test we already have SkPicture::drawsNothing()

I was about to add a new call here, but for users like Flutter that are
using an R-tree, we may already have a precise drawsNothing() call.

There are a couple simple specializations of SkPicture, but they'll
already return the right answer:

   - an SkEmptyPicture will return empty bounds
   - a single-draw SkMiniPicture will return the bounds of that draw

That leaves the general SkBigPicture case.  With an R-tree we'll
calculate the bounds of every draw in the picture, unioning them up into
the cullRect() of the picture itself.

So cullRect().isEmpty() should mostly just work as drawsNothing()

Bug: skia:9411
Change-Id: I5e5dfc21cb7c5c77d173ebee2e91e7bef880367b
Reviewed-on: https://skia-review.googlesource.com/c/skia/+/240973
Reviewed-by: Mike Reed <reed@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Mike Klein <mtklein@google.com>
diff --git a/tests/PictureTest.cpp b/tests/PictureTest.cpp
index a3bbcbf..d4fdd2d 100644
--- a/tests/PictureTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/PictureTest.cpp
@@ -879,3 +879,33 @@
     REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, pic2);
+DEF_TEST(Picture_drawsNothing, r) {
+    // Tests that pic->cullRect().isEmpty() is a good way to test a picture
+    // recorded with an R-tree draws nothing.
+    struct {
+        bool draws_nothing;
+        void (*fn)(SkCanvas*);
+    } cases[] = {
+        {  true, [](SkCanvas* c) {                                                             } },
+        {  true, [](SkCanvas* c) { c->save();                                    c->restore(); } },
+        {  true, [](SkCanvas* c) { c->save(); c->clipRect({0,0,5,5});            c->restore(); } },
+        {  true, [](SkCanvas* c) {            c->clipRect({0,0,5,5});                          } },
+        { false, [](SkCanvas* c) {            c->drawRect({0,0,5,5}, SkPaint{});               } },
+        { false, [](SkCanvas* c) { c->save(); c->drawRect({0,0,5,5}, SkPaint{}); c->restore(); } },
+        { false, [](SkCanvas* c) {
+            c->drawRect({0,0, 5, 5}, SkPaint{});
+            c->drawRect({5,5,10,10}, SkPaint{});
+        }},
+    };
+    for (const auto& c : cases) {
+        SkPictureRecorder rec;
+        SkRTreeFactory factory;
+        c.fn(rec.beginRecording(10,10, &factory));
+        sk_sp<SkPicture> pic = rec.finishRecordingAsPicture();
+        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, pic->cullRect().isEmpty() == c.draws_nothing);
+    }