| // Copyright 2019 Google LLC. |
| #include "include/core/SkCanvas.h" |
| #include "include/core/SkColorFilter.h" |
| #include "include/core/SkColorPriv.h" |
| #include "include/core/SkGraphics.h" |
| #include "include/core/SkPath.h" |
| #include "include/core/SkRegion.h" |
| #include "include/core/SkShader.h" |
| #include "include/core/SkStream.h" |
| #include "include/core/SkTextBlob.h" |
| #include "include/core/SkTime.h" |
| #include "include/core/SkTypeface.h" |
| #include "include/effects/SkBlurMaskFilter.h" |
| #include "include/effects/SkGradientShader.h" |
| #include "include/utils/SkRandom.h" |
| #include "modules/skparagraph/include/Paragraph.h" |
| #include "modules/skparagraph/include/TypefaceFontProvider.h" |
| #include "modules/skparagraph/src/ParagraphBuilderImpl.h" |
| #include "modules/skparagraph/src/ParagraphImpl.h" |
| #include "modules/skparagraph/utils/TestFontCollection.h" |
| #include "samplecode/Sample.h" |
| #include "src/core/SkOSFile.h" |
| #include "src/shaders/SkColorShader.h" |
| #include "src/utils/SkUTF.h" |
| #include "tools/Resources.h" |
| |
| using namespace skia::textlayout; |
| namespace { |
| |
| class ParagraphView_Base : public Sample { |
| protected: |
| sk_sp<TestFontCollection> getFontCollection() { |
| // If we reset font collection we need to reset paragraph cache |
| static sk_sp<TestFontCollection> fFC = nullptr; |
| if (fFC == nullptr) { |
| fFC = sk_make_sp<TestFontCollection>(GetResourcePath("fonts").c_str()); |
| } |
| return fFC; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| sk_sp<SkShader> setgrad(const SkRect& r, SkColor c0, SkColor c1) { |
| SkColor colors[] = {c0, c1}; |
| SkPoint pts[] = {{r.fLeft, r.fTop}, {r.fRight, r.fTop}}; |
| return SkGradientShader::MakeLinear(pts, colors, nullptr, 2, SkTileMode::kClamp); |
| } |
| |
| const char* gText = |
| "This is a very long sentence to test if the text will properly wrap " |
| "around and go to the next line. Sometimes, short sentence. Longer " |
| "sentences are okay too because they are nessecary. Very short. " |
| "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod " |
| "tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim " |
| "veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea " |
| "commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate " |
| "velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint " |
| "occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt " |
| "mollit anim id est laborum. " |
| "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod " |
| "tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim " |
| "veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea " |
| "commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate " |
| "velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint " |
| "occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt " |
| "mollit anim id est laborum."; |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| class ParagraphView1 : public ParagraphView_Base { |
| protected: |
| SkString name() override { return SkString("Paragraph1"); } |
| |
| void drawTest(SkCanvas* canvas, SkScalar w, SkScalar h, SkColor fg, SkColor bg) { |
| const std::vector< |
| std::tuple<std::string, bool, bool, int, SkColor, SkColor, bool, TextDecorationStyle>> |
| gParagraph = {{"monospace", true, false, 14, SK_ColorWHITE, SK_ColorRED, true, |
| TextDecorationStyle::kDashed}, |
| {"Assyrian", false, false, 20, SK_ColorWHITE, SK_ColorBLUE, false, |
| TextDecorationStyle::kDotted}, |
| {"serif", true, true, 10, SK_ColorWHITE, SK_ColorRED, true, |
| TextDecorationStyle::kDouble}, |
| {"Arial", false, true, 16, SK_ColorGRAY, SK_ColorGREEN, true, |
| TextDecorationStyle::kSolid}, |
| {"sans-serif", false, false, 8, SK_ColorWHITE, SK_ColorRED, false, |
| TextDecorationStyle::kWavy}}; |
| SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true); |
| |
| canvas->clipRect(SkRect::MakeWH(w, h)); |
| canvas->drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE); |
| |
| SkScalar margin = 20; |
| |
| SkPaint paint; |
| paint.setAntiAlias(true); |
| paint.setColor(fg); |
| |
| SkPaint blue; |
| blue.setColor(SK_ColorBLUE); |
| |
| TextStyle defaultStyle; |
| defaultStyle.setBackgroundColor(blue); |
| defaultStyle.setForegroundColor(paint); |
| ParagraphStyle paraStyle; |
| |
| auto fontCollection = sk_make_sp<FontCollection>(); |
| fontCollection->setDefaultFontManager(SkFontMgr::RefDefault()); |
| for (auto i = 1; i < 5; ++i) { |
| defaultStyle.setFontSize(24 * i); |
| paraStyle.setTextStyle(defaultStyle); |
| ParagraphBuilderImpl builder(paraStyle, fontCollection); |
| std::string name = "Paragraph: " + std::to_string(24 * i); |
| builder.addText(name.c_str()); |
| for (auto para : gParagraph) { |
| TextStyle style; |
| style.setFontFamilies({SkString(std::get<0>(para).c_str())}); |
| SkFontStyle fontStyle(std::get<1>(para) ? SkFontStyle::Weight::kBold_Weight |
| : SkFontStyle::Weight::kNormal_Weight, |
| SkFontStyle::Width::kNormal_Width, |
| std::get<2>(para) ? SkFontStyle::Slant::kItalic_Slant |
| : SkFontStyle::Slant::kUpright_Slant); |
| style.setFontStyle(fontStyle); |
| style.setFontSize(std::get<3>(para) * i); |
| SkPaint background; |
| background.setColor(std::get<4>(para)); |
| style.setBackgroundColor(background); |
| SkPaint foreground; |
| foreground.setColor(std::get<5>(para)); |
| foreground.setAntiAlias(true); |
| style.setForegroundColor(foreground); |
| if (std::get<6>(para)) { |
