blob: 7cb50e138b41edc6f0e84cf1cf60f7849e2de64e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func main() {
var (
projectId = flag.String("project_id", "", "ID of the Google Cloud project.")
taskId = flag.String("task_id", "", "ID of this task.")
bot = flag.String("bot", "", "Name of the task.")
output = flag.String("o", "", "Dump JSON step data to the given file, or stdout if -.")
local = flag.Bool("local", true, "Running locally (else on the bots)?")
resources = flag.String("resources", "resources", "Passed to fm -i.")
imgs = flag.String("imgs", "", "Shorthand `directory` contents as 'imgs'.")
skps = flag.String("skps", "", "Shorthand `directory` contents as 'skps'.")
svgs = flag.String("svgs", "", "Shorthand `directory` contents as 'svgs'.")
script = flag.String("script", "", "File (or - for stdin) with one job per line.")
gold = flag.Bool("gold", false, "Fetch known hashes, upload to Gold, etc.?")
ctx := context.Background()
startStep := func(ctx context.Context, _ *td.StepProperties) context.Context { return ctx }
endStep := func(_ context.Context) {}
failStep := func(_ context.Context, err error) error {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
return err
fatal := func(ctx context.Context, err error) {
failStep(ctx, err)
httpClient := func(_ context.Context) *http.Client { return http.DefaultClient }
if !*local {
ctx = td.StartRun(projectId, taskId, bot, output, local)
defer td.EndRun(ctx)
startStep = td.StartStep
endStep = td.EndStep
failStep = td.FailStep
fatal = td.Fatal
httpClient = func(ctx context.Context) *http.Client { return td.HttpClient(ctx, nil) }
if flag.NArg() < 1 {
fatal(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Please pass an fm binary."))
fm := flag.Arg(0)
// Run `fm <flag>` to find the names of all linked GMs or tests.
query := func(flag string) []string {
stdout := &bytes.Buffer{}
cmd := &exec.Command{Name: fm, Stdout: stdout}
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "-i", *resources)
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, flag)
if err := exec.Run(ctx, cmd); err != nil {
fatal(ctx, err)
lines := []string{}
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(stdout)
for scanner.Scan() {
lines = append(lines, scanner.Text())
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
fatal(ctx, err)
return lines
// Lowercase with leading '.' stripped.
normalizedExt := func(s string) string {
return strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(s)[1:])
// Walk directory for files with given set of extensions.
walk := func(dir string, exts map[string]bool) (files []string) {
if dir != "" {
err := filepath.Walk(dir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if !info.IsDir() && exts[normalizedExt(info.Name())] {
files = append(files, path)
return nil
if err != nil {
fatal(ctx, err)
rawExts := map[string]bool{
"arw": true,
"cr2": true,
"dng": true,
"nef": true,
"nrw": true,
"orf": true,
"pef": true,
"raf": true,
"rw2": true,
"srw": true,
imgExts := map[string]bool{
"astc": true,
"bmp": true,
"gif": true,
"ico": true,
"jpeg": true,
"jpg": true,
"ktx": true,
"png": true,
"wbmp": true,
"webp": true,
for k, v := range rawExts {
imgExts[k] = v
// We can use "gm" or "gms" as shorthand to refer to all GMs, and similar for the rest.
shorthands := map[string][]string{
"gm": query("--listGMs"),
"test": query("--listTests"),
"img": walk(*imgs, imgExts),
"skp": walk(*skps, map[string]bool{"skp": true}),
"svg": walk(*svgs, map[string]bool{"svg": true}),
for k, v := range shorthands {
shorthands[k+"s"] = v
// Query Gold for all known hashes when running as a bot.
known := map[string]bool{
"0832f708a97acc6da385446384647a8f": true, // MD5 of passing unit test.
if *gold {
func() {
url := ""
resp, err := httpClient(ctx).Get(url)
if err != nil {
fatal(ctx, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(resp.Body)
for scanner.Scan() {
known[scanner.Text()] = true
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
fatal(ctx, err)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Gold knew %v unique hashes.\n", len(known))
var worker func(context.Context, []string, []string) int
worker = func(ctx context.Context, sources, flags []string) (failures int) {
stdout := &bytes.Buffer{}
stderr := &bytes.Buffer{}
cmd := &exec.Command{Name: fm, Stdout: stdout, Stderr: stderr}
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "-i", *resources)
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, flags...)
