blob: febaa591bd9285cb977e95296bc18b935d62454d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/effects/SkColorMatrix.h"
#include "src/core/SkYUVMath.h"
SkColorMatrix SkColorMatrix::RGBtoYUV(SkYUVColorSpace cs) {
SkColorMatrix m;
return m;
SkColorMatrix SkColorMatrix::YUVtoRGB(SkYUVColorSpace cs) {
SkColorMatrix m;
return m;
enum {
kR_Scale = 0,
kG_Scale = 6,
kB_Scale = 12,
kA_Scale = 18,
kR_Trans = 4,
kG_Trans = 9,
kB_Trans = 14,
kA_Trans = 19,
static void set_concat(float result[20], const float outer[20], const float inner[20]) {
float tmp[20];
float* target;
if (outer == result || inner == result) {
target = tmp; // will memcpy answer when we're done into result
} else {
target = result;
int index = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 20; j += 5) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
target[index++] = outer[j + 0] * inner[i + 0] +
outer[j + 1] * inner[i + 5] +
outer[j + 2] * inner[i + 10] +
outer[j + 3] * inner[i + 15];
target[index++] = outer[j + 0] * inner[4] +
outer[j + 1] * inner[9] +
outer[j + 2] * inner[14] +
outer[j + 3] * inner[19] +
outer[j + 4];
if (target != result) {
std::copy_n(target, 20, result);
void SkColorMatrix::setIdentity() {
fMat[kR_Scale] = fMat[kG_Scale] = fMat[kB_Scale] = fMat[kA_Scale] = 1;
void SkColorMatrix::setScale(float rScale, float gScale, float bScale, float aScale) {
fMat[kR_Scale] = rScale;
fMat[kG_Scale] = gScale;
fMat[kB_Scale] = bScale;
fMat[kA_Scale] = aScale;
void SkColorMatrix::postTranslate(float dr, float dg, float db, float da) {
fMat[kR_Trans] += dr;
fMat[kG_Trans] += dg;
fMat[kB_Trans] += db;
fMat[kA_Trans] += da;
void SkColorMatrix::setConcat(const SkColorMatrix& matA, const SkColorMatrix& matB) {
static void setrow(float row[], float r, float g, float b) {
row[0] = r;
row[1] = g;
row[2] = b;
static const float kHueR = 0.213f;
static const float kHueG = 0.715f;
static const float kHueB = 0.072f;
void SkColorMatrix::setSaturation(float sat) {
const float R = kHueR * (1 - sat);
const float G = kHueG * (1 - sat);
const float B = kHueB * (1 - sat);
setrow( + 0, R + sat, G, B);
setrow( + 5, R, G + sat, B);
setrow( + 10, R, G, B + sat);
fMat[kA_Scale] = 1;