| style.addShadow(TextShadow(SK_ColorBLACK, SkPoint::Make(5, 5), 2)); |
| } |
| |
| auto decoration = (i % 4); |
| if (decoration == 3) { |
| decoration = 4; |
| } |
| |
| bool test = (TextDecoration)decoration != TextDecoration::kNoDecoration; |
| std::string deco = std::to_string((int)decoration); |
| if (test) { |
| style.setDecoration((TextDecoration)decoration); |
| style.setDecorationStyle(std::get<7>(para)); |
| style.setDecorationColor(std::get<5>(para)); |
| } |
| builder.pushStyle(style); |
| std::string name = " " + std::get<0>(para) + " " + |
| (std::get<1>(para) ? ", bold" : "") + |
| (std::get<2>(para) ? ", italic" : "") + " " + |
| std::to_string(std::get<3>(para) * i) + |
| (std::get<4>(para) != bg ? ", background" : "") + |
| (std::get<5>(para) != fg ? ", foreground" : "") + |
| (std::get<6>(para) ? ", shadow" : "") + |
| (test ? ", decorations " + deco : "") + ";"; |
| builder.addText(name.c_str()); |
| builder.pop(); |
| } |
| |
| auto paragraph = builder.Build(); |
| paragraph->layout(w - margin * 2); |
| paragraph->paint(canvas, margin, margin); |
| |
| canvas->translate(0, paragraph->getHeight()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void onDrawContent(SkCanvas* canvas) override { |
| drawTest(canvas, this->width(), this->height(), SK_ColorRED, SK_ColorWHITE); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| |
| typedef Sample INHERITED; |
| }; |
| |
| class ParagraphView2 : public ParagraphView_Base { |
| protected: |
| SkString name() override { return SkString("Paragraph2"); } |
| |
| void drawCode(SkCanvas* canvas, SkScalar w, SkScalar h) { |
| SkPaint comment; |
| comment.setColor(SK_ColorGRAY); |
| SkPaint constant; |
| constant.setColor(SK_ColorMAGENTA); |
| SkPaint null; |
| null.setColor(SK_ColorMAGENTA); |
| SkPaint literal; |
| literal.setColor(SK_ColorGREEN); |
| SkPaint code; |
| code.setColor(SK_ColorDKGRAY); |
| SkPaint number; |
| number.setColor(SK_ColorBLUE); |
| SkPaint name; |
| name.setColor(SK_ColorRED); |
| |
| SkPaint white; |
| white.setColor(SK_ColorWHITE); |
| |
| TextStyle defaultStyle; |
| defaultStyle.setBackgroundColor(white); |
| defaultStyle.setForegroundColor(code); |
| defaultStyle.setFontFamilies({SkString("monospace")}); |
| defaultStyle.setFontSize(30); |
| ParagraphStyle paraStyle; |
| paraStyle.setTextStyle(defaultStyle); |
| |
| auto fontCollection = sk_make_sp<FontCollection>(); |
| fontCollection->setDefaultFontManager(SkFontMgr::RefDefault()); |
| ParagraphBuilderImpl builder(paraStyle, fontCollection); |
| |
| builder.pushStyle(style(name)); |
| builder.addText("RaisedButton"); |
| builder.pop(); |
| builder.addText("(\n"); |
| builder.addText(" child: "); |
| builder.pushStyle(style(constant)); |
| builder.addText("const"); |
| builder.pop(); |
| builder.addText(" "); |
| builder.pushStyle(style(name)); |
| builder.addText("Text"); |
| builder.pop(); |
| builder.addText("("); |
| builder.pushStyle(style(literal)); |
| builder.addText("'BUTTON TITLE'"); |
| builder.pop(); |
| builder.addText("),\n"); |
| |
| auto paragraph = builder.Build(); |
| paragraph->layout(w - 20); |
| |
| paragraph->paint(canvas, 20, 20); |
| } |
| |
| TextStyle style(SkPaint paint) { |
| TextStyle style; |
| paint.setAntiAlias(true); |
| style.setForegroundColor(paint); |
| style.setFontFamilies({SkString("monospace")}); |
| style.setFontSize(30); |
| |
| return style; |
| } |
| |
| void drawText(SkCanvas* canvas, SkScalar w, SkScalar h, std::vector<const char*>& text, |
| SkColor fg = SK_ColorDKGRAY, SkColor bg = SK_ColorWHITE, |
| const char* ff = "sans-serif", SkScalar fs = 24, |
| size_t lineLimit = 30, |
| const std::u16string& ellipsis = u"\u2026") { |
| SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true); |
| |
| canvas->clipRect(SkRect::MakeWH(w, h)); |
| canvas->drawColor(bg); |
| |
| SkScalar margin = 20; |
| |
| SkPaint paint; |
| paint.setAntiAlias(true); |
| paint.setColor(fg); |
| |
| SkPaint blue; |
| blue.setColor(SK_ColorBLUE); |
| |
| SkPaint background; |
| background.setColor(bg); |
| |
| TextStyle style; |
| style.setBackgroundColor(blue); |
| style.setForegroundColor(paint); |
| style.setFontFamilies({SkString(ff)}); |
| style.setFontStyle(SkFontStyle(SkFontStyle::kMedium_Weight, |
| SkFontStyle::kNormal_Width, |
| SkFontStyle::kUpright_Slant)); |
| style.setFontSize(fs); |
| ParagraphStyle paraStyle; |
| paraStyle.setTextStyle(style); |
| paraStyle.setMaxLines(lineLimit); |
| |
| paraStyle.setEllipsis(ellipsis); |
| TextStyle defaultStyle; |
| defaultStyle.setFontSize(20); |
| paraStyle.setTextStyle(defaultStyle); |
| ParagraphBuilderImpl builder(paraStyle, getFontCollection()); |
| |
| SkPaint foreground; |
| foreground.setColor(fg); |
| style.setForegroundColor(foreground); |
| style.setBackgroundColor(background); |
| |
| for (auto& part : text) { |
| builder.pushStyle(style); |
| builder.addText(part); |
| builder.pop(); |
| } |
| |
| auto paragraph = builder.Build(); |
| paragraph->layout(w - margin * 2); |
| paragraph->paint(canvas, margin, margin); |
| |
| canvas->translate(0, paragraph->getHeight() + margin); |
| } |
| |
| void drawLine(SkCanvas* canvas, SkScalar w, SkScalar h, const std::string& text, |
| TextAlign align) { |
| SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true); |
| |
| canvas->clipRect(SkRect::MakeWH(w, h)); |
| canvas->drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE); |
| |
| SkScalar margin = 20; |
| |
| SkPaint paint; |
| paint.setAntiAlias(true); |
| paint.setColor(SK_ColorBLUE); |
| |
| SkPaint gray; |
