blob: 31574ea5cfacffc688a067fd79d7e964de1c1d03 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_graphite_DrawPass_DEFINED
#define skgpu_graphite_DrawPass_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "src/core/SkEnumBitMask.h"
#include "src/core/SkTBlockList.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/DrawTypes.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/GraphicsPipelineDesc.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ResourceTypes.h"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
class SkTextureDataBlock;
namespace skgpu::graphite {
class BoundsManager;
class CommandBuffer;
class DrawList;
class GraphicsPipeline;
class Recorder;
struct RenderPassDesc;
class ResourceProvider;
class Sampler;
struct SamplerDesc;
class TextureProxy;
enum class UniformSlot;
* DrawPass is analogous to a subpass, storing the drawing operations in the order they are stored
* in the eventual command buffer, as well as the surface proxy the operations are intended for.
* DrawPasses are grouped into a RenderPassTask for execution within a single render pass if the
* subpasses are compatible with each other.
* Unlike DrawList, DrawPasses are immutable and represent as closely as possible what will be
* stored in the command buffer while being flexible as to how the pass is incorporated. Depending
* on the backend, it may even be able to write accumulated vertex and uniform data directly to
* mapped GPU memory, although that is the extent of the CPU->GPU work they perform before they are
* executed by a RenderPassTask.
class DrawPass {
// TODO: Replace SDC with the SDC's surface proxy view
static std::unique_ptr<DrawPass> Make(Recorder*,
std::pair<LoadOp, StoreOp>,
std::array<float, 4> clearColor);
// Defined relative to the top-left corner of the surface the DrawPass renders to, and is
// contained within its dimensions.
const SkIRect& bounds() const { return fBounds; }
TextureProxy* target() const { return fTarget.get(); }
std::pair<LoadOp, StoreOp> ops() const { return fOps; }
std::array<float, 4> clearColor() const { return fClearColor; }
bool requiresDstTexture() const { return false; }
bool requiresMSAA() const { return fRequiresMSAA; }
SkEnumBitMask<DepthStencilFlags> depthStencilFlags() const { return fDepthStencilFlags; }
size_t vertexBufferSize() const { return 0; }
size_t uniformBufferSize() const { return 0; }
// TODO: Real return types, but it seems useful for DrawPass to report these as sets so that
// task execution can compile necessary programs and track resources within a render pass.
// Maybe these won't need to be exposed and RenderPassTask can do it per command as needed when
// it iterates over the DrawPass contents.
void samplers() const {}
void programs() const {}
// Instantiate and prepare any resources used by the DrawPass that require the Recorder's
// ResourceProvider. This includes things likes GraphicsPipelines, sampled Textures, Samplers,
// etc.
bool prepareResources(ResourceProvider*, const RenderPassDesc&);
// Transform this DrawPass into commands issued to the CommandBuffer. Assumes that the buffer
// has already begun a correctly configured render pass matching this pass's target.
// Returns true on success; false on failure
bool addCommands(CommandBuffer*) const;
class SortKey;
class Drawer;
struct BindGraphicsPipeline {
// Points to a GraphicsPipelineDesc in DrawPass's fPipelineDescs array. It will also
// index into a parallel array of full GraphicsPipelines when commands are added to the CB.
uint32_t fPipelineIndex;
struct BindUniformBuffer {
BindBufferInfo fInfo;
UniformSlot fSlot;
struct BindTexturesAndSamplers {
int fNumTexSamplers;
// TODO: Right now we are hardcoding these arrays to be 32. However, when we rewrite the
// command system here to be more flexible and not require fixed sized structs, we will
// remove this hardcode size.
