
const OutputTable& outputTable() const { return fOutputTable; }
// Add a new compute step to the dispatch group and assign its resources. Any output resources
// currently present in the OutputTable will be forwarded to the corresponding input slots of
// the new ComputeStep. If the ComputeStep specifies a geometry input resource, it will be
// prompted to populate it using the draw parameters. All other resources will be assigned
// dynamically.
bool appendStep(const ComputeStep*, const DrawParams&, int ssboIndex);
// Finalize and return the constructed DispatchGroup. The Builder can be used to construct a new
// DispatchGroup after this method returns.
std::unique_ptr<DispatchGroup> finalize();
// The object under construction.
std::unique_ptr<DispatchGroup> fObj;
Recorder* fRecorder;
OutputTable fOutputTable;
} // namespace skgpu::graphite
#endif // skgpu_graphite_DispatchGroup_DEFINED