blob: 6906a19aad2fc04d84b9f9cefd296c1b8423a00e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrMtlCaps_DEFINED
#define GrMtlCaps_DEFINED
#include "GrCaps.h"
#include "GrMtlStencilAttachment.h"
#include "SkTDArray.h"
#import <Metal/Metal.h>
class GrShaderCaps;
* Stores some capabilities of a Mtl backend.
class GrMtlCaps : public GrCaps {
typedef GrMtlStencilAttachment::Format StencilFormat;
GrMtlCaps(const GrContextOptions& contextOptions, id<MTLDevice> device,
MTLFeatureSet featureSet);
bool isConfigTexturable(GrPixelConfig config) const override {
return SkToBool(fConfigTable[config].fFlags & ConfigInfo::kTextureable_Flag);
int getRenderTargetSampleCount(int requestedCount, GrPixelConfig) const override;
int maxRenderTargetSampleCount(GrPixelConfig) const override;
bool surfaceSupportsReadPixels(const GrSurface*) const override { return true; }
bool isConfigCopyable(GrPixelConfig config) const override {
return true;
* Returns both a supported and most prefered stencil format to use in draws.
const StencilFormat& preferredStencilFormat() const {
return fPreferredStencilFormat;
bool canCopyAsBlit(GrPixelConfig dstConfig, int dstSampleCount, GrSurfaceOrigin dstOrigin,
GrPixelConfig srcConfig, int srcSampleCount, GrSurfaceOrigin srcOrigin,
const SkIRect& srcRect, const SkIPoint& dstPoint,
bool areDstSrcSameObj) const;
bool canCopyAsDraw(GrPixelConfig dstConfig, bool dstIsRenderable,
GrPixelConfig srcConfig, bool srcIsTextureable) const;
bool canCopyAsDrawThenBlit(GrPixelConfig dstConfig, GrPixelConfig srcConfig,
bool srcIsTextureable) const;
bool initDescForDstCopy(const GrRenderTargetProxy* src, GrSurfaceDesc* desc, GrSurfaceOrigin*,
bool* rectsMustMatch, bool* disallowSubrect) const override {
return false;
GrPixelConfig validateBackendRenderTarget(const GrBackendRenderTarget&,
SkColorType) const override {
return kUnknown_GrPixelConfig;
GrPixelConfig getConfigFromBackendFormat(const GrBackendFormat&, SkColorType) const override {
return kUnknown_GrPixelConfig;
GrPixelConfig getYUVAConfigFromBackendFormat(const GrBackendFormat&) const override {
return kUnknown_GrPixelConfig;
GrBackendFormat getBackendFormatFromGrColorType(GrColorType ct,
GrSRGBEncoded srgbEncoded) const override;
void initFeatureSet(MTLFeatureSet featureSet);
void initStencilFormat(const id<MTLDevice> device);
void initGrCaps(const id<MTLDevice> device);
void initShaderCaps();
void initConfigTable();
bool onSurfaceSupportsWritePixels(const GrSurface*) const override { return true; }
bool onCanCopySurface(const GrSurfaceProxy* dst, const GrSurfaceProxy* src,
const SkIRect& srcRect, const SkIPoint& dstPoint) const override;
struct ConfigInfo {
ConfigInfo() : fFlags(0) {}
enum {
kTextureable_Flag = 0x1,
kRenderable_Flag = 0x2, // Color attachment and blendable
kMSAA_Flag = 0x4,
kResolve_Flag = 0x8,
// TODO: Put kMSAA_Flag back when MSAA is implemented
static const uint16_t kAllFlags = kTextureable_Flag | kRenderable_Flag |
/*kMSAA_Flag |*/ kResolve_Flag;
uint16_t fFlags;
ConfigInfo fConfigTable[kGrPixelConfigCnt];
enum class Platform {
bool isMac() { return Platform::kMac == fPlatform; }
bool isIOS() { return Platform::kIOS == fPlatform; }
Platform fPlatform;
int fFamilyGroup;
int fVersion;
SkTDArray<int> fSampleCounts;
StencilFormat fPreferredStencilFormat;
typedef GrCaps INHERITED;