| gray.setColor(SK_ColorLTGRAY); |
| |
| TextStyle style; |
| style.setBackgroundColor(gray); |
| style.setForegroundColor(paint); |
| style.setFontFamilies({SkString("Arial")}); |
| style.setFontSize(30); |
| ParagraphStyle paraStyle; |
| paraStyle.setTextStyle(style); |
| paraStyle.setTextAlign(align); |
| |
| auto fontCollection = sk_make_sp<FontCollection>(); |
| fontCollection->setDefaultFontManager(SkFontMgr::RefDefault()); |
| ParagraphBuilderImpl builder(paraStyle, fontCollection); |
| builder.addText(text.c_str()); |
| |
| auto paragraph = builder.Build(); |
| paragraph->layout(w - margin * 2); |
| paragraph->layout(w - margin); |
| paragraph->paint(canvas, margin, margin); |
| |
| canvas->translate(0, paragraph->getHeight() + margin); |
| } |
| |
| void onDrawContent(SkCanvas* canvas) override { |
| std::vector<const char*> cupertino = { |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo 1 " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo 12 " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo 123 " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo 1234 " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo 12345 " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo 123456 " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo 1234567 " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo 12345678 " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo 123456789 " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo 1234567890 " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo 123456789 " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo 12345678 " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo 1234567 " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo 123456 " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo 12345 " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo 1234 " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo 123 " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo 12 " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo 1 " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo " |
| "google_logogoogle_gsuper_g_logo"}; |
| std::vector<const char*> text = { |
| "My neighbor came over to say,\n" |
| "Although not in a neighborly way,\n\n" |
| "That he'd knock me around,\n\n\n" |
| "If I didn't stop the sound,\n\n\n\n" |
| "Of the classical music I play."}; |
| |
| std::vector<const char*> long_word = { |
| "A_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_" |
| "very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_" |
| "very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_" |
| "very_very_very_very_very_very_very_long_text"}; |
| |
| std::vector<const char*> very_long = { |
| "A very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very " |
| "very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very " |
| "very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very " |
| "very very very very very very very long text"}; |
| |
| std::vector<const char*> very_word = { |
| "A very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very " |
| "very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very very very very very very very " |
| "very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very " |
| "very very very very very very very very very very very very very long text"}; |
| |
| SkScalar width = this->width() / 5; |
| SkScalar height = this->height(); |
| drawText(canvas, width, height, long_word, SK_ColorBLACK, SK_ColorWHITE, "Google Sans", 30); |
| canvas->translate(width, 0); |
| drawText(canvas, width, height, very_long, SK_ColorBLACK, SK_ColorWHITE, "Google Sans", 30); |
| canvas->translate(width, 0); |
| drawText(canvas, width, height, very_word, SK_ColorBLACK, SK_ColorWHITE, "Google Sans", 30); |
| canvas->translate(width, 0); |
| |
| drawText(canvas, width, height / 2, text, SK_ColorBLACK, SK_ColorWHITE, "Roboto", 20, 100, |
| u"\u2026"); |
| canvas->translate(0, height / 2); |
| drawCode(canvas, width, height / 2); |
| canvas->translate(width, -height / 2); |
| |
| drawText(canvas, width, height, cupertino, SK_ColorBLACK, SK_ColorWHITE, "Google Sans", 30); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| typedef Sample INHERITED; |
| }; |
| |
| class ParagraphView3 : public ParagraphView_Base { |
| protected: |
| SkString name() override { return SkString("Paragraph3"); } |
| |
| void drawLine(SkCanvas* canvas, SkScalar w, SkScalar h, const std::string& text, |
| TextAlign align, size_t lineLimit = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(), |
| bool RTL = false, SkColor background = SK_ColorGRAY, |
| const std::u16string& ellipsis = u"\u2026") { |
| SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true); |
| |
| canvas->clipRect(SkRect::MakeWH(w, h)); |
| canvas->drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE); |
| |
| SkScalar margin = 20; |
| |
| SkPaint paint; |
| paint.setAntiAlias(true); |
| paint.setColor(SK_ColorBLACK); |
| |
| SkPaint gray; |
| gray.setColor(background); |
| |
| SkPaint yellow; |
| yellow.setColor(SK_ColorYELLOW); |
| |
| TextStyle style; |
| style.setBackgroundColor(gray); |
| style.setForegroundColor(paint); |
| style.setFontFamilies({SkString("sans-serif")}); |
| style.setFontSize(30); |
| ParagraphStyle paraStyle; |
| paraStyle.setTextStyle(style); |
| paraStyle.setTextAlign(align); |
| paraStyle.setMaxLines(lineLimit); |
| paraStyle.setEllipsis(ellipsis); |
| // paraStyle.setTextDirection(RTL ? SkTextDirection::rtl : SkTextDirection::ltr); |
