blob: 23e702ce822986f6796f7b2ba47b6c5c03596e8a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/graphite/geom/IntersectionTree.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTPin.h"
#include "src/base/SkVx.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
namespace skgpu::graphite {
// BSP node. Space is partitioned by an either vertical or horizontal line. Note that if a rect
// straddles the partition line, it will need to go on both sides of the tree.
template<IntersectionTree::SplitType kSplitType>
class IntersectionTree::TreeNode final : public Node {
TreeNode(float splitCoord, Node* lo, Node* hi)
: fSplitCoord(splitCoord), fLo(lo), fHi(hi) {
bool intersects(Rect rect) override {
if (GetLoVal(rect) < fSplitCoord && fLo->intersects(rect)) {
return true;
if (GetHiVal(rect) > fSplitCoord && fHi->intersects(rect)) {
return true;
return false;
Node* addNonIntersecting(Rect rect, SkArenaAlloc* arena) override {
if (GetLoVal(rect) < fSplitCoord) {
fLo = fLo->addNonIntersecting(rect, arena);
if (GetHiVal(rect) > fSplitCoord) {
fHi = fHi->addNonIntersecting(rect, arena);
return this;
SK_ALWAYS_INLINE static float GetLoVal(const Rect& rect) {
return (kSplitType == SplitType::kX) ? rect.left() :;
SK_ALWAYS_INLINE static float GetHiVal(const Rect& rect) {
return (kSplitType == SplitType::kX) ? rect.right() :;
float fSplitCoord;
Node* fLo;
Node* fHi;
// Leaf node. Rects are kept in a simple list and intersection testing is performed by brute force.
class IntersectionTree::LeafNode final : public Node {
// Max number of rects to store in this node before splitting. With SSE/NEON optimizations, ~64
// brute force rect comparisons seems to be the optimal number.
constexpr static int kMaxRectsInList = 64;
LeafNode() {
// Initialize our arrays with maximally negative rects. These have the advantage of always
// failing intersection tests, thus allowing us to test for intersection beyond fNumRects
// without failing.
constexpr static float infinity = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
std::fill_n(fLefts, kMaxRectsInList, infinity);
std::fill_n(fTops, kMaxRectsInList, infinity);
std::fill_n(fNegRights, kMaxRectsInList, infinity);
std::fill_n(fNegBots, kMaxRectsInList, infinity);
void popAll() {
fNumRects = 0;
fSplittableBounds = -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
fRectValsSum = 0;
// Leave the rect arrays untouched. Since we know they are either already valid in the tree,
// or else maximally negative, this allows the future list to check for intersection beyond
// fNumRects without failing.
bool intersects(Rect rect) override {
// Test for intersection in sets of 4. Since all the data in our rect arrays is either
// maximally negative, or valid from somewhere else in the tree, we can test beyond
// fNumRects without failing.
static_assert(kMaxRectsInList % 4 == 0);
SkASSERT(fNumRects <= kMaxRectsInList);
auto comp = Rect::ComplementRect(rect).fVals;
for (int i = 0; i < fNumRects; i += 4) {
auto l = skvx::float4::Load(fLefts + i);
auto t = skvx::float4::Load(fTops + i);
auto nr = skvx::float4::Load(fNegRights + i);
auto nb = skvx::float4::Load(fNegBots + i);
if (any((l < comp[0]) &
(t < comp[1]) &
(nr < comp[2]) &
(nb < comp[3]))) {
return true;
return false;
Node* addNonIntersecting(Rect rect, SkArenaAlloc* arena) override {
if (fNumRects == kMaxRectsInList) {
// The new rect doesn't fit. Split our rect list first and then add.
return this->split(arena)->addNonIntersecting(rect, arena);
return this;
void appendToList(Rect rect) {
SkASSERT(fNumRects < kMaxRectsInList);
int i = fNumRects++;
// [maxLeft, maxTop, -minRight, -minBot]
fSplittableBounds = max(fSplittableBounds, rect.vals());
fRectValsSum += rect.vals(); // [sum(left), sum(top), -sum(right), -sum(bot)]
fLefts[i] = rect.vals()[0];
fTops[i] = rect.vals()[1];
fNegRights[i] = rect.vals()[2];
fNegBots[i] = rect.vals()[3];
Rect loadRect(int i) const {
return Rect::FromVals({fLefts[i], fTops[i], fNegRights[i], fNegBots[i]});
// Splits this node with a new LeafNode, then returns a TreeNode that reuses our "this" pointer
// along with the new node.
