blob: 1a5b7212ed4acd26fb4fadbc148b70eb9eb8a44e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_graphite_geom_BoundsManager_DEFINED
#define skgpu_graphite_geom_BoundsManager_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkSize.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTemplates.h"
#include "src/base/SkTBlockList.h"
#include "src/base/SkVx.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/DrawOrder.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/geom/Rect.h"
#include <cstdint>
namespace skgpu::graphite {
* BoundsManager is an acceleration structure for device-space related pixel bounds queries.
* The BoundsManager tracks a single ordinal value per bounds: the CompressedPaintersOrder of a draw
* The CompressedPaintersOrder enforces a specific submission order of draws to the GPU but can
* re-arrange draws out of their original painter's order if the GREATER depth test and the draw's Z
* value resolve out-of-order rendering.
* It supports querying the most recent draw intersecting a bounding rect (represented as a
* CompressedPaintersOrder value), and recording a (bounds, CompressedPaintersOrder) pair.
class BoundsManager {
virtual ~BoundsManager() {}
virtual CompressedPaintersOrder getMostRecentDraw(const Rect& bounds) const = 0;
virtual void recordDraw(const Rect& bounds, CompressedPaintersOrder order) = 0;
virtual void reset() = 0;
// TODO: Select one most-effective BoundsManager implementation, make it the only option, and remove
// virtual-ness. For now, this seems useful for correctness testing by comparing against trivial
// implementations and for identifying how much "smarts" are actually worthwhile.
// A BoundsManager that produces exact painter's order and assumes nothing is occluded.
class NaiveBoundsManager final : public BoundsManager {
~NaiveBoundsManager() override {}
CompressedPaintersOrder getMostRecentDraw(const Rect& bounds) const override {
return fLatestDraw;
void recordDraw(const Rect& bounds, CompressedPaintersOrder order) override {
if (fLatestDraw < order) {
fLatestDraw = order;
void reset() override {
fLatestDraw = CompressedPaintersOrder::First();
CompressedPaintersOrder fLatestDraw = CompressedPaintersOrder::First();
// A BoundsManager that tracks every draw and can exactly determine all queries
// using a brute force search.
class BruteForceBoundsManager : public BoundsManager {
~BruteForceBoundsManager() override {}
CompressedPaintersOrder getMostRecentDraw(const Rect& bounds) const override {
SkASSERT(fRects.count() == fOrders.count());
Rect::ComplementRect boundsComplement(bounds);
CompressedPaintersOrder max = CompressedPaintersOrder::First();
auto orderIter = fOrders.items().begin();
for (const Rect& r : fRects.items()) {
if (r.intersects(boundsComplement) && max < *orderIter) {
max = *orderIter;
return max;
void recordDraw(const Rect& bounds, CompressedPaintersOrder order) override {
void reset() override {
int count() const { return fRects.count(); }
void replayDraws(BoundsManager* manager) const {
auto orderIter = fOrders.items().begin();
for (const Rect& r : fRects.items()) {
manager->recordDraw(r, *orderIter);
// fRects and fOrders are parallel, but kept separate to avoid wasting padding since Rect is
// an over-aligned type.
SkTBlockList<Rect> fRects{16, SkBlockAllocator::GrowthPolicy::kFibonacci};
SkTBlockList<CompressedPaintersOrder> fOrders{16, SkBlockAllocator::GrowthPolicy::kFibonacci};
// A BoundsManager that tracks highest CompressedPaintersOrder over a uniform spatial grid.
class GridBoundsManager : public BoundsManager {
// 'gridSize' is the number of cells in the X and Y directions, splitting the pixels from [0,0]
// to 'deviceSize' into uniformly-sized cells.
static std::unique_ptr<GridBoundsManager> Make(const SkISize& deviceSize,
const SkISize& gridSize) {
SkASSERT(deviceSize.width() > 0 && deviceSize.height() > 0);
SkASSERT(gridSize.width() >= 1 && gridSize.height() >= 1);
return std::unique_ptr<GridBoundsManager>(new GridBoundsManager(deviceSize, gridSize));
static std::unique_ptr<GridBoundsManager> Make(const SkISize& deviceSize, int gridSize) {
return Make(deviceSize, {gridSize, gridSize});
static std::unique_ptr<GridBoundsManager> MakeRes(const SkISize& deviceSize, int gridCellSize) {
SkASSERT(deviceSize.width() > 0 && deviceSize.height() > 0);
SkASSERT(gridCellSize >= 1);
int gridWidth = SkScalarCeilToInt(deviceSize.width() / (float) gridCellSize);
int gridHeight = SkScalarCeilToInt(deviceSize.height() / (float) gridCellSize);
// This keeps the grid cells exactly at the requested resolution, but pads the right and
// bottom edges out to a multiple of the cell size. The alternative is pass in the unpadded
// device size, which would mean the actual cell size will be smaller than the requested
// (by (deviceSize % gridCellSize)/gridDims).