| |
| auto fontCollection = sk_make_sp<FontCollection>(); |
| fontCollection->setDefaultFontManager(SkFontMgr::RefDefault()); |
| ParagraphBuilderImpl builder(paraStyle, fontCollection); |
| if (RTL) { |
| builder.addText(mirror(text)); |
| } else { |
| builder.addText(normal(text)); |
| } |
| |
| canvas->drawRect(SkRect::MakeXYWH(margin, margin, w - margin * 2, h - margin * 2), yellow); |
| auto paragraph = builder.Build(); |
| paragraph->layout(w - margin * 2); |
| paragraph->paint(canvas, margin, margin); |
| } |
| |
| std::u16string mirror(const std::string& text) { |
| std::u16string result; |
| result += u"\u202E"; |
| // for (auto i = text.size(); i > 0; --i) { |
| // result += text[i - 1]; |
| //} |
| |
| for (auto i = text.size(); i > 0; --i) { |
| auto ch = text[i - 1]; |
| if (ch == ',') { |
| result += u"!"; |
| } else if (ch == '.') { |
| result += u"!"; |
| } else { |
| result += ch; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| result += u"\u202C"; |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| std::u16string normal(const std::string& text) { |
| std::u16string result; |
| result += u"\u202D"; |
| for (auto ch : text) { |
| result += ch; |
| } |
| result += u"\u202C"; |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| void onDrawContent(SkCanvas* canvas) override { |
| const std::string options = // { "open-source open-source open-source open-source" }; |
| {"Flutter is an open-source project to help developers " |
| "build high-performance, high-fidelity, mobile apps for " |
| "iOS and Android " |
| "from a single codebase. This design lab is a playground " |
| "and showcase of Flutter's many widgets, behaviors, " |
| "animations, layouts, and more."}; |
| |
| canvas->drawColor(SK_ColorDKGRAY); |
| SkScalar width = this->width() / 4; |
| SkScalar height = this->height() / 2; |
| |
| const std::string line = |
| "World domination is such an ugly phrase - I prefer to call it world optimisation"; |
| |
| drawLine(canvas, width, height, line, TextAlign::kLeft, 1, false, SK_ColorLTGRAY); |
| canvas->translate(width, 0); |
| drawLine(canvas, width, height, line, TextAlign::kRight, 2, false, SK_ColorLTGRAY); |
| canvas->translate(width, 0); |
| drawLine(canvas, width, height, line, TextAlign::kCenter, 3, false, SK_ColorLTGRAY); |
| canvas->translate(width, 0); |
| drawLine(canvas, width, height, line, TextAlign::kJustify, 4, false, SK_ColorLTGRAY); |
| canvas->translate(-width * 3, height); |
| |
| drawLine(canvas, width, height, line, TextAlign::kLeft, 1, true, SK_ColorLTGRAY); |
| canvas->translate(width, 0); |
| drawLine(canvas, width, height, line, TextAlign::kRight, 2, true, SK_ColorLTGRAY); |
| canvas->translate(width, 0); |
| drawLine(canvas, width, height, line, TextAlign::kCenter, 3, true, SK_ColorLTGRAY); |
| canvas->translate(width, 0); |
| drawLine(canvas, width, height, line, TextAlign::kJustify, 4, true, SK_ColorLTGRAY); |
| canvas->translate(width, 0); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| typedef Sample INHERITED; |
| }; |
| |
| class ParagraphView4 : public ParagraphView_Base { |
| protected: |
| SkString name() override { return SkString("Paragraph4"); } |
| |
| void drawFlutter(SkCanvas* canvas, SkScalar w, SkScalar h, |
| const char* ff = "Google Sans", SkScalar fs = 30, |
| size_t lineLimit = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(), |
| const std::u16string& ellipsis = u"\u2026") { |
| SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true); |
| |
| canvas->clipRect(SkRect::MakeWH(w, h)); |
| |
| SkScalar margin = 20; |
| |
| SkPaint black; |
| black.setAntiAlias(true); |
| black.setColor(SK_ColorBLACK); |
| |
| SkPaint blue; |
| blue.setAntiAlias(true); |
| blue.setColor(SK_ColorBLUE); |
| |
| SkPaint red; |
| red.setAntiAlias(true); |
| red.setColor(SK_ColorRED); |
| |
| SkPaint green; |
| green.setAntiAlias(true); |
| green.setColor(SK_ColorGREEN); |
| |
| SkPaint gray; |
| gray.setColor(SK_ColorLTGRAY); |
| |
| SkPaint yellow; |
| yellow.setColor(SK_ColorYELLOW); |
| |
| SkPaint magenta; |
| magenta.setAntiAlias(true); |
| magenta.setColor(SK_ColorMAGENTA); |
| |
| TextStyle style; |
| style.setFontFamilies({SkString(ff)}); |
| style.setFontSize(fs); |
| |
| TextStyle style0; |
| style0.setForegroundColor(black); |
| style0.setBackgroundColor(gray); |
| style0.setFontFamilies({SkString(ff)}); |
| style0.setFontSize(fs); |
| style0.setDecoration(TextDecoration::kUnderline); |
| style0.setDecorationStyle(TextDecorationStyle::kDouble); |
| style0.setDecorationColor(SK_ColorBLACK); |
| |
| TextStyle style1; |
| style1.setForegroundColor(blue); |
| style1.setBackgroundColor(yellow); |
| style1.setFontFamilies({SkString(ff)}); |
| style1.setFontSize(fs); |
| style1.setDecoration(TextDecoration::kOverline); |
| style1.setDecorationStyle(TextDecorationStyle::kWavy); |
| style1.setDecorationColor(SK_ColorBLACK); |
| |
| TextStyle style2; |
| style2.setForegroundColor(red); |
| style2.setFontFamilies({SkString(ff)}); |
| style2.setFontSize(fs); |
| |
| TextStyle style3; |
| style3.setForegroundColor(green); |
| style3.setFontFamilies({SkString(ff)}); |
| style3.setFontSize(fs); |
| |
| TextStyle style4; |
| style4.setForegroundColor(magenta); |
| style4.setFontFamilies({SkString(ff)}); |
| style4.setFontSize(fs); |
| |
| ParagraphStyle paraStyle; |
| paraStyle.setTextStyle(style); |
| paraStyle.setMaxLines(lineLimit); |
| |
| paraStyle.setEllipsis(ellipsis); |
| |
| const char* logo1 = "google_"; |
