blob: 5a0dc5b0967749b6c8dcd6210e4fa34edcd58a29 [file] [log] [blame]
### Compilation failed:
error: 1: variables of type 'testBlockA' may not be uniform
layout(binding=1) uniform testBlockA {
error: 1: layout qualifier 'binding' is not permitted here
layout(binding=1) uniform testBlockA {
error: 1: interface blocks are not allowed in this kind of program
layout(binding=1) uniform testBlockA {
error: 5: variables of type 'testBlockB' may not be uniform
layout(binding=2) uniform testBlockB {
error: 5: layout qualifier 'binding' is not permitted here
layout(binding=2) uniform testBlockB {
error: 5: interface blocks are not allowed in this kind of program
layout(binding=2) uniform testBlockB {
error: 9: 'main' must return: 'vec4', 'float4', or 'half4'
void main() {
error: 10: unknown identifier 'sk_FragColor'
sk_FragColor = half4(x, y);
error: 10: unknown identifier 'x'
sk_FragColor = half4(x, y);
error: 10: unknown identifier 'y'
sk_FragColor = half4(x, y);
10 errors