blob: d912f6c50a08aa0ca3646632a25ca4a1d4df60d3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrContext_DEFINED
#define GrContext_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkMatrix.h"
#include "include/core/SkPathEffect.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/gpu/GrBackendSurface.h"
#include "include/gpu/GrContextOptions.h"
#include "include/gpu/GrRecordingContext.h"
// We shouldn't need this but currently Android is relying on this being include transitively.
#include "include/core/SkUnPreMultiply.h"
class GrAtlasManager;
class GrBackendSemaphore;
class GrCaps;
class GrClientMappedBufferManager;
class GrContextPriv;
class GrContextThreadSafeProxy;
struct GrD3DBackendContext;
class GrFragmentProcessor;
struct GrGLInterface;
class GrGpu;
struct GrMockOptions;
class GrPath;
class GrRenderTargetContext;
class GrResourceCache;
class GrResourceProvider;
class GrSmallPathAtlasMgr;
class GrStrikeCache;
class GrSurfaceProxy;
class GrSwizzle;
class GrTextureProxy;
struct GrVkBackendContext;
class SkImage;
class SkString;
class SkSurfaceCharacterization;
class SkSurfaceProps;
class SkTaskGroup;
class SkTraceMemoryDump;
* This deprecated class is being merged into GrDirectContext and removed.
* Do not add new subclasses, new API, or attempt to instantiate one.
* If new API requires direct GPU access, add it to GrDirectContext.
* Otherwise, add it to GrRecordingContext.
class SK_API GrContext : public GrRecordingContext {
~GrContext() override;
* If possible, updates a backend texture to be filled to a particular color. The client should
* check the return value to see if the update was successful. The client can pass in a
* finishedProc to be notified when the data has been uploaded by the gpu and the texture can be
* deleted. The client is required to call GrContext::submit to send the upload work to the gpu.
* The finishedProc will always get called even if we failed to update the GrBackendTexture.
* For the Vulkan backend after a successful update the layout of the created VkImage will be:
bool updateBackendTexture(const GrBackendTexture&,
const SkColor4f& color,
GrGpuFinishedProc finishedProc,
GrGpuFinishedContext finishedContext);
* If possible, updates a backend texture to be filled to a particular color. The data in
* GrBackendTexture and passed in color is interpreted with respect to the passed in
* SkColorType. The client should check the return value to see if the update was successful.
* The client can pass in a finishedProc to be notified when the data has been uploaded by the
* gpu and the texture can be deleted. The client is required to call GrContext::submit to send
* the upload work to the gpu. The finishedProc will always get called even if we failed to
* update the GrBackendTexture.
* For the Vulkan backend after a successful update the layout of the created VkImage will be:
bool updateBackendTexture(const GrBackendTexture&,
SkColorType skColorType,
const SkColor4f& color,
GrGpuFinishedProc finishedProc,
GrGpuFinishedContext finishedContext);
* If possible, updates a backend texture filled with the provided pixmap data. The client
* should check the return value to see if the update was successful. The client can pass in a
* finishedProc to be notified when the data has been uploaded by the gpu and the texture can be
* deleted. The client is required to call GrContext::submit to send the upload work to the gpu.
* The finishedProc will always get called even if we failed to create the GrBackendTexture.
* The backend texture must be compatible with the provided pixmap(s). Compatible, in this case,
* means that the backend format is compatible with the base pixmap's colortype. The src data
* can be deleted when this call returns.
* If the backend texture is mip mapped, the data for all the mipmap levels must be provided.
* In the mipmapped case all the colortypes of the provided pixmaps must be the same.
* Additionally, all the miplevels must be sized correctly (please see
* SkMipmap::ComputeLevelSize and ComputeLevelCount).
* Note: the pixmap's alphatypes and colorspaces are ignored.
* For the Vulkan backend after a successful update the layout of the created VkImage will be:
bool updateBackendTexture(const GrBackendTexture&,
const SkPixmap srcData[],
int numLevels,
GrGpuFinishedProc finishedProc,
GrGpuFinishedContext finishedContext);
* Retrieve the GrBackendFormat for a given SkImage::CompressionType. This is
* guaranteed to match the backend format used by the following
* createCompressedsBackendTexture methods that take a CompressionType.