| const char* logo2 = "logo"; |
| const char* logo3 = "go"; |
| const char* logo4 = "ogle_logo"; |
| const char* logo5 = "google_lo"; |
| const char* logo6 = "go"; |
| { |
| ParagraphBuilderImpl builder(paraStyle, getFontCollection()); |
| |
| builder.pushStyle(style0); |
| builder.addText(logo1); |
| builder.pop(); |
| builder.pushStyle(style1); |
| builder.addText(logo2); |
| builder.pop(); |
| |
| builder.addText(" "); |
| |
| builder.pushStyle(style0); |
| builder.addText(logo3); |
| builder.pop(); |
| builder.pushStyle(style1); |
| builder.addText(logo4); |
| builder.pop(); |
| |
| builder.addText(" "); |
| |
| builder.pushStyle(style0); |
| builder.addText(logo5); |
| builder.pop(); |
| builder.pushStyle(style1); |
| builder.addText(logo6); |
| builder.pop(); |
| |
| auto paragraph = builder.Build(); |
| paragraph->layout(w - margin * 2); |
| paragraph->paint(canvas, margin, margin); |
| canvas->translate(0, h + margin); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void onDrawContent(SkCanvas* canvas) override { |
| canvas->drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE); |
| SkScalar width = this->width(); |
| SkScalar height = this->height(); |
| |
| drawFlutter(canvas, width, height / 2); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| typedef Sample INHERITED; |
| }; |
| |
| class ParagraphView5 : public ParagraphView_Base { |
| protected: |
| SkString name() override { return SkString("Paragraph5"); } |
| |
| void bidi(SkCanvas* canvas, SkScalar w, SkScalar h, const std::u16string& text, |
| const std::u16string& expected, size_t lineLimit = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(), |
| const char* ff = "Roboto", SkScalar fs = 30, |
| const std::u16string& ellipsis = u"\u2026") { |
| SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true); |
| |
| canvas->clipRect(SkRect::MakeWH(w, h)); |
| |
| SkScalar margin = 20; |
| |
| SkPaint black; |
| black.setColor(SK_ColorBLACK); |
| SkPaint gray; |
| gray.setColor(SK_ColorLTGRAY); |
| |
| TextStyle style; |
| style.setForegroundColor(black); |
| style.setFontFamilies({SkString(ff)}); |
| style.setFontSize(fs); |
| |
| TextStyle style0; |
| style0.setForegroundColor(black); |
| style0.setFontFamilies({SkString(ff)}); |
| style0.setFontSize(fs); |
| style0.setFontStyle(SkFontStyle(SkFontStyle::kNormal_Weight, SkFontStyle::kNormal_Width, |
| SkFontStyle::kItalic_Slant)); |
| |
| TextStyle style1; |
| style1.setForegroundColor(gray); |
| style1.setFontFamilies({SkString(ff)}); |
| style1.setFontSize(fs); |
| style1.setFontStyle(SkFontStyle(SkFontStyle::kBold_Weight, SkFontStyle::kNormal_Width, |
| SkFontStyle::kUpright_Slant)); |
| |
| ParagraphStyle paraStyle; |
| paraStyle.setTextStyle(style); |
| paraStyle.setMaxLines(lineLimit); |
| |
| paraStyle.setEllipsis(ellipsis); |
| |
| ParagraphBuilderImpl builder(paraStyle, getFontCollection()); |
| |
| if (text.empty()) { |
| const std::u16string text0 = u"\u202Dabc"; |
| const std::u16string text1 = u"\u202EFED"; |
| const std::u16string text2 = u"\u202Dghi"; |
| const std::u16string text3 = u"\u202ELKJ"; |
| const std::u16string text4 = u"\u202Dmno"; |
| builder.pushStyle(style0); |
| builder.addText(text0); |
| builder.pop(); |
| builder.pushStyle(style1); |
| builder.addText(text1); |
| builder.pop(); |
| builder.pushStyle(style0); |
| builder.addText(text2); |
| builder.pop(); |
| builder.pushStyle(style1); |
| builder.addText(text3); |
| builder.pop(); |
| builder.pushStyle(style0); |
| builder.addText(text4); |
| builder.pop(); |
| } else { |
| // icu::UnicodeString unicode((UChar*) text.data(), SkToS32(text.size())); |
| // std::string str; |
| // unicode.toUTF8String(str); |
| // SkDebugf("Text: %s\n", str.c_str()); |
| builder.addText(text + expected); |
| } |
| |
| auto paragraph = builder.Build(); |
| paragraph->layout(w - margin * 2); |
| paragraph->paint(canvas, margin, margin); |
| } |
| |
| void onDrawContent(SkCanvas* canvas) override { |
| canvas->drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE); |
| SkScalar width = this->width(); |
| SkScalar height = this->height() / 8; |
| |
| const std::u16string text1 = |
| u"A \u202ENAC\u202Cner, exceedingly \u202ENAC\u202Cny,\n" |
| "One morning remarked to his granny:\n" |
| "A \u202ENAC\u202Cner \u202ENAC\u202C \u202ENAC\u202C,\n" |
| "Anything that he \u202ENAC\u202C,\n" |
| "But a \u202ENAC\u202Cner \u202ENAC\u202C't \u202ENAC\u202C a \u202ENAC\u202C, " |
| "\u202ENAC\u202C he?"; |
| bidi(canvas, width, height * 3, text1, u"", 5); |
| canvas->translate(0, height * 3); |
| |
| bidi(canvas, width, height, u"\u2067DETALOSI\u2069", u""); |
| canvas->translate(0, height); |
| |
| bidi(canvas, width, height, u"\u202BDEDDEBME\u202C", u""); |
| canvas->translate(0, height); |
| |
| bidi(canvas, width, height, u"\u202EEDIRREVO\u202C", u""); |
| canvas->translate(0, height); |
| |
| bidi(canvas, width, height, u"\u200FTICILPMI\u200E", u""); |
| canvas->translate(0, height); |
| |
| bidi(canvas, width, height, u"123 456 7890 \u202EZYXWV UTS RQP ONM LKJ IHG FED CBA\u202C.", |
| u"", 2); |
| canvas->translate(0, height); |
| |
| // bidi(canvas, width, height, u"", u""); |
| // canvas->translate(0, height); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| typedef Sample INHERITED; |
| }; |
| |
| class ParagraphView6 : public ParagraphView_Base { |
| protected: |
| SkString name() override { return SkString("Paragraph6"); } |
| |
| void hangingS(SkCanvas* canvas, SkScalar w, SkScalar h, SkScalar fs = 60.0) { |
| auto ff = "HangingS"; |
