Don't go out of our way to do vector calc in GrTextureEffect

We aren't concerned with testing on Chorizo anymore.

Change-Id: Ia82bca260088495971cbe2ac0e65b0c8928c24d9
Reviewed-by: Michael Ludwig <>
Commit-Queue: Brian Salomon <>
diff --git a/src/gpu/effects/GrTextureEffect.cpp b/src/gpu/effects/GrTextureEffect.cpp
index cbfe3ce..5f1c788 100644
--- a/src/gpu/effects/GrTextureEffect.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/effects/GrTextureEffect.cpp
@@ -235,39 +235,6 @@
         void emitCode(EmitArgs& args) override {
-            auto appendWrap = [](GrGLSLShaderBuilder* builder, ShaderMode mode, const char* inCoord,
-                                 const char* domainStart, const char* domainEnd, bool is2D,
-                                 const char* out) {
-                switch (mode) {
-                    case ShaderMode::kNone:
-                        builder->codeAppendf("%s = %s;\n", out, inCoord);
-                        break;
-                    case ShaderMode::kDecal:
-                        // The lookup coordinate to use for decal will be clamped just like
-                        // kClamp_Mode, it's just that the post-processing will be different, so
-                        // fall through
-                    case ShaderMode::kClamp:
-                        builder->codeAppendf("%s = clamp(%s, %s, %s);", out, inCoord, domainStart,
-                                             domainEnd);
-                        break;
-                    case ShaderMode::kRepeat:
-                        builder->codeAppendf("%s = mod(%s - %s, %s - %s) + %s;", out, inCoord,
-                                             domainStart, domainEnd, domainStart, domainStart);
-                        break;
-                    case ShaderMode::kMirrorRepeat: {
-                        const char* type = is2D ? "float2" : "float";
-                        builder->codeAppend("{");
-                        builder->codeAppendf("%s w = %s - %s;", type, domainEnd, domainStart);
-                        builder->codeAppendf("%s w2 = 2 * w;", type);
-                        builder->codeAppendf("%s m = mod(%s - %s, w2);", type, inCoord,
-                                             domainStart);
-                        builder->codeAppendf("%s = mix(m, w2 - m, step(w, m)) + %s;", out,
-                                             domainStart);
-                        builder->codeAppend("}");
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            };
             auto te = args.fFp.cast<GrTextureEffect>();
             const char* coords;
             if (args.fFp.coordTransformsApplyToLocalCoords()) {
@@ -290,33 +257,53 @@
                 // Always use a local variable for the input coordinates; often callers pass in an
                 // expression and we want to cache it across all of its references in the code below
-                auto inCoords = fb->ensureCoords2D(args.fTransformedCoords[0].fVaryingPoint);
+                fb->codeAppendf(
+                        "float2 inCoord = %s;",
+                        fb->ensureCoords2D(args.fTransformedCoords[0].fVaryingPoint).c_str());
                 fb->codeAppend("float2 clampedCoord;");
-                SkString start;
-                SkString end;
-                if (te.fShaderModes[0] == te.fShaderModes[1]) {
-                    // Doing the domain setup using vectors seems to avoid shader compilation issues
-                    // on Chromecast, possibly due to reducing shader length.
-                    start.printf("%s.xy", subsetName);
-                    end.printf("", subsetName);
-                    appendWrap(fb, te.fShaderModes[0], inCoords.c_str(), start.c_str(), end.c_str(),
-                               true, "clampedCoord");
-                } else {
-                    SkString origX, origY;
-                    // Apply x mode to the x coordinate using the left and right edges of the domain
-                    // rect (stored as the x and z components of the domain uniform).
-                    start.printf("%s.x", subsetName);
-                    end.printf("%s.z", subsetName);
-                    origX.printf("%s.x", inCoords.c_str());
-                    appendWrap(fb, te.fShaderModes[0], origX.c_str(), start.c_str(), end.c_str(),
-                               false, "clampedCoord.x");
-                    // Repeat the same logic for y.
