blob: 4c31c70c68bc64385459b5d4612a33a74553032b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC.
#ifndef Processor_DEFINED
#define Processor_DEFINED
#include <string>
#include "experimental/sktext/include/Types.h"
#include "experimental/sktext/src/Line.h"
#include "experimental/sktext/src/TextRun.h"
#include "include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "include/core/SkFontMgr.h"
#include "include/core/SkFontStyle.h"
#include "include/core/SkPaint.h"
#include "include/core/SkSize.h"
#include "include/core/SkString.h"
#include "include/core/SkTextBlob.h"
#include "modules/skshaper/src/SkUnicode.h"
namespace skia {
namespace text {
class Block {
enum BlockType {
Block(BlockType type, Range range)
: fType(type)
, fRange(range) { }
BlockType fType;
Range fRange;
class FontBlock : public Block {
FontBlock(const SkString& family, SkScalar size, SkFontStyle style, Range range)
: Block(Block::kFont, range)
, fFontFamily(family)
, fFontSize(size)
, fFontStyle(style) { }
SkString fFontFamily;
SkScalar fFontSize;
SkFontStyle fFontStyle;
// TODO: Features
class DecorBlock : public Block {
DecorBlock(const SkPaint* foreground, const SkPaint* background, Range range)
: Block(Block::kDecor, range)
, fForegroundColor(foreground)
, fBackgroundColor(background) { }
DecorBlock(Range range)
: DecorBlock(nullptr, nullptr, range) { }
const SkPaint* fForegroundColor;
const SkPaint* fBackgroundColor;
// Everything else
class TextFormatStyle {
TextFormatStyle(TextAlign textAlign, TextDirection defaultTextDirection)
: fTextAlign(textAlign), fDefaultTextDirection(defaultTextDirection) { }
TextAlign fTextAlign;
TextDirection fDefaultTextDirection;
class TextFontStyle {
TextFontStyle(TextDirection textDirection, sk_sp<SkFontMgr> fontManager)
: fTextDirection(textDirection), fFontManager(fontManager) { }
TextDirection fTextDirection;
sk_sp<SkFontMgr> fFontManager;
class TextOutput {
TextOutput(sk_sp<SkTextBlob> textBlob, const SkPaint& paint, SkSize offset) : fTextBlob(std::move(textBlob)), fPaint(paint), fOffset(offset) { }
sk_sp<SkTextBlob> fTextBlob;
SkPaint fPaint;
SkSize fOffset;
class Processor {
Processor(const SkString& text)
: fText(text)
, fUnicode(nullptr) {}
~Processor() = default;
// All the Unicode information
SkUnicode* getUnicode() { return fUnicode == nullptr ? nullptr : fUnicode.get(); }
// Once the text is measured you can get approximate sizing for it
bool shape(TextFontStyle fontStyle, SkTArray<FontBlock, true> fontBlocks);
// Once the text is fit into the required box you can get the real sizes for it
bool wrap(SkScalar width, SkScalar height);
// Once the text is formatted you can get it's glyphs info line by line
bool format(TextFormatStyle textFormatStyle);
// Once the text is decorated you can iterate it by segments (intersect of run, decor block and line)
bool decorate(SkTArray<DecorBlock, true> decorBlocks);
bool hasProperty(size_t index, CodeUnitFlags flag) {
return (fCodeUnitProperties[index] & flag) == flag;
bool isHardLineBreak(size_t index) {
return this->hasProperty(index, CodeUnitFlags::kHardLineBreakBefore);
bool isSoftLineBreak(size_t index) {
return this->hasProperty(index, CodeUnitFlags::kSoftLineBreakBefore);
bool isWhitespaces(Range range) {
if (range.leftToRight()) {
for (auto i = range.fStart; i < range.fEnd; ++i) {
if (!this->hasProperty(i, CodeUnitFlags::kPartOfWhiteSpace)) {
return false;
} else {
for (auto i = range.fStart; i > range.fEnd; --i) {
if (!this->hasProperty(i, CodeUnitFlags::kPartOfWhiteSpace)) {
return false;
return true;
bool isClusterEdge(size_t index) {
return this->hasProperty(index, CodeUnitFlags::kGraphemeStart) ||
this->hasProperty(index, CodeUnitFlags::kGlyphStart);
void adjustLeft(size_t* index) {
SkASSERT(index != nullptr);
while (*index != 0) {
if (isClusterEdge(*index)) {
TextRun& run(const size_t index) { return fRuns[index]; }
// Simplification (using default font manager, default font family and default everything possible)
static bool drawText(const char* text, SkCanvas* canvas, SkScalar x, SkScalar y);
//static bool drawText(const char* text, SkCanvas* canvas, TextFormatStyle textFormat, const SkString& fontFamily, SkScalar fontSize, SkFontStyle fontStyle, SkScalar x, SkScalar y);
static bool drawText(const char* text, SkCanvas* canvas, TextFormatStyle textFormat, SkColor foreground, SkColor background, const SkString& fontFamily, SkScalar fontSize, SkFontStyle fontStyle, SkScalar x, SkScalar y);
void sortDecorBlocks(SkTArray<DecorBlock, true>& decorBlocks);
bool computeCodeUnitProperties();
void markGlyphs();
// Iterating through the input code units and breaking the runs by units flag (no breaking if units == CodeUnitFlags::kNonExistingFlag)
template<typename Visitor>
void iterateByLogicalOrder(CodeUnitFlags units, Visitor visitor);
// Iterating through the output glyphs and breaking the runs by units flag (no breaking if units == CodeUnitFlags::kNonExistingFlag)
template<typename Visitor>
void iterateByVisualOrder(CodeUnitFlags units, Visitor visitor);
template<typename Visitor>
void iterateByVisualOrder(SkTArray<DecorBlock, true>& decorBlocks, Visitor visitor);
friend class TextIterator;
friend class Shaper;
friend class Wrapper;
SkString fText;
SkTArray<FontBlock, true> fFontBlocks;
//TextFormatStyle fTextFormatStyle;
//TextFontStyle fTextFontStyle;
SkTArray<TextRun, false> fRuns;
SkTArray<Line, false> fLines;
SkTArray<TextOutput, false> fTextOutputs;
std::unique_ptr<SkUnicode> fUnicode;
SkTArray<CodeUnitFlags, true> fCodeUnitProperties;
} // namespace text
} // namespace skia
#endif // Processor_DEFINED