blob: c991238d4082188771cab0eff9bee9c6417fae52 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/core/SkGlyphRunPainter.h"
#include "include/gpu/GrRecordingContext.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrCaps.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrColorInfo.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrRecordingContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrRenderTargetContext.h"
#include "src/gpu/SkGr.h"
#include "src/gpu/ops/GrAtlasTextOp.h"
#include "src/gpu/text/GrSDFTOptions.h"
#include "src/gpu/text/GrTextBlobCache.h"
#include "include/core/SkColorFilter.h"
#include "include/core/SkMaskFilter.h"
#include "include/core/SkPathEffect.h"
#include "include/private/SkTDArray.h"
#include "src/core/SkDevice.h"
#include "src/core/SkDistanceFieldGen.h"
#include "src/core/SkDraw.h"
#include "src/core/SkEnumerate.h"
#include "src/core/SkFontPriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkRasterClip.h"
#include "src/core/SkScalerCache.h"
#include "src/core/SkStrikeCache.h"
#include "src/core/SkStrikeForGPU.h"
#include "src/core/SkStrikeSpec.h"
#include "src/core/SkTraceEvent.h"
#include <climits>
// -- SkGlyphRunListPainter ------------------------------------------------------------------------
SkGlyphRunListPainter::SkGlyphRunListPainter(const SkSurfaceProps& props,
SkColorType colorType,
SkScalerContextFlags flags,
SkStrikeForGPUCacheInterface* strikeCache)
: fDeviceProps{props}
, fBitmapFallbackProps{SkSurfaceProps{props.flags(), kUnknown_SkPixelGeometry}}
, fColorType{colorType}, fScalerContextFlags{flags}
, fStrikeCache{strikeCache} {}
// TODO: unify with code in GrSDFTOptions.cpp
static SkScalerContextFlags compute_scaler_context_flags(const SkColorSpace* cs) {
// If we're doing linear blending, then we can disable the gamma hacks.
// Otherwise, leave them on. In either case, we still want the contrast boost:
// TODO: Can we be even smarter about mask gamma based on the dest transfer function?
if (cs && cs->gammaIsLinear()) {
return SkScalerContextFlags::kBoostContrast;
} else {
return SkScalerContextFlags::kFakeGammaAndBoostContrast;
SkGlyphRunListPainter::SkGlyphRunListPainter(const SkSurfaceProps& props,
SkColorType colorType,
SkColorSpace* cs,
SkStrikeForGPUCacheInterface* strikeCache)
: SkGlyphRunListPainter(props, colorType, compute_scaler_context_flags(cs), strikeCache) {}
SkGlyphRunListPainter::SkGlyphRunListPainter(const SkSurfaceProps& props, const GrColorInfo& csi)
: SkGlyphRunListPainter(props,
SkStrikeCache::GlobalStrikeCache()) {}
SkGlyphRunListPainter::SkGlyphRunListPainter(const GrRenderTargetContext& rtc)
: SkGlyphRunListPainter{rtc.surfaceProps(), rtc.colorInfo()} {}
void SkGlyphRunListPainter::drawForBitmapDevice(
const SkGlyphRunList& glyphRunList, const SkMatrix& deviceMatrix,
const BitmapDevicePainter* bitmapDevice) {
ScopedBuffers _ = this->ensureBuffers(glyphRunList);
// TODO: fStrikeCache is only used for GPU, and some compilers complain about it during the no
// gpu build. Remove when SkGlyphRunListPainter is split into GPU and CPU version.
const SkPaint& runPaint = glyphRunList.paint();
// The bitmap blitters can only draw lcd text to a N32 bitmap in srcOver. Otherwise,
// convert the lcd text into A8 text. The props communicates this to the scaler.
auto& props = (kN32_SkColorType == fColorType && runPaint.isSrcOver())
? fDeviceProps
: fBitmapFallbackProps;
SkPoint drawOrigin = glyphRunList.origin();
for (auto& glyphRun : glyphRunList) {
const SkFont& runFont = glyphRun.font();
if (SkStrikeSpec::ShouldDrawAsPath(runPaint, runFont, deviceMatrix)) {
SkStrikeSpec strikeSpec = SkStrikeSpec::MakePath(
runFont, runPaint, props, fScalerContextFlags);
auto strike = strikeSpec.findOrCreateStrike();
strike->prepareForPathDrawing(&fDrawable, &fRejects);
// The paint we draw paths with must have the same anti-aliasing state as the runFont
// allowing the paths to have the same edging as the glyph masks.
