blob: 2779b263a7f05d305c76f45f77ab25e7cc90b8cf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/skqp/src/skqp.h"
#include "gm/gm.h"
#include "include/core/SkGraphics.h"
#include "include/core/SkStream.h"
#include "include/core/SkSurface.h"
#include "include/gpu/GrContextOptions.h"
#include "include/gpu/GrDirectContext.h"
#include "src/core/SkFontMgrPriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkOSFile.h"
#include "src/utils/SkOSPath.h"
#include "tests/Test.h"
#include "tests/TestHarness.h"
#include "tools/Resources.h"
#include "tools/fonts/TestFontMgr.h"
#ifdef SK_GL
#include "tools/gpu/gl/GLTestContext.h"
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
#include "tools/gpu/vk/VkTestContext.h"
#include <sys/system_properties.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <regex>
static constexpr char kUnitTestReportPath[] = "unit_tests.txt";
// Kind of like Python's readlines(), but without any allocation.
// Calls `lineFn` on each line.
static void read_lines(const void* data,
size_t size,
const std::function<void(std::string_view)>& lineFn) {
const char* start = (const char*)data;
const char* end = start + size;
const char* ptr = start;
while (ptr < end) {
while (*ptr++ != '\n' && ptr < end) {}
size_t len = ptr - start;
lineFn(std::string_view(start, len));
start = ptr;
// Returns a list of every unit test to be run.
static std::vector<SkQP::UnitTest> get_unit_tests(int enforcedAndroidAPILevel) {
std::vector<SkQP::UnitTest> unitTests;
for (const skiatest::Test& test : skiatest::TestRegistry::Range()) {
const auto ctsMode = test.fCTSEnforcement.eval(enforcedAndroidAPILevel);
if (ctsMode != CtsEnforcement::RunMode::kSkip) {
SkASSERTF(test.fNeedsGpu, "Non-GPU test was included in SkQP: %s\n", test.fName);
auto lt = [](SkQP::UnitTest u, SkQP::UnitTest v) { return strcmp(u->fName, v->fName) < 0; };
std::sort(unitTests.begin(), unitTests.end(), lt);
return unitTests;
* SkSL error tests are used by CTS to verify that Android's RuntimeShader API fails when certain
* shader programs are compiled. Unlike unit tests these error tests are defined in resource files
* not source code. As such, we are unable to mark each test with a CtsEnforcement value. This
* list of exclusion rules excludes tests based on their file name so that we can have some form of
* control for which Android version an SkSL error test is expected to run.
static const std::pair<std::regex, CtsEnforcement> sExclusionRulesForSkSLTests[] = {
// disable all ES3 tests until AGSL supports it.
{std::regex(".*ES3.*"), CtsEnforcement::kNever}};
// Returns a list of every SkSL error test to be run.
static std::vector<SkQP::SkSLErrorTest> get_sksl_error_tests(SkQPAssetManager* assetManager,
int enforcedAndroidAPILevel) {
std::vector<SkQP::SkSLErrorTest> skslErrorTests;
auto iterateFn = [&](const char* directory, const char* extension) {
std::vector<std::string> paths = assetManager->iterateDir(directory, extension);
for (const std::string& path : paths) {
SkString name = SkOSPath::Basename(path.c_str());
for (auto& exclusionEntry : sExclusionRulesForSkSLTests) {
if (std::regex_match(name.c_str(), exclusionEntry.first) &&
exclusionEntry.second.eval(enforcedAndroidAPILevel) ==
CtsEnforcement::RunMode::kSkip) {
sk_sp<SkData> shaderText = GetResourceAsData(path.c_str());
if (!shaderText) {
std::string(static_cast<const char*>(shaderText->data()), shaderText->size())
// Android only supports runtime shaders, not fragment shaders, color filters or blenders.
iterateFn("sksl/errors/", ".rts");
iterateFn("sksl/runtime_errors/", ".rts");
auto lt = [](const SkQP::SkSLErrorTest& a, const SkQP::SkSLErrorTest& b) {
return <;
std::sort(skslErrorTests.begin(), skslErrorTests.end(), lt);
return skslErrorTests;
static std::unique_ptr<sk_gpu_test::TestContext> make_test_context(SkQP::SkiaBackend backend) {
using U = std::unique_ptr<sk_gpu_test::TestContext>;
switch (backend) {
// TODO(halcanary): Fuchsia will have SK_SUPPORT_GPU and SK_VULKAN, but *not* SK_GL.