| |
| canvas->drawColor(SK_ColorLTGRAY); |
| |
| SkPaint black; |
| black.setAntiAlias(true); |
| black.setColor(SK_ColorBLACK); |
| |
| SkPaint blue; |
| blue.setAntiAlias(true); |
| blue.setColor(SK_ColorBLUE); |
| |
| SkPaint red; |
| red.setAntiAlias(true); |
| red.setColor(SK_ColorRED); |
| |
| SkPaint green; |
| green.setAntiAlias(true); |
| green.setColor(SK_ColorGREEN); |
| |
| SkPaint gray; |
| gray.setColor(SK_ColorCYAN); |
| |
| SkPaint yellow; |
| yellow.setColor(SK_ColorYELLOW); |
| |
| SkPaint magenta; |
| magenta.setAntiAlias(true); |
| magenta.setColor(SK_ColorMAGENTA); |
| |
| SkFontStyle fontStyle(SkFontStyle::kBold_Weight, SkFontStyle::kNormal_Width, |
| SkFontStyle::kItalic_Slant); |
| |
| TextStyle style; |
| style.setFontFamilies({SkString(ff)}); |
| style.setFontSize(fs); |
| style.setFontStyle(fontStyle); |
| |
| TextStyle style0; |
| style0.setForegroundColor(black); |
| style0.setBackgroundColor(gray); |
| style0.setFontFamilies({SkString(ff)}); |
| style0.setFontSize(fs); |
| style0.setFontStyle(fontStyle); |
| |
| TextStyle style1; |
| style1.setForegroundColor(blue); |
| style1.setBackgroundColor(yellow); |
| style1.setFontFamilies({SkString(ff)}); |
| style1.setFontSize(fs); |
| style1.setFontStyle(fontStyle); |
| |
| TextStyle style2; |
| style2.setForegroundColor(red); |
| style2.setFontFamilies({SkString(ff)}); |
| style2.setFontSize(fs); |
| style2.setFontStyle(fontStyle); |
| |
| TextStyle style3; |
| style3.setForegroundColor(green); |
| style3.setFontFamilies({SkString(ff)}); |
| style3.setFontSize(fs); |
| style3.setFontStyle(fontStyle); |
| |
| TextStyle style4; |
| style4.setForegroundColor(magenta); |
| style4.setFontFamilies({SkString(ff)}); |
| style4.setFontSize(fs); |
| style4.setFontStyle(fontStyle); |
| |
| ParagraphStyle paraStyle; |
| paraStyle.setTextStyle(style); |
| |
| const char* logo1 = "S"; |
| const char* logo2 = "kia"; |
| const char* logo3 = "Sk"; |
| const char* logo4 = "ia"; |
| const char* logo5 = "Ski"; |
| const char* logo6 = "a"; |
| { |
| ParagraphBuilderImpl builder(paraStyle, getFontCollection()); |
| |
| builder.pushStyle(style0); |
| builder.addText(logo1); |
| builder.pop(); |
| builder.pushStyle(style1); |
| builder.addText(logo2); |
| builder.pop(); |
| |
| builder.addText(" "); |
| |
| builder.pushStyle(style0); |
| builder.addText(logo3); |
| builder.pop(); |
| builder.pushStyle(style1); |
| builder.addText(logo4); |
| builder.pop(); |
| |
| builder.addText(" "); |
| |
| builder.pushStyle(style0); |
| builder.addText(logo5); |
| builder.pop(); |
| builder.pushStyle(style1); |
| builder.addText(logo6); |
| builder.pop(); |
| |
| auto paragraph = builder.Build(); |
| paragraph->layout(w); |
| paragraph->paint(canvas, 40, 40); |
| canvas->translate(0, h); |
| } |
| |
| const char* logo11 = "S"; |
| const char* logo12 = "S"; |
| const char* logo13 = "S"; |
| const char* logo14 = "S"; |
| const char* logo15 = "S"; |
| const char* logo16 = "S"; |
| { |
| ParagraphBuilderImpl builder(paraStyle, getFontCollection()); |
| |
| builder.pushStyle(style0); |
| builder.addText(logo11); |
| builder.pop(); |
| builder.pushStyle(style1); |
| builder.addText(logo12); |
| builder.pop(); |
| |
| builder.addText(" "); |
| |
| builder.pushStyle(style0); |
| builder.addText(logo13); |
| builder.pop(); |
| builder.pushStyle(style1); |
| builder.addText(logo14); |
| builder.pop(); |
| |
| builder.addText(" "); |
| |
| builder.pushStyle(style0); |
| builder.addText(logo15); |
| builder.pop(); |
| builder.pushStyle(style1); |
| builder.addText(logo16); |
| builder.pop(); |
| |
| auto paragraph = builder.Build(); |
| paragraph->layout(w); |
| paragraph->paint(canvas, 40, h); |
| canvas->translate(0, h); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void onDrawContent(SkCanvas* canvas) override { |
| canvas->drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE); |
| SkScalar width = this->width(); |
| SkScalar height = this->height() / 4; |
| |
| hangingS(canvas, width, height); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| typedef Sample INHERITED; |
| }; |
| |
| class ParagraphView7 : public ParagraphView_Base { |
| protected: |
| SkString name() override { return SkString("Paragraph7"); } |
| |
| void drawText(SkCanvas* canvas, SkColor background, SkScalar letterSpace, SkScalar w, |
| SkScalar h) { |
| SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true); |
| canvas->clipRect(SkRect::MakeWH(w, h)); |
| canvas->drawColor(background); |
| |
| const char* line = |
| "World domination is such an ugly phrase - I prefer to call it world optimisation."; |
| |
| ParagraphStyle paragraphStyle; |
| paragraphStyle.setTextAlign(TextAlign::kLeft); |
| paragraphStyle.setMaxLines(10); |
| paragraphStyle.turnHintingOff(); |
| TextStyle textStyle; |
| textStyle.setFontFamilies({SkString("Roboto")}); |
| textStyle.setFontSize(30); |
| textStyle.setLetterSpacing(letterSpace); |
| textStyle.setColor(SK_ColorBLACK); |
| textStyle.setFontStyle(SkFontStyle(SkFontStyle::kMedium_Weight, SkFontStyle::kNormal_Width, |
| SkFontStyle::kUpright_Slant)); |
| |
| ParagraphBuilderImpl builder(paragraphStyle, getFontCollection()); |
| builder.pushStyle(textStyle); |
| builder.addText(line); |
| builder.pop(); |
| |
| auto paragraph = builder.Build(); |
| paragraph->layout(w - 20); |
| paragraph->paint(canvas, 10, 10); |
| } |
| |
| void onDrawContent(SkCanvas* canvas) override { |
| canvas->drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE); |
| |
