blob: 3adb6e4caf2fb7c13c98da4ea49d4118ff17e983 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_CommandBuffer_DEFINED
#define skgpu_CommandBuffer_DEFINED
#include "experimental/graphite/include/private/GraphiteTypesPriv.h"
#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/private/SkTArray.h"
struct SkIRect;
namespace skgpu {
class Buffer;
class Gpu;
class RenderPipeline;
class Texture;
struct AttachmentDesc {
sk_sp<Texture> fTexture; // the ref on this will be taken by the command buffer
LoadOp fLoadOp;
StoreOp fStoreOp;
struct RenderPassDesc {
AttachmentDesc fColorAttachment;
std::array<float, 4> fClearColor;
AttachmentDesc fColorResolveAttachment;
AttachmentDesc fStencilDepthAttachment;
uint32_t fClearStencil;
float fClearDepth;
// TODO:
// * bounds (TBD whether exact bounds vs. granular)
// * input attachments
class CommandBuffer : public SkRefCnt {
~CommandBuffer() override {
bool hasWork() { return fHasWork; }
void beginRenderPass(const RenderPassDesc&);
virtual void endRenderPass() = 0;
void setRenderPipeline(sk_sp<RenderPipeline> renderPipeline);
void copyTextureToBuffer(sk_sp<Texture>,
SkIRect srcRect,
size_t bufferOffset,
size_t bufferRowBytes);
void draw(PrimitiveType type, unsigned int vertexStart, unsigned int vertexCount) {
this->onDraw(type, vertexStart, vertexCount);
fHasWork = true;
void trackResource(sk_sp<SkRefCnt> resource) {
virtual void onBeginRenderPass(const RenderPassDesc&) = 0;
virtual void onCopyTextureToBuffer(sk_sp<Texture>,
SkIRect srcRect,
size_t bufferOffset,
size_t bufferRowBytes) = 0;
void releaseResources();
virtual void onSetRenderPipeline(sk_sp<RenderPipeline>&) = 0;
virtual void onDraw(PrimitiveType type, unsigned int vertexStart, unsigned int vertexCount) = 0;
bool fHasWork = false;
inline static constexpr int kInitialTrackedResourcesCount = 32;
SkSTArray<kInitialTrackedResourcesCount, sk_sp<SkRefCnt>> fTrackedResources;
} // namespace skgpu
#endif // skgpu_CommandBuffer_DEFINED