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "-s")
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, sources...)
// Run our FM command.
err := exec.Run(ctx, cmd)
// We'll rerun any source individually that didn't produce a known hash, i.e.
// sources that crash, produce unknown hashes, or that an crash prevented from running.
unknownHash := ""
// Start assuming we'll need to rerun everything.
reruns := map[string]bool{}
for _, name := range sources {
reruns[name] = true
// Scan stdout for lines like "<name> skipped" or "<name> <hash> ??ms"
// and exempt those sources from reruns if they were skipped or their hash is known.
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(stdout)
for scanner.Scan() {
if parts := strings.Fields(scanner.Text()); len(parts) >= 2 {
name, outcome := parts[0], parts[1]
if *gold && outcome != "skipped" && !known[outcome] {
unknownHash = outcome
} else {
delete(reruns, name)
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
fatal(ctx, err)
// Only rerun sources from a batch (or we'd rerun failures over and over and over).
if len(sources) > 1 {
for name, _ := range reruns {
failures += worker(ctx, []string{name}, flags)
// If an individual run failed, nothing more to do but fail.
if err != nil {
failures += 1
lines := []string{}
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(stderr)
for scanner.Scan() {
lines = append(lines, scanner.Text())
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
fatal(ctx, err)
failStep(ctx, fmt.Errorf("%v #failed:\n\t%v\n",
strings.Join(lines, "\n\t")))
// If an individual run succeeded but produced an unknown hash, TODO upload .png to Gold.
// For now just print out the command and the hash it produced.
if unknownHash != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%v #%v\n",
type Work struct {
Ctx context.Context
WG *sync.WaitGroup
Failures *int32
Sources []string // Passed to FM -s: names of gms/tests, paths to images, .skps, etc.
Flags []string // Other flags to pass to FM: --ct 565, --msaa 16, etc.
queue := make(chan Work, 1<<20) // Arbitrarily huge buffer to avoid ever blocking.
for i := 0; i < runtime.NumCPU(); i++ {
go func() {
for w := range queue {
func() {
defer w.WG.Done()
// For organizational purposes, create a step representing this batch,
// with the batch call to FM and any individual reruns all nested inside.
ctx := startStep(w.Ctx, td.Props(strings.Join(w.Sources, " ")))
defer endStep(ctx)
if failures := worker(ctx, w.Sources, w.Flags); failures > 0 {
atomic.AddInt32(w.Failures, int32(failures))
// Get some work going, first breaking it into batches to increase our parallelism.
pendingKickoffs := &sync.WaitGroup{}
var totalFailures int32 = 0
kickoff := func(sources, flags []string) {
if len(sources) == 0 {
return // A blank or commented job line from -script or the command line.
// Shuffle the sources randomly as a cheap way to approximate evenly expensive batches.
// (Intentionally not rand.Seed()'d to stay deterministically reproducible.)
sources = append([]string{}, sources...) // We'll be needing our own copy...
rand.Shuffle(len(sources), func(i, j int) {
sources[i], sources[j] = sources[j], sources[i]
// For organizational purposes, create a step representing this call to kickoff(),
// with each batch of sources nested inside.
ctx := startStep(ctx,
td.Props(fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s…", strings.Join(flags, " "), sources[0])))
pendingBatches := &sync.WaitGroup{}
failures := new(int32)
// Arbitrary, nice to scale ~= cores.
approxNumBatches := runtime.NumCPU()
// Round up batch size to avoid empty batches, making approxNumBatches approximate.
