blob: f489f80580fe78d1c22793859eab2b07d9d0d0ea [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLConstructor.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLBoolLiteral.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLConstructorArray.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLConstructorDiagonalMatrix.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLConstructorMatrixResize.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLConstructorScalarCast.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLConstructorSplat.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLConstructorVectorCast.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLFloatLiteral.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLIntLiteral.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLPrefixExpression.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLType.h"
namespace SkSL {
std::unique_ptr<Expression> Constructor::Convert(const Context& context,
int offset,
const Type& type,
ExpressionArray args) {
// FIXME: add support for structs
if (args.size() == 1 && args[0]->type() == type && !type.componentType().isOpaque()) {
// Don't generate redundant casts; if the expression is already of the correct type, just
// return it as-is.
return std::move(args[0]);
if (type.isScalar()) {
return ConstructorScalarCast::Convert(context, offset, type, std::move(args));
if (type.isVector() || type.isMatrix()) {
return MakeCompoundConstructor(context, offset, type, std::move(args));
if (type.isArray() && type.columns() > 0) {
return ConstructorArray::Convert(context, offset, type, std::move(args));
context.fErrors.error(offset, "cannot construct '" + type.displayName() + "'");
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<Expression> Constructor::MakeCompoundConstructor(const Context& context,
int offset,
const Type& type,
ExpressionArray args) {
SkASSERT(type.isVector() || type.isMatrix());
// The meaning of a compound constructor containing a single argument varies significantly in
// GLSL/SkSL, depending on the argument type.
if (args.size() == 1) {
std::unique_ptr<Expression>& argument = args.front();
if (argument->type().isScalar()) {
// A constructor containing a single scalar is a splat (for vectors) or diagonal matrix
// (for matrices). It's legal regardless of the scalar's type, so synthesize an explicit
// conversion to the proper type. (This cast is a no-op if it's unnecessary.)
std::unique_ptr<Expression> typecast = ConstructorScalarCast::Make(
context, offset, type.componentType(), std::move(argument));
// Matrix-from-scalar creates a diagonal matrix; vector-from-scalar creates a splat.
return type.isMatrix()
? ConstructorDiagonalMatrix::Make(context, offset, type, std::move(typecast))
: ConstructorSplat::Make(context, offset, type, std::move(typecast));
} else if (argument->type().isVector()) {
// A vector constructor containing a single vector with the same number of columns is a
// cast (e.g. float3 -> int3).
if (type.isVector() && argument->type().columns() == type.columns()) {
return ConstructorVectorCast::Make(context, offset, type, std::move(argument));
} else if (argument->type().isMatrix()) {
// A matrix constructor containing a single matrix can be a resize, typecast, or both.
// GLSL lumps these into one category, but internally SkSL keeps them distinct.
if (type.isMatrix()) {
// First, handle type conversion. If the component types differ, synthesize the
// destination type with the argument's rows/columns. If not, leave it as-is.
std::unique_ptr<Expression> typecast;
if (type.componentType() != argument->type().componentType()) {
const Type& typecastType = type.componentType().toCompound(
typecast = std::make_unique<Constructor>(offset, typecastType, std::move(args));
} else {
typecast = std::move(argument);
// Next, wrap the typecasted expression in a matrix-resize constructor if the sizes
// differ. If not, return the typecasted expression as-is.
return ConstructorMatrixResize::Make(context, offset, type, std::move(typecast));
// For more complex cases, we walk the argument list and fix up the arguments as needed.
int expected = type.rows() * type.columns();
int actual = 0;
for (std::unique_ptr<Expression>& arg : args) {
if (!arg->type().isScalar() && !arg->type().isVector()) {
context.fErrors.error(offset, "'" + arg->type().displayName() +
"' is not a valid parameter to '" +
type.displayName() + "' constructor");
return nullptr;
// Rely on Constructor::Convert to force this subexpression to the proper type. If it's a
// literal, this will make sure it's the right type of literal. If an expression of matching
// type, the expression will be returned as-is. If it's an expression of mismatched type,
// this adds a cast.