| auto h = this->height() / 4; |
| auto w = this->width() / 2; |
| |
| drawText(canvas, SK_ColorGRAY, 1, w, h); |
| canvas->translate(0, h); |
| |
| drawText(canvas, SK_ColorLTGRAY, 2, w, h); |
| canvas->translate(0, h); |
| |
| drawText(canvas, SK_ColorCYAN, 3, w, h); |
| canvas->translate(0, h); |
| |
| drawText(canvas, SK_ColorGRAY, 4, w, h); |
| canvas->translate(w, -3 * h); |
| |
| drawText(canvas, SK_ColorYELLOW, 5, w, h); |
| canvas->translate(0, h); |
| |
| drawText(canvas, SK_ColorGREEN, 10, w, h); |
| canvas->translate(0, h); |
| |
| drawText(canvas, SK_ColorRED, 15, w, h); |
| canvas->translate(0, h); |
| |
| drawText(canvas, SK_ColorBLUE, 20, w, h); |
| canvas->translate(0, h); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| typedef Sample INHERITED; |
| }; |
| |
| class ParagraphView8 : public ParagraphView_Base { |
| protected: |
| SkString name() override { return SkString("Paragraph8"); } |
| |
| void drawText(SkCanvas* canvas, SkColor background, SkScalar wordSpace, SkScalar w, |
| SkScalar h) { |
| SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true); |
| canvas->clipRect(SkRect::MakeWH(w, h)); |
| canvas->drawColor(background); |
| |
| const char* line = |
| "World domination is such an ugly phrase - I prefer to call it world optimisation."; |
| |
| ParagraphStyle paragraphStyle; |
| paragraphStyle.setTextAlign(TextAlign::kLeft); |
| paragraphStyle.setMaxLines(10); |
| paragraphStyle.turnHintingOff(); |
| TextStyle textStyle; |
| textStyle.setFontFamilies({SkString("Roboto")}); |
| textStyle.setFontSize(30); |
| textStyle.setWordSpacing(wordSpace); |
| textStyle.setColor(SK_ColorBLACK); |
| textStyle.setFontStyle(SkFontStyle(SkFontStyle::kMedium_Weight, SkFontStyle::kNormal_Width, |
| SkFontStyle::kUpright_Slant)); |
| |
| ParagraphBuilderImpl builder(paragraphStyle, getFontCollection()); |
| builder.pushStyle(textStyle); |
| builder.addText(line); |
| builder.pop(); |
| |
| auto paragraph = builder.Build(); |
| paragraph->layout(w - 20); |
| paragraph->paint(canvas, 10, 10); |
| } |
| |
| void onDrawContent(SkCanvas* canvas) override { |
| canvas->drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE); |
| |
| auto h = this->height() / 4; |
| auto w = this->width() / 2; |
| |
| drawText(canvas, SK_ColorGRAY, 1, w, h); |
| canvas->translate(0, h); |
| |
| drawText(canvas, SK_ColorLTGRAY, 2, w, h); |
| canvas->translate(0, h); |
| |
| drawText(canvas, SK_ColorCYAN, 3, w, h); |
| canvas->translate(0, h); |
| |
| drawText(canvas, SK_ColorGRAY, 4, w, h); |
| canvas->translate(w, -3 * h); |
| |
| drawText(canvas, SK_ColorYELLOW, 5, w, h); |
| canvas->translate(0, h); |
| |
| drawText(canvas, SK_ColorGREEN, 10, w, h); |
| canvas->translate(0, h); |
| |
| drawText(canvas, SK_ColorRED, 15, w, h); |
| canvas->translate(0, h); |
| |
| drawText(canvas, SK_ColorBLUE, 20, w, h); |
| canvas->translate(0, h); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| typedef Sample INHERITED; |
| }; |
| |
| class ParagraphView9 : public ParagraphView_Base { |
| protected: |
| SkString name() override { return SkString("Paragraph9"); } |
| |
| bool onChar(SkUnichar uni) override { |
| switch (uni) { |
| case 'w': |
| ++wordSpacing; |
| return true; |
| case 'q': |
| if (wordSpacing > 0) --wordSpacing; |
| return true; |
| case 'l': |
| ++letterSpacing; |
| return true; |
| case 'k': |
| if (letterSpacing > 0) --letterSpacing; |
| return true; |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| void drawText(SkCanvas* canvas, SkColor background, SkScalar w, SkScalar h) { |
| SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true); |
| canvas->clipRect(SkRect::MakeWH(w, h)); |
| canvas->drawColor(background); |
| |
| const char* text = |
| "( ´・‿・`)( ´・‿・`)( ´・‿・`)( ´・‿・`)( ´・‿・`)( ´・‿・`)( ´・‿・`)(" |
| " ´・‿・`)( ´・‿・`)( ´・‿・`)( ´・‿・`)( ´・‿・`)( ´・‿・`)( ´・‿・`)(" |
| " ´・‿・`)( ´・‿・`)( ´・‿・`)( ´・‿・`)( ´・‿・`)( ´・‿・`)"; |
| |
| ParagraphStyle paragraphStyle; |
| paragraphStyle.setTextAlign(TextAlign::kLeft); |
| paragraphStyle.setMaxLines(10); |
| paragraphStyle.turnHintingOff(); |
| TextStyle textStyle; |
| textStyle.setFontFamilies({SkString("Roboto")}); |
| textStyle.setFontSize(50); |
| textStyle.setHeight(1.3f); |
| textStyle.setColor(SK_ColorBLACK); |
| textStyle.setFontStyle(SkFontStyle(SkFontStyle::kMedium_Weight, SkFontStyle::kNormal_Width, |
| SkFontStyle::kUpright_Slant)); |
| |
| ParagraphBuilderImpl builder(paragraphStyle, getFontCollection()); |
| builder.pushStyle(textStyle); |
| builder.addText(text); |
| builder.pop(); |
| |
| auto paragraph = builder.Build(); |
| paragraph->layout(550); |
| |
| std::vector<size_t> sizes = {0, 1, 2, 8, 19, 21, 22, 30, 150}; |
| |
| std::vector<size_t> colors = {SK_ColorBLUE, SK_ColorCYAN, SK_ColorLTGRAY, SK_ColorGREEN, |
| |
| RectHeightStyle rect_height_style = RectHeightStyle::kTight; |
| RectWidthStyle rect_width_style = RectWidthStyle::kTight; |
| |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < sizes.size() - 1; ++i) { |
| size_t from = (i == 0 ? 0 : 1) + sizes[i]; |
| size_t to = sizes[i + 1]; |
| auto boxes = paragraph->getRectsForRange(from, to, rect_height_style, rect_width_style); |
| if (boxes.empty()) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| for (auto& box : boxes) { |
| SkPaint paint; |
| paint.setColor(colors[i % colors.size()]); |
| paint.setShader(setgrad(box.rect, colors[i % colors.size()], SK_ColorWHITE)); |
| canvas->drawRect(box.rect, paint); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| paragraph->paint(canvas, 0, 0); |
