blob: 97d43d4f64ff454425b66ed1f71918278363a389 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkAssert_DEFINED
#define SkAssert_DEFINED
#include "include/private/base/SkAPI.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkDebug.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
/** Called internally if we hit an unrecoverable error.
The platform implementation must not return, but should either throw
an exception or otherwise exit.
[[noreturn]] SK_API extern void sk_abort_no_print(void);
#if defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_GOOGLE3)
void SkDebugfForDumpStackTrace(const char* data, void* unused);
namespace base {
void DumpStackTrace(int skip_count, void w(const char*, void*), void* arg);
# define SK_DUMP_GOOGLE3_STACK() ::base::DumpStackTrace(0, SkDebugfForDumpStackTrace, nullptr)
#if !defined(SK_ABORT)
# if defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN)
// This style lets Visual Studio follow errors back to the source file.
# define SK_DUMP_LINE_FORMAT "%s(%d)"
# else
# define SK_DUMP_LINE_FORMAT "%s:%d"
# endif
# define SK_ABORT(message, ...) \
do { \
SkDebugf(SK_DUMP_LINE_FORMAT ": fatal error: \"" message "\"\n", \
__FILE__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
sk_abort_no_print(); \
} while (false)
// SkASSERT, SkASSERTF and SkASSERT_RELEASE can be used as stand alone assertion expressions, e.g.
// uint32_t foo(int x) {
// SkASSERT(x > 4);
// return x - 4;
// }
// and are also written to be compatible with constexpr functions:
// constexpr uint32_t foo(int x) {
// return SkASSERT(x > 4),
// x - 4;
// }
#define SkASSERT_RELEASE(cond) \
static_cast<void>( (cond) ? (void)0 : []{ SK_ABORT("assert(%s)", #cond); }() )
#if defined(SK_DEBUG)
#define SkASSERT(cond) SkASSERT_RELEASE(cond)
#define SkASSERTF(cond, fmt, ...) static_cast<void>( (cond) ? (void)0 : [&]{ \
SkDebugf(fmt"\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); \
SK_ABORT("assert(%s)", #cond); \
}() )
#define SkDEBUGFAIL(message) SK_ABORT("%s", message)
#define SkDEBUGFAILF(fmt, ...) SK_ABORT(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define SkAssertResult(cond) SkASSERT(cond)
#define SkASSERT(cond) static_cast<void>(0)
#define SkASSERTF(cond, fmt, ...) static_cast<void>(0)
#define SkDEBUGFAIL(message)
#define SkDEBUGFAILF(fmt, ...)
// unlike SkASSERT, this macro executes its condition in the non-debug build.
// The if is present so that this can be used with functions marked SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT.
#define SkAssertResult(cond) if (cond) {} do {} while(false)
#if !defined(SkUNREACHABLE)
# if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
# include <intrin.h>
// See
// for why this is wrapped. Hopefully removable after msvc++ 19.27 is no longer supported.
[[noreturn]] static inline void sk_fast_fail() { __fastfail(FAST_FAIL_INVALID_ARG); }
# define SkUNREACHABLE sk_fast_fail()
# else
# define SkUNREACHABLE __builtin_trap()
# endif