Swap uniform pointers in SkFilterColorProgram, improve comment

An upcoming CL will need to refer to the (now) first uniform IDs while
processing the second set, so arranging them like this makes more sense.
Landing this reordering first, to avoid making the new CL even more

Change-Id: If19933edbabe840dd427525e5fceac8cd7fb1714
Reviewed-on: https://skia-review.googlesource.com/c/skia/+/420120
Commit-Queue: Brian Osman <brianosman@google.com>
Commit-Queue: John Stiles <johnstiles@google.com>
Auto-Submit: Brian Osman <brianosman@google.com>
Reviewed-by: John Stiles <johnstiles@google.com>
diff --git a/src/core/SkRuntimeEffect.cpp b/src/core/SkRuntimeEffect.cpp
index e07af38..6770e7e 100644
--- a/src/core/SkRuntimeEffect.cpp
+++ b/src/core/SkRuntimeEffect.cpp
@@ -473,10 +473,23 @@
         return nullptr;
-    // When we run this program later, these uniform values are replaced with either the results of
-    // the child (using the SampleCall), or the input color (if the child is nullptr).
-    // These Uniform ids are loads from the *first* arg ptr.
     skvm::Builder p;
+    // For SkSL uniforms, we reserve space and allocate skvm Uniform ids for each one. When we run
+    // the program, these ids will be loads from the *first* arg ptr, the uniform data of the
+    // specific color filter instance.
+    skvm::Uniforms skslUniforms{p.uniform(), 0};
+    const size_t uniformCount = effect->uniformSize() / 4;
+    std::vector<skvm::Val> uniform;
+    uniform.reserve(uniformCount);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < uniformCount; i++) {
+        uniform.push_back(p.uniform32(skslUniforms.push(/*placeholder*/ 0)).id);
+    }
+    // We reserve a uniform color for each call to sample(). While processing the SkSL, we record
+    // the index of the child being sampled, and the color being filtered (in a SampleCall struct).
+    // When we run this program later, we use the SampleCall to evaluate the correct child, and
+    // populate these uniform values. These Uniform ids are loads from the *second* arg ptr.
     skvm::Uniforms childColorUniforms{p.uniform(), 0};
     skvm::Color inputColor = p.uniformColor(/*placeholder*/ SkColors::kWhite, &childColorUniforms);
     std::vector<SkFilterColorProgram::SampleCall> sampleCalls;
@@ -510,17 +523,6 @@
         return result;
-    // For SkSL uniforms, we reserve space and allocate skvm Uniform ids for each one. When we run
-    // the program, these ids will be loads from the *second* arg ptr, the uniform data of the
-    // specific color filter instance.
-    skvm::Uniforms skslUniforms{p.uniform(), 0};
-    const size_t uniformCount = effect->uniformSize() / 4;
-    std::vector<skvm::Val> uniform;
-    uniform.reserve(uniformCount);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < uniformCount; i++) {
-        uniform.push_back(p.uniform32(skslUniforms.push(/*placeholder*/ 0)).id);
-    }
     // Emit the skvm instructions for the SkSL
     skvm::Coord zeroCoord = {p.splat(0.0f), p.splat(0.0f)};
     skvm::Color result = SkSL::ProgramToSkVM(*effect->fBaseProgram,
@@ -579,7 +581,7 @@
     SkPMColor4f result;
-    fProgram.eval(1, childColors.begin(), uniformData, result.vec());
+    fProgram.eval(1, uniformData, childColors.begin(), result.vec());
     return result;