int fTextureIndices[32];
int fSamplerIndices[32];
struct BindDrawBuffers {
BindBufferInfo fVertices;
BindBufferInfo fInstances;
BindBufferInfo fIndices;
struct Draw {
PrimitiveType fType;
uint32_t fBaseVertex;
uint32_t fVertexCount;
struct DrawIndexed {
PrimitiveType fType;
uint32_t fBaseIndex;
uint32_t fIndexCount;
uint32_t fBaseVertex;
struct DrawInstanced {
PrimitiveType fType;
uint32_t fBaseVertex;
uint32_t fVertexCount;
uint32_t fBaseInstance;
uint32_t fInstanceCount;
struct DrawIndexedInstanced {
PrimitiveType fType;
uint32_t fBaseIndex;
uint32_t fIndexCount;
uint32_t fBaseVertex;
uint32_t fBaseInstance;
uint32_t fInstanceCount;
struct SetScissor {
SkIRect fScissor;
// TODO: BindSampler
enum class CommandType {
// kBindSampler
// TODO: The goal is keep all command data in line, vs. type + void* to another data array, but
// the current union is memory inefficient. It would be better to have a byte buffer with per
// type advances, but then we need to work out alignment etc. so that will be easier to add
// once we have something up and running.
struct Command {
CommandType fType;
union {
BindGraphicsPipeline fBindGraphicsPipeline;
BindUniformBuffer fBindUniformBuffer;
BindTexturesAndSamplers fBindTexturesAndSamplers;
BindDrawBuffers fBindDrawBuffers;
Draw fDraw;
DrawIndexed fDrawIndexed;
DrawInstanced fDrawInstanced;
DrawIndexedInstanced fDrawIndexedInstanced;
SetScissor fSetScissor;
explicit Command(BindGraphicsPipeline d)
: fType(CommandType::kBindGraphicsPipeline), fBindGraphicsPipeline(d) {}
explicit Command(BindUniformBuffer d)
: fType(CommandType::kBindUniformBuffer), fBindUniformBuffer(d) {}
explicit Command(BindTexturesAndSamplers d)
: fType(CommandType::kBindTexturesAndSamplers), fBindTexturesAndSamplers(d) {}
explicit Command(BindDrawBuffers d)
: fType(CommandType::kBindDrawBuffers), fBindDrawBuffers(d) {}
explicit Command(Draw d)
: fType(CommandType::kDraw), fDraw(d) {}
explicit Command(DrawIndexed d)
: fType(CommandType::kDrawIndexed), fDrawIndexed(d) {}
explicit Command(DrawInstanced d)
: fType(CommandType::kDrawInstanced), fDrawInstanced(d) {}
explicit Command(DrawIndexedInstanced d)
: fType(CommandType::kDrawIndexedInstanced), fDrawIndexedInstanced(d) {}
explicit Command(SetScissor d)
: fType(CommandType::kSetScissor), fSetScissor(d) {}
// Not strictly necessary, but keeping Command trivially destructible means the command list
// can be cleaned up efficiently once it's converted to a command buffer.
DrawPass(sk_sp<TextureProxy> target,
std::pair<LoadOp, StoreOp> ops,
std::array<float, 4> clearColor,
int renderStepCount);
SkTBlockList<Command, 32> fCommands;
// The pipelines are referenced by index in BindGraphicsPipeline, but that will index into a
// an array of actual GraphicsPipelines. fPipelineDescs only needs to accumulate encountered
// GraphicsPipelineDescs and provide stable pointers, hence SkTBlockList.
SkTBlockList<GraphicsPipelineDesc, 32> fPipelineDescs;
std::vector<SamplerDesc> fSamplerDescs;
sk_sp<TextureProxy> fTarget;
SkIRect fBounds;
std::pair<LoadOp, StoreOp> fOps;
std::array<float, 4> fClearColor;
SkEnumBitMask<DepthStencilFlags> fDepthStencilFlags = DepthStencilFlags::kNone;
bool fRequiresMSAA = false;
// These resources all get instantiated during prepareResources.
// Use a vector instead of SkTBlockList for the full pipelines so that random access is fast.
std::vector<sk_sp<GraphicsPipeline>> fFullPipelines;
std::vector<sk_sp<TextureProxy>> fSampledTextures;
std::vector<sk_sp<Sampler>> fSamplers;
} // namespace skgpu::graphite
#endif // skgpu_graphite_DrawPass_DEFINED