blob: a855804e269be74b2e9c440ac5ccf7bf6a824545 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "experimental/graphite/src/Renderer.h"
#include "experimental/graphite/src/ContextUtils.h"
#include "experimental/graphite/src/DrawWriter.h"
#include "experimental/graphite/src/UniformManager.h"
#include "experimental/graphite/src/geom/Shape.h"
#include "src/gpu/BufferWriter.h"
namespace skgpu {
namespace {
// TODO: Hand off to csmartdalton, this should roughly correspond to the fStencilFanProgram and
// simple triangulator shader stage of the skgpu::v1::PathStencilCoverOp
class StencilFanRenderStep : public RenderStep {
StencilFanRenderStep() {}
~StencilFanRenderStep() override {}
const char* name() const override { return "stencil-fan"; }
bool requiresStencil() const override { return true; }
bool requiresMSAA() const override { return true; }
bool performsShading() const override { return false; }
// TODO: Hand off to csmartdalton, this should roughly correspond to the fStencilPathProgram stage
// of skgpu::v1::PathStencilCoverOp using the PathCurveTessellator
class StencilCurvesRenderStep : public RenderStep {
StencilCurvesRenderStep() {}
~StencilCurvesRenderStep() override {}
const char* name() const override { return "stencil-curves"; }
bool requiresStencil() const override { return true; }
bool requiresMSAA() const override { return true; }
bool performsShading() const override { return false; }
// TODO: Hand off to csmartdalton, this should roughly correspond to the fCoverBBoxProgram stage
// of skgpu::v1::PathStencilCoverOp.
class FillBoundsRenderStep final : public RenderStep {
// TODO: Will need to add kRequiresStencil when we support specifying stencil settings and
// the Renderer includes the stenciling step first.
: RenderStep(Flags::kPerformsShading,
/*vertexAttrs=*/{{"position", VertexAttribType::kFloat2, SLType::kFloat2}},
/*instanceAttrs=*/{}) {}
~FillBoundsRenderStep() override {}
const char* name() const override { return "fill-bounds"; }
void writeVertices(DrawWriter* writer, const Shape& shape) const override {
// TODO: Need to account for the transform eventually, but that requires more plumbing
// TODO: triangle strip/fan is actually tricky to merge correctly, since we want strips
// for everything that was appended by the RenderStep, but no connection across RenderSteps,
// so either we need a way to end it here, or switch to instance rendering w/o instance
// data so that vertices are still clustered appripriately. But that would require updating
// the DrawWriter to support appending both vertex and instance data simultaneously, which
// would need to return 2 vertex writers?
sk_sp<UniformData> writeUniforms(Layout layout, const Shape&) const override {
// TODO: Return the uniform data that is needed for this draw, but since there are no
// declared uniforms right now, just return nullptr. Eventually, the uniforms should include
// the draw's transform (at least until we use storage buffers).
return nullptr;
} // anonymous namespace
const Renderer& Renderer::StencilAndFillPath() {
// TODO: Uncomment and include in kRenderer to draw flattened paths instead of bboxes
// static const StencilFanRenderStep kStencilFan;
// TODO: Uncomment and include in kRenderer to draw curved paths
// static const StencilCurvesRenderStep kStencilCurves;
// TODO: This could move into a header and be reused across renderers
static const FillBoundsRenderStep kCover;
static const Renderer kRenderer("stencil-and-fill",
/*&kStencilFan,*/ /*&kStencilCurves,*/ &kCover);
return kRenderer;
} // namespace skgpu