-                    start.printf("%s.y", subsetName);
-                    end.printf("%s.w", subsetName);
-                    origY.printf("%s.y", inCoords.c_str());
-                    appendWrap(fb, te.fShaderModes[1], origY.c_str(), start.c_str(), end.c_str(),
-                               false, "clampedCoord.y");
-                }
+                auto subsetCoord = [fb, subsetName](ShaderMode mode, const char* coordSwizzle,
+                                                    const char* subsetStartSwizzle,
+                                                    const char* subsetStopSwizzle) {
+                    switch (mode) {
+                        case ShaderMode::kNone:
+                            fb->codeAppendf("clampedCoord.%s = inCoord.%s;\n", coordSwizzle,
+                                            coordSwizzle);
+                            break;
+                        case ShaderMode::kDecal:
+                            // The lookup coordinate to use for decal will be clamped just like
+                            // kClamp_Mode, it's just that the post-processing will be different, so
+                            // fall through
+                        case ShaderMode::kClamp:
+                            fb->codeAppendf("clampedCoord.%s = clamp(inCoord.%s, %s.%s, %s.%s);",
+                                            coordSwizzle, coordSwizzle, subsetName,
+                                            subsetStartSwizzle, subsetName, subsetStopSwizzle);
+                            break;
+                        case ShaderMode::kRepeat:
+                            fb->codeAppendf(
+                                    "clampedCoord.%s = mod(inCoord.%s - %s.%s, %s.%s - %s.%s) + "
+                                    "%s.%s;",
+                                    coordSwizzle, coordSwizzle, subsetName, subsetStartSwizzle,
+                                    subsetName, subsetStopSwizzle, subsetName, subsetStartSwizzle,
+                                    subsetName, subsetStartSwizzle);
+                            break;
+                        case ShaderMode::kMirrorRepeat: {
+                            fb->codeAppend("{");
+                            fb->codeAppendf("float w = %s.%s - %s.%s;", subsetName,
+                                            subsetStopSwizzle, subsetName, subsetStartSwizzle);
+                            fb->codeAppendf("float w2 = 2 * w;");
+                            fb->codeAppendf("float m = mod(inCoord.%s - %s.%s, w2);", coordSwizzle,
+                                            subsetName, subsetStartSwizzle);
+                            fb->codeAppendf("clampedCoord.%s = mix(m, w2 - m, step(w, m)) + %s.%s;",
+                                            coordSwizzle, subsetName, subsetStartSwizzle);
+                            fb->codeAppend("}");
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                };
+                subsetCoord(te.fShaderModes[0], "x", "x", "z");
+                subsetCoord(te.fShaderModes[1], "y", "y", "w");
                 SkString textureLookup;
                 fb->appendTextureLookup(&textureLookup, args.fTexSamplers[0], "clampedCoord");
                 fb->codeAppendf("half4 textureColor = %s;", textureLookup.c_str());
@@ -336,16 +323,16 @@
                     // behavior depending on if it's 0 or 1.
                     if (decalX && decalY) {
-                                "half err = max(half(abs(clampedCoord.x - %s.x) * %s.x), "
-                                "               half(abs(clampedCoord.y - %s.y) * %s.y));",
-                                inCoords.c_str(), decalName, inCoords.c_str(), decalName);
+                                "half err = max(half(abs(clampedCoord.x - inCoord.x) * %s.x), "
+                                "               half(abs(clampedCoord.y - inCoord.y) * %s.y));",
+                                decalName, decalName);
                     } else if (decalX) {
-                        fb->codeAppendf("half err = half(abs(clampedCoord.x - %s.x) * %s.x);",
-                                        inCoords.c_str(), decalName);
+                        fb->codeAppendf("half err = half(abs(clampedCoord.x - inCoord.x) * %s.x);",
+                                        decalName);
                     } else {
-                        fb->codeAppendf("half err = half(abs(clampedCoord.y - %s.y) * %s.y);",
-                                        inCoords.c_str(), decalName);
+                        fb->codeAppendf("half err = half(abs(clampedCoord.y - inCoord.y) * %s.y);",
+                                        decalName);
                     // Apply a transform to the error rate, which let's us simulate nearest or