#ifdef SK_GL
case SkQP::SkiaBackend::kGL:
return U(sk_gpu_test::CreatePlatformGLTestContext(kGL_GrGLStandard, nullptr));
case SkQP::SkiaBackend::kGLES:
return U(sk_gpu_test::CreatePlatformGLTestContext(kGLES_GrGLStandard, nullptr));
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
case SkQP::SkiaBackend::kVulkan:
return U(sk_gpu_test::CreatePlatformVkTestContext(nullptr));
return nullptr;
static GrContextOptions context_options(skiagm::GM* gm = nullptr) {
GrContextOptions grContextOptions;
grContextOptions.fAllowPathMaskCaching = true;
grContextOptions.fDisableDriverCorrectnessWorkarounds = true;
if (gm) {
return grContextOptions;
static std::vector<SkQP::SkiaBackend> get_backends() {
std::vector<SkQP::SkiaBackend> result;
SkQP::SkiaBackend backends[] = {
#ifdef SK_GL
SkQP::SkiaBackend::kGL, // Used for testing on desktop machines.
#endif // SK_GL
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
for (SkQP::SkiaBackend backend : backends) {
std::unique_ptr<sk_gpu_test::TestContext> testCtx = make_test_context(backend);
if (testCtx) {
if (nullptr != testCtx->makeContext(context_options())) {
SkASSERT_RELEASE(result.size() > 0);
return result;
static void print_backend_info(const char* dstPath,
const std::vector<SkQP::SkiaBackend>& backends) {
SkFILEWStream out(dstPath);
for (SkQP::SkiaBackend backend : backends) {
if (std::unique_ptr<sk_gpu_test::TestContext> testCtx = make_test_context(backend)) {
if (sk_sp<GrDirectContext> ctx = testCtx->makeContext(context_options())) {
SkString info = ctx->dump();
// remove null
out.write(info.c_str(), info.size());
TestHarness CurrentTestHarness() {
return TestHarness::kSkQP;
const char* SkQP::GetUnitTestName(SkQP::UnitTest t) { return t->fName; }
SkQP::SkQP() {}
SkQP::~SkQP() {}
void SkQP::init(SkQPAssetManager* assetManager, const char* reportDirectory) {
fReportDirectory = reportDirectory;
gSkFontMgr_DefaultFactory = &ToolUtils::MakePortableFontMgr;
// ro.vendor.api_level contains the minAPI level based on the order defined in
// 1. board's current api level (for boards that have been upgraded by the SoC vendor)
// 2. board's first api level (for devices that initially shipped with an older version)
// 3. product's first api level
// 4. product's current api level
char minAPIVersionStr[PROP_VALUE_MAX];
int strLength = __system_property_get("ro.vendor.api_level", minAPIVersionStr);
if (strLength != 0) {
fEnforcedAndroidAPILevel = atoi(minAPIVersionStr);
fUnitTests = get_unit_tests(fEnforcedAndroidAPILevel);
fSkSLErrorTests = get_sksl_error_tests(assetManager, fEnforcedAndroidAPILevel);
fSupportedBackends = get_backends();
print_backend_info((fReportDirectory + "/grdump.txt").c_str(), fSupportedBackends);
std::vector<std::string> SkQP::executeTest(SkQP::UnitTest test) {
struct : public skiatest::Reporter {
std::vector<std::string> fErrors;
void reportFailed(const skiatest::Failure& failure) override {
SkString desc = failure.toString();
fErrors.push_back(std::string(desc.c_str(), desc.size()));
} r;
GrContextOptions options;
if (test->fCTSEnforcement.eval(fEnforcedAndroidAPILevel) ==
CtsEnforcement::RunMode::kRunStrict) {
options.fDisableDriverCorrectnessWorkarounds = true;
if (test->fContextOptionsProc) {
test->fProc(&r, options);
fTestResults.push_back(TestResult{test->fName, r.fErrors});
return r.fErrors;
template <typename T>
inline void write(SkWStream* wStream, const T& text) {
wStream->write(text.c_str(), text.size());
void SkQP::makeReport() {
if (!sk_isdir(fReportDirectory.c_str())) {
SkDebugf("Report destination does not exist: '%s'\n", fReportDirectory.c_str());
SkFILEWStream report(SkOSPath::Join(fReportDirectory.c_str(), kUnitTestReportPath).c_str());
for (const SkQP::TestResult& result : fTestResults) {
if (result.errors.empty()) {
report.writeText(" PASSED\n* * *\n");
} else {
write(&report, SkStringPrintf(" FAILED (%zu errors)\n", result.errors.size()));
for (const std::string& err : result.errors) {
write(&report, err);
report.writeText("* * *\n");