blob: 0bc5b146f7c6f6219ac11d45cfc27f7241a475b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This executable checks that we can build certain Bazel targets using --features skia_enforce_iwyu
// which validates that a subset of files are properly declaring all includes that they use.
package main
import (
sk_exec ""
// This value is arbitrarily selected. It is smaller than our maximum RBE pool size.
const rbeJobs = 100
var (
// Required properties for this task.
projectId = flag.String("project_id", "", "ID of the Google Cloud project.")
taskId = flag.String("task_id", "", "ID of this task.")
taskName = flag.String("task_name", "", "Name of the task.")
workdir = flag.String("workdir", ".", "Working directory, the root directory of a full Skia checkout")
// Optional flags.
local = flag.Bool("local", false, "True if running locally (as opposed to on the CI/CQ)")
output = flag.String("o", "", "If provided, dump a JSON blob of step data to the given file. Prints to stdout if '-' is given.")
func main() {
ctx := td.StartRun(projectId, taskId, taskName, output, local)
defer td.EndRun(ctx)
wd, err := os_steps.Abs(ctx, *workdir)
if err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
skiaDir := filepath.Join(wd, "skia")
opts := bazel.BazelOptions{
// We want the cache to be on a bigger disk than default. The root disk, where the home
// directory (and default Bazel cache) lives, is only 15 GB on our GCE VMs.
CachePath: "/mnt/pd0/bazel_cache",
if err := bazel.EnsureBazelRCFile(ctx, opts); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
targets := []string{"//example:hello_world_gl", "//example:hello_world_vulkan",
"//example:hello_world_dawn", "//example:vulkan_basic", "//:skia_core", "//src/svg/...",
for _, t := range targets {
if err := bazelCheckIncludes(ctx, skiaDir, t); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// Here are other configurations, e.g. with a GPU backend. These extra configurations
// will make sure IWYU is happy with other #ifdef settings
if err := bazelCheckIncludes(ctx, skiaDir, "//src/svg/...",
"--gpu_backend=gl_backend", "--include_decoder=jpeg_decode_codec"); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
if err := bazelCheckIncludes(ctx, skiaDir, "//tools/debugger", "--gpu_backend=gl_backend"); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
if err := bazelCheckIncludes(ctx, skiaDir, "//src/utils/...", "--gpu_backend=gl_backend"); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// bazelCheckIncludes builds the given label with the feature enabled that treats improper include
// declarations as a compilation error.
func bazelCheckIncludes(ctx context.Context, checkoutDir, label string, opts ...string) error {
step := fmt.Sprintf("Build and check includes for %s with %d extra flags", label, len(opts))
return td.Do(ctx, td.Props(step), func(ctx context.Context) error {
runCmd := &sk_exec.Command{
Name: "bazelisk",
Args: append([]string{"build",
"--config=linux_rbe", // Compile using RBE
"--jobs=" + strconv.Itoa(rbeJobs),
"--keep_going", // Don't stop after first error
"--remote_download_minimal", // Don't bother downloading the outputs
}, opts...),
InheritEnv: true, // Makes sure bazelisk is on PATH
Dir: checkoutDir,
LogStdout: true,
LogStderr: true,
_, err := sk_exec.RunCommand(ctx, runCmd)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil