blob: f837378479d47ab207d1fe49f9af7b2fe2a94c97 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from recipe_engine import recipe_api
import default_flavor
import gn_flavor
import json
import subprocess
GN Chromebook flavor utils, used for building and testing Skia for ARM
Chromebooks with GN
class GNChromebookFlavorUtils(gn_flavor.GNFlavorUtils):
def __init__(self, m):
super(GNChromebookFlavorUtils, self).__init__(m)
self._user_ip = ''
self.device_dirs = default_flavor.DeviceDirs(
dm_dir = self.m.vars.chromeos_homedir + 'dm_out',
perf_data_dir = self.m.vars.chromeos_homedir + 'perf',
resource_dir = self.m.vars.chromeos_homedir + 'resources',
images_dir = self.m.vars.chromeos_homedir + 'images',
skp_dir = self.m.vars.chromeos_homedir + 'skps',
svg_dir = self.m.vars.chromeos_homedir + 'svgs',
tmp_dir = self.m.vars.chromeos_homedir)
self._bin_dir = self.m.vars.chromeos_homedir + 'bin'
def user_ip(self):
if not self._user_ip:
ssh_info =, 'read chromeos ip',
import os
SSH_MACHINE_FILE = os.path.expanduser('~/ssh_machine.json')
with open(SSH_MACHINE_FILE, 'r') as f:
self._user_ip = json.loads(ssh_info).get(u'user_ip', 'ERROR')
return self._user_ip
def _ssh(self, title, *cmd, **kwargs):
if 'infra_step' not in kwargs:
kwargs['infra_step'] = True
ssh_cmd = ['ssh', '-oConnectTimeout=15', '-oBatchMode=yes',
'-t', '-t', self.user_ip] + list(cmd)
return self._run(title, ssh_cmd, **kwargs)
def install(self):
self._ssh('mkdir %s' % self.device_dirs.resource_dir, 'mkdir', '-p',
# Ensure the home dir is marked executable
self._ssh('remount %s as exec' % self.m.vars.chromeos_homedir,
'sudo', 'mount', '-i', '-o', 'remount,exec', '/home/chronos')
def compile(self, unused_target):
configuration = self.m.vars.builder_cfg.get('configuration')
os = self.m.vars.builder_cfg.get('os')
target_arch = self.m.vars.builder_cfg.get('target_arch')
clang_linux = self.m.vars.slave_dir.join('clang_linux')
# This is a pretty typical arm-linux-gnueabihf sysroot
sysroot_dir = self.m.vars.slave_dir.join('armhf_sysroot')
if 'arm' == target_arch:
# This is the extra things needed to link against for the chromebook.
# For example, the Mali GL drivers.
gl_dir = self.m.vars.slave_dir.join('chromebook_arm_gles')
env = {'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': sysroot_dir.join('lib')}
extra_asmflags = [
'--sysroot=%s' % sysroot_dir,
extra_cflags = [
'--sysroot=%s' % sysroot_dir,
'-I%s' % gl_dir.join('include'),
'-I%s' % sysroot_dir.join('include'),
'-I%s' % sysroot_dir.join('include', 'c++', '4.8.4'),
'-I%s' % sysroot_dir.join('include', 'c++', '4.8.4',
extra_ldflags = [
'--sysroot=%s' % sysroot_dir,
# use sysroot's ld which can properly link things.
'-B%s' % sysroot_dir.join('bin'),
# helps locate crt*.o
'-B%s' % sysroot_dir.join('gcc-cross'),
# helps locate libgcc*.so
'-L%s' % sysroot_dir.join('gcc-cross'),
'-L%s' % sysroot_dir.join('lib'),
'-L%s' % gl_dir.join('lib'),
# Explicitly do not use lld for cross compiling like this - I observed
# failures like "Unrecognized reloc 41" and couldn't find out why.
gl_dir = self.m.vars.slave_dir.join('chromebook_x86_64_gles')
env = {}
extra_asmflags = []
extra_cflags = [
'-I%s' % gl_dir.join('include'),
extra_ldflags = [
'-L%s' % gl_dir.join('lib'),
'-static-libstdc++', '-static-libgcc',
quote = lambda x: '"%s"' % x
args = {
'cc': quote(clang_linux.join('bin','clang')),
'cxx': quote(clang_linux.join('bin','clang++')),
'target_cpu': quote(target_arch),
'skia_use_fontconfig': 'false',
'skia_use_system_freetype2': 'false',
'skia_use_egl': 'true',
extra_cflags.append('-DDUMMY_clang_linux_version=%s' %'clang_linux'))
if configuration != 'Debug':
args['is_debug'] = 'false'
args['extra_asmflags'] = repr(extra_asmflags).replace("'", '"')
args['extra_cflags'] = repr(extra_cflags).replace("'", '"')
args['extra_ldflags'] = repr(extra_ldflags).replace("'", '"')
gn_args = ' '.join('%s=%s' % (k,v) for (k,v) in sorted(args.iteritems()))
gn = 'gn.exe' if 'Win' in os else 'gn'
ninja = 'ninja.exe' if 'Win' in os else 'ninja'
gn = self.m.vars.skia_dir.join('bin', gn)
with self.m.context(cwd=self.m.vars.skia_dir,
self._py('fetch-gn', self.m.vars.skia_dir.join('bin', 'fetch-gn'))
self._run('gn gen', [gn, 'gen', self.out_dir, '--args=' + gn_args])
self._run('ninja', [ninja, '-k', '0'
, '-C', self.out_dir
, 'nanobench', 'dm'])
def create_clean_device_dir(self, path):
# use -f to silently return if path doesn't exist
self._ssh('rm %s' % path, 'rm', '-rf', path)
self._ssh('mkdir %s' % path, 'mkdir', '-p', path)
def read_file_on_device(self, path, **kwargs):
rv = self._ssh('read %s' % path,
'cat', path, stdout=self.m.raw_io.output(),
return rv.stdout.rstrip() if rv and rv.stdout else None
def remove_file_on_device(self, path):
# use -f to silently return if path doesn't exist
self._ssh('rm %s' % path, 'rm', '-f', path)
def _prefix_device_path(self, device_path):
return '%s:%s' % (self.user_ip, device_path)
def copy_file_to_device(self, host_path, device_path):
device_path = self._prefix_device_path(device_path)
# Recipe
self.m.python.inline(str('scp %s %s' % (host_path, device_path)),
import subprocess
import sys
host = sys.argv[1]
device = sys.argv[2]
print subprocess.check_output(['scp', host, device])
""", args=[host_path, device_path], infra_step=True)
def _copy_dir(self, src, dest):
# We can't use rsync to communicate with the chromebooks because the
# chromebooks don't have rsync installed on them.
self.m.python.inline(str('scp -r %s %s' % (src, dest)),
import subprocess
import sys
src = sys.argv[1] + '/*'
dest = sys.argv[2]
print subprocess.check_output('scp -r %s %s' % (src, dest), shell=True)
""", args=[src, dest], infra_step=True)
def copy_directory_contents_to_device(self, host_path, device_path):
self._copy_dir(host_path, self._prefix_device_path(device_path))
def copy_directory_contents_to_host(self, device_path, host_path):
self._copy_dir(self._prefix_device_path(device_path), host_path)
def step(self, name, cmd, **kwargs):
# Push and run either dm or nanobench
name = cmd[0]
if name == 'dm':
if name == 'nanobench':
app = self.m.vars.skia_out.join(self.m.vars.configuration, cmd[0])
cmd[0] = '%s/%s' % (self._bin_dir, cmd[0])
self.copy_file_to_device(app, cmd[0])
self._ssh('chmod %s' % name, 'chmod', '+x', cmd[0])
self._ssh(str(name), *cmd)