blob: eb29cfce8e0c2687c7d14de3e4bf6355dcb46c65 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkBlitRow_DEFINED
#define SkBlitRow_DEFINED
#include "SkBitmap.h"
#include "SkColor.h"
class SkBlitRow {
enum Flags16 {
//! If set, the alpha parameter will be != 255
kGlobalAlpha_Flag = 0x01,
//! If set, the src colors may have alpha != 255
kSrcPixelAlpha_Flag = 0x02,
//! If set, the resulting 16bit colors should be dithered
kDither_Flag = 0x04
/** Function pointer that reads a scanline of src SkPMColors, and writes
a corresponding scanline of 16bit colors (specific format based on the
config passed to the Factory.
The x,y params provide the dithering phase for the start of the scanline
@param alpha A global alpha to be applied to all of the src colors
@param x The x coordinate of the beginning of the scanline
@param y THe y coordinate of the scanline
typedef void (*Proc16)(uint16_t dst[], const SkPMColor src[], int count,
U8CPU alpha, int x, int y);
static Proc16 Factory16(unsigned flags);
* Function pointer that blends a single src color onto a scaline of dst colors.
* The x,y params provide the dithering phase for the start of the scanline
typedef void (*ColorProc16)(uint16_t dst[], SkPMColor src, int count, int x, int y);
// Note : we ignore the kGlobalAlpha_Flag setting, but do respect kSrcPixelAlpha_Flag
static ColorProc16 ColorFactory16(unsigned flags);
///////////// D32 version
enum Flags32 {
kGlobalAlpha_Flag32 = 1 << 0,
kSrcPixelAlpha_Flag32 = 1 << 1
/** Function pointer that blends 32bit colors onto a 32bit destination.
@param dst array of dst 32bit colors
@param src array of src 32bit colors (w/ or w/o alpha)
@param count number of colors to blend
@param alpha global alpha to be applied to all src colors
typedef void (*Proc32)(uint32_t dst[], const SkPMColor src[], int count, U8CPU alpha);
static Proc32 Factory32(unsigned flags32);
/** Function pointer that blends a single color with a row of 32-bit colors
onto a 32-bit destination
typedef void (*ColorProc)(SkPMColor dst[], const SkPMColor src[], int count, SkPMColor color);
/** Blend a single color onto a row of S32 pixels, writing the result
into a row of D32 pixels. src and dst may be the same memory, but
if they are not, they may not overlap.
static void Color32(SkPMColor dst[], const SkPMColor src[], int count, SkPMColor color);
//! Public entry-point to return a blit function ptr
static ColorProc ColorProcFactory();
/** Function pointer that blends a single color onto a 32-bit rectangle. */
typedef void (*ColorRectProc)(SkPMColor dst[], int width, int height,
size_t rowBytes, SkPMColor color);
/** Blend a single color into a rectangle of D32 pixels. */
static void ColorRect32(SkPMColor dst[], int width, int height,
size_t rowBytes, SkPMColor color);
//! Public entry-point to return a blit function ptr
static ColorRectProc ColorRectProcFactory();
/** These static functions are called by the Factory and Factory32
functions, and should return either NULL, or a
platform-specific function-ptr to be used in place of the
system default.
static Proc32 PlatformProcs32(unsigned flags);
static ColorProc PlatformColorProc();
static Proc16 PlatformFactory565(unsigned flags);
static ColorProc16 PlatformColorFactory565(unsigned flags);
enum {
kFlags16_Mask = 7,
kFlags32_Mask = 3