IntersectionTree::Node* split(SkArenaAlloc* arena) {
// This should only get called when our list is full.
SkASSERT(fNumRects == kMaxRectsInList);
// Since rects cannot overlap, there will always be a split that places at least one pairing
// of rects on opposite sides. The region:
// fSplittableBounds == [maxLeft, maxTop, -minRight, -minBot] == [r, b, -l, -t]
// Represents the region of splits that guarantee a strict subdivision of our rect list.
auto splittableSize = fSplittableBounds.xy() +; // == [r-l, b-t]
SkASSERT(max(splittableSize) >= 0);
SplitType splitType = (splittableSize.x() > splittableSize.y()) ? SplitType::kX
: SplitType::kY;
float splitCoord;
const float *loVals, *negHiVals;
if (splitType == SplitType::kX) {
// Split horizontally, at the geometric midpoint if it falls within the splittable
// bounds.
splitCoord = (fRectValsSum.x() - fRectValsSum.z()) * (.5f/kMaxRectsInList);
splitCoord = SkTPin(splitCoord, -fSplittableBounds.z(), fSplittableBounds.x());
loVals = fLefts;
negHiVals = fNegRights;
} else {
// Split vertically, at the geometric midpoint if it falls within the splittable bounds.
splitCoord = (fRectValsSum.y() - fRectValsSum.w()) * (.5f/kMaxRectsInList);
splitCoord = SkTPin(splitCoord, -fSplittableBounds.w(), fSplittableBounds.y());
loVals = fTops;
negHiVals = fNegBots;
// Split "this", leaving all rects below "splitCoord" in this, and placing all rects above
// splitCoord in "hiNode". There may be some reduncancy between lists, but we made sure to
// select a split that would leave both lists strictly smaller than the original.
LeafNode* hiNode = arena->make<LeafNode>();
int numCombinedRects = fNumRects;
float negSplitCoord = -splitCoord;
for (int i = 0; i < numCombinedRects; ++i) {
Rect rect = this->loadRect(i);
if (loVals[i] < splitCoord) {
if (negHiVals[i] < negSplitCoord) {
SkASSERT(0 < fNumRects && fNumRects < numCombinedRects);
SkASSERT(0 < hiNode->fNumRects && hiNode->fNumRects < numCombinedRects);
return (splitType == SplitType::kX)
? (Node*)arena->make<TreeNode<SplitType::kX>>(splitCoord, this, hiNode)
: (Node*)arena->make<TreeNode<SplitType::kY>>(splitCoord, this, hiNode);
int fNumRects;
skvx::float4 fSplittableBounds; // [maxLeft, maxTop, -minRight, -minBot]
skvx::float4 fRectValsSum; // [sum(left), sum(top), -sum(right), -sum(bot)]
alignas(Rect) float fLefts[kMaxRectsInList];
alignas(Rect) float fTops[kMaxRectsInList];
alignas(Rect) float fNegRights[kMaxRectsInList];
alignas(Rect) float fNegBots[kMaxRectsInList];
static_assert((kMaxRectsInList * sizeof(float)) % sizeof(Rect) == 0);
: fRoot(fArena.make<LeafNode>()) {
static_assert(kTreeNodeSize == sizeof(TreeNode<SplitType::kX>));
static_assert(kTreeNodeSize == sizeof(TreeNode<SplitType::kY>));
static_assert(kLeafNodeSize == sizeof(LeafNode));
} // namespace skgpu::graphite