blob: 0239034eec256294822d9d70485d9cebd345a6ca [file] [log] [blame]
# external references that will be documented eventually ...
DirectWrite TrueType Windows Linux Android iOS
FreeType FreeType-based Harfbuzz
Descenders Kerning Unhinted
Unicode Unicode5 UTF-8 UTF-16 UTF-32 ASCII Unichar
GPU GPU-backed OpenGL Vulkan
NaN NaNs
Bezier Coons Cartesian
C C++ Destructor Subclasses
SaveLayerFlags # not external; need to add typedef support
SkUserConfig # not external, but still thinking about how markup refers to this
SkXXX.h # ditto
SkXXX_Reference # ditto
Skia # ditto
SK_ABORT # ditto
SK_API # ditto
SK_DEBUG # ditto
SK_RELEASE # ditto
# FreeType related
#External ##
#Topic Alias
#Alias Aliased
#Alias Aliasing
#Topic Anti-alias
#Alias Anti-aliased
#Alias Anti-aliasing
#Topic Arc
#Alias Arcs
#Topic ##
#Topic BBH_Factory
#Class SkBBHFactory
#Topic Blend_Mode
#EnumClass SkBlendMode
#Const kSrc 1
#Const kSrcOver 3
#Const kPlus 12
#EnumClass ##
#Topic ##
#Topic Circle
#Alias Circles
#Topic ##
#Topic Clip_Op
#EnumClass SkClipOp
#Const kDifference 0
#Const kIntersect 1
#Topic Color
#Typedef SkColor
#Typedef ##
# fixme: defines, not methods, need new markup type
#Method int SkColorGetA(color)
#Method int SkColorGetR(color)
#Method int SkColorGetG(color)
#Method int SkColorGetB(color)
#Method int SkColorSetARGB(a, r, g, b)
#Const SK_ColorBLACK 0xFF000000
#Const SK_ColorBLUE 0xFF0000FF
#Const SK_ColorGREEN 0xFF00FF00
#Const SK_ColorRED 0xFFFF0000
#Subtopic Alpha
#Alias Alpha
#Subtopic ##
#Subtopic RGB
#Substitute RGB
#Subtopic Red
#Alias Red
#Subtopic ##
#Subtopic Blue
#Alias Blue
#Subtopic ##
#Subtopic Green
#Alias Green
#Subtopic ##
#Subtopic ##
#Subtopic ARGB
#Substitute ARGB
#Subtopic ##
#Subtopic RBG
#Substitute RBG
#Subtopic ##
#Subtopic RGB-565
#Substitute RGB-565
#Alias Color_RGB-565 # quit changing - to _ !
#Subtopic ##
#Topic ##
#Topic Color_Filter
#Class SkColorFilter
#Class ##
#Topic ##
#Topic Color_Space
#Class SkColorSpace
#Method static sk_sp<SkColorSpace> MakeSRGBLinear()
#EnumClass SkTransferFunctionBehavior
#Const kRespect 0
#Const kIgnore 1
#EnumClass ##
#Topic Core_Graphics
#Substitute Core Graphics
#Topic Core_Text
#Substitute Core Text
#Topic Curve
#Alias Curves
#Topic Data
#Topic Debugging
#Method SK_API void SkDebugf(const char format[], ...)