SkPaint pathPaint = runPaint;
&fDrawable, strikeSpec.strikeToSourceRatio(), drawOrigin, pathPaint);
if (!fRejects.source().empty()) {
SkStrikeSpec strikeSpec = SkStrikeSpec::MakeMask(
runFont, runPaint, props, fScalerContextFlags, deviceMatrix);
auto strike = strikeSpec.findOrCreateStrike();
fRejects.source(), drawOrigin, deviceMatrix, strike->roundingSpec());
bitmapDevice->paintMasks(&fDrawable, runPaint);
// TODO: have the mask stage above reject the glyphs that are too big, and handle the
// rejects in a more sophisticated stage.
void SkGlyphRunListPainter::processGlyphRunList(const SkGlyphRunList& glyphRunList,
const SkMatrix& drawMatrix,
const SkSurfaceProps& props,
bool contextSupportsDistanceFieldText,
const GrSDFTOptions& options,
SkGlyphRunPainterInterface* process) {
SkPoint origin = glyphRunList.origin();
const SkPaint& runPaint = glyphRunList.paint();
ScopedBuffers _ = this->ensureBuffers(glyphRunList);
for (const auto& glyphRun : glyphRunList) {
const SkFont& runFont = glyphRun.font();
bool useSDFT = options.canDrawAsDistanceFields(
runPaint, runFont, drawMatrix, props, contextSupportsDistanceFieldText);
bool usePaths =
useSDFT ? false : SkStrikeSpec::ShouldDrawAsPath(runPaint, runFont, drawMatrix);
if (useSDFT) {
// Process SDFT - This should be the .009% case.
SkScalar minScale, maxScale;
SkStrikeSpec strikeSpec;
std::tie(strikeSpec, minScale, maxScale) =
SkStrikeSpec::MakeSDFT(runFont, runPaint, fDeviceProps, drawMatrix, options);
if (!strikeSpec.isEmpty()) {
SkScopedStrikeForGPU strike = strikeSpec.findOrCreateScopedStrike(fStrikeCache);
strike->prepareForSDFTDrawing(&fDrawable, &fRejects);
if (process) {
// processSourceSDFT must be called even if there are no glyphs to make sure
// runs are set correctly.
fDrawable.drawable(), strikeSpec, runFont, minScale, maxScale);
if (!usePaths && !fRejects.source().empty()) {
// Process masks including ARGB - this should be the 99.99% case.
SkStrikeSpec strikeSpec = SkStrikeSpec::MakeMask(
runFont, runPaint, fDeviceProps, fScalerContextFlags, drawMatrix);
SkScopedStrikeForGPU strike = strikeSpec.findOrCreateScopedStrike(fStrikeCache);
fDrawable.startGPUDevice(fRejects.source(), origin, drawMatrix, strike->roundingSpec());
strike->prepareForMaskDrawing(&fDrawable, &fRejects);
if (process) {
// processDeviceMasks must be called even if there are no glyphs to make sure runs
// are set correctly.
process->processDeviceMasks(fDrawable.drawable(), strikeSpec);
// Glyphs are generated in different scales relative to the source space. Masks are drawn
// in device space, and SDFT and Paths are draw in a fixed constant space. The
// maxDimensionInSourceSpace is used to calculate the factor from strike space to source
// space.
SkScalar maxDimensionInSourceSpace = 0.0;
if (!fRejects.source().empty()) {
// Path case - handle big things without color and that have a path.
