blob: 9904b3ef93f071f56c634989f63e318af01141f7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkColorXform_opts_DEFINED
#define SkColorXform_opts_DEFINED
#include "SkNx.h"
#include "SkColorPriv.h"
#include "SkSRGB.h"
extern const float sk_linear_from_2dot2[256];
namespace SK_OPTS_NS {
static Sk4f linear_to_2dot2(const Sk4f& x) {
// x^(29/64) is a very good approximation of the true value, x^(1/2.2).
auto x2 = x.rsqrt(), // x^(-1/2)
x32 = x2.rsqrt().rsqrt().rsqrt().rsqrt(), // x^(-1/32)
x64 = x32.rsqrt(); // x^(+1/64)
// 29 = 32 - 2 - 1
return 255.0f * x2.invert() * x32 * x64.invert();
static Sk4f clamp_0_to_255(const Sk4f& x) {
// The order of the arguments is important here. We want to make sure that NaN
// clamps to zero. Note that max(NaN, 0) = 0, while max(0, NaN) = NaN.
return Sk4f::Min(Sk4f::Max(x, 0.0f), 255.0f);
template <const float (&linear_from_curve)[256], Sk4f (*linear_to_curve)(const Sk4f&)>
static void color_xform_RGB1(uint32_t* dst, const uint32_t* src, int len,
const float matrix[16]) {
Sk4f rXgXbX = Sk4f::Load(matrix + 0),
rYgYbY = Sk4f::Load(matrix + 4),
rZgZbZ = Sk4f::Load(matrix + 8);
if (len >= 4) {
Sk4f reds, greens, blues;
auto load_next_4 = [&reds, &greens, &blues, &src, &len] {
reds = Sk4f{linear_from_curve[(src[0] >> 0) & 0xFF],
linear_from_curve[(src[1] >> 0) & 0xFF],
linear_from_curve[(src[2] >> 0) & 0xFF],
linear_from_curve[(src[3] >> 0) & 0xFF]};
greens = Sk4f{linear_from_curve[(src[0] >> 8) & 0xFF],
linear_from_curve[(src[1] >> 8) & 0xFF],
linear_from_curve[(src[2] >> 8) & 0xFF],
linear_from_curve[(src[3] >> 8) & 0xFF]};
blues = Sk4f{linear_from_curve[(src[0] >> 16) & 0xFF],
linear_from_curve[(src[1] >> 16) & 0xFF],
linear_from_curve[(src[2] >> 16) & 0xFF],
linear_from_curve[(src[3] >> 16) & 0xFF]};
src += 4;
len -= 4;
Sk4f dstReds, dstGreens, dstBlues;
auto transform_4 = [&reds, &greens, &blues, &dstReds, &dstGreens, &dstBlues, &rXgXbX,
&rYgYbY, &rZgZbZ] {
dstReds = rXgXbX[0]*reds + rYgYbY[0]*greens + rZgZbZ[0]*blues;
dstGreens = rXgXbX[1]*reds + rYgYbY[1]*greens + rZgZbZ[1]*blues;
dstBlues = rXgXbX[2]*reds + rYgYbY[2]*greens + rZgZbZ[2]*blues;
auto store_4 = [&dstReds, &dstGreens, &dstBlues, &dst] {
dstReds = linear_to_curve(dstReds);
dstGreens = linear_to_curve(dstGreens);
dstBlues = linear_to_curve(dstBlues);
dstReds = clamp_0_to_255(dstReds);
dstGreens = clamp_0_to_255(dstGreens);
dstBlues = clamp_0_to_255(dstBlues);
auto rgba = (Sk4i{(int)0xFF000000} )
| (SkNx_cast<int>(dstReds) )
| (SkNx_cast<int>(dstGreens) << 8)
| (SkNx_cast<int>(dstBlues) << 16);;
dst += 4;
while (len >= 4) {
while (len > 0) {
// Splat r,g,b across a register each.
auto r = Sk4f{linear_from_curve[(*src >> 0) & 0xFF]},
g = Sk4f{linear_from_curve[(*src >> 8) & 0xFF]},
b = Sk4f{linear_from_curve[(*src >> 16) & 0xFF]};
// Apply transformation matrix to dst gamut.
auto dstPixel = rXgXbX*r + rYgYbY*g + rZgZbZ*b;
// Convert to dst gamma.
dstPixel = linear_to_curve(dstPixel);
// Clamp floats to byte range.
dstPixel = clamp_0_to_255(dstPixel);
// Convert to bytes and store to memory.
uint32_t rgba;
rgba |= 0xFF000000;
*dst = rgba;
dst += 1;
src += 1;
len -= 1;
static void color_xform_RGB1_srgb_to_2dot2(uint32_t* dst, const uint32_t* src, int len,
const float matrix[16]) {
color_xform_RGB1<sk_linear_from_srgb, linear_to_2dot2>(dst, src, len, matrix);
static void color_xform_RGB1_2dot2_to_2dot2(uint32_t* dst, const uint32_t* src, int len,
const float matrix[16]) {
color_xform_RGB1<sk_linear_from_2dot2, linear_to_2dot2>(dst, src, len, matrix);
static void color_xform_RGB1_srgb_to_srgb(uint32_t* dst, const uint32_t* src, int len,
const float matrix[16]) {
color_xform_RGB1<sk_linear_from_srgb, sk_linear_to_srgb>(dst, src, len, matrix);
static void color_xform_RGB1_2dot2_to_srgb(uint32_t* dst, const uint32_t* src, int len,
const float matrix[16]) {
color_xform_RGB1<sk_linear_from_2dot2, sk_linear_to_srgb>(dst, src, len, matrix);
} // namespace SK_OPTS_NS
#endif // SkColorXform_opts_DEFINED