* The caller should check that the returned format is valid.
GrBackendFormat compressedBackendFormat(SkImage::CompressionType compression) const {
return INHERITED::compressedBackendFormat(compression);
*If possible, create a compressed backend texture initialized to a particular color. The
* client should ensure that the returned backend texture is valid. The client can pass in a
* finishedProc to be notified when the data has been uploaded by the gpu and the texture can be
* deleted. The client is required to call GrContext::submit to send the upload work to the gpu.
* The finishedProc will always get called even if we failed to create the GrBackendTexture.
* For the Vulkan backend the layout of the created VkImage will be:
GrBackendTexture createCompressedBackendTexture(int width, int height,
const GrBackendFormat&,
const SkColor4f& color,
GrProtected = GrProtected::kNo,
GrGpuFinishedProc finishedProc = nullptr,
GrGpuFinishedContext finishedContext = nullptr);
GrBackendTexture createCompressedBackendTexture(int width, int height,
const SkColor4f& color,
GrProtected = GrProtected::kNo,
GrGpuFinishedProc finishedProc = nullptr,
GrGpuFinishedContext finishedContext = nullptr);
* If possible, create a backend texture initialized with the provided raw data. The client
* should ensure that the returned backend texture is valid. The client can pass in a
* finishedProc to be notified when the data has been uploaded by the gpu and the texture can be
* deleted. The client is required to call GrContext::submit to send the upload work to the gpu.
* The finishedProc will always get called even if we failed to create the GrBackendTexture
* If numLevels is 1 a non-mipMapped texture will result. If a mipMapped texture is desired
* the data for all the mipmap levels must be provided. Additionally, all the miplevels
* must be sized correctly (please see SkMipmap::ComputeLevelSize and ComputeLevelCount).
* For the Vulkan backend the layout of the created VkImage will be:
GrBackendTexture createCompressedBackendTexture(int width, int height,
const GrBackendFormat&,
const void* data, size_t dataSize,
GrProtected = GrProtected::kNo,
GrGpuFinishedProc finishedProc = nullptr,
GrGpuFinishedContext finishedContext = nullptr);
GrBackendTexture createCompressedBackendTexture(int width, int height,
const void* data, size_t dataSize,
GrProtected = GrProtected::kNo,
GrGpuFinishedProc finishedProc = nullptr,
GrGpuFinishedContext finishedContext = nullptr);
* If possible, updates a backend texture filled with the provided color. If the texture is
* mipmapped, all levels of the mip chain will be updated to have the supplied color. The client
* should check the return value to see if the update was successful. The client can pass in a
* finishedProc to be notified when the data has been uploaded by the gpu and the texture can be
* deleted. The client is required to call GrContext::submit to send the upload work to the gpu.
* The finishedProc will always get called even if we failed to create the GrBackendTexture.
* For the Vulkan backend after a successful update the layout of the created VkImage will be:
bool updateCompressedBackendTexture(const GrBackendTexture&,
const SkColor4f& color,
GrGpuFinishedProc finishedProc,
GrGpuFinishedContext finishedContext);
* If possible, updates a backend texture filled with the provided raw data. The client
* should check the return value to see if the update was successful. The client can pass in a
* finishedProc to be notified when the data has been uploaded by the gpu and the texture can be
* deleted. The client is required to call GrContext::submit to send the upload work to the gpu.
* The finishedProc will always get called even if we failed to create the GrBackendTexture.
* If a mipMapped texture is passed in, the data for all the mipmap levels must be provided.
* Additionally, all the miplevels must be sized correctly (please see
* SkMipMap::ComputeLevelSize and ComputeLevelCount).