batchSize := (len(sources) + approxNumBatches - 1) / approxNumBatches
util.ChunkIter(len(sources), batchSize, func(start, end int) error {
queue <- Work{ctx, pendingBatches, failures, sources[start:end], flags}
return nil
// When the batches for this kickoff() are all done, this kickoff() is done.
go func() {
if *failures > 0 {
atomic.AddInt32(&totalFailures, *failures)
if !*local { // Uninteresting to see on local runs.
failStep(ctx, fmt.Errorf("%v runs failed\n", *failures))
// Parse a job like "gms b=cpu ct=8888" into sources and flags for kickoff().
parse := func(job []string) (sources, flags []string) {
for _, token := range job {
// Everything after # is a comment.
if strings.HasPrefix(token, "#") {
// Expand "gm" or "gms" to all known GMs, or same for tests, images, skps, svgs.
if vals, ok := shorthands[token]; ok {
sources = append(sources, vals...)
// Is this a flag to pass through to FM?
if parts := strings.Split(token, "="); len(parts) == 2 {
f := "-"
if len(parts[0]) > 1 {
f += "-"
f += parts[0]
flags = append(flags, f, parts[1])
// Anything else must be the name of a source for FM to run.
sources = append(sources, token)
// Parse one job from the command line, handy for ad hoc local runs.
// Any number of jobs can come from -script.
if *script != "" {
file := os.Stdin
if *script != "-" {
file, err := os.Open(*script)
if err != nil {
fatal(ctx, err)
defer file.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
for scanner.Scan() {
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
fatal(ctx, err)
// If we're a bot (or acting as if we are one), kick off its work.
if *bot != "" {
parts := strings.Split(*bot, "-")
OS, model, CPU_or_GPU := parts[1], parts[3], parts[4]
commonFlags := []string{}
run := func(sources []string, extraFlags string) {
kickoff(sources, append(strings.Fields(extraFlags), commonFlags...))
gms := shorthands["gms"]
imgs := shorthands["imgs"]
svgs := shorthands["svgs"]
skps := shorthands["skps"]
tests := shorthands["tests"]
filter := func(in []string, keep func(string) bool) (out []string) {
for _, s := range in {
if keep(s) {
out = append(out, s)
if strings.Contains(OS, "Win") {
// We can't decode these formats on Windows.
imgs = filter(imgs, func(s string) bool { return !rawExts[normalizedExt(s)] })
if CPU_or_GPU == "CPU" {
commonFlags = append(commonFlags, "-b", "cpu")
// Run GMs once using native fonts, then switch to portable fonts for everything else.
run(gms, "--nativeFonts true")
commonFlags = append(commonFlags, "--nativeFonts", "false")
// FM's default ct/gamut/tf flags are equivalent to --config srgb in DM.
run(gms, "")
run(imgs, "")
run(svgs, "")
run(skps, "--clipW 1000 --clipH 1000")
run(tests, "")
if model == "GCE" {
run(gms, "--ct g8 --legacy") // --config g8
run(gms, "--ct 565 --legacy") // --config 565
run(gms, "--ct 8888 --legacy") // --config 8888.
run(gms, "--ct f16") // --config esrgb
run(gms, "--ct f16 --tf linear") // --config f16
run(gms, "--ct 8888 --gamut p3") // --config p3
run(gms, "--ct 8888 --gamut narrow --tf 2.2") // --config narrow
run(gms, "--ct f16 --gamut rec2020 --tf rec2020") // --config erec2020
run(gms, "--skvm")
run(gms, "--skvm --ct f16")
run(imgs, "--decodeToDst --ct f16 --gamut rec2020 --tf rec2020")
// TODO: pic-8888 equivalent?
// TODO: serialize-8888 equivalent?
if totalFailures > 0 {
fatal(ctx, fmt.Errorf("%v runs of %v failed after retries.\n", totalFailures, fm))