blob: 533b4d49d584b7eb2b0f3aa86789c513feb73057 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef sktext_gpu_SubRunAllocator_DEFINED
#define sktext_gpu_SubRunAllocator_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkMath.h"
#include "include/core/SkSpan.h"
#include "include/private/SkTemplates.h"
#include "src/core/SkArenaAlloc.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <climits>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
namespace sktext::gpu {
// BagOfBytes parcels out bytes with a given size and alignment.
class BagOfBytes {
BagOfBytes(char* block, size_t blockSize, size_t firstHeapAllocation);
explicit BagOfBytes(size_t firstHeapAllocation = 0);
BagOfBytes(const BagOfBytes&) = delete;
BagOfBytes& operator=(const BagOfBytes&) = delete;
BagOfBytes(BagOfBytes&& that)
: fEndByte{std::exchange(that.fEndByte, nullptr)}
, fCapacity{that.fCapacity}
, fFibProgression{that.fFibProgression} {}
BagOfBytes& operator=(BagOfBytes&& that) {
new (this) BagOfBytes{std::move(that)};
return *this;
// Given a requestedSize round up to the smallest size that accounts for all the per block
// overhead and alignment. It crashes if requestedSize is negative or too big.
static constexpr int PlatformMinimumSizeWithOverhead(int requestedSize, int assumedAlignment) {
return MinimumSizeWithOverhead(
requestedSize, assumedAlignment, sizeof(Block), kMaxAlignment);
static constexpr int MinimumSizeWithOverhead(
int requestedSize, int assumedAlignment, int blockSize, int maxAlignment) {
SkASSERT_RELEASE(0 <= requestedSize && requestedSize < kMaxByteSize);
SkASSERT_RELEASE(SkIsPow2(assumedAlignment) && SkIsPow2(maxAlignment));
const int minAlignment = std::min(maxAlignment, assumedAlignment);
// There are two cases, one easy and one subtle. The easy case is when minAlignment ==
// maxAlignment. When that happens, the term maxAlignment - minAlignment is zero, and the
// block will be placed at the proper alignment because alignUp is properly
// aligned.
// The subtle case is where minAlignment < maxAlignment. Because
// minAlignment < maxAlignment, alignUp(requestedSize, minAlignment) + blockSize does not
// guarantee that block can be placed at a maxAlignment address. Block can be placed at
// maxAlignment/minAlignment different address to achieve alignment, so we need
// to add memory to allow the block to be placed on a maxAlignment address.
// For example, if assumedAlignment = 4 and maxAlignment = 16 then block can be placed at
// the following address offsets at the end of minimumSize bytes.
// 0 * minAlignment = 0
// 1 * minAlignment = 4
// 2 * minAlignment = 8
// 3 * minAlignment = 12
// Following this logic, the equation for the additional bytes is
// (maxAlignment/minAlignment - 1) * minAlignment
// = maxAlignment - minAlignment.
int minimumSize = AlignUp(requestedSize, minAlignment)
+ blockSize
+ maxAlignment - minAlignment;
// If minimumSize is > 32k then round to a 4K boundary unless it is too close to the
// maximum int. The > 32K heuristic is from the JEMalloc behavior.
constexpr int k32K = (1 << 15);
if (minimumSize >= k32K && minimumSize < std::numeric_limits<int>::max() - k4K) {
minimumSize = AlignUp(minimumSize, k4K);
return minimumSize;
template <int size>
using Storage = std::array<char, PlatformMinimumSizeWithOverhead(size, 1)>;
// Returns a pointer to memory suitable for holding n Ts.
template <typename T> char* allocateBytesFor(int n = 1) {
static_assert(alignof(T) <= kMaxAlignment, "Alignment is too big for arena");
static_assert(sizeof(T) < kMaxByteSize, "Size is too big for arena");
constexpr int kMaxN = kMaxByteSize / sizeof(T);
SkASSERT_RELEASE(0 <= n && n < kMaxN);
int size = n ? n * sizeof(T) : 1;
return this->allocateBytes(size, alignof(T));
void* alignedBytes(int unsafeSize, int unsafeAlignment);
// The maximum alignment supported by GrBagOfBytes. 16 seems to be a good number for alignment.
// If a use case for larger alignments is found, we can turn this into a template parameter.
inline static constexpr int kMaxAlignment = std::max(16, (int)alignof(std::max_align_t));
// The largest size that can be allocated. In larger sizes, the block is rounded up to 4K
// chunks. Leave a 4K of slop.
inline static constexpr int k4K = (1 << 12);
// This should never overflow with the calculations done on the code.
inline static constexpr int kMaxByteSize = std::numeric_limits<int>::max() - k4K;
// The assumed alignment of new char[] given the platform.
// There is a bug in Emscripten's allocator that make alignment different than max_align_t.
// kAllocationAlignment accounts for this difference. For more information see:
inline static constexpr int kAllocationAlignment = alignof(std::max_align_t);
inline static constexpr int kAllocationAlignment = 8;
static constexpr size_t AlignUp(int size, int alignment) {
return (size + (alignment - 1)) & -alignment;
// The Block starts at the location pointed to by fEndByte.
