blob: f92c5cee1ae67c08796eeac8fb8564063a1728c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC.
#ifndef TextLine_DEFINED
#define TextLine_DEFINED
#include "experimental/sktext/include/Types.h"
#include "include/core/SkFont.h"
#include "include/core/SkFontMetrics.h"
namespace skia {
namespace text {
class TextMetrics {
TextMetrics() {
TextMetrics(const SkFont& font) {
SkFontMetrics metrics;
fAscent = metrics.fAscent;
fDescent = metrics.fDescent;
fLeading = metrics.fLeading;
TextMetrics(const TextMetrics&) = default;
TextMetrics& operator=(const TextMetrics&) = default;
void merge(TextMetrics tail) {
this->fAscent = std::min(this->fAscent, tail.fAscent);
this->fDescent = std::max(this->fDescent, tail.fDescent);
this->fLeading = std::max(this->fLeading, tail.fLeading);
void clean() {
this->fAscent = 0;
this->fDescent = 0;
this->fLeading = 0;
SkScalar height() const {
return this->fDescent - this->fAscent + this->fLeading;
SkScalar baseline() const {
return - this->fAscent + this->fLeading / 2;
SkScalar above() const { return - this->fAscent + this->fLeading / 2; }
SkScalar below() const { return this->fDescent + this->fLeading / 2; }
SkScalar fAscent;
SkScalar fDescent;
SkScalar fLeading;
class GlyphPos {
GlyphPos() : fRunIndex(EMPTY_INDEX), fGlyphIndex(EMPTY_INDEX) { }
GlyphPos(size_t runIndex, size_t glyphIndex) : fRunIndex(runIndex), fGlyphIndex(glyphIndex) { }
bool operator==(const GlyphPos& other) const {
return this->fRunIndex == other.fRunIndex && this->fGlyphIndex == other.fGlyphIndex;
size_t runIndex() const { return fRunIndex; }
size_t glyphIndex() const { return fGlyphIndex; }
void setGlyphIndex(size_t index) { fGlyphIndex = index; }
bool isEmpty() const { return fRunIndex == EMPTY_INDEX; }
size_t fRunIndex;
size_t fGlyphIndex;
class Stretch {
Stretch() : fGlyphStart(), fGlyphEnd(), fWidth(0), fTextRange(0, 0), fTextMetrics() { }
Stretch(GlyphPos glyphStart, size_t textIndex, const TextMetrics& metrics)
: fGlyphStart(glyphStart)
, fGlyphEnd(glyphStart)
, fWidth(0.0)
, fTextRange(textIndex, textIndex)
, fTextMetrics(metrics) { }
Stretch(const Stretch&) = default;
Stretch(Stretch&&) = default;
Stretch& operator=(Stretch&&) = default;
Stretch& operator=(const Stretch&) = default;
bool isEmpty() const {
if (this->fGlyphStart.isEmpty()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
//return (this->fGlyphStart.runIndex() == this->fGlyphEnd.runIndex() &&
// this->fGlyphStart.glyphIndex() == this->fGlyphEnd.glyphIndex());
void clean() {
fGlyphStart = fGlyphEnd;
fTextRange.fStart = fTextRange.fEnd;
fWidth = 0.0f;
void moveTo(Stretch& tail) {
if (tail.isEmpty()) {
if (this->isEmpty()) {
if (!tail.isEmpty()) {
this->fGlyphStart = tail.fGlyphStart;
this->fGlyphEnd = tail.fGlyphEnd;
this->fWidth = tail.fWidth;
this->fTextRange = tail.fTextRange;
this->fTextMetrics = tail.fTextMetrics;
SkASSERT(this->fGlyphEnd.runIndex() != tail.fGlyphStart.runIndex() ||
this->fGlyphEnd.glyphIndex() == tail.fGlyphStart.glyphIndex());
this->fGlyphEnd = tail.fGlyphEnd;
this->fWidth += tail.fWidth;
void finish(size_t glyphIndex, size_t textIndex, SkScalar width) {
this->fTextRange.fEnd = textIndex;
this->fWidth = width;
SkScalar width() const { return fWidth; }
TextRange textRange() const { return fTextRange; }
void setTextRange(TextRange range) { fTextRange = range; }
const TextMetrics& textMetrics() const { return fTextMetrics; }
GlyphPos glyphStart() const { return fGlyphStart; }
GlyphPos glyphEnd() const { return fGlyphEnd; }
size_t glyphStartIndex() const { return fGlyphStart.glyphIndex(); }
size_t textStart() const { return fTextRange.fStart; }
GlyphPos fGlyphStart;
GlyphPos fGlyphEnd;
SkScalar fWidth;
TextRange fTextRange;
TextMetrics fTextMetrics;
class Line {
Line(const Stretch& stretch, const Stretch& spaces, SkSTArray<1, size_t, true> visualOrder, SkScalar verticalOffset, bool hardLineBreak);
~Line() = default;
TextMetrics getMetrics() const { return fTextMetrics; }
GlyphPos glyphStart() const { return fTextStart; }
GlyphPos glyphEnd() const { return fTextEnd; }
GlyphPos glyphTrailingEnd() const { return fWhitespacesEnd; }
SkScalar width() const { return fTextWidth; }
SkScalar withWithTrailingSpaces() const { return fTextWidth + fSpacesWidth; }
SkScalar horizontalOffset() const { return fHorizontalOffset; }
SkScalar verticalOffset() const { return fVerticalOffset; }
size_t runsNumber() const { return fRunsInVisualOrder.size(); }
size_t visualRun(size_t index) const { return fRunsInVisualOrder[index]; }
SkScalar height() const { return fTextMetrics.height(); }
SkScalar baseline() const { return fTextMetrics.baseline(); }
TextRange text() const { return fText; }
TextRange whitespaces() const { return fWhitespaces; }
bool isHardLineBreak() const { return fHardLineBreak; }
GlyphRange glyphRange(size_t runIndex, size_t runSize, bool includingTrailingSpaces) const {
GlyphIndex start = runIndex != this->glyphStart().runIndex() ? 0 : this->glyphStart().glyphIndex();
GlyphIndex end = runIndex != this->glyphTrailingEnd().runIndex() ? runSize : this->glyphTrailingEnd().glyphIndex();
if (!includingTrailingSpaces) {
// It's possible that the run in question consists of trailing spaces and therefore should not be count
if (this->runMayHaveTrailingSpaces(runIndex)) {
end = this->glyphEnd().runIndex() != runIndex
? start // The run entirely consists of trailing spaces
: this->glyphEnd().glyphIndex(); // The run has some trailing spaces
return GlyphRange(start, end);
bool runMayHaveTrailingSpaces(size_t runIndex) const {
size_t lastRunWithoutTrailingSpaces = this->glyphEnd().runIndex();
for (size_t v = fRunsInVisualOrder.size(); v > 0; --v) {
auto r = fRunsInVisualOrder[v - 1];
if (r == runIndex) {
// This run has trailing spaces (or entirely consists of them)
return true;
if (r == lastRunWithoutTrailingSpaces) {
return false;
return false;
friend class WrappedText;
GlyphPos fTextStart;
GlyphPos fTextEnd;
GlyphPos fWhitespacesEnd;
TextRange fText;
TextRange fWhitespaces;
SkScalar fTextWidth;
SkScalar fSpacesWidth;
SkScalar fHorizontalOffset;
SkScalar fVerticalOffset;
TextMetrics fTextMetrics;
bool fHardLineBreak;
SkSTArray<1, size_t, true> fRunsInVisualOrder;
} // namespace text
} // namespace skia