blob: e2aed634327f2d2d69ed20284df3a2af2d223def [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_graphite_ShaderCodeDictionary_DEFINED
#define skgpu_graphite_ShaderCodeDictionary_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkSpan.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/private/SkSpinlock.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkMacros.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkThreadAnnotations.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTo.h"
#include "src/base/SkArenaAlloc.h"
#include "src/core/SkEnumBitMask.h"
#include "src/core/SkTHash.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/BuiltInCodeSnippetID.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/PaintParamsKey.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/Uniform.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/UniquePaintParamsID.h"
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
class SkRuntimeEffect;
namespace skgpu::graphite {
class RenderStep;
class RuntimeEffectDictionary;
struct ResourceBindingRequirements;
// TODO: How to represent the type (e.g., 2D) of texture being sampled?
class TextureAndSampler {
constexpr TextureAndSampler(const char* name) : fName(name) {}
const char* name() const { return fName; }
const char* fName;
enum class SnippetRequirementFlags : uint32_t {
kNone = 0x0,
kLocalCoords = 0x1,
kPriorStageOutput = 0x2, // AKA the "input" color, or the "source" color for a blender
kDestColor = 0x4,
struct ShaderSnippet {
using GeneratePreambleForSnippetFn = void (*)(const ShaderInfo& shaderInfo,
int* entryIndex,
const PaintParamsKey::BlockReader&,
std::string* preamble);
struct Args {
std::string_view fPriorStageOutput;
std::string_view fDestColor;
std::string_view fFragCoord;
using GenerateExpressionForSnippetFn = std::string (*)(const ShaderInfo& shaderInfo,
int entryIndex,
const PaintParamsKey::BlockReader&,
const Args& args);
ShaderSnippet() = default;
ShaderSnippet(const char* name,
SkSpan<const Uniform> uniforms,
SkEnumBitMask<SnippetRequirementFlags> snippetRequirementFlags,
SkSpan<const TextureAndSampler> texturesAndSamplers,
const char* functionName,
GenerateExpressionForSnippetFn expressionGenerator,
GeneratePreambleForSnippetFn preambleGenerator,
int numChildren,
SkSpan<const PaintParamsKey::DataPayloadField> dataPayloadExpectations)
: fName(name)
, fUniforms(uniforms)
, fSnippetRequirementFlags(snippetRequirementFlags)
, fTexturesAndSamplers(texturesAndSamplers)
, fStaticFunctionName(functionName)
, fExpressionGenerator(expressionGenerator)
, fPreambleGenerator(preambleGenerator)
, fNumChildren(numChildren)
, fDataPayloadExpectations(dataPayloadExpectations) {}
std::string getMangledUniformName(const ShaderInfo& shaderInfo,
int uniformIdx,
int mangleId) const;
std::string getMangledSamplerName(int samplerIdx, int mangleId) const;
bool needsLocalCoords() const {
return fSnippetRequirementFlags & SnippetRequirementFlags::kLocalCoords;
bool needsPriorStageOutput() const {
return fSnippetRequirementFlags & SnippetRequirementFlags::kPriorStageOutput;
bool needsDestColor() const {
return fSnippetRequirementFlags & SnippetRequirementFlags::kDestColor;
const char* fName = nullptr;
SkSpan<const Uniform> fUniforms;
SkEnumBitMask<SnippetRequirementFlags> fSnippetRequirementFlags{SnippetRequirementFlags::kNone};
SkSpan<const TextureAndSampler> fTexturesAndSamplers;
const char* fStaticFunctionName = nullptr;
GenerateExpressionForSnippetFn fExpressionGenerator = nullptr;
GeneratePreambleForSnippetFn fPreambleGenerator = nullptr;
int fNumChildren = 0;
SkSpan<const PaintParamsKey::DataPayloadField> fDataPayloadExpectations;
// This is just a simple collection object that gathers together all the information needed
// for program creation and its invocation.
class ShaderInfo {
ShaderInfo(const RuntimeEffectDictionary* rteDict = nullptr,
const char* ssboIndex = nullptr)
: fRuntimeEffectDictionary(rteDict)
, fSsboIndex(ssboIndex) {}
~ShaderInfo() = default;
ShaderInfo(ShaderInfo&&) = default;
ShaderInfo& operator=(ShaderInfo&&) = default;
ShaderInfo(const ShaderInfo&) = delete;
ShaderInfo& operator=(const ShaderInfo&) = delete;
void add(const PaintParamsKey::BlockReader& reader) {
void addFlags(SkEnumBitMask<SnippetRequirementFlags> flags) {
fSnippetRequirementFlags |= flags;
bool needsLocalCoords() const {
return fSnippetRequirementFlags & SnippetRequirementFlags::kLocalCoords;
const PaintParamsKey::BlockReader& blockReader(int index) const {
return fBlockReaders[index];
const RuntimeEffectDictionary* runtimeEffectDictionary() const {
return fRuntimeEffectDictionary;
const char* ssboIndex() const { return fSsboIndex; }
void setBlendInfo(const skgpu::BlendInfo& blendInfo) {
fBlendInfo = blendInfo;
const skgpu::BlendInfo& blendInfo() const { return fBlendInfo; }
std::string toSkSL(const ResourceBindingRequirements& bindingReqs,
const RenderStep* step,
const bool useStorageBuffers,
const bool defineLocalCoordsVarying,
int* numTexturesAndSamplersUsed) const;
std::vector<PaintParamsKey::BlockReader> fBlockReaders;
SkEnumBitMask<SnippetRequirementFlags> fSnippetRequirementFlags{SnippetRequirementFlags::kNone};
const RuntimeEffectDictionary* fRuntimeEffectDictionary = nullptr;
const char* fSsboIndex;
// The blendInfo doesn't actually contribute to the program's creation but, it contains the
// matching fixed-function settings that the program's caller needs to set up.