| } |
| |
| void onDrawContent(SkCanvas* canvas) override { |
| canvas->drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE); |
| |
| auto h = this->height(); |
| auto w = this->width(); |
| |
| drawText(canvas, SK_ColorGRAY, w, h); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| typedef Sample INHERITED; |
| SkScalar letterSpacing; |
| SkScalar wordSpacing; |
| }; |
| |
| class ParagraphView10 : public ParagraphView_Base { |
| protected: |
| SkString name() override { return SkString("Paragraph10"); } |
| |
| void onDrawContent(SkCanvas* canvas) override { |
| canvas->drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE); |
| |
| const char* text = "English English 字典 字典 😀😃😄 😀😃😄"; |
| ParagraphStyle paragraph_style; |
| paragraph_style.turnHintingOff(); |
| ParagraphBuilderImpl builder(paragraph_style, getFontCollection()); |
| |
| TextStyle text_style; |
| text_style.setFontFamilies({SkString("Roboto"), |
| SkString("Noto Color Emoji"), |
| SkString("Source Han Serif CN")}); |
| text_style.setColor(SK_ColorRED); |
| text_style.setFontSize(60); |
| text_style.setLetterSpacing(0); |
| text_style.setWordSpacing(0); |
| text_style.setColor(SK_ColorBLACK); |
| text_style.setHeight(1); |
| builder.pushStyle(text_style); |
| builder.addText(text); |
| builder.pop(); |
| |
| auto paragraph = builder.Build(); |
| paragraph->layout(width()); |
| |
| paragraph->paint(canvas, 0, 0); |
| SkDEBUGCODE(auto impl = reinterpret_cast<ParagraphImpl*>(paragraph.get())); |
| SkASSERT(impl->runs().size() == 3); |
| SkASSERT(impl->runs()[0].textRange().end == impl->runs()[1].textRange().start); |
| SkASSERT(impl->runs()[1].textRange().end == impl->runs()[2].textRange().start); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| typedef Sample INHERITED; |
| }; |
| |
| class ParagraphView11 : public ParagraphView_Base { |
| protected: |
| SkString name() override { return SkString("Paragraph11"); } |
| |
| void onDrawContent(SkCanvas* canvas) override { |
| canvas->drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE); |
| const char* text = "The same text many times"; |
| |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) { |
| ParagraphStyle paragraph_style; |
| ParagraphBuilderImpl builder(paragraph_style, getFontCollection()); |
| TextStyle text_style; |
| text_style.setFontFamilies({SkString("Roboto")}); |
| text_style.setColor(SK_ColorBLACK); |
| text_style.setFontSize(10 + 2 * (i % 10)); |
| builder.pushStyle(text_style); |
| builder.addText(text); |
| builder.pop(); |
| auto paragraph = builder.Build(); |
| paragraph->layout(500); |
| paragraph->paint(canvas, 0, 40 * (i % 10)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| typedef Sample INHERITED; |
| }; |
| |
| // Measure different stages of layout/paint |
| class ParagraphView12 : public ParagraphView_Base { |
| protected: |
| SkString name() override { return SkString("Paragraph12"); } |
| |
| void onDrawContent(SkCanvas* canvas) override { |
| ParagraphStyle paragraph_style; |
| paragraph_style.setMaxLines(14); |
| paragraph_style.setTextAlign(TextAlign::kLeft); |
| paragraph_style.turnHintingOff(); |
| ParagraphBuilderImpl builder(paragraph_style, getFontCollection()); |
| |
| TextStyle text_style; |
| text_style.setFontFamilies({SkString("Roboto")}); |
| text_style.setFontSize(26); |
| text_style.setColor(SK_ColorBLACK); |
| text_style.setHeight(1); |
| text_style.setDecoration(TextDecoration::kUnderline); |
| text_style.setDecorationColor(SK_ColorBLACK); |
| builder.pushStyle(text_style); |
| builder.addText(gText); |
| builder.pop(); |
| |
| auto paragraph = builder.Build(); |
| auto impl = reinterpret_cast<ParagraphImpl*>(paragraph.get()); |
| |
| for (auto i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { |
| impl->setState(kUnknown); |
| impl->shapeTextIntoEndlessLine(); |
| impl->setState(kShaped); |
| } |
| |
| for (auto i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { |
| impl->setState(kShaped); |
| impl->buildClusterTable(); |
| impl->markLineBreaks(); |
| impl->setState(kMarked); |
| } |
| |
| for (auto i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { |
| impl->setState(kMarked); |
| impl->breakShapedTextIntoLines(1000); |
| impl->setState(kLineBroken); |
| } |
| |
| for (auto i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { |
| impl->setState(kLineBroken); |
| impl->formatLines(1000); |
| impl->setState(kFormatted); |
| } |
| |
| for (auto i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { |
| impl->setState(kFormatted); |
| impl->paintLinesIntoPicture(); |
| impl->setState(kDrawn); |
| } |
| |
| auto picture = impl->getPicture(); |
| SkMatrix matrix = SkMatrix::MakeTrans(0, 0); |
| for (auto i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { |
| canvas->drawPicture(picture, &matrix, nullptr); |
| } |
| |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| typedef Sample INHERITED; |
| }; |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| DEF_SAMPLE(return new ParagraphView1();) |
| DEF_SAMPLE(return new ParagraphView2();) |
| DEF_SAMPLE(return new ParagraphView3();) |
| DEF_SAMPLE(return new ParagraphView4();) |
| DEF_SAMPLE(return new ParagraphView5();) |
| DEF_SAMPLE(return new ParagraphView6();) |
| DEF_SAMPLE(return new ParagraphView7();) |
| DEF_SAMPLE(return new ParagraphView8();) |
| DEF_SAMPLE(return new ParagraphView9();) |
| DEF_SAMPLE(return new ParagraphView10();) |
| DEF_SAMPLE(return new ParagraphView11();) |
| DEF_SAMPLE(return new ParagraphView12();) |