blob: 5ae3fc71f00309a63e68a20618e9359908c5b658 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkJpegSegmentScan_codec_DEFINED
#define SkJpegSegmentScan_codec_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "src/codec/SkJpegConstants.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
class SkData;
class SkStream;
* A JPEG segment.
struct SkJpegSegment {
// The offset in bytes from the initial position to where this segment starts.
size_t offset = 0;
// The second byte of the marker code, which determines the segment type.
uint8_t marker = 0;
// The length of the parameters for this segment (including the two bytes used to specify
// the length).
uint16_t parameterLength = 0;
* Class for scanning JPEG data. The JPEG format consists of a sequence of segments that begin with
* a marker, with entropy-coded data in between.
class SkJpegSegmentScanner {
SkJpegSegmentScanner(uint8_t stopMarker = kJpegMarkerEndOfImage);
bool isDone() const { return fState == State::kDone; }
bool hadError() const { return fState == State::kError; }
// Provide more bytes of data to the state machine.
void onBytes(const void* data, size_t size);
// Return the segments that have been retrieved so far. If an error was encountered, this will
// include all segments up to the error.
const std::vector<SkJpegSegment>& getSegments() const;
// Helper function to retrieve the parameters for a segment. ScannedData must be the data that
// was scanned to produce segment, starting at StartOfImage.
static sk_sp<SkData> GetParameters(const SkData* scannedData, const SkJpegSegment& segment);
// The scanner is a state machine. State transitions happen when a byte is read.
enum class State {
// The initial state, before we read the 0xFF,0xD8,0xFF JPEG signature.
// We have read the 0xFF of the JPEG signature.
// We have read the 0xFF,0xD8 of the JPEG signature. The next byte should be the 0xFF that
// completes the JPEG signature and starts the second marker (the one after StartOfImage).
// We have read the full JPEG signature. The next byte should be the the second byte of the
// second marker.
// We have read a marker that does not stand alone. The next byte is the first byte of the
// length of the parameters,
// We have read the first byte of the length of the parameters (and it is stored in
// |fSegmentParamLengthByte0|). The next byte we read is the second byte of the length of
// the parameters.
// We have read the full length of the parameters. The next |fSegmentParamBytesRemaining|
// bytes are the parameters.
// We have read a marker and (optionally) its parameters, and we are now reading entropy-
// coded data. All subsequent bytes until we reach 0xFF are entropy-coded data.
// We reached an 0xFF in entropy-coded data. If the next byte is 0x00 then we continue
// reading entropy-coded data. If the next byte is 0xFF then we are reading fill data.
// If the next byte is anything else then it is the second byte of a marker.
// We are reading fill data. If the next byte is 0xFF then we are still reading fill data,
// otherwise the next byte is the second byte of a marker.
// We reached |fStopMarker| and have stopped tracking our state.
// We hit an error somewhere and have given up.
State fState = State::kStartOfImageByte0;
// Update state transition when a single byte is read.
void onByte(uint8_t byte);
// Perform the appropriate state transition for when a marker is read. This will set
// |fCurrentSegmentMarker| and |fCurrentSegmentOffset|, and potentially call saveCurrentSegment.
void onMarkerSecondByte(uint8_t byte);
// Add a new entry in |segments| for |fCurrentSegmentMarker| and offset |fCurrentSegmentOffset|
// and the specified length.
void saveCurrentSegment(uint16_t length);
static bool MarkerStandsAlone(uint8_t marker) {
// These markers are TEM (0x01), RSTm (0xD0 through 0xD7), SOI (0xD8), and
// EOI (0xD9). See section B.1.1.3, Marker assignments.
return marker == 0x01 || (marker >= 0xD0 && marker <= 0xD9);
// Stop tracking state when we hit this marker. If this is 0x00, then never stop.
const uint8_t fStopMarker;
// The number of bytes that have been processed so far.
size_t fOffset = 0;
// If |fState| is kSegmentParamLengthByte1, then this is the value of the the previous byte.
uint8_t fSegmentParamLengthByte0 = 0;
// If |fState| is kSegmentParam, then this is the number of bytes reamining in the current
// segment.
size_t fSegmentParamBytesRemaining = 0;
// The offset and marker for the segment started by the previous call to OnMarkerSecondByte.
// These are re-set when SaveCurrentSegment is called.
size_t fCurrentSegmentOffset = 0;
uint8_t fCurrentSegmentMarker = 0;
std::vector<SkJpegSegment> fSegments;