#Topic Device
#Class SkBaseDevice
#Topic ##
#Topic Document
#Class SkDocument
#Method SkCanvas* beginPage(SkScalar width, SkScalar height,
const SkRect* content = NULL)
#Subtopic PDF
#Topic Draw_Filter
#Class SkDrawFilter
#Topic Draw_Layer
#Topic Draw_Looper
#Class SkDrawLooper
#Class ##
#Topic ##
#Topic Drawable
#Class SkDrawable
#Method void draw(SkCanvas*, const SkMatrix* = NULL)
#Topic Dump_Canvas
#Class SkDumpCanvas
#Topic ##
#Topic Filter_Quality
#Enum SkFilterQuality
#Const kNone_SkFilterQuality 0
#Const kLow_SkFilterQuality 1
#Const kMedium_SkFilterQuality 2
#Const kHigh_SkFilterQuality 3
#Enum ##
#Subtopic Nearest_Neighbor
#Substitute nearest neighbor filter
#Subtopic Bilerp
#Substitute bilerp filter
#Subtopic MipMap
#Substitute mip-map filter
#Subtopic BiCubic
#Substitute bicubic filter
#Topic ##
#Topic Font
#Subtopic Advance
#Subtopic ##
#Subtopic Engine
#Topic ##
#Topic Font_Manager
#Topic ##
#Topic Glyph
#Alias Glyphs
#Topic GPU_Context
#Substitute GPU context
#Topic GPU_Surface
#Substitute GPU surface
#Topic HTML_Canvas
#Substitute HTML Canvas
#Subtopic ArcTo
#Substitute HTML Canvas arcTo
#Topic Image
#Subtopic Alpha_Type
#Alias Alpha_Type
#Enum SkAlphaType
#Const kUnknown_SkAlphaType 0
#Const kOpaque_SkAlphaType 1
#Const kPremul_SkAlphaType 2
#Const kUnpremul_SkAlphaType 3
#Subtopic ##
#Subtopic Color_Type
#Alias Color_Type
#Alias Color_Types
#Enum SkColorType
#Const kUnknown_SkColorType 0
#Const kAlpha_8_SkColorType 1
#Const kRGB_565_SkColorType 2
#Const kARGB_4444_SkColorType 3
#Const kRGBA_8888_SkColorType 4
#Const kBGRA_8888_SkColorType 5
#Const kIndex_8_SkColorType 6
#Const kGray_8_SkColorType 7
#Const kRGBA_F16_SkColorType 8
#ToDo this is a lie; need to not require values for consts ##
#Const kN32_SkColorType 4
#Enum ##
#Subtopic ##
#Subtopic Info
#Struct SkImageInfo
#Method SkImageInfo()
#Method SkImageInfo makeColorSpace(sk_sp<SkColorSpace> cs) const
#Method size_t minRowBytes() const
#Method bool isOpaque() const
#Method int bytesPerPixel() const
#Method int height() const
#Method int width() const
#Method SkColorType colorType() const
#Method SkAlphaType alphaType() const
#Method SkColorSpace* colorSpace() const
#Method bool isOpaque() const
#Method size_t minRowBytes() const
#Method size_t computeByteSize(size_t rowBytes) const
#Subtopic ##
#Class SkImage
#Method sk_sp<SkShader> makeShader(SkShader::TileMode, SkShader::TileMode,
const SkMatrix* localMatrix = nullptr) const
#Method static sk_sp<SkImage> MakeRasterCopy(const SkPixmap&)
#Method bool readPixels(const SkPixmap& dst, int srcX, int srcY,
CachingHint = kAllow_CachingHint) const
#Method bool scalePixels(const SkPixmap& dst, SkFilterQuality, CachingHint = kAllow_CachingHint) const
#Topic ##
#Topic Image_Filter
#Subtopic Scaling
#Subtopic ##
#Class SkImageFilter
#Class ##
#Topic ##
#Topic Image_Scaling
#Topic Left_Side_Bearing
#Topic Line
#Alias Lines
#Topic ##
#Topic Malloc_Pixel_Ref
#Class SkMallocPixelRef
#Method static sk_sp<SkPixelRef> MakeZeroed(const SkImageInfo&, size_t rowBytes)
#Method static sk_sp<SkPixelRef> MakeAllocate(const SkImageInfo&, size_t rowBytes)
#Topic Mask
#Class SkMask
#Enum Format
#Const kBW_Format 0
#Const kA8_Format 1
#Const k3D_Format 2
#Const kARGB32_Format 3
k#Const LCD16_Format 4
#Topic ##
#Topic Mask_Alpha
#Topic ##
#Topic Mask_Filter
#Class SkMaskFilter
#Method virtual bool filterMask(SkMask* dst, const SkMask& src, const SkMatrix&,
SkIPoint* margin) const
#Class ##
#Topic ##
#Topic Math
#Method static inline bool sk_64_isS32(int64_t value)
#Method SkIntToScalar(x)
#Method SkScalarRoundToInt(x)
#Method SkScalarFloorToInt(x)
#Method SkScalarCeilToInt(x)
#Method SkScalarFloorToScalar(x)
#Method SkScalarCeilToScalar(x)