int offset = arg->fOffset;
const Type& ctorType = type.componentType().toCompound(context, arg->type().columns(),
ExpressionArray ctorArg;
arg = Constructor::Convert(context, offset, ctorType, std::move(ctorArg));
if (!arg) {
return nullptr;
actual += ctorType.columns();
if (actual != expected) {
context.fErrors.error(offset, "invalid arguments to '" + type.displayName() +
"' constructor (expected " + to_string(expected) +
" scalars, but found " + to_string(actual) + ")");
return nullptr;
if (context.fConfig->fSettings.fOptimize) {
// Find constructors embedded inside constructors and flatten them out where possible.
// - float4(float2(1, 2), 3, 4) --> float4(1, 2, 3, 4)
// - float4(w, float3(sin(x), cos(y), tan(z))) --> float4(w, sin(x), cos(y), tan(z))
// Inspect each constructor argument to see if it's a candidate for flattening.
// Remember matched arguments in a bitfield, "argsToOptimize".
int argsToOptimize = 0;
int currBit = 1;
for (const std::unique_ptr<Expression>& arg : args) {
if (arg->isAnyConstructor()) {
AnyConstructor& inner = arg->asAnyConstructor();
if (inner.argumentSpan().size() > 1 &&
inner.type().componentType() == type.componentType()) {
argsToOptimize |= currBit;
currBit <<= 1;
if (argsToOptimize) {
// We found at least one argument that could be flattened out. Re-walk the constructor
// args and flatten the candidates we found during our initial pass.
ExpressionArray flattened;
currBit = 1;
for (std::unique_ptr<Expression>& arg : args) {
if (argsToOptimize & currBit) {
AnyConstructor& inner = arg->asAnyConstructor();
for (std::unique_ptr<Expression>& innerArg : inner.argumentSpan()) {
} else {
currBit <<= 1;
args = std::move(flattened);
return std::make_unique<Constructor>(offset, type, std::move(args));
template <typename ResultType>
ResultType Constructor::getConstantValue(const Expression& expr) const {
const Type& type = expr.type();
if (type.isFloat()) {
return ResultType(expr.getConstantFloat());
} else if (type.isInteger()) {
return ResultType(expr.getConstantInt());
} else if (type.isBoolean()) {
return ResultType(expr.getConstantBool());
SkDEBUGFAILF("unrecognized kind of constant value: %s", expr.description().c_str());
return ResultType(0);
template <typename ResultType>
ResultType Constructor::getInnerVecComponent(const Expression& expr, int position) const {
const Type& type = expr.type().componentType();
if (type.isFloat()) {
return ResultType(expr.getVecComponent<SKSL_FLOAT>(position));
} else if (type.isInteger()) {
return ResultType(expr.getVecComponent<SKSL_INT>(position));
} else if (type.isBoolean()) {
return ResultType(expr.getVecComponent<bool>(position));
SkDEBUGFAILF("unrecognized type of constant: %s", expr.description().c_str());
return ResultType(0);
template <typename ResultType>
ResultType Constructor::getVecComponent(int index) const {
static_assert(std::is_same<ResultType, SKSL_FLOAT>::value ||
std::is_same<ResultType, SKSL_INT>::value ||
std::is_same<ResultType, bool>::value);
if (this->arguments().size() == 1 &&
this->arguments()[0]->type().isScalar()) {
// This constructor just wraps a scalar. Propagate out the value.
return this->getConstantValue<ResultType>(*this->arguments()[0]);
// Walk through all the constructor arguments until we reach the index we're searching for.
int current = 0;
for (const std::unique_ptr<Expression>& arg : this->arguments()) {
if (current > index) {
// Somehow, we went past the argument we're looking for. Bail.
if (arg->type().isScalar()) {
if (index == current) {
// We're on the proper argument, and it's a scalar; fetch it.
