blob: e8df1f5453ea36c668fe65014af6f533353f2fad [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkPDFDocument_DEFINED
#define SkPDFDocument_DEFINED
#include "SkCanvas.h"
#include "SkDocument.h"
#include "SkPDFCanon.h"
#include "SkPDFFont.h"
#include "SkPDFMetadata.h"
class SkPDFDevice;
/* @param rasterDpi the DPI at which features without native PDF
* support will be rasterized (e.g. draw image with
* perspective, draw text with perspective, ...). A
* larger DPI would create a PDF that reflects the
* original intent with better fidelity, but it can make
* for larger PDF files too, which would use more memory
* while rendering, and it would be slower to be processed
* or sent online or to printer. A good choice is
* SK_ScalarDefaultRasterDPI(72.0f).
sk_sp<SkDocument> SkPDFMakeDocument(SkWStream* stream,
const SkDocument::PDFMetadata&);
// Logically part of SkPDFDocument (like SkPDFCanon), but separate to
// keep similar functionality together.
struct SkPDFObjectSerializer {
SkPDFObjNumMap fObjNumMap;
std::vector<int32_t> fOffsets;
sk_sp<SkPDFObject> fInfoDict;
size_t fBaseOffset;
size_t fNextToBeSerialized; // index in fObjNumMap
SkPDFObjectSerializer& operator=(SkPDFObjectSerializer&&);
SkPDFObjectSerializer(const SkPDFObjectSerializer&) = delete;
SkPDFObjectSerializer& operator=(const SkPDFObjectSerializer&) = delete;
void addObjectRecursively(const sk_sp<SkPDFObject>&);
void serializeHeader(SkWStream*, const SkDocument::PDFMetadata&);
void serializeObjects(SkWStream*);
void serializeFooter(SkWStream*, const sk_sp<SkPDFObject>, sk_sp<SkPDFObject>);
int32_t offset(SkWStream*);
/** Concrete implementation of SkDocument that creates PDF files. This
class does not produced linearized or optimized PDFs; instead it
it attempts to use a minimum amount of RAM. */
class SkPDFDocument : public SkDocument {
const SkDocument::PDFMetadata&);
~SkPDFDocument() override;
SkCanvas* onBeginPage(SkScalar, SkScalar) override;
void onEndPage() override;
void onClose(SkWStream*) override;
void onAbort() override;
Serialize the object, as well as any other objects it
indirectly refers to. If any any other objects have been added
to the SkPDFObjNumMap without serializing them, they will be
serialized as well.
It might go without saying that objects should not be changed
after calling serialize, since those changes will be too late.
void serialize(const sk_sp<SkPDFObject>&);
SkPDFCanon* canon() { return &fCanon; }
void registerFont(SkPDFFont* f) { fFonts.add(f); }
const PDFMetadata& metadata() const { return fMetadata; }
SkPDFObjectSerializer fObjectSerializer;
SkPDFCanon fCanon;
SkCanvas fCanvas;
std::vector<sk_sp<SkPDFDict>> fPages;
SkTHashSet<SkPDFFont*> fFonts;
sk_sp<SkPDFDict> fDests;
sk_sp<SkPDFDevice> fPageDevice;
sk_sp<SkPDFObject> fID;
sk_sp<SkPDFObject> fXMP;
SkDocument::PDFMetadata fMetadata;
SkScalar fRasterScale = 1;
SkScalar fInverseRasterScale = 1;
void reset();
#endif // SkPDFDocument_DEFINED