#Method SkScalarIsFinite(x)
#Method SkScalarIsNaN(x)
#Method template <typename D, typename S> inline bool SkTFitsIn(S s)
#Topic Mip_Map
#Topic Nine_Patch
#Topic Number_Types
#Typedef SkGlyphID
#Typedef ##
#Topic Scalar
#Alias Scalar
#Typedef SkScalar
#Typedef ##
#Const SK_MinS32FitsInFloat
to be written
#Const SK_MaxS32FitsInFloat
to be written
#Const SK_ScalarMin
to be written
#Const SK_ScalarMax
to be written
#Const SK_ScalarInfinity
to be written
#Const SK_ScalarNegativeInfinity
to be written
#Const SK_ScalarNaN
to be written
#Const SK_MinS32
to be written
#Const SK_MaxS32
to be written
#Typedef SkUnichar
#Typedef ##
#Typedef U8CPU
#Typedef ##
#Topic ##
#Topic OS_X
#Substitute OS X
#Topic Oval
#Alias Ovals
#Topic ##
#Topic Paint_Defaults
#Const SkPaintDefaults_Flags 0
#Const SkPaintDefaults_Hinting 2
#Const SkPaintDefaults_TextSize 12
#Const SkPaintDefaults_MiterLimit 4
#Topic ##
#Topic Patch
#Alias Patches
#Topic ##
#Topic Path_Effect
#Class SkPathEffect
#Class ##
#Topic ##
#Topic Path_Measure
#Class SkPathMeasure
#Method void dump() const
#Topic PathOps
#Method bool SK_API Op(const SkPath& one, const SkPath& two, SkPathOp op, SkPath* result)
#Topic ##
#Topic Picture
#Subtopic Recorder
#Class SkPictureRecorder
#Method SkCanvas* beginRecording(const SkRect& bounds,
SkBBHFactory* bbhFactory = NULL,
uint32_t recordFlags = 0)
#Topic Pixel
#Subtopic Storage
#Topic Pixel_Ref
#Class SkPixelRef
#Method int width() const
#Method int height() const
#Method bool isImmutable() const
#Method void setImmutable()
#Enum SkPixelGeometry
#Topic Point
#Alias Points
#Struct SkPoint
#Method bool equalsWithinTolerance(const SkPoint& p) const
#Struct ##
#Subtopic Array
#Substitute SkPoint arrays
#Subtopic ##
#Topic ##
#Topic PostScript
#Substitute PostScript
#Subtopic Arct
#Substitute PostScript arct
#Topic Premultiply
#Alias Premultiplied
#Topic Raster_Engine
#Topic Raster_Handle_Allocator
#Class SkRasterHandleAllocator
#Struct Rec
#Method static std::unique_ptr<SkCanvas> MakeCanvas(std::unique_ptr<SkRasterHandleAllocator>, const SkImageInfo&, const Rec* rec = nullptr)
#Topic Raster_Surface
#Topic Rasterizer
#Class SkRasterizer
#Class ##
#Subtopic Layer
#Subtopic ##
#Topic ##
#Topic Reference_Count
#Substitute SkRefCnt
#Class SkRefCnt
#Class ##
#Class sk_sp
#Class ##
#Topic ##
#Topic Region
#Class SkRegion
#Topic ##
#Topic Right_Side_Bearing
#Topic Round_Rect
#Class SkRRect
#Method void dump() const
#Method void dumpHex() const
#Topic ##
#Topic RSXform
#Struct SkRSXform
#Topic Shader
#Class SkShader
#Enum TileMode
#Const kClamp_TileMode 0
#Method static sk_sp<SkShader> MakeBitmapShader(const SkBitmap& src, TileMode tmx, TileMode tmy,
const SkMatrix* localMatrix = nullptr)
#Class ##
#Subtopic Gradient
#Subtopic ##
#Topic ##
#Topic Size
#Alias ISize
#Topic Sprite
#Alias Sprites
#Topic ##
#Topic Stream
#Class SkFlattenable
#Class ##
#Topic ##
#Topic String
#Class SkString
#Class ##
#Topic ##
#Topic Supersampling
#Topic Surface
#Class SkSurface
#Method static sk_sp<SkSurface> MakeRasterDirect(const SkImageInfo&, void* pixels, size_t rowBytes,
const SkSurfaceProps* = nullptr)
#Method bool readPixels(const SkPixmap& dst, int srcX, int srcY);
#Subtopic Properties
#Class SkSurfaceProps
#Topic Legacy_Font_Host
#Enum InitType
#Const kLegacyFontHost_InitType 0
#Topic ##
#Topic SVG
#Subtopic Canvas
#Subtopic Arc
#Topic Text
#Topic ##
#Topic Text_Blob
#Class SkTextBlob
#Class ##
#Topic ##
#Topic Typeface
#Class SkTypeface
#Class ##
#Topic ##
#Topic Unpremultiply
#Alias Unpremultiplied
#Topic Vector
#Struct SkVector
#Topic Vertices
#Subtopic Colors
#Subtopic Texs
#Topic ##
#Topic Read_Buffer
#Struct SkReadBuffer
#Struct ##
#Topic Write_Buffer
#Struct SkWriteBuffer
#Struct ##
#Topic ##