return this->getConstantValue<ResultType>(*arg);
if (arg->type().isVector()) {
if (current + arg->type().columns() > index) {
// We've found an expression that encompasses the proper argument. Descend into it.
return this->getInnerVecComponent<ResultType>(*arg, index - current);
current += arg->type().columns();
SkDEBUGFAILF("failed to find vector component %d in %s\n", index, description().c_str());
return ResultType(0);
template SKSL_INT Constructor::getVecComponent(int) const;
template SKSL_FLOAT Constructor::getVecComponent(int) const;
template bool Constructor::getVecComponent(int) const;
SKSL_INT Constructor::getConstantInt() const {
// We're looking for scalar integer constructors only, i.e. `int(1)`.
SkASSERT(this->arguments().size() == 1);
SkASSERT(this->type().columns() == 1);
// This might be a cast, meaning the inner argument would actually be a different scalar type.
const Expression& expr = *this->arguments().front();
SkASSERT(expr.type().isInteger() || expr.type().isFloat() || expr.type().isBoolean());
return expr.type().isInteger() ? expr.getConstantInt() :
expr.type().isFloat() ? (SKSL_INT)expr.getConstantFloat() :
SKSL_FLOAT Constructor::getConstantFloat() const {
// We're looking for scalar integer constructors only, i.e. `float(1.0)`.
SkASSERT(this->arguments().size() == 1);
SkASSERT(this->type().columns() == 1);
// This might be a cast, meaning the inner argument would actually be a different scalar type.
const Expression& expr = *this->arguments().front();
SkASSERT(expr.type().isInteger() || expr.type().isFloat() || expr.type().isBoolean());
return expr.type().isFloat() ? expr.getConstantFloat() :
expr.type().isInteger() ? (SKSL_FLOAT)expr.getConstantInt() :
bool Constructor::getConstantBool() const {
// We're looking for scalar Boolean constructors only, i.e. `bool(true)`.
SkASSERT(this->arguments().size() == 1);
SkASSERT(this->type().columns() == 1);
// This might be a cast, meaning the inner argument would actually be a different scalar type.
const Expression& expr = *this->arguments().front();
SkASSERT(expr.type().isInteger() || expr.type().isFloat() || expr.type().isBoolean());
return expr.type().isBoolean() ? expr.getConstantBool() :
expr.type().isInteger() ? (bool)expr.getConstantInt() :
const Expression* AnyConstructor::getConstantSubexpression(int n) const {
SkASSERT(n >= 0 && n < (int)this->type().slotCount());
for (const std::unique_ptr<Expression>& arg : this->argumentSpan()) {
int argSlots = arg->type().slotCount();
if (n < argSlots) {
return arg->getConstantSubexpression(n);
n -= argSlots;
SkDEBUGFAIL("argument-list slot count doesn't match constructor-type slot count");
return nullptr;
Expression::ComparisonResult AnyConstructor::compareConstant(const Expression& other) const {
ComparisonResult result = ComparisonResult::kEqual;
SkASSERT(this->type().slotCount() == other.type().slotCount());
int exprs = this->type().slotCount();
for (int n = 0; n < exprs; ++n) {
// Get the n'th subexpression from each side. If either one is null, return "unknown."
const Expression* left = this->getConstantSubexpression(n);
if (!left) {
return ComparisonResult::kUnknown;
const Expression* right = other.getConstantSubexpression(n);
if (!right) {
return ComparisonResult::kUnknown;
// Recurse into the subexpressions; the literal types will perform real comparisons, and
// most other expressions fall back on the base class Expression which returns unknown.
result = left->compareConstant(*right);
if (result != ComparisonResult::kEqual) {
return result;
AnyConstructor& Expression::asAnyConstructor() {
return static_cast<AnyConstructor&>(*this);
const AnyConstructor& Expression::asAnyConstructor() const {
return static_cast<const AnyConstructor&>(*this);
} // namespace SkSL