blob: 6d050cdd9975f030f0e4d2ba3af7419db9f90933 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006-2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkGlyph.h"
#include "SkMutex.h"
#include "SkScalerContext.h"
#include "SkTypeface.h"
#include "SkTypes.h"
#include "SkFontMgr.h"
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
class SkScalerContext_FreeType_Base : public SkScalerContext {
// See
// This value was chosen by eyeballing the result in Firefox and trying to match it.
static const FT_Pos kBitmapEmboldenStrength = 1 << 6;
SkScalerContext_FreeType_Base(SkTypeface* typeface, const SkScalerContextEffects& effects,
const SkDescriptor *desc)
: INHERITED(typeface, effects, desc)
void generateGlyphImage(FT_Face face, const SkGlyph& glyph);
void generateGlyphPath(FT_Face face, SkPath* path);
typedef SkScalerContext INHERITED;
class SkTypeface_FreeType : public SkTypeface {
/** For SkFontMgrs to make use of our ability to extract
* name and style from a stream, using FreeType's API.
class Scanner : ::SkNoncopyable {
struct AxisDefinition {
SkFourByteTag fTag;
SkFixed fMinimum;
SkFixed fDefault;
SkFixed fMaximum;
using AxisDefinitions = SkSTArray<4, AxisDefinition, true>;
bool recognizedFont(SkStream* stream, int* numFonts) const;
bool scanFont(SkStream* stream, int ttcIndex,
SkString* name, SkFontStyle* style, bool* isFixedPitch,
AxisDefinitions* axes) const;
static void computeAxisValues(
AxisDefinitions axisDefinitions,
const SkFontMgr::FontParameters::Axis* requestedAxis, int requestedAxisCount,
SkFixed* axisValues,
const SkString& name);
FT_Face openFace(SkStream* stream, int ttcIndex, FT_Stream ftStream) const;
FT_Library fLibrary;
mutable SkMutex fLibraryMutex;
SkTypeface_FreeType(const SkFontStyle& style, SkFontID uniqueID, bool isFixedPitch)
: INHERITED(style, uniqueID, isFixedPitch)
virtual SkScalerContext* onCreateScalerContext(const SkScalerContextEffects&,
const SkDescriptor*) const override;
void onFilterRec(SkScalerContextRec*) const override;
SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics* onGetAdvancedTypefaceMetrics(
PerGlyphInfo, const uint32_t*, uint32_t) const override;
int onGetUPEM() const override;
virtual bool onGetKerningPairAdjustments(const uint16_t glyphs[], int count,
int32_t adjustments[]) const override;
virtual int onCharsToGlyphs(const void* chars, Encoding, uint16_t glyphs[],
int glyphCount) const override;
int onCountGlyphs() const override;
LocalizedStrings* onCreateFamilyNameIterator() const override;
int onGetTableTags(SkFontTableTag tags[]) const override;
virtual size_t onGetTableData(SkFontTableTag, size_t offset,
size_t length, void* data) const override;
typedef SkTypeface INHERITED;