SkStrikeSpec strikeSpec = SkStrikeSpec::MakePath(
runFont, runPaint, fDeviceProps, fScalerContextFlags);
if (!strikeSpec.isEmpty()) {
SkScopedStrikeForGPU strike = strikeSpec.findOrCreateScopedStrike(fStrikeCache);
strike->prepareForPathDrawing(&fDrawable, &fRejects);
maxDimensionInSourceSpace =
fRejects.rejectedMaxDimension() * strikeSpec.strikeToSourceRatio();
if (process) {
// processSourcePaths must be called even if there are no glyphs to make sure
// runs are set correctly.
process->processSourcePaths(fDrawable.drawable(), runFont, strikeSpec);
if (!fRejects.source().empty() && maxDimensionInSourceSpace != 0) {
// Draw of last resort. Scale the bitmap to the screen.
SkStrikeSpec strikeSpec = SkStrikeSpec::MakeSourceFallback(
runFont, runPaint, fDeviceProps,
fScalerContextFlags, maxDimensionInSourceSpace);
if (!strikeSpec.isEmpty()) {
SkScopedStrikeForGPU strike = strikeSpec.findOrCreateScopedStrike(fStrikeCache);
strike->prepareForMaskDrawing(&fDrawable, &fRejects);
if (process) {
process->processSourceMasks(fDrawable.drawable(), strikeSpec);
} // For all glyph runs
#endif // SK_SUPPORT_GPU
auto SkGlyphRunListPainter::ensureBuffers(const SkGlyphRunList& glyphRunList) -> ScopedBuffers {
size_t size = 0;
for (const SkGlyphRun& run : glyphRunList) {
size = std::max(run.runSize(), size);
return ScopedBuffers(this, size);
SkGlyphRunListPainter::ScopedBuffers::ScopedBuffers(SkGlyphRunListPainter* painter, size_t size)
: fPainter{painter} {
SkGlyphRunListPainter::ScopedBuffers::~ScopedBuffers() {
SkVector SkGlyphPositionRoundingSpec::HalfAxisSampleFreq(
bool isSubpixel, SkAxisAlignment axisAlignment) {
if (!isSubpixel) {
return {SK_ScalarHalf, SK_ScalarHalf};
} else {
switch (axisAlignment) {
case kX_SkAxisAlignment:
return {SkPackedGlyphID::kSubpixelRound, SK_ScalarHalf};
case kY_SkAxisAlignment:
return {SK_ScalarHalf, SkPackedGlyphID::kSubpixelRound};
case kNone_SkAxisAlignment:
return {SkPackedGlyphID::kSubpixelRound, SkPackedGlyphID::kSubpixelRound};
// Some compilers need this.
return {0, 0};
SkIPoint SkGlyphPositionRoundingSpec::IgnorePositionMask(
bool isSubpixel, SkAxisAlignment axisAlignment) {
return SkIPoint::Make((!isSubpixel || axisAlignment == kY_SkAxisAlignment) ? 0 : ~0,
(!isSubpixel || axisAlignment == kX_SkAxisAlignment) ? 0 : ~0);
SkIPoint SkGlyphPositionRoundingSpec::IgnorePositionFieldMask(bool isSubpixel,
SkAxisAlignment axisAlignment) {
SkIPoint ignoreMask = IgnorePositionMask(isSubpixel, axisAlignment);
SkIPoint answer{ignoreMask.x() & SkPackedGlyphID::kXYFieldMask.x(),
ignoreMask.y() & SkPackedGlyphID::kXYFieldMask.y()};
return answer;
bool isSubpixel,SkAxisAlignment axisAlignment)
: halfAxisSampleFreq{HalfAxisSampleFreq(isSubpixel, axisAlignment)}
, ignorePositionMask{IgnorePositionMask(isSubpixel, axisAlignment)}
, ignorePositionFieldMask {IgnorePositionFieldMask(isSubpixel, axisAlignment)}{ }