* For the Vulkan backend after a successful update the layout of the created VkImage will be:
bool updateCompressedBackendTexture(const GrBackendTexture&,
const void* data,
size_t dataSize,
GrGpuFinishedProc finishedProc,
GrGpuFinishedContext finishedContext);
* Updates the state of the GrBackendTexture/RenderTarget to have the passed in
* GrBackendSurfaceMutableState. All objects that wrap the backend surface (i.e. SkSurfaces and
* SkImages) will also be aware of this state change. This call does not submit the state change
* to the gpu, but requires the client to call GrContext::submit to send it to the GPU. The work
* for this call is ordered linearly with all other calls that require GrContext::submit to be
* called (e.g updateBackendTexture and flush). If finishedProc is not null then it will be
* called with finishedContext after the state transition is known to have occurred on the GPU.
* See GrBackendSurfaceMutableState to see what state can be set via this call.
* If the backend API is Vulkan, the caller can set the GrBackendSurfaceMutableState's
* VkImageLayout to VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED or queueFamilyIndex to VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED to
* tell Skia to not change those respective states.
* If previousState is not null and this returns true, then Skia will have filled in
* previousState to have the values of the state before this call.
bool setBackendTextureState(const GrBackendTexture&,
const GrBackendSurfaceMutableState&,
GrBackendSurfaceMutableState* previousState = nullptr,
GrGpuFinishedProc finishedProc = nullptr,
GrGpuFinishedContext finishedContext = nullptr);
bool setBackendRenderTargetState(const GrBackendRenderTarget&,
const GrBackendSurfaceMutableState&,
GrBackendSurfaceMutableState* previousState = nullptr,
GrGpuFinishedProc finishedProc = nullptr,
GrGpuFinishedContext finishedContext = nullptr);
void deleteBackendTexture(GrBackendTexture);
// This interface allows clients to pre-compile shaders and populate the runtime program cache.
// The key and data blobs should be the ones passed to the PersistentCache, in SkSL format.
// Steps to use this API:
// 1) Create a GrContext as normal, but set fPersistentCache on GrContextOptions to something
// that will save the cached shader blobs. Set fShaderCacheStrategy to kSkSL. This will
// ensure that the blobs are SkSL, and are suitable for pre-compilation.
// 2) Run your application, and save all of the key/data pairs that are fed to the cache.
// 3) Switch over to shipping your application. Include the key/data pairs from above.
// 4) At startup (or any convenient time), call precompileShader for each key/data pair.
// This will compile the SkSL to create a GL program, and populate the runtime cache.
// This is only guaranteed to work if the context/device used in step #2 are created in the
// same way as the one used in step #4, and the same GrContextOptions are specified.
// Using cached shader blobs on a different device or driver are undefined.
bool precompileShader(const SkData& key, const SkData& data);
/** Returns a string with detailed information about the context & GPU, in JSON format. */
SkString dump() const;
// Provides access to functions that aren't part of the public API.
GrContextPriv priv();
const GrContextPriv priv() const; // NOLINT(readability-const-return-type)
virtual GrAtlasManager* onGetAtlasManager() = 0;
virtual GrSmallPathAtlasMgr* onGetSmallPathAtlasMgr() = 0;
friend class GrDirectContext; // for access to fGpu
// fTaskGroup must appear before anything that uses it (e.g. fGpu), so that it is destroyed
// after all of its users. Clients of fTaskGroup will generally want to ensure that they call
// wait() on it as they are being destroyed, to avoid the possibility of pending tasks being
// invoked after objects they depend upon have already been destroyed.
std::unique_ptr<SkTaskGroup> fTaskGroup;
std::unique_ptr<GrStrikeCache> fStrikeCache;
sk_sp<GrGpu> fGpu;
std::unique_ptr<GrResourceCache> fResourceCache;
std::unique_ptr<GrResourceProvider> fResourceProvider;
bool fDidTestPMConversions;
// true if the PM/UPM conversion succeeded; false otherwise
bool fPMUPMConversionsRoundTrip;
GrContextOptions::PersistentCache* fPersistentCache;
GrContextOptions::ShaderErrorHandler* fShaderErrorHandler;
std::unique_ptr<GrClientMappedBufferManager> fMappedBufferManager;
// TODO: have the GrClipStackClip use renderTargetContexts and rm this friending
friend class GrContextPriv;
using INHERITED = GrRecordingContext;