blob: ac149c55b627bf1216c992522b62125ddd60f91f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google, LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/core/SkMesh.h"
#include "fuzz/Fuzz.h"
template <typename T>
T extract(SkSpan<const uint8_t>& data) {
T result = 0;
size_t bytesToCopy = std::min(sizeof(T), data.size());
memcpy(&result, &data.front(), bytesToCopy);
data = data.subspan(bytesToCopy);
return result;
static void FuzzSkMeshSpecification(SkSpan<const uint8_t> data) {
using Attribute = SkMeshSpecification::Attribute;
using Varying = SkMeshSpecification::Varying;
SkSTArray<SkMeshSpecification::kMaxAttributes, Attribute> attributes;
SkSTArray<SkMeshSpecification::kMaxVaryings, Varying> varyings;
size_t vertexStride;
SkString vs, fs;
auto fuzzByteToASCII = [&](uint8_t c, SkString* str) -> bool {
// Most control characters (including \0) and all high ASCII are treated as stop bytes.
if ((c >= 32 && c <= 127) || c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '\t') {
char ascii = c;
str->append(&ascii, 1);
return true;
return false;
auto fuzzByteToSkSL = [&](uint8_t c, SkString* str) -> bool {
// In the 0x00 - 0x80 range, treat characters as ASCII.
if (c < 128) {
return fuzzByteToASCII(c, str);
c -= 128;
// Dedicate a few bytes to injecting our attribute and varying names.
if (c < SkMeshSpecification::kMaxAttributes) {
if (!attributes.empty()) {
str->append(attributes[c % attributes.size()].name);
return true;
c -= SkMeshSpecification::kMaxAttributes;
if (c < SkMeshSpecification::kMaxVaryings) {
if (!varyings.empty()) {
str->append(varyings[c % varyings.size()].name);
return true;
c -= SkMeshSpecification::kMaxVaryings;
// Replace the remaining high-ASCII bytes with valid SkSL operators and keywords in order to
// improve our chances of generating a program. (We omit single-character operators since
// single-byte versions of those already exist in the low-ASCII space.)
static constexpr std::string_view kSkSLData[] = {
" true ",
" false ",
" if ",
" else ",
" for ",
" while ",
" do ",
" switch ",
" case ",
" default ",
" break ",
" continue ",
" discard ",
" return ",
" in ",
" out ",
" inout ",
" uniform ",
" const ",
" flat ",
" noperspective ",
" inline ",
" noinline ",
" $pure ",
" readonly ",
" writeonly ",
" buffer ",
" struct ",
" layout ",
" highp ",
" mediump ",
" lowp ",
" $es3 ",
" $export ",
" workgroup ",
" << ",
" >> ",
" && ",
" || ",
" ^^ ",
" == ",
" != ",
" <= ",
" >= ",
" += ",
" -= ",
" *= ",
" /= ",
" %= ",
" <<= ",
" >>= ",
" &= ",
" |= ",
" ^= ",
" ++ ",
" -- ",
" //",
" /*",
"*/ ",
" float",
" half",
" int",
" uint",
" short",
" ushort",
" bool",
" void",
" vec",
" ivec",
" bvec",
" mat",
" Attributes ",
" Varyings ",
c %= std::size(kSkSLData);
return true;
// Pick a vertex stride; intentionally allow some bad values through.
vertexStride = extract<uint16_t>(data) % (SkMeshSpecification::kMaxStride + 2);
while (!data.empty()) {
uint8_t control = extract<uint8_t>(data) % 4;
switch (control) {
case 0: {
// Add an attribute.
Attribute& a = attributes.push_back();
a.type = (Attribute::Type)(extract<uint8_t>(data) %
((int)Attribute::Type::kLast + 1));
a.offset = extract<uint16_t>(data) % (SkMeshSpecification::kMaxStride + 2);
while (uint8_t c = extract<char>(data)) {
if (!fuzzByteToASCII(c, & {
case 1: {
// Add a varying.
Varying& v = varyings.push_back();
v.type = (Varying::Type)(extract<uint8_t>(data) % ((int)Varying::Type::kLast + 1));
while (uint8_t c = extract<char>(data)) {
if (!fuzzByteToASCII(c, & {
case 2: {
// Convert the following data into SkSL and add it into the vertex program.
while (uint8_t c = extract<char>(data)) {
if (!fuzzByteToSkSL(c, &vs)) {
case 3: {
// Convert the following data into SkSL and add it into the fragment program.
while (uint8_t c = extract<char>(data)) {
if (!fuzzByteToSkSL(c, &fs)) {
auto result = SkMeshSpecification::Make(attributes, vertexStride, varyings, vs, fs);
if (result.error.isEmpty()) {
// TODO: synthesize a mesh with this specification and paint it.
printf("----\n%s\n----\n\n----\n%s\n----\n\n\n", vs.c_str(), fs.c_str());
bool FuzzSkMeshSpecification(sk_sp<SkData> fuzz) {
FuzzSkMeshSpecification(SkSpan(fuzz->bytes(), fuzz->size()));
return true;
extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *data, size_t size) {
if (size > 8000) {
return 0;
FuzzSkMeshSpecification(SkSpan<const uint8_t>(data, size));
return 0;