skgpu::BlendInfo fBlendInfo;
class ShaderCodeDictionary {
struct Entry {
UniquePaintParamsID uniqueID() const {
return fUniqueID;
const PaintParamsKey& paintParamsKey() const { return fKey; }
const skgpu::BlendInfo& blendInfo() const { return fBlendInfo; }
friend class ShaderCodeDictionary;
Entry(const PaintParamsKey& key, const skgpu::BlendInfo& blendInfo)
: fKey(key.asSpan())
, fBlendInfo(blendInfo) {
void setUniqueID(uint32_t newID) {
fUniqueID = UniquePaintParamsID(newID);
UniquePaintParamsID fUniqueID; // fixed-size (uint32_t) unique ID assigned to a key
PaintParamsKey fKey; // variable-length paint key descriptor
// The BlendInfo isn't used in the hash (that is the key's job) but it does directly vary
// with the key. It could, theoretically, be recreated from the key but that would add
// extra complexity.
skgpu::BlendInfo fBlendInfo;
const Entry* findOrCreate(PaintParamsKeyBuilder*) SK_EXCLUDES(fSpinLock);
const Entry* lookup(UniquePaintParamsID) const SK_EXCLUDES(fSpinLock);
SkSpan<const Uniform> getUniforms(BuiltInCodeSnippetID) const;
SkEnumBitMask<SnippetRequirementFlags> getSnippetRequirementFlags(
BuiltInCodeSnippetID id) const {
return fBuiltInCodeSnippets[(int) id].fSnippetRequirementFlags;
SkSpan<const PaintParamsKey::DataPayloadField> dataPayloadExpectations(int snippetID) const;
bool isValidID(int snippetID) const;
// This method can return nullptr
const ShaderSnippet* getEntry(int codeSnippetID) const;
const ShaderSnippet* getEntry(BuiltInCodeSnippetID codeSnippetID) const {
return this->getEntry(SkTo<int>(codeSnippetID));
void getShaderInfo(UniquePaintParamsID, ShaderInfo*) const;
int findOrCreateRuntimeEffectSnippet(const SkRuntimeEffect* effect);
int addUserDefinedSnippet(const char* name,
SkSpan<const PaintParamsKey::DataPayloadField> expectations);
Entry* makeEntry(const PaintParamsKey&, const skgpu::BlendInfo&);
// TODO: this is still experimental but, most likely, it will need to be made thread-safe
// It returns the code snippet ID to use to identify the supplied user-defined code
int addUserDefinedSnippet(
const char* name,
SkSpan<const Uniform> uniforms,
SkEnumBitMask<SnippetRequirementFlags> snippetRequirementFlags,
SkSpan<const TextureAndSampler> texturesAndSamplers,
const char* functionName,
ShaderSnippet::GenerateExpressionForSnippetFn expressionGenerator,
ShaderSnippet::GeneratePreambleForSnippetFn preambleGenerator,
int numChildren,
SkSpan<const PaintParamsKey::DataPayloadField> dataPayloadExpectations);
const char* addTextToArena(std::string_view text);
SkSpan<const Uniform> convertUniforms(const SkRuntimeEffect* effect);
std::array<ShaderSnippet, kBuiltInCodeSnippetIDCount> fBuiltInCodeSnippets;
// The value returned from 'getEntry' must be stable so, hold the user-defined code snippet
// entries as pointers.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ShaderSnippet>> fUserDefinedCodeSnippets;
// TODO: can we do something better given this should have write-seldom/read-often behavior?
mutable SkSpinlock fSpinLock;
struct PaintParamsKeyPtr {
const PaintParamsKey* fKey;
bool operator==(PaintParamsKeyPtr rhs) const {
return *fKey == *rhs.fKey;
struct Hash {
size_t operator()(PaintParamsKeyPtr) const;
using PaintHashMap = SkTHashMap<PaintParamsKeyPtr, Entry*, PaintParamsKeyPtr::Hash>;
PaintHashMap fHash SK_GUARDED_BY(fSpinLock);
std::vector<Entry*> fEntryVector SK_GUARDED_BY(fSpinLock);
struct RuntimeEffectKey {
uint32_t fHash;
uint32_t fUniformSize;
bool operator==(RuntimeEffectKey rhs) const {
return fHash == rhs.fHash && fUniformSize == rhs.fUniformSize;
struct Hash {
size_t operator()(RuntimeEffectKey) const;
// A map from RuntimeEffectKeys (hash plus uniforms) to code-snippet IDs. RuntimeEffectKeys
// don't track the lifetime of a runtime effect at all; they live forever, and a newly-
// instantiated runtime effect with the same program as a previously-discarded effect will reuse
// an existing ID. Entries in the runtime-effect map are never removed; they only disappear when
// the context is discarded, which takes the ShaderCodeDictionary along with it. However, they
// are extremely small (< 20 bytes) so the memory footprint should be unnoticeable.
using RuntimeEffectMap = SkTHashMap<RuntimeEffectKey, int32_t>;
RuntimeEffectMap fRuntimeEffectMap SK_GUARDED_BY(fSpinLock);
// This arena holds:
// - the Entries held in `fHash` and `fEntryVector`
// - Uniform data created by `findOrCreateRuntimeEffectSnippet`
// and in all cases is guarded by `fSpinLock`
SkArenaAlloc fArena{256};
} // namespace skgpu::graphite
#endif // skgpu_graphite_ShaderCodeDictionary_DEFINED