blob: 29f11280de7c3fadeec9260981cb23fee08deac3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/GrStrokeOp.h"
#include "src/core/SkPathPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrRecordingContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/GrStrokeTessellateOp.h"
GrStrokeOp::GrStrokeOp(uint32_t classID, GrAAType aaType, const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
const SkStrokeRec& stroke, const SkPath& path, GrPaint&& paint)
: GrDrawOp(classID)
, fAAType(aaType)
, fViewMatrix(viewMatrix)
, fStroke(stroke)
, fColor(paint.getColor4f())
, fProcessors(std::move(paint))
, fPathList(path)
, fTotalCombinedVerbCnt(path.countVerbs())
, fTotalConicWeightCnt(SkPathPriv::ConicWeightCnt(path)) {
SkRect devBounds = path.getBounds();
float inflationRadius = fStroke.getInflationRadius();
devBounds.outset(inflationRadius, inflationRadius);
viewMatrix.mapRect(&devBounds, devBounds);
this->setBounds(devBounds, HasAABloat(GrAAType::kCoverage == fAAType), IsHairline::kNo);
void GrStrokeOp::visitProxies(const VisitProxyFunc& fn) const {
if (fFillProgram) {
} else if (fStencilProgram) {
} else {
GrDrawOp::FixedFunctionFlags GrStrokeOp::fixedFunctionFlags() const {
// We might not actually end up needing stencil, but won't know for sure until finalize().
// Request it just in case we do end up needing it.
auto flags = FixedFunctionFlags::kUsesStencil;
if (GrAAType::kNone != fAAType) {
flags |= FixedFunctionFlags::kUsesHWAA;
return flags;
GrProcessorSet::Analysis GrStrokeOp::finalize(const GrCaps& caps, const GrAppliedClip* clip,
bool hasMixedSampledCoverage, GrClampType clampType) {
// Make sure the finalize happens before combining. We might change fNeedsStencil here.
SkASSERT(fPathList.begin().fCurr->fNext == nullptr);
const GrProcessorSet::Analysis& analysis = fProcessors.finalize(
fColor, GrProcessorAnalysisCoverage::kNone, clip, &GrUserStencilSettings::kUnused,
hasMixedSampledCoverage, caps, clampType, &fColor);
fNeedsStencil = !analysis.unaffectedByDstValue();
return analysis;
GrOp::CombineResult GrStrokeOp::onCombineIfPossible(GrOp* grOp, SkArenaAlloc* alloc,
const GrCaps&) {
SkASSERT(grOp->classID() == this->classID());
auto* op = static_cast<GrStrokeOp*>(grOp);
if (fNeedsStencil ||
op->fNeedsStencil ||
fColor != op->fColor ||
fViewMatrix != op->fViewMatrix ||
fAAType != op->fAAType ||
!fStroke.hasEqualEffect(op->fStroke) ||
fProcessors != op->fProcessors) {
return CombineResult::kCannotCombine;
fPathList.concat(std::move(op->fPathList), alloc);
fTotalCombinedVerbCnt += op->fTotalCombinedVerbCnt;
fTotalConicWeightCnt += op->fTotalConicWeightCnt;
return CombineResult::kMerged;
// Marks every stencil value as "1".
constexpr static GrUserStencilSettings kMarkStencil(
GrUserStencilTest::kLessIfInClip, // Match kTestAndResetStencil.
0x0000, // Always fail.
// Passes if the stencil value is nonzero. Also resets the stencil value to zero on pass. This is
// formulated to match kMarkStencil everywhere except the ref and compare mask. This will allow us
// to use the same pipeline for both stencil and fill if dynamic stencil state is supported.
constexpr static GrUserStencilSettings kTestAndResetStencil(
GrUserStencilTest::kLessIfInClip, // i.e., "not equal to zero, if in clip".
void GrStrokeOp::prePreparePrograms(GrStrokeTessellateShader::Mode shaderMode, SkArenaAlloc* arena,
const GrSurfaceProxyView& writeView, GrAppliedClip&& clip,
const GrXferProcessor::DstProxyView& dstProxyView,
GrXferBarrierFlags renderPassXferBarriers,
GrLoadOp colorLoadOp, const GrCaps& caps) {
using InputFlags = GrPipeline::InputFlags;
// This will be created iff the stencil pass can't share a pipeline with the fill pass.
GrPipeline* standaloneStencilPipeline = nullptr;
GrPipeline::InitArgs fillArgs;
fillArgs.fCaps = &caps;
fillArgs.fDstProxyView = dstProxyView;
fillArgs.fWriteSwizzle = writeView.swizzle();
if (fAAType != GrAAType::kNone) {
if (writeView.asRenderTargetProxy()->numSamples() == 1) {
// We are mixed sampled. We need to either enable conservative raster (preferred) or
// disable MSAA in order to avoid double blend artifacts. (Even if we disable MSAA for
// the cover geometry, the stencil test is still multisampled and will still produce
// smooth results.)
SkASSERT(GrAAType::kCoverage == fAAType);
if (caps.conservativeRasterSupport()) {
fillArgs.fInputFlags |= InputFlags::kHWAntialias | InputFlags::kConservativeRaster;
// Since we either need conservative raster enabled or MSAA disabled during fill, we
// need a separate pipeline for the stencil pass.
SkASSERT(fNeedsStencil); // Mixed samples always needs stencil.
GrPipeline::InitArgs stencilArgs;
stencilArgs.fCaps = &caps;
stencilArgs.fInputFlags = InputFlags::kHWAntialias;
stencilArgs.fWriteSwizzle = writeView.swizzle();
standaloneStencilPipeline = arena->make<GrPipeline>(
stencilArgs, GrDisableColorXPFactory::MakeXferProcessor(), clip.hardClip());
} else {
// We are standard MSAA. Leave MSAA enabled for both the fill and stencil passes.
fillArgs.fInputFlags |= InputFlags::kHWAntialias;
auto* strokeTessellateShader = arena->make<GrStrokeTessellateShader>(
shaderMode, fTotalConicWeightCnt, fStroke, fViewMatrix, fColor);
auto fillPipeline = arena->make<GrPipeline>(fillArgs, std::move(fProcessors), std::move(clip));
auto fillStencil = &GrUserStencilSettings::kUnused;
auto fillXferFlags = renderPassXferBarriers;
if (fNeedsStencil) {
auto* stencilPipeline = (standaloneStencilPipeline) ? standaloneStencilPipeline
: fillPipeline;
fStencilProgram = GrPathShader::MakeProgramInfo(strokeTessellateShader, arena, writeView,
stencilPipeline, dstProxyView,
renderPassXferBarriers, colorLoadOp,
&kMarkStencil, caps);
fillStencil = &kTestAndResetStencil;
fillXferFlags = GrXferBarrierFlags::kNone;
fFillProgram = GrPathShader::MakeProgramInfo(strokeTessellateShader, arena, writeView,
fillPipeline, dstProxyView, fillXferFlags,
colorLoadOp, fillStencil, caps);