// Beware. Order is important here. The destructor for fPrevious must be called first because
// the Block is embedded in fBlockStart. Destructors are run in reverse order.
struct Block {
Block(char* previous, char* startOfBlock);
// The start of the originally allocated bytes. This is the thing that must be deleted.
char* const fBlockStart;
Block* const fPrevious;
// Note: fCapacity is the number of bytes remaining, and is subtracted from fEndByte to
// generate the location of the object.
char* allocateBytes(int size, int alignment) {
fCapacity = fCapacity & -alignment;
if (fCapacity < size) {
this->needMoreBytes(size, alignment);
char* const ptr = fEndByte - fCapacity;
SkASSERT(((intptr_t)ptr & (alignment - 1)) == 0);
SkASSERT(fCapacity >= size);
fCapacity -= size;
return ptr;
// Adjust fEndByte and fCapacity give a new block starting at bytes with size.
void setupBytesAndCapacity(char* bytes, int size);
// Adjust fEndByte and fCapacity to satisfy the size and alignment request.
void needMoreBytes(int size, int alignment);
// This points to the highest kMaxAlignment address in the allocated block. The address of
// the current end of allocated data is given by fEndByte - fCapacity. While the negative side
// of this pointer are the bytes to be allocated. The positive side points to the Block for
// this memory. In other words, the pointer to the Block structure for these bytes is
// reinterpret_cast<Block*>(fEndByte).
char* fEndByte{nullptr};
// The number of bytes remaining in this block.
int fCapacity{0};
SkFibBlockSizes<kMaxByteSize> fFibProgression;
template <typename T>
class SubRunInitializer {
SubRunInitializer(void* memory) : fMemory{memory} { SkASSERT(memory != nullptr); }
~SubRunInitializer() {
::operator delete(fMemory);
template <typename... Args>
T* initialize(Args&&... args) {
// Warn on more than one initialization.
SkASSERT(fMemory != nullptr);
return new (std::exchange(fMemory, nullptr)) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
void* fMemory;
// GrSubRunAllocator provides fast allocation where the user takes care of calling the destructors
// of the returned pointers, and GrSubRunAllocator takes care of deleting the storage. The
// unique_ptrs returned, are to assist in assuring the object's destructor is called.
// A note on zero length arrays: according to the standard a pointer must be returned, and it
// can't be a nullptr. In such a case, SkArena allocates one byte, but does not initialize it.
class SubRunAllocator {
struct Destroyer {
template <typename T>
void operator()(T* ptr) { ptr->~T(); }
struct ArrayDestroyer {
int n;
template <typename T>
void operator()(T* ptr) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptr[i].~T(); }
template<class T>
inline static constexpr bool HasNoDestructor = std::is_trivially_destructible<T>::value;
SubRunAllocator(char* block, int blockSize, int firstHeapAllocation);
explicit SubRunAllocator(int firstHeapAllocation = 0);
SubRunAllocator(const SubRunAllocator&) = delete;
SubRunAllocator& operator=(const SubRunAllocator&) = delete;
SubRunAllocator(SubRunAllocator&&) = default;
SubRunAllocator& operator=(SubRunAllocator&&) = default;
template <typename T>
static std::tuple<SubRunInitializer<T>, int, SubRunAllocator>
AllocateClassMemoryAndArena(int allocSizeHint) {
SkASSERT_RELEASE(allocSizeHint >= 0);
// Round the size after the object the optimal amount.
int extraSize = BagOfBytes::PlatformMinimumSizeWithOverhead(allocSizeHint, alignof(T));
// Don't overflow or die.
SkASSERT_RELEASE(INT_MAX - SkTo<int>(sizeof(T)) > extraSize);
int totalMemorySize = sizeof(T) + extraSize;
void* memory = ::operator new (totalMemorySize);
SubRunAllocator alloc{SkTAddOffset<char>(memory, sizeof(T)), extraSize, extraSize/2};
return {memory, totalMemorySize, std::move(alloc)};
template <typename T, typename... Args> T* makePOD(Args&&... args) {
static_assert(HasNoDestructor<T>, "This is not POD. Use makeUnique.");
char* bytes = fAlloc.template allocateBytesFor<T>();
return new (bytes) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename T, typename... Args>
std::unique_ptr<T, Destroyer> makeUnique(Args&&... args) {
static_assert(!HasNoDestructor<T>, "This is POD. Use makePOD.");
char* bytes = fAlloc.template allocateBytesFor<T>();
return std::unique_ptr<T, Destroyer>{new (bytes) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...)};
template<typename T> T* makePODArray(int n) {
static_assert(HasNoDestructor<T>, "This is not POD. Use makeUniqueArray.");
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(fAlloc.template allocateBytesFor<T>(n));
template<typename T, typename Src, typename Map>
SkSpan<T> makePODArray(const Src& src, Map map) {
static_assert(HasNoDestructor<T>, "This is not POD. Use makeUniqueArray.");
int size = SkTo<int>(src.size());
T* result = this->template makePODArray<T>(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
new (&result[i]) T(map(src[i]));
return {result, src.size()};
template<typename T>
std::unique_ptr<T[], ArrayDestroyer> makeUniqueArray(int n) {
static_assert(!HasNoDestructor<T>, "This is POD. Use makePODArray.");
T* array = reinterpret_cast<T*>(fAlloc.template allocateBytesFor<T>(n));
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
new (&array[i]) T{};
return std::unique_ptr<T[], ArrayDestroyer>{array, ArrayDestroyer{n}};
template<typename T, typename I>
std::unique_ptr<T[], ArrayDestroyer> makeUniqueArray(int n, I initializer) {
static_assert(!HasNoDestructor<T>, "This is POD. Use makePODArray.");
T* array = reinterpret_cast<T*>(fAlloc.template allocateBytesFor<T>(n));
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
new (&array[i]) T(initializer(i));
return std::unique_ptr<T[], ArrayDestroyer>{array, ArrayDestroyer{n}};
void* alignedBytes(int size, int alignment);
BagOfBytes fAlloc;
} // namespace sktext::gpu
#endif // sktext_gpu_SubRunAllocator_DEFINED