SkISize paddedDeviceSize = {gridWidth * gridCellSize, gridHeight * gridCellSize};
return Make(paddedDeviceSize, {gridWidth, gridHeight});
~GridBoundsManager() override {}
CompressedPaintersOrder getMostRecentDraw(const Rect& bounds) const override {
auto ltrb = this->getGridCoords(bounds);
const CompressedPaintersOrder* p = + ltrb[1] * fGridWidth + ltrb[0];
int h = ltrb[3] - ltrb[1];
int w = ltrb[2] - ltrb[0];
CompressedPaintersOrder max = CompressedPaintersOrder::First();
for (int y = 0; y <= h; ++y ) {
for (int x = 0; x <= w; ++x) {
CompressedPaintersOrder v = *(p + x);
if (v > max) {
max = v;
p = p + fGridWidth;
return max;
void recordDraw(const Rect& bounds, CompressedPaintersOrder order) override {
auto ltrb = this->getGridCoords(bounds);
CompressedPaintersOrder* p = + ltrb[1] * fGridWidth + ltrb[0];
int h = ltrb[3] - ltrb[1];
int w = ltrb[2] - ltrb[0];
for (int y = 0; y <= h; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x <= w; ++x) {
CompressedPaintersOrder v = *(p + x);
if (order > v) {
*(p + x) = order;
p = p + fGridWidth;
void reset() override {
memset(, 0, sizeof(CompressedPaintersOrder) * fGridWidth * fGridHeight);
GridBoundsManager(const SkISize& deviceSize, const SkISize& gridSize)
: fScaleX(gridSize.width() / (float) deviceSize.width())
, fScaleY(gridSize.height() / (float) deviceSize.height())
, fGridWidth(gridSize.width())
, fGridHeight(gridSize.height())
, fNodes((size_t) fGridWidth * fGridHeight) {
// Reset is needed to zero-out the uninitialized fNodes values.
skvx::int4 getGridCoords(const Rect& bounds) const {
// Normalize bounds by 1/wh of device bounds, then scale up to number of cells per side.
// fScaleXY includes both 1/wh and the grid dimension scaling, then clamp to [0, gridDim-1].
return pin(skvx::cast<int32_t>(bounds.ltrb() * skvx::float2(fScaleX, fScaleY).xyxy()),
skvx::int2(fGridWidth, fGridHeight).xyxy() - 1);
const float fScaleX;
const float fScaleY;
const int fGridWidth;
const int fGridHeight;
skia_private::AutoTMalloc<CompressedPaintersOrder> fNodes;
// A BoundsManager that first relies on BruteForceBoundsManager for N draw calls, and then switches
// to the GridBoundsManager if it exceeds its limit. For low N, the brute force approach is
// surprisingly efficient, has the highest accuracy, and very low memory overhead. Once the draw
// call count is large enough, the grid's lower performance complexity outweigh its memory cost and
// reduced accuracy.
class HybridBoundsManager : public BoundsManager {
HybridBoundsManager(const SkISize& deviceSize,
int gridCellSize,
int maxBruteForceN)
: fDeviceSize(deviceSize)
, fGridCellSize(gridCellSize)
, fMaxBruteForceN(maxBruteForceN)
, fCurrentManager(&fBruteForceManager) {
SkASSERT(deviceSize.width() >= 1 && deviceSize.height() >= 1 &&
gridCellSize >= 1 && maxBruteForceN >= 1);
CompressedPaintersOrder getMostRecentDraw(const Rect& bounds) const override {
return fCurrentManager->getMostRecentDraw(bounds);
void recordDraw(const Rect& bounds, CompressedPaintersOrder order) override {
fCurrentManager->recordDraw(bounds, order);
void reset() override {
const bool usedGrid = fCurrentManager == fGridManager.get();
if (usedGrid) {
// Reset the grid manager so it's ready to use next frame, but don't delete it.
// Assume brute force manager was reset when we swapped to the grid originally
fCurrentManager = &fBruteForceManager;
} else {
if (fGridManager) {
// Clean up the grid manager that was created over a frame ago without being used.
// This could lead to re-allocating the grid every-other frame, but it's a simple
// way to ensure we don't hold onto the grid in perpetuity if it's not needed.
fGridManager = nullptr;
SkASSERT(fCurrentManager == &fBruteForceManager);
const SkISize fDeviceSize;
const int fGridCellSize;
const int fMaxBruteForceN;
BoundsManager* fCurrentManager;
BruteForceBoundsManager fBruteForceManager;
// The grid manager starts out null and is created the first time we exceed fMaxBruteForceN.
// However, even if we reset back to the brute force manager, we keep the grid around under the
// assumption that the owning Device will have similar frame-to-frame draw counts and will need
// to upgrade to the grid manager again.
std::unique_ptr<GridBoundsManager> fGridManager;
void updateCurrentManagerIfNeeded() {
if (fCurrentManager == fGridManager.get() ||
fBruteForceManager.count() < fMaxBruteForceN) {
// Already using the grid or the about-to-be-recorded draw will not cause us to exceed
// the brute force limit, so no need to change the current manager implementation.
// Else we need to switch from the brute force manager to the grid manager
if (!fGridManager) {
fGridManager = GridBoundsManager::MakeRes(fDeviceSize, fGridCellSize);
fCurrentManager = fGridManager.get();
// Fill out the grid manager with the recorded draws in the brute force manager
} // namespace skgpu::graphite
#endif // skgpu_graphite